Hope my review here will help other mums with their decisions. I am very happy with my BA experience with Dr Chia Hui Ling. My op was 5 months back with Motiva implants. I was considering between fat transfer or BA, in the end I chose BA. At consultation, Dr Chia showed me some slides on implants and “after” photos of BA. I also did the 3D scan thingy to test out different implant sizes. I just felt confident at that point to book my surgery with Dr Chia because she has nice results that I want and she is genuine and very detailed in how she does things.

Before the surgery, her clinic responded very promptly whenever I WA her clinic, really grateful for that. On surgery day, I arrived early morning and Dr Chia drew some planning on me first and I also got to meet the anesthesiologist, who gave me a drip. I was quite anxious because I never “went under” but the next thing I know was waking up and the op is done. Remembered feeling tight at the breasts when I move my arms but no pain (phew!). My breasts felt swollen and tight next few days but thankfully that went off quite soon.

I did feel my breasts felt very firm after surgery but as Dr Chia promised, it became softer. I was given a list of instructions to follow and have to wear her special bra, which she was very particular about it. I REALLY love my new breasts, the shape is full and natural, feels soft too. After breastfeeding my breasts became very deflated. I’m sure mummies can relate to how bras become ill-fitting and feel hollow on the top - very depressing. I wanted to do something for myself, this surgery really did something amazing for me. The clinic staff did suggest to write a review if I feel they have done well, at my own will. Everything here is my very own honest opinion. I really want to give a big thanks to Dr Chia and her wonderful team.
Hi leftiemum, may i ask what makes u choose implants over fat tranfer? How did they assess if we have enough fats? Im very tempted to go for BA but was afraid the outcome dont turn out well and the cost is high. Roughly how much did u pay in total?

Hi leftiemum, may i ask what makes u choose implants over fat tranfer? How did they assess if we have enough fats? Im very tempted to go for BA but was afraid the outcome dont turn out well and the cost is high. Roughly how much did u pay in total?

Im quite slim and Dr Chia advised that I dont have enough fats to get the breast size I want. She has many photos and she showed me someone my size and what fats transfer can get vs implants. She should be able to do the same for you too. Personally I want a fuller bustline so I went for implants. It was 12k+, I want Motiva so its
2k more. Also the price for implants actually is lower than fat transfer.
Ladies, has anyone had ptosis surgery in Singapore? My right eyelid has a droop which partially conceals the double eyelid and I want to get fixed. Still thinking if I should also have blepharoplasty to both sides to widen the crease.

I was considering Dr Yeow or Dr Por from Dream Plastic Surgery since they have written articles online about ptosis surgery, but there are some reviews which say Dr Yeow is arrogant and Dr Por has a dirty office and BO!!! Has anyone tried Dream?

My first procedure so I am quite scared...any feedback greatly appreciated.
Hihi I am rushing to go out so quick post. Georgina I replied your PM.

Short answer I am still searching for the right doc.

but for anyone consider droopy eyelid (ptosis) surgery, highly recommend you also get one consult with an oculoplastic surgeon, the medically trained eyelid doctors like at the Singapore National Eye Centre because they may tell you things your regular plastic surgeon (also do rhino, boobs etc) might not be specific about. They will also diagnose if yours is a medical case (can claim Medisave) or cosmetic vanity (like me haha). Incisional operating on your eye muscles is no joke and it’s advised not continue contact lens use post surgery because you may risk pulling down your eyelid again in 1-2 years.

