Cherie hearts @ Gombak


New Member
Dear mummies, I'm writing this here cos I feel very strongly tat I need to let all those who have their children at the centre know wat is happening in the centre.

I have 2 kids @ the Gombak br. Previous management was under Director Melody, Ruth and Principal Sihui. Excellent team. My kids were very well taken care of.

However, since that team left and a new management took over, things changed...for the worse...

Along with melody, a lot of good teachers also left the centre shortly only left few who genuinely care for the kids. Only infant care teachers and PG2 teachers r good. The rest are just biding their time waiting to take pay...I guess

Just to quote a few e.g. Some witness by myself, some witnessed by other parents...

I saw Teacher Sun pulling a toddler vigorously to the toilet and kept scolding him for wetting his pants. He is from PG1 only.

I have seen many times Teacher Aisha, Teacher Sun watching the toddlers cry and doing absolutely nothing about it.

1 parent saw a toddler dropped her food during lunch time, but was not served another serving. When questioned, the teachers simply say that there were no food left. The toddler had to wait till snack time 3 hrs later before she can fill her stomach.

1 parent witness this...a toddler from PG1 poo and soiled her pants. The teacher put him in a black Garbage bag and brought her to the toilet,and left her there. Alone. Crying. No one cleaned her till much later.

My own baby had a fall today at Infant care, hit himself on the bone just above the right eye. Bad bruise. Why? Cos there was only assistant teacher attending to 8 babies at tat time! So they could not ensure his safety.

My daughter (3yr old) tells me every night that she does not wan to go to school.

Urging parents who may see this thread to continue to feedback to this thread.

I have reported to Cherie Hearts HQ and MCYS. More must be done to protect those kids still there at the centre.

Lastly, I'm pulling my kids out of the centre too.

Actually watching toddlers crying, I don't see anything wrong. As kids characters are different. Some kids got to harsh, some got to be soft to them. They stopped crying after a while. They are just attention seekers.
Some younger kids toilet trained very early. He has wetted himself, maybe he is playing water when washing hands in the toilet. Don't always use what you see and give such conclusions.
I don't see the teachers there are not good. My kids are from there. One has graduated, the other still there. They are always happy to go school. The one still attending will always ask me even on weekends, can I go to school.
So I don't see the teachers there are bad.
u will be able to better judge in u r at the infant care yourself. the babies r crying due to neglect not because they r attention seekers. i was there with them several times to help look after them as the teachers just cannot cope.

as for the boy,he was not playing. he just wet his pants. no need for teachers sun to shout into his ears just Ned to change him. i witnesses the whole incident. she only stopped when i intervened.

glad tat urge kids r doing well. there r still good teachers around. teacher ni and wai ling r good. my girls love them.

if not for neglect resulting in my son injury and constant observAtion of their mis management over the 6 mths, i would not have been forced to pull them out.

do go at odd hours. u will see things tat u won't at send in or pick up hours.
If you think that since the teachers can't cope in infant care, you can always find nanny. Then it will be one to one taking care. This is management issue. If you think that not enough teachers, go to complain to HQ. There is no need to target on the teachers. You should put yourself in the shoes of them.
Because you trusted them and put your kids there. If not, just change childcare and what most parents did. No need to give or post such comments on the teachers.
Lastly, you may quit your job, be a carechild/infant teacher, then you will experience what are the most teachers are facing.
maureen, the purpose of the posts is to keep parents informed of what i have seen, observed and experienced. this is my posting thread and if u disagree, u may just ignore it. no need to rebutt my observations. these r mine, not yours.

to share with those parents who have the same experiences and observation as mine, thank you for sharing with me. i believe tat mcys will help us ensure a safe and healthy environment for our children.
and to maureen, we have feedback to principal, HQ. but no use. we have also changed our kids to a new childcare.

for info, mcys is investigating the centre nw. apparently i am not the only parent who observed the mis management.

lastly if u have common things to share on my thread, u r welcome. otherwise pls save your personal comments to yourself. and no Ned to each me wat to do.
oh! Mummyboh, i'm a fellow mummy with an infant at cherie hearts @ gombak too!
actually i do feel that the previous management was much better. the current new principal keep telling me my baby is sick even though she is perfectly fine and I have to keep going to the PD to get the PD's nod to say that my baby is ok to attend school!
Hi Cornelian. There should not be a need to get PD certification for your bb to attend infant care, unless he/she is having fever.

Why did the principal ask you to do that? U may call the MCYS hotline to verify and use this to talk to the principal.

U may also give ru feedback to MCYS regarding this. My bb is no longer at the Infant Care. Pulled him out about 2 weeks bk due to lack of care.
MCYS has completed their investigations on the Gombak centre. According to their formal written reply, actions have been taken against the centre based on the Child Care Centre Act and Regulations.

MCYS will also be following up closely with the centre to ensure tat the centre ensures adequate supervision of the children, sufficient staff-child ratio, provide adequate and proper meals, use positive reinforcement and guidance on children etc.

Kudos to MCYS. Hope all will turn out better.

Though just heard from a parent tat 3 more infants left the centre, and 1 more good teacher is leaving today.. Sigh..
I guess its time to update this post. I've stayed with Cheries Hearts @ Gombak and noticed many changes since 2011 till now 2015. The centre had been getting better after changes of the principals. Now, the teachers & principal are really good and caring to my kids. I now have 2 kids and I do still send my younger kid to infant care.
Previously I sent my younger kid to another chearie heart branch and in the end, I rotated my kid back to the Gombak branch.
I am glad I continued to kids to study in this Gombak branch.
hi mummies, may I know if the gombak branch is inaccessible? just now called to check and there's vacancy for infant but the person whom I spoke to reminded me that it's better to have my own transport and even taxi is not allowed all the way in. is that true?
Cherie Hearts @ Gombak had been taken over by Sunflower group. Anyone had any issues w the new principal of this Sunflower group? A couple of parents and myself had some issues w this principal. She is very inconsistent, unprofessional and impatient when we asked questions and when she gave wrong information to parents, no apologies at all! She even shouted at a parent before as e parent needed her help to get a teacher to help sign us into the school. We were waiting at the door... And any review of the PG Teachers pls? Thanks a lot!
The teachers are generally very nice and warm to the kids.

Only unhappiness most parents are facing is with the principal, Mrs Doris Lau. She is pretty much in her own world. The teachers are coping by because they love the kids. Also, there are more PRC Chinese teachers here than most schools. So maybe an option if Chinese is important. I'm really hoping for Doris Lau to retire soon, and for Sunflower HQ to put another principal in place.
