Christian ivf mums or mums to be

nz, so scary... if i were u i will be terrified tooo... i dun even dare to get the dead lizard... so my poor son is recuited by me since young to help me chase lizards n if got dead lizard to dispose for me..but that noti boy ever chase me with it... sigh.

ladies, thanks for sharing..i think i might ask the hotel if they got fridge prefer one in my rm then using theirs in case they throw it away..

not really keen to go bkk but already booked some time back.

grace, how old is your child.. me tooo i nevr thou i need to do ivf cos i have a 1st child via clomid.. i am 34 about you?

Gracebb and Mricky, hv a fruitful ivf journey...

Toy, your boy is so daring lor. Actually tt incident was my once in a life time experience. Still feel a bit eerie whn i think abt it.

Anyone has any good maid agency and good infant care to recommend? I m sourcing for them now coz i nid to go back to serve 1 mth notice b4 quitting my job next year.
Dear toy,
Haha... Your boy is so funny! How old is he?
My boy is already 4. He has been asking to have a didi and meimei. If I manage to conceive this cycle, their age gap will be 5. I am 32...
hi sisters!

A little update - i am ordered to rest at home for 1 week... so on 1 wk mc. Sat went to gynae for checkup and i was breathless and panting away when i was talking to her. I had always thot breathelessness is normal but she said it is not esp since i have pain in bwt the breast area). The pain was with me for abt 2-3 gynae looked worried so ordered mc..

I was more worried that baby is affected but he is not. Elisha is growing well - 2.65kg at 35 weeks. He displayed his kungfu kicks during scanning...but insist of covering his face with his hands!

With this unexpected MC, means i have to rush my work more next week and the week after. Really pray that my breathelesness is not too seriuos cos my gynae suggested that if it is, i might need to bring forward the C section.

hi Mricky - maybe going to be yr end work load will be better. At my bank yr end we rather "relax" one..

hi Momobear - have u started ur cycle already? V long never hear from u...

hi Toy - ur boy is so funny...actually i am not scared of lizards or cockroaches.. my MIL was so surprised that I helped her catch cockroach with just a tissue paper... but now preggie cannot be the pest controller.

Hi Grace and Mricky - will uphold u in my prayers for ur injections and pending ER/ET.

Hi NZ - i will ask my ex-colleague on infant care.. i think she puts her babies there since they are 3 mths.
Thanks, Vanilla,
Take the time to rest well at home. Don't worry about work. Work will take care of itself.

Ya, Momobear, V long time didn't hear from you...
Vanilla, do rest well. don worry so much abt wk. things will fall into places.
tdy my colleague just asked if i m trying. i said yes. she said better try after probation. mgt don really like get pregnant soon after joining. its after a jap bank - very conservative & MCP. my wk don really depend on season, e.g. year end....we r into regional project financing, so depends on the deals that RM get, then we'll be busy. anyway, will see how. just shared this with my HB, so may postpone till nov/dec...
Hi Vanilla Take care ya, rest well. but be in good form when u deliver Elisha. So exciting ur in ur 35th week!

Grace, my gyny didnt say anything, so we decided to leave it. My detailed scan will be end of Sept so I rather wait for that since its more accurate. hehehe..

Toy, enjoy ur BKK trip, it will be a good break. I think the riot has eased down plus all this is happening near the Govt offices so not to worry but just be more viligant when u move around.

NZ, How u feeling. Im been very tired n heavy this few days. My tummy was so tight on Sunday nite n I felt so uncomfortable. The backaches all came back on too. I took MC on Monday to rest. Tummy so tight. I think the Twinnies are growing n stretching the tummy like mad. hehhe. Cannot wait to see them this Sat. How u coming along? Hope all is good. Ur HB back? U must miss him n he must miss u n babies!
thanks sisters. today is abit better, no breathlesness when i sit though when i was talking to my boss over the HP, i can feel it coming cos i was panting at the end of the conversation!

Hi Mricky - ya Jap culture not v pro family, but dun worry too much..if God is with us, what can man do?

Hi Joie - how are u? havent seen u here for a while... hope u r fine too...
Vanilla, handover your work and have a good rest. I am good, waiting to go for my Nuschal scan in 2 weeks.

Mricky, if starting the IVF will be less stressful in Nov/Dec, it might be better. The financial markets are in turmoil now so I can understand your concerns.