I feel more informed after getting an eye consult but still thinking about going to the regular plastic surgeon who is more trained in Korean aesthetics for the final result....not sure where...
Im quite slim and Dr Chia advised that I dont have enough fats to get the breast size I want. She has many photos and she showed me someone my size and what fats transfer can get vs implants. She should be able to do the same for you too. Personally I want a fuller bustline so I went for implants. It was 12k+, I want Motiva so its
2k more. Also the price for implants actually is lower than fat transfer.
Hi leftiemum,
I am considering BA and hardly did any research prior but went for a consult w Dr Samuel ho today. Came back still undecided on the procedure (if at all) and wanted to seek a 2nd opinion from another Doc. The posts here seems to point to Dr ho being less experienced and your procedure with Dr chia at sw1 seemed to have gone really well. Did you consult with other docs before decided to go with Dr chia?
And what made you decide to proceed with her?
Thanks much in advance for your advice.
Hi Ladies, i'm looking to do nose job in Singapore and contacted Dream Plastic Surgery with Dr Yeow. Anyone has experience with Dr Yeow for nose job? Did the first free online consultation with him and he seem pretty nice!
Hi leftiemum,
I am considering BA and hardly did any research prior but went for a consult w Dr Samuel ho today. Came back still undecided on the procedure (if at all) and wanted to seek a 2nd opinion from another Doc. The posts here seems to point to Dr ho being less experienced and your procedure with Dr chia at sw1 seemed to have gone really well. Did you consult with other docs before decided to go with Dr chia?
And what made you decide to proceed with her?
Thanks much in advance for your advice.
I didnt consult other docs. At that time, Im quite comfortable with her, read good reviews and also liked the photos she showed me. She explained the op very clearly, also analysed my body in detail.
I am new to the forum too and currently doing the research on breast augmentation.

I read many reviews about Dr Samuel Ho too, however I m only interested in Motiva implants, he doesn't seem to do Motiva implants.

I've called up and it seems that they only do textured implants which has many side effects.

Since he's popular, why wasn't he selected as a surgeon for Motiva? Is it because he's not experience enough?

Hi! I'm new to this forum, and new to everything related to plastic any help will be greatly appreciated :)

I'm keen on doing double eyelid + eyebag removal surgery at the same time. Is it advisable? I'm planning to do it in SG. Any recommendations? I keep seeing Dr Samuel Ho's reviews but seem like a lot are by bloggers and made me wonder if its all sponsored and skewed reviews?

Another name that I've seen is Dr. Wong Saw Yeen, which I just called up the clinic and they informed that this doctor is on semi-retired mode hence they said I can engage Dr Wong's son Dr. Marcus Wong instead for the surgery. But I find nothing online with regards to this Dr Marcus Wong :(

PAULINE TAN 89 & ssng84 did you guys in the end proceeded with the eyebag removal procedure?
Hello ladies...

I chance upon this BA forum after I started goggling for recommended doctor & what type of implants is better, and I’m so glad to say, thru this forum, I did my BA (Motiva) with Dr Tan YC from SW1..!

I’ve finally done my BA after contemplating for so Long, I’m now exactly 1 week after BA. Went back for reviews today, and everything was perfect! Thank u ladies for the reviews & comments, no regrets with Dr Tan, he’s Super professional, patience & details in explaining..! In love with my new boobs..!
Hi mummies, I would like to share my experience with Dr Tan Ying Chien from SW1 Clinic. Actually this review is way overdue as I did fat transfer from abdomen and waist to breast and lipo for armpit fats in Feb this year. I also did removal of eye bags in Feb. I’m in my 30s, mother of 2. Both I did c sec and I bf my older one til 2yo. I have a very flabby tummy, a big muffin top above my c sec scar and saggy breast after breastfeeding. C drop to B. Dr Tan said that I am the perfect candidate for fat transfer as it solves 2 problems at once. It is also more cost effective and alot less down time compared to a tummy tuck. I paid about all in 18k for the fat transfer and lipo for armpits. Very reasonable and value for money. But that’s not the best part. Dr Tan is really the best doctor I have ever met. He is reassuring, chatty, funny, understanding, honest, consistent, professional, takes pride in his work and a perfectionist. When you speak to him, instantly he is relatable, relevant and you form a connection with him. If you are still searching for a surgeon, do shortlist Dr Tan, meet him once and you will know what I mean.

I’m happy and satisfied with the results right now after 6 months from the fat transfer surgery. My husband is also happy with the drastic results. All my friends and colleagues have mentioned that I lost weight and looked sharper. The surgery was painless, you sleep and wake up to a new and improved you. The best version of yourself, in SW1 words. Recovery was very manageable as there was no sharp pain, just feels very achy everywhere like you did intensive workout non stop for 10hrs the day before. By a week, everything feels almost back to normal. My boobs are now D and feels v soft as it is my own stubborn fats that refuse to go away.

