Calling mommies staying near commonwealth

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies, how's everyone? Have a Great day ahead ya...

Hi ylc,

How r u? OIC... From the feedback which I have heard was that everything is $$$, their teaching method is also very secretive BUT if you would like to send yr princess to Fairfield Methodist Pr &amp; yr child is in their kindy, can get the Pastor to write a letter &amp; can gain admission to their Pr sch easily...

Hi miracle2me,

Will PM you the details...</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Miracle2me,

Have PM you her details already, feel free to drop me an email if you have any questions.... Cheers...</font>
Hi Hapi,

Thanks for the info.... not me lah... one mummy asked me so i thought ask you all

C's sch path already settled up till pri sch so no worries at all. Then Sec sch... let her choose lor and also depends on her PSLE grades hahaha... wah seh... i think too far already!
<font color="0000ff">Hi ladies,
Hows everyone doing? Been super busy at work working till late, on top of the spree I am doing, also had to attend a wake for the past few nights.
Will be working past midnight from 2moro till next Tuesday.
Ok, back to the top of the post,

ylc, I went to faith before but didn't like it cos' the columbarium is downstairs. btw, where u sending Caitz for Primary school? Read above that you have settled that, lucky u.

Do you need the party stuff urgently? Also, managed to get only 1 Madagascar 2 sticker for you. Another mum ordered 6 pcs, didn't even get 1 for her.
Also, you have to go to Lucky Plaza if your maid is sending money to Philippines.

Currently working nights and weekends cos' we are shorthanded at the moment. Now I hv 187, tomorrow onwards, getting another 163 so by X'mas, I have 350 children, hehe..

Now planning a x'mas party for them on the 23rd and on the 24th, arranging for them to go for a x'mas play so I can have some time with my family.

Btw, have registered Marissa in Wushu class for the time being. She likes the class and she spends an hour exercising. Feel so guilty cos' having her holiday but i have no time to take her out.

Anyways, take care and have a great x'mas!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies, have a Great Tue ahead ya...

Hi M1030,

Wow you are very super busy leh... I don't need it urgently, thanks for getting that sticker for me
Will trfx the $$$ by today ya...

Hw's Marissa? Good to do some exercise also, where is the Wushu Class?

You take good care &amp; have a Great X'mas ahead...</font>
Hi M1030,

How are you??? Wah... u are really really busy!!!! Caitz is going Nanyang Primary Sch... Hb is old sch boy so high chance for her to get in!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies, have a Great Wed ahead ya...

Hi ylc,

How are you my dear? Wow Nanyang Pr, Top Pr Sch leh... So lucky of you, envy...</font>
Hi Hapi,

Yeah but very scared the stress level for her!!! according to my hb, he said last time when he was there already so stress... now shld be worse right?? but at least they focus on Mandarin! hahaha
hi mummies,
Long time no see ...

Hi hapi,
how u know the ranking? I cant find anything on the net leh ... Queenstown primary school is wat ranking?? Heard they are dunno wat value-added school so wat does it means??
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies

Hi ylc,

Ya sure stressful as Top 10 mah, really envy you as lots of parents hope to send their children there BUT extremely difficult to get in as they are very selective abt their PV &amp; a lot kanna rejected...

Hi wang,

How are you my dear? Hw's yr new maid getting on? Oh, when you search for Top 10 Pr Sch, it will appear, Nanyang is 1st in ranking, 2nd not too sure &amp; NanHua is 3rd if not wrong... QueensTown Pr nothing much, just a neighbourhood sch loh... Henry Park is a very gd sch BUT if out of 1km, very difficult to get in... Sigh
Currently I am doing PV @ River Valley Pr Sch... RVPS is consider an abv average sch in this estate &amp; this year under Phrase 2C kanna balloting &amp; out by 29 places... Me cannot afford to take the risk hence got to do min 40 hrs of voluntary work... Radin Mas is quite a gd sch &amp; have received a lot of awards in IT &amp; this yr their PSLE standard is abv National level, quite impressive...</font>
oh jus learnt from hubby abt the various phrases of primary admission eg, whose link to the school, siblings or parents, PV, 1km or not, etc ...

hmm i shd start planning hor ... in 2 yrs time i sell my flat &amp; move near that primary school, then start doing PV when kief is 3-4yrs old, 3 years of PV experience in the school good enuff or not??!
Hi Hapi,

Wah... what do you do in the sch?? I have no idea Nanyang Pri is 1st... my cousins &amp; hb all in that sch b4 and I shld think won't be a problem getting in. hahaha is it better to do PV even though chances of getting in is pretty high? I was told to join their Alumni so confirm plus stamp can get in leh.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies, good morning everyone...