I am thinking of buy stretch mark creams - any good ones to recommend? Mustela seems pretty expensive cos 1 bottle each month cost around SGD55 and I will need it for a good 8 months.
tks Vanilla & Joie for your advice. ya i know, will see how. don wanna rush into it again and regret plus waste money.
maybe year end better. my probation will end 7 Jan 09. now countdown to 7 Oct, end of 3-mth, then i can take my 6-day childcare leave!!!!!
Hi ladies, how have you been? i am feeling quite down for the past few weeks after the failed IVF. Also my girl's 4th birthday is coming, feeling very guilty that I still do not have a didi meimei for her.

sorry for venting here. may God provide me strength to continue to have good expectation.

joie>> my sis in law used clarins and seems to be pretty good as she only has 1 stretch mark for the past 2 preggies.

mricky>> i might join u in ur 2 ww if you are trying nov/dec. i am deciding to do my FET this coming nov. after all the budgetting and before year end close.

to all mums to be - take care and enjoy the process!
Yin, don't get caught up in feeling guilty. God who has started the good work in you will complete it.

Take care of your health and get ready for your FET. We will pray for you.
Hi Vanilla, do rest well towards tis last leg of your pregnancy. Dun think abt work so much, your health is more important. Elisha has a good weight at 35 weeks. You r exactly 10 weeks ahead of me. Have u prepared all your bb things yet?

Twinnies, my tummy was feeling tight last time too. I cut down to smaller meals and walked less n it's better now.

I m glad my hubby is back and tis Fri is my checkup cum scanning of blood flow. Miss seeing bbs..

To all sisters who r trying, hv faith in God and take one step at a time yah...for the battle belongs to Him.
hi Yin, dun feel guilty, rem all is His timing... God will provide u with the strength u need. Take care...

Hi Mricky - will do countdown for u too! All the best to ur FET this yr end!

Hi Joie - i did not put all stretchmark cream. Haha today then saw my stretchmarks (started like a few days ago)... but i lazy lah.. just put my normal baby lotion on it...

Thanks NZ - my cot and drawer unit just came "airing" them..the wood smell is so strong. Think i will start my washing of Elisha's clothes this Fri and tom start packing my hospital bag.. me still quite "relaxed"...still lack some toys for him and his diaper bag and need to go supermarket to buy his NB diapers...

Glad that ur hubby is back...u must continue to take it easy and pass the 28th week mark ...
Tks Yin & vanilla.
Vanilla, ya rest well. just wash some toys and clothes. if u do deliver, can get confinement lady or yr hubby to help with the washing. don over exert ok?

Yin, i can relate to how u r feeling right now. its a lousy feeling. try nt to ponder upon it for too long. may lead to depression. rest well and recuperate. build up your strength. it took me 2 ET to realize rest is impt after the ET. if possible, don move abt too much, nt even going for meals (if u r on MC). rot at home & watch tv/dvd if u can. don carry stuff.....
thanks Mricky - haha cannot "trust" my hubby on the washing part leh... today did major washing...half of what i need to wash... that is the most strenous thing i had to do today... so now is nap time soon...
vanilla- u are sooo brave!! i will run for my dear life if i see a lizard

grace- my son is 5 never ask for a sibling but do ask for a playmate cos 2 person play games very boring ... my hubby is not as keen as me...but if hubby still wont decide i might not go cos he feel the burden in the event of twins he worried can he cope with just 1 income..
Toy, u know, my hubby, although conscious tat our daughter is lonely, wasnt very keen to have a 2nd child previously - to him, one is just nice. after my 3rd ET & the ops & bleeding i had to go thru, he has finally come to terms how much the 2nd child means to me. but for now, its uno, snap and monopoly between me and my girl most of the time:)
Dear Toy,
My son often prays for a didi and a meimei. So, we'll be transferring 2 embryos. Just signed the papers today. I give thanks that this will be a successful cycle. We have our reservations about having twins too. Cos, we just want one more (prefer a girl
) But I've come to a point whereby boy or girl, one or two don't matter anymore...
hi Toy - dont worry.. speak to ur hubby abt what he wants to do.. u can transfer 1 embroy but docs usually encourage at least 2 for better chances.

Btw, my hubby also say after Elisha is born, that is it. Cos I mentioned I want to keep the car seat and breast pump for no 2. I think he is traumatised by the whole pregnancy process... but then i also rather mean lah.. i tell him i can always go to Dr F and put in 2 embroys he also dun know...cos now no need injections...then if pregie he cannot do anything abt it cos too late....