I am also extremely happy with my eye bags removal as I have always wanted it since 16 yo. I don’t have to meitu/ photoshop any of my photos or selfies anymore! How awesome is that! Haha!
And I look 5 years younger too!
No scaring visible as the fats was removed from inside the lower lid. Paid about $4.5k all in. Recovery was the usual swelling with slight redness of skin and slightly sore feeling. Majority of the swelling goes away after 2 weeks. I was so nervous when I was in surgery as you have to be awake under mild sedation. I have low tolerance for pain and I’m scared easily. I kept whining ouch loudly when it was not that painful actually thinking back. It was all in my own head. But Dr Tan is always so calming and super patient. He said “it’s ok my wife also say ouch a lot when I do Botox for her”.
I wasn’t so nervous anymore when he chatted with me and played songs on Spotify during surgery.

A shout out to the nurses at SW1 too, esp Phyllis! They are all super nice and pretty too! They are so dedicated, you can ask them stupid questions and they will patiently explain the details to you. They are all extremely sincere. Best of all is they have a watsapp number for all their patients so they are literally there for you almost 24/7 where you can text any qn and voice any concerns.

I can go on and on about how fantastic Dr Tan and his nurses are. I might be doing more procedures maybe next year after I’ve saved up enough. After all, the only limits that exist are the ones in our minds.. in SW1 words : D
Hello ladies,
I decided to press the pause button on ptosis surgery for the moment.
Now considering a minor nose augmentation or fillers to try and refine the flat, broad tip and minimize visible nostrils (I had to take some pro photos and videos for work....hated how I look!).
However my skin doc previously told me nose fillers would not be an option to refine Asian nose tips and I’d need a researching. Any experiences would be helpful!
Ok, I wasn't sure if I should post or not, I usually don't do this kind of bad reviews.
Just to give my personal experiences with local surgeon, I will never go back to JJ C*** (from Mount *) ever again...
I understand his price may be lower compared to the other places... but it is really not worth it.
I really really had a bad experiences with him and I regret not listening to other reviews that were written about him.

I'm sharing because Plastic surgery is such a BIG decision to make,
and I wouldn't want you to spend $$$$ with regrets after.
Hi gals, have you heard of the plastic surgeon Dr Adrian Ooi? His clinic is located at Wheelock Place, Orchard He specialises in breast augmentation and eyelid surgery. He just did my friend's ptosis correction and her eyes look amazing now - she used to look kinda sleepy.

I just booked a consultation with him, will update more soon!
Hi, i am also looking for a doctor to do my eyelid surgery. Was thinking should i go to Dr Samuel Ho or is there any other doctors which you have tried and is good?
Hi gals, have you heard of the plastic surgeon Dr Adrian Ooi? His clinic is located at Wheelock Place, Orchard He specialises in breast augmentation and eyelid surgery. He just did my friend's ptosis correction and her eyes look amazing now - she used to look kinda sleepy.

