Chin Leng, PLS TAKE NOTE!!!

Hi Chin Leng,

Just wanna say this person Guest123 seems to know the website and the Auction of the seller pretty well and her name and all...

The thread was there for only less than 10mins and then gone.
Chin Leng,
Once you read this, pls delete the below thread immediately. This thread is just BEGGING for freeloaders trying to promo their own biz to take advantage of this forum. Not only does it seem like no action is taken against freeloaders, they are further encouraged by the fact that there are self-serving mommies who WANT to buy from them, in direct and arrogant disregard of the rules of the forum.
think whoever highlites a thread to chin leng here needs to re-look properly as some of them are highliting the same thing. example of hidora & helpful above. both highlited the same thing.

chin leng,
alot of ppl have been keeping track of the marketplace and exchange corner looking for those who are abusing the forum. but i seldom see "them" going in other areas or highliting anything from there?
no longer distressed,
pls read before you highlight the thread. it has already been highlited before so we dun need a double entry.
fed up & x,

why are you both highliting the same thing? and for your info, i think Ashley is not doing her own biz. she's organizing a bulk purchase.

maybe you shld reveal who you are instead of hiding behind a "guest" name.
sorry for the misunderstanding I am not selling just organising a BP, contact me at [email protected] to clarify.
Hi Another One,

Can forward me the e-mail? Don't worry, your correspondence is kept strictly confidential.

Chin Leng.
Hi wonder, if she is littlecottage, then will be strange as she posted a thread saying she wanna buy rompers.
Hi Wonder888,

They would still be disallowed if it is in the guise of bulk order. We've been having business people doing it using the guise of bulk order which makes it less obvious, which is why we may be disallowing bulk orders due to the frequent abuse.

Chin Leng.