Hi wang,

Oh PV is Parent Volunteer, it will be under Phrase 2B if not wrong when come to registration, stand a better chance also compared to other later phrases. Basically is office wk &amp; ad hoc duties loh... Really hard work, so far only manage to clock 23 hrs, 17 hrs more to go....

Hi ylc,

No choice, do free service, more on library wk, office wk &amp; ad hoc duities as assigned... Yah definitely stand a better chance if you join their alumni... Really stress hoh...</font>
Hi hapi,
Clocking a total of 40 hours PV will qualify in a more priority round of registration? What happens after registration? Balloting for a position in P1?

Sorry ah i very loh sor ... no idea how this works. Please advise. Thanks.
Hi Hapi,

If join Alumni and hb was from that sch... its what phrase arh? I really have no idea. Was wondering if I have to do any PV??? hahaha I don't mind since so free hahaha... i can do while Caitz is in N1
Ya lah... so stress but then once they are on track, we will probably be less stress

How to volunteer? just call up the sch and ask if they need volunteer arh? so sorry so many questions but not sure how this works!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies, hw's everyone?

Hi wang,

For PV Phrase is earlier phrase during registration, certain no. of places will be allocated under this phrase. If it exceeded, then have to ballot under this phrase...

Hi ylc,

There are quite a no. of phrases, under old boy's &amp; alumni should be the 1st few phrases, the 1st phrase will go to the existing student's siblings first then followed by the rest.. PV at Nanyang is very difficult, have to write in then they will shortlist from there. A lot of ppl were rejected as they are very selective abt their PV... No problem, just share share info as really stressed up by this Pr sch registration tingy
If gonna ballot &amp; can't get, then have to go to those Pr sch which still have vacancy... By then, left with no choice liao...</font>
<font color="aa00aa">Hi wang,

That's why, so stressful leh... Initially thought of Anglo Chinese Junior Sch for Max BUT they do not take in PV &amp; if out of 1KM, chances very slim... Stessed
Hi Hapi,

Wah ACS very hard to get in one... but unless super rich and can donate to the sch then perhaps chances are much much higher! hahaha
<font color="aa00aa">Hi wang,

Anglo Chinese Junior still stand a chance but not Anglo Chinese Pr, this yr they are closed within 1km registration phrase liao... Don't think that schools accept donation liao, Nanyang don't accept donation to secure a place...</font>
oh no wonder my SIL moved to chancery 4 yrs ago when my nephew enrol in ACS ... but both parents not from ACS ... maybe donate money can liao.

eh cousins in ACS... does my kids stand chance to get in?! hahahha kidding lah
Hi Hapi,

I'm fine... my sis will be back today so its gonna be busy time for me hahaha...

My cousin also from ACS last time... but not staying within 1k leh... think his parents did some donation... hahaha ;)

Pri Sch - Just have some backup plan just in case the desired sch not available... hahaha always planning ahead!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi ylc,

You are always so busy, Princess Caitz gng to sch next Fri right? Time really flies... Agree with you, must plan ahead at times... Enjoy yr day ya...</font>
<font color="ff6000"> MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL MUMMIES &amp; YOUR FAMILY!!!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies

Hi wang,

Nothing much, just went out for dinner, what abt yrself?

Hi mummies, any idea where to get cheap helium gas for Mylar balloons? TIA ya...</font>
Hi Hapi,

How many ballons are you looking at? My friend did tell me b4 can buy from Spotlight at a cheap price but I dun seem to recall seeing it there. Otherwise, try this party shop at Holland Village, (shld be the nearest to our area). But must rent in advance so must go down to make deposit and everything lor. Otherwise can check those balloon company. they do rental but rather expensive though
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies, have a Great Mon ahead ya...

Hi ylc,

I have more than 10 balloons, will try the Party City @ Holland Village, don't think that I will need such a big tank... Will bring it there &amp; ask them to pump it... Thanks for e info...</font>

<font color="0000ff">Hi M1030, ylc &amp; wang,

I will be celebrating my Twins BD at my Mother-In-Law place on 11 Jan (next sun) from 1pm - 6pm, would like to invite you &amp; yr family over... Do let me know your attendance ya... Many thanks...</font>
Hi Hapi,

sorry i wont be able to make it as its my sil's wedding... Wishing ur twins a happy birthday!
Hi hapi,

Sorry no idea abt helium gas. Do let me know how much u paid for it so i can hv an idea too. Thanks.

I will come by wif Kief next sun.
<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies, have a Great day ahead...

Hi wang,

See u all ya
Will let u know abt the helium gas again...</font>