I just booked a consultation with him, will update more soon!
oh Dr Adrian Ooi is finally in private practice? =) He is previously from SGH right? He did an excellent job for my friend's eyelid surgery. Dr Ooi is really one of those plastic surgeon with great steady hands. Awesome news. Do you know the name of his clinic?
Several years ago I did my first BA with XXX aesthetic clinic. Results were not desirable. When I went back for review, the doctor and nurses tried to convince me that it did not turn out as expected because of my pre-surgery condition. Over the years, I have learnt to accept it. Recently after I have my twin babies, I contemplated to have another BA done, thus I went online and did some research. I chanced upon Dr Tan Ying Chien from SW1. Initially I was very sceptical because I did not have a very pleasant experience with the previous surgeon. However I am so thankful that I took the step to make an appointment with him. I had my surgery done recently and the result is exactly what I yearned for. Even though my issue was knotted, Dr Tan manage to untie the knot and recreate the end results that meets my expectation. I would say he has done an awesome job! Therefore I would like to spread his good name and works. Thank you Dr Tan, and not forgetting his great team of lovely nurses too! =)
The only plastic surgeon I personally know is Dr Colin Tham :) He was the one who did my double eyelid surgery (I was referred to him by a friend who also had eyelid surgery with him), and he really did an amazing job on mine. My eyes look brighter and I've become less self-conscious of them, since before I used to look bored or arrogant. I think Dr Tham also does other procedures like nose jobs and breast enhancements. I do recommend him if anyone here is in need of a surgeon.
oh Dr Adrian Ooi is finally in private practice? =) He is previously from SGH right? He did an excellent job for my friend's eyelid surgery. Dr Ooi is really one of those plastic surgeon with great steady hands. Awesome news. Do you know the name of his clinic?
Hi dear, Dr Adrian Ooi's clinic is called Illumia Medical and is located at #05-12 Wheelock Place. I just went for my first consultation there and its a super modern and swanky clinic. He was very patient and knowledgeable. I wanted to book my surgery immediately but my SO wants me to shop around more. But I decided that I am definitely shortlisting Dr Ooi :)
Hi all, this is my first post. Apart from reading about your reviews, I joined this forum to share my lousy experience with Dr Shens so you won’t have to waste your time and money to go through the same bad experience as me.

I recently went for a consultation with Dr Shens for double eyelid creation. It was a very hurried consultation. Dr Shens went straight into showing me the crease that can be achieved for my eyelids. He then showed me some pictures of the double eyelid cases he has done previously. After looking at his patients’ before and after photos, I asked for him to show me the crease that can be created for my double eyelids again. He was reluctant and said “it’ll just look like what I’ve showed you just now”. I then questioned about the possibility of the suture breaking. He told me “it’s rare”. When I pressed on for what will happen if it does break, he seemed unhappy, uncomfortable and a little defensive. He was dismissive and just talked about how the stiching is permanent. I was in and out of his office in less than 10 min. After the consultation, I didn’t feel like my concerns were taken seriously. The whole meeting was superficial and unprofessional. I do not recommend him!
I agree on this about him being defensive and “hurried”, I thought only I felt that way. It felt like I didn’t get what I wanted to ask and understand before being “hurried” out. Dr Shens seems impatient and always rushing through everything.
Several years ago I did my first BA with XXX aesthetic clinic. Results were not desirable. When I went back for review, the doctor and nurses tried to convince me that it did not turn out as expected because of my pre-surgery condition. Over the years, I have learnt to accept it. Recently after I have my twin babies, I contemplated to have another BA done, thus I went online and did some research. I chanced upon Dr Tan Ying Chien from SW1. Initially I was very sceptical because I did not have a very pleasant experience with the previous surgeon. However I am so thankful that I took the step to make an appointment with him. I had my surgery done recently and the result is exactly what I yearned for. Even though my issue was knotted, Dr Tan manage to untie the knot and recreate the end results that meets my expectation. I would say he has done an awesome job! Therefore I would like to spread his good name and works. Thank you Dr Tan, and not forgetting his great team of lovely nurses too! =)