I think i will psycho him later when Elisha is 1 yr old then start my request again...
Dear Sis,

Hvaen been here for a while. Work has been crazy was also stress up by my maid at home.

Sent the old one back who has been quietly bullying my grandpa then came the new one that is really testing my patience....

Toy - Have a good trip, i wish i can go for a trip too but think i am getting a little too big to move around much.

Vanilla - Rest Well, are you glad that Elisha is coming soon?

For the rest who are still waiting for his perfect timing, we all know the wait isnt easy, we understnad. Press On.
MS family, cldn't agree more. its tough waiting but if rthe Isrealites cld wait tat long for e promised land, i guess we can too.
I went for my 25th week scan on Fri. My twin girl is rather small but my twin boy's size is ok. My gynae was reluctant to tell us the bbs' weight coz he said it's insignificant at tis stage. I m asked to rest in bed again till 28 weeks coz my gyane is worried abt preterm labour.

My hubby is rather keen to hv no.3 but i m not so keen yet. See how involved he is wth the twins first b4 i consider hvg no. 3. Sometimes i feel tt i m doing most of the preparation whereas he jst tags along. Jst started my ante natal class this week and i m glad they talked abt a father's role when bbs arrive.

MSFamily, might need more patience wth new maid, dun stress yourself too much now. I might get a maid after confinement and praying hard to get a good one.

Gracebb, looking fwd to your ivf journey..we r here supporting u.

To all ladies here, do take care, i will alwz keep u in prayers.
hello NZ, wow your hubby is very on...

my husband is supportive of me wanting 4 kids before marriage but after having 1 he is very son has sooooo much energy but my husband sees his friends at least 2 so dun mind trying for no. 2 but i doubt he cant cope if 2 and 3 comes together at 1 go.. the night feeds etc.. but for me i feel my son is really toooooo lonely.. but my new place has a neighbour with 1 gal n my son is so happy hopefully that will keep him occupied for few years .. cos even i have a baby now she/he cant play with him..

grace, i also want a gal i bought barbie, gals clothes n even doll hse n polly pocket n yes my son plays with them cos i told him i dun like his transformer toys so if he wants me toplay i choose the toy i want to play so poor boy playing polly pocket with mummy n my husband will shake his head.. ha ha
hi Msfamily - dont be too stressed with ur new maid... if she is unteachable, then send her back and get a new one...

Went to gynae last sat and am still breathless... gynae suggested that C section date be brought 1 week earlier... so next thursday (2 Oct) will be arrival date for Elisha into this world!

At 36 weeks, he is 3kg so we targeting that he will be 3.2kg and above on 2 Oct. For me in total i had put on 15 kg.. maybe will be more this week since I am back at work (not sure why but eat alot while working)...

Am supposed to take more mc to rest at home, but i told gyane cannot cos now date shift nearer.. i have to clear my office work faster...actually in a panic mode now.. keep telling my hubby it is like going for an exam and I am not prepared!
wow! Congrats Vanilla, u will get to see Elisha next week! So exiciting! dont worry all ur mummy insticnt will kick in u sure know what to do n will be prepared!
Vanilla, 3kg at 36 weeks is a good weight for Elisha. U must hv bn eating well to put on 15kg. I wish i can at least put on 16kg. At 26weeks today, i hv put on 8-9kg for my twins. Hope to put on more..
You must rly rest for now. Can u do a handover list of o/s items instead of gg back to work?

Toy, i think my hubby was jst pulling my leg, guess he knows i wun want to go thru the trauma in 1st tri agn..heehee. You son is so accomodating to play polly pocket wth u. Glad he has a new fren to play wth now.
Thanks sisters.

Hi NZ - haha ... i think i really put on alot during the last trimester. at 29 weeks, i just put on 10kg... Now hoping that only Elisha is growing fatter and not me!

On work part - abit diff cos only I am doing that work...and I was planning to finish all before I go on ML.

