Devastated wife

Probaby no facts because nobody bothers to do research on? Prob because porn is so prevalent. no need funding approval haha... there will always b a market for it. Lol.

End of the day... it is what are our guiding morals/principles in life that matters. Muslims say no alcohol, no pork etc. Vegans say no meat...

precisely... that's why dun rely on saying..... because it just like rumors...
i can say i know alot of guys who doesn't watch porn. you can say 9 out of 10 guys u know watch porn.. so either i meet all the right guys or you just keep meeting the wrong guys... who knows?

Men are good in telling lies! I used to believe that my hubby is not good in telling lies. I only found out after 16 years that he is just like any other men.

Recently I also realised how dumb we are as a Wife! All of us in this group of 4 couples believe we have a happy family and blessed with children and a hubby who took care of the family.

The 4 men frequently went out together among themselves, there are no more family outings so that the Wife don't meet anymore. Wife is responsible to look after the kids. I recently found out from one of the Wife that all our men kept a PRC except her hubby. She believe that her hubby is clean and trustworthy. I wonder why her hubby are hanging out with these 3 men who lack of morality!!! One of the Wife knew only 2 of the men are keeping the PRC and still thinking his men is faithful as we didn't want to expose her hubby's wrongdoings.
Another Wife choose to give her hubby another chance for the sake of their young children even she knew that her hubby was like the pimp!!! I also choose to give my hubby a second chance when he left the PRC and agreed to stop seeing the pimp!! I later found out the men are still hanging out together. I almost collapse knowing that he has been meeting the pimp secretly for a year! He has now promised me that he will not have any more contact with the pimp... I am giving him another chance. But I live in fear and worry.
I think we are a bunch of stupid people that can't get of the trash!
I never knew I will live my life this way but I have to admit that I am not strong after all. I told myself I will leave my hubby if he ever betray me, but I have stay.
I wish and I hope we can get out from the trash group forever!
Well, we live in a fallen world n its not perfect, 95huili, n that's why all the more we mummies hv to educate our kids the right path or the vicious cycle continues.

What yr hb n his buddies r doing hv roots way back in their early years n may be even family tree. So dun give up n dun condemn but rather pray n guide him.

U hv to really watch yr kids, kids watch their mum n dad n its affects their growing up ...just like hubby hitting wife in front of his son, it will role play back on his son's life at one point.

I hv seen some of those character u mentioned, I feel only sadness for them n their kids..sigh .. So, don't be disheartened, God n only the fear of God can change them...pray for them...hv faith. God bless
When I walked into those KTVs, looking at those young men flirting with those PRCs. I can tell you that I can remember clearly that they all have the same lust & evil smile on their face. Most of them were in office dress code, Long sleeves with pants or Jeans. I wonder why they are so hungry for this young PRCs as I watched how those PRCs allowing the men to access all over their body. No one feel shameful as I walked around and watching them. They are in their own world. I might be just another Wife who goes there to look for the Husband.

I held back my tears and I went to the toilet to splash water on my face. The ladies washroom are built with many lockers which allowed those PRCs to change their clothes inorder to seduce the men! They literally took off their clothing while standing facing the mirrors. It is like a changing room and open for all to see.

The men are so dirty as I watched so many pair of hands and indecent Behaviour performed on the PRCs. Why do the men like to share? I am sure the sex diesease will spread and cost more life if Simgapore comtinue to issue more student pass to these PRCs to attend English lesson in SingApore.

Karma will be served to both the PRC and the dirty men one day if cheating makes them happy!
Adoramon, my heart ache on yr message, pls do ran but make a Police Report n get EPO ...court can help arrange shelter centres free...feel free to pm n I can help u on EPO .. God bless
