Cup cakes for birthday

hi eliz,

Nice log cake.. keke.. did you go for class at phoon huat, i went last yr for logcake class also . We bake the swiss roll and deco the log cake.

missyling&micha mummy, i also think i over blend the dry mixture. So i should try to sieve first den those remaining cant sieve through den i blend again?

i got no time to make any cakes from the egg yolks.. so wasted.. must throw away leh.. how long can egg yolks keep in fridge.
I tot u on leave for 1-2 wks? Shld hv chk whether u in office anot... paiseh... me kan chong to collect stuffs from catz, cos need my coll to longbang b4 he MAI....

Catz... Can share the Choco cupcake foolproof recipe that u pass me last last wk.... wana clear my coco powder b4 expire this mth!!!!
nice log cake...

Mummies start to bake log cake, let macs rest for a while.... kekeke..... so logcake is deco from swiss roll??????
very nice log cake! Well done!

Hi all
grill some chicken wings n fry thai kway tiao for today gathering.
Yup, inside is swissroll and decor with cream. Lots of it!!! Fainted!!

The chicken wings looks yummy. My fav!

Oh, i got a trick to share: How to prevent the skin of the swissroll from peeling when rolling.
Before turning the swissroll onto the new parchment paper to roll, sprikle some sugar on top.
My swissroll skin was 90% intact!!!

haha.. from phoon huat baking class right, i also baked the same last yrr.. the top part is very sweet and crispy but inside not very sweet though.
I found the inside sweet too! Maybe added too much sugar to the dough too.
Yes, from Phoon Huat. Aiyo, last yr u learnt liao ah?
Why they never change new things to teach one. hahaha..
lol.. made broc cheese soup.. used to buy it at foodbarn.. yummy! saw ling's broc soup yesterday.. kept thinking bout it today..

mine very simple.. :p ling n peng sure shake head.. keke.. used chix stock.. PACKET type.. den dump in broc to boil soft.. den blend.. den add cream.. heat.. den add shredded chedder..

DEN drink! lol.. dono nice anot.. dumped in some dry basil last min.. n pepper.. still debating chili flakes

Busy packing for the house move so no time to bake or cook anything. Any recommendations for nice & affordable takeaways for X'mas?

corrine: i either use nestle cream, the can kind. or like stated in my blog.

Kendy: haha as long as its nice.. its ok la... i olso din purposely go brew stock for it.

Thai Fried Kway Tiao
Ingredient: 900g kway tiao, 200g prawn(w/o shell), 1 beancurd (cut cube n fry), 300g bean sprout, 30g salted turnips, 3 eggs, 1 tbsp chopped garlic, 1 tbsp chopped small onion, 1tbsp lemon juice, 1/2 tbsp chilli, 50g dried prawn(cut small), 50g pounded peanut

Seasoning: 2tbsp sugar, 4tbsp assam juice, 3 1/2 tbsp light soysauce or fish sauce

Method: 1)Heat oil, fry the egg. Fry the dry prawn until fragrant.
2) Heat oil, fry small onion, garlic, prawn, kway tiao. Add in seasoning n the rest of ingredients. Serve with lemon juice, chilli, peanut n dry prawn.
ok ok... i reporting for 'work' ... just managed to settle down ... phew!

Today had "Tok Panjang" at xxx's NEW place... wah seh... NICE place and BIG and INTERIOR DESIGN lagi good lor... anyway, back to food... yummy yum!!!


#1. Dessert is Longang Sea Coconut which was not featured - still in cans... hahahahaha

#2. OTAHS are in steamer. Not featured. We 'road-test' Muah Otah (hand delivered from MUAH) versus the BP 3 pcs for $10 orders... both are good!

1-0, thanks for the gate on-loan... this is what i've done... now we can sleep in peace and not worried that jeorg will wander out at night or wake up before we do to living hall and kitchen and toilet etc etc... *slap forehead - nitemare!!!*

Wow such a big feast!!!! Err... where is the fruits u all westerner produce? or just a gathering with no bake?
ice, this time... it's just a bit of bake with LTOS of homecooked food - pot luck!!!

hahahahaha.... basically all the dishes are 'home made' except A1 curry puffs and otahs and charsiew/shao rou and .... canned longan and sea coconut? hahahaha...
Oh a big grp of aunties cum tai tai chit chating away like in market... This is how tai tai spend their days.... not like us working mum everyday sit at the same chair same pl do same thing whole day long... *sign*
ice... different duties? ...

we also same place (home/KITCHEN), do the same thing (nagging/scolding/hitting/waiting on HB)everyday... same chair (duh? no chair... not much time to rest - extra time will be used to keep place neat and clean) ... quite 'sian' after some time...

also, we no holidays/mc/leaves to take hor... hahahahha... and for a meagre 'salary' we work 24/7...

"the pasture is always greener on the other side - the moon is always rounder at the other end" ... true hor?
boy learnt how to prepare simple lunch... cooked his own shaped pasta and topped with mozerella cheese to be baked (herby tomato based sauce with minced meat n garlic I prepare for him)

eileen... i let u see better... will i spoil the gate? i use S-hook to hook it open daytime... if cannot, i'll take it off...
saves me the hapzard of opening and shutting for J everytime she needs to enter/exit the bedroom in daytime.

Ya lor, grass is always fresher n greener on other side... But hor (nagging/scolding/hitting/waiting on HB)everyday, also apply wor after work n weekends.... only shorter torture period....

So fast "train" ur boy to do cooking liao huh... when he master, u can relax liao... When hungry u just " boy! mummy hungry liao bake some pasta for me..." hahaha... good idea hor....
hmm... maybe now try to wake him up ealier... say 6am... the he used to pattern... i can have b'fast in bed by 7:30am liow!! *evil mum* hahahahahaha...
meow.. gd idea! u shun bian help me train mine can? :p leave both wif u. lalala..

up by 6.. omg.. jovi still pig like me.. i wake up 10am everyday.. lol..
Have a silly Qs here...

If to make choc fresh cream. Is it mixed with coco powder with whipping cream to become choc fresh cream??? Or mix with melted choc?

Anyone can advise?
Ice Lim,
U looking for bb stuff.. does that mean u pregg?

The westerner always have gathering.. maybe we should arrange one for the east side.

maybe I am mistaken. I thot your pregnancy was annouced a while ago. hee hee. Congrats.

Me officially starting to do my spring cleaning today. Aiyo first cabinet I found I have a philip blender BN and never use. I just bought that $69.90 blender from OG with the free soya bean extractor. It is BN still in box. Anyone interested to take over ? I will let go at $65.