Hi MSfamily - haha.. doing countdown now... it seems like alot of things to having dinner with parents (cos i think for next few yrs will have prob having a proper dinner), spending time with hubby....
Vanilla Pod, don gan cheong. if cannot finish work, let it be. sometimes this kind of things can't be helped. like wat NZ mentioned, 3kg @ 36 wks is a good weight. i'm sure u look fwd to seeing Elisha finally, with all the suspense and excitement.

i'll be going to Bgk this wkend. Kind excited but t the same time, will miss my girl. she's a clingy little girl.

my mense is late. not sure wat is my cycle now. its oredi 44 days. bot a pregnancy kit. gonna test tomoro morning. very unlucky, got yeast infection again. sigh... today didn't have time to see company doc (covering my colleague who's on biz trip). super tired now (left office at 8.30pm).....
ha ha i told my son polly pocket is gal gal version of playmobil... my son's toy are so exp... his lego, playmobil.. i think gals clothes are the expensive one but not their toys.. i guess boys' toy gets more expensive as they grow up...they wants the real thing from toy car to real car.

well my son is noti now when he wants something n dun get them he will tell me mummy i am your only son you know you must give me... so i will tell him yes you are my only son now n i make sure i cane you more when u are noti.

Vanilla- so exciting!!! 12 more days... eat all your yummy food cos during confinement got some restriction and rest rest rest cos when baby comes there goes the sleep...
hi Toy - haha.. ur boy is so cute!! sometimes they can say things like that u dun know whether to laugh or not...

i did a countdown, actually only 9 days left! Dun know is it i nervous cos wake up this early morning then cannot get to sleep... when slept then alarm ring..

Hi Mricky - take care when u r in BKK. u must take care now too ... drink lots of cranberry juice it will help with yeast infection.

Haha the way i eat, hopefully Elisha can be more than 3.2kg next week.
Vanilla, only 9 days before you have Elisha in your arms. Spend more date time with your hubby, there will not be time for romance a few months after the baby is delivered. :)
Dun worry too much about finishing the work, just wrap up as much as you can and handover.

Toy, your son is cute and smart - he knows he is the precious one in your eyes..

Mricky, enjoy your BKK trip. There's loads of good food.
Hi Grace

Im not sure as I will not be having a confinement lady after I deliver. But base on the other threads, they seem to charge almost double for Twins.
Congrats Vanilla! so exciting 8 more days to go!

Just to share that after the IVF failure, i just lock all my thoughts and emotions inside me. My hubby also not that keen to have 2nd one thou he acknowledge that my girl really wish to hv a sibling. So after one cry on tat day of mense, i willed myself to think "positive'. for the past few weeks, i just function "normally" trying to escape from reality. the sad thing is i stop talking to Him as well. thou i planned to go thru IVF in Nov, i had no expectation in the upcoming ET. I just wan to go thru the motion to "finish up" the embryos.

but last sat, which was my girl's birthday, my cousin IL (who is from my church) started to talk to me. by just chatting and showing concern, she ministered to me. this trigger my desire to get close to my God again. Now, i hv started listening to sermons and started to share all my disappointments to Him.

After long bitter tears, i think i am finally ready to put it behind me and look forward. And of cos start having expectation that i will hold a newborn again in my arms in time to come.
Yin, glad that you are looking forward to your FET. It's not easy to fully trust God as you feel disappointed. Continue to pray and claim God's promises.

Gals, did any of you go for pre-natal yoga/pilates? Do you have a good one to recommend? I think I need to do some stretching -have not been exercising much in the 1st trimester because of Dr advice...
hi Yin, it is very difficult sometimes to see why diappt happens to those who trust in the Lord... but i guess the Lord always have a bigger picture/plan for us which we dont is good that the Lord spoke to u thru ur cousin IL... this is the Lord's way of encouraging u!

Hi Joie - i asked my gynae before and she suggested swimming instead becos it is more low impact. not like competitive swimming type... just some slow strokes and walk in water etc... or u can take those noodles stuff and do some stretching in the water. It is good cos in water u back will feel so much better... and baby likes u being in water too (this is according to a magazine i read).
Yin, glad tt u r feeling better now and moving on agn. It might take time but dun let disappointment rob away your rship wth God. He wants to assure u tt He cares tt's why He sent your cousin IL..

Grace, the cost for CL to take care of twins ranges from $2K - $2.8K. I hv booked 2 CLs; one for day care and one to stay overnight. I m paying $1.8K and $2.5K each. I still think they r expensive but it's recommended by frens tt they r good wth twins. Both of them r Sporeans so more ex than Msians.

Joie, i wish to do some swimming too but my gynae doesn't allow due me hvg twins and some early contractions detected. So, i hv not bn doing any exercise at all.
Yin, am happy for you tat things are looking up. once u hv let off of the past, its no turning back.
actually, i hv nt been going to church. full of excuses but somehow don feel like going. i don't attend the cell group (or small group as they call it), not manuy frens there, attend it myself (my girl goes sunday school).

Twinnies, who's doing confinement 4 u? don do the things yrself during tat period. its yr time to rest. further, as 1st time mummy, u wld tend to be more excited and stressed out (especially when u try to breastfeed - trust me). so, getting someone to help u is impt, somemore u have twins.
Dear Mricky, Yin and all,
You can log-on to New Creation Church's website and subscribe to the daily devotion.

I was quite angry with God for a while too. I still question why I have to go thru IVF. But He has the whole picture. He will make all things beautiful in His time. Sometimes, my son asks for toys which I think he is not ready for. But I did keep in mind that I'll get it for him later. I think it's the same for our daddy God. He loves us and will answer our prayers.
Hi Grace,

I have been subscribing to new creation's daily devotion for quite some time. But the past weeks, i just din even read it. just cannot bring myself to do it. Sometimes, really need a human's touch to bring back your senses.

thanks so much ladies for lending your "ears".

Mricky, like you, I have not attend church for a while, not in cell group. in the past i also attend it myself with my girl in the children ministry. i only buy weekly sermon CDs to listen. thus no personal touch or helping hand when things goes beyond our control. but God still remembers us and touch us in other ways that we do not know of.
yin, i totally inderstand.. i feel very hard to pray cos i feel my prayers dun seem to be answered.. now i am moving house n my agent kept telling me things that u dun want just throw.. how can i am trying so baby chairs, my son's baby toy, clothes ( some i still keep) and all the play mat....sigh

anyone want to borrow my playmat? i have 2 the type with long pole n toys dangling... i just cant bear to sell or giv e away them cos i still holding on...

wow NZ that is so exp... u actually gotten 2 .. what are your plans after they leave? have u gotten a helper?

vanilla,cant wait to see Elisha... hmmmm, the day we see u stopped posting must be his birthday!!! so keep all of us posted..u are the 1st mum in the thread to give birth so we really cant wait to see baby!!!
thanks toy... it will be exactly in a weeks' time! keep telling him today that this time next week Mummy will be able to see him...

doing the c section in the morning next week...just thinking abt the moment when my doc takes him out of my womb and hand over to me to see him, i am tearing already...
hi sisters, just want to share something...

on Elisha's birth day 2 Oct is actually almost a year when i discovered abt my blocked tubes via the laparoscopy. I did my lap on 8 Oct.

not sure why but during the lap, the nurse allowed me to wear my contact lenses in (which i found out later it is actually not allowed).. while waiting for my turn at the holding area, lying there i saw a nurse pushing out a baby whose daddy was busy taking photos. I told myself that God wants me to know then I will experience this birth/labour too.
Dear Yin and Toy,
Vanilla has just shared that God is faithful. He has promised us that we can be happy mothers of children. Just enjoy the one we have first. Maybe it is our firstborn who is not ready for a didi or meimei. God knows what is best for our family.
Many years later, we can look back and say, " God is faithful!"

I attend New Creation at the Suntec Gallery West overflow room (cos Rock auditorium always need to queue). You can always sit at the back and leave if you want to. They have an area at the back where you can sit with your child. We need to keep on listening to the truth-- The Word of God. If not, the devil will come and plant nasty thoughts into our minds. We need to claim back what is rightfully ours-- Blessings of the womb!
Thanks gal. Though I don attend cell, i always hv sister in Christ at my work place. I had 3 at my ex bank and over here, another one. Actually all of them faithfully attend cell group and involve in church activity. One of them even went full time to serve in ministry!!!! So i guess, God places his people around us to help each other.

Toy, i also stil kepp some of my girl's baby stuff. ha ha..... yesterday when we were at cstr lunch, my colleague asks me why i wait for so long to try for 2nd child. i just smiled at her. She' expecting her 2nd child (1st is abt 2 yrs +).

i'm leaving for Bgk this sunday. still asking my hubby if he wanna come along but finally we decided its best he stays back to accompany my girl. even tho we place her @ my MIL house, she's practically not taken care of. maybe i spoil her too much e.g. make sure she drinks water, have tea break, change her panties.... to me, i only hv 1 child, if i can't provide for her, then i do not deserve to have another child. silly isn't it? but this has been my principle since she was born.

Vanilla, countdown!!!!! take video and lots of picture. I missed tat when i had my daughter.