I'm glad you had a good experience with dr Tan Ying Chien. I believe that not every patient gets the same results from the same doctor, whether it is indeed a good doctor or not so good doctor. But I feel that I need to share that my own experience with dr Tan Ying Chien was not positive. In fact I had to do the exact same opposite as you. I was not satisfied with the procedure, and ended up going to another doctor to rectify. I am happy now with the results. It seems that we can't expect the same consistent results always. Anyway..
I am in my early 30s, never had children, and had breast fat transfer and facial fat transfer at SW1 with Dr. Tan Ying Chien. I am sharing my experiences for those who might be interested in this procedure. As I probably will not check back on this forum often, I am leaving as comprehensive a review as I can. For reference, fat was transferred from my tummy, love handles and back to my breasts, forehead and undereye hollows.
I did a lot of research on breast fat transfer beforehand. Unlike implants, where you can go to your ideal size in one surgery, I understand that on average, you can only go up about 1 cup size per round of fat transfer. This is because the fat must find a blood supply to survive. If too much is transferred at one go, then the fat will die and get re-absorbed, or, worse, form large calcified lumps inside the breast. Surgeon skill does have an impact on these results, since the appropriate amount of fat must be removed, processed, and injected very meticulously to maximize their chances of survival.
I chose to consult with Dr. Tan because, firstly, he’s a licensed and experienced plastic surgeon. I did ask about pricing before my initial consult. Although there were cheaper options both locally and abroad, I saw that in some of the overseas clinics, surgeries are performed by GPs, and I preferred to go to a plastic surgeon to get mine done. I believe that Dr. Tan is priced competitively for his qualification and experience level.
Further, from my research, I saw that Dr. Tan is experienced with doing breast work, and this turned out to be important for me since he was about to correct the asymmetry in my breasts in a way that was aesthetically pleasing. For me, one breast was noticeably smaller and less round, so Dr. Tan had to be creative in injecting the fat in different areas of the breast to not only increase its volume but to improve the shape.
During my initial consult, Dr. Tan was candid about his track record for this surgery (results achieved, what percentage of fat on average ‘took’ for most of his patients). Since I said outright that I would not consider implants, we only talked about fat transfer. He checked to see if I had enough fat to do the surgery in the first place (I appear quite slim), asked where I would prefer to have fat removed, checked my skin laxity etc., then advised me that he felt I would be a good candidate for the procedure. He did not hard sell me anything and only offered me solutions in direct response to my aesthetic concerns.
Since I was doing breast fat transfer, which happens under General Anesthesia, I decided to also ask about transferring some fat to my face during the same surgery. With regards to facial rejuvenation, Dr. Tan was able to advise me on more options than another aesthetic doctor that I have consulted with in the past. Although the other doctor was also quite good, as a GP, he had a more limited number of options (mostly just artificial fillers/botox/laser), so I think that this is another upside to consulting an actual plastic surgeon – they have a larger array of options to offer, and can talk about their personal experiences with regards to the success of the more creative options. The downside is that Dr. Tan has a waitlist for surgery, so I had to wait around 2 months to schedule my actual surgery.
Dr. Tan did 6 months of checkups with me. Although I could walk immediately after the surgery, and resume normal activities very soon after, full recovery from all the bruising and swelling associated with liposuction actually takes 6 months. During this time, I was free to text Dr. Tan’s assistant, Phyllis, with any questions, and she would check these with him immediately to alleviate any concerns in a very expedient manner. I don’t think that I could have had the comfort of this level of post-surgery care had I gone overseas to do this (assuming air travel post-Covid resumes, of course).
I am now approximately 1 year post surgery. My breasts are 3 inches larger, and my waist is 1 inch smaller. My breasts look symmetrical. I can wear bikinis with confidence. I don’t bother with my push up bras anymore. I can’t fit into them anyway.
Due to swelling, breast size is very large immediately post-surgery, then starts to go down with time. I think that mine stabilized within 3 months post surgery.
A well fitted bra for me now is a 70D. Before, I used to be about 70B. That said, do note that a 70D is not so large since it is a small band (Maybe comparable to a 75B). As I am overall quite slim, it would never have been possible for me to go very large with fat transfer, as I don’t have that much fat anyway. That said, the size difference is significant and apparent on my frame. Whilst I was very bottom heavy with a pear shape before, the surgery has helped to balance out my figure.
I did experience weight fluctuation post-surgery as I started exercising a lot. That said, every time I lose or gain an inch on my waist, I also lose and gain an inch on my breasts, so that my overall shape post- surgery is still improved at every weight.
Waist: 69cm / 27inches
Chest: 74cm / 29inches
1 Year Post Surgery (in conjunction with small weight loss)
Waist: 66cm / 26inches
Chest: 81cm / 32inches
Regarding the facial fat transfer, I transferred some fat to my undereye hollows and forehead. The fat has remained. As a pleasant side effect, my crows feet that had started to appear actually diminished significantly. Dr. Tan only told me post-surgery that this sometimes happens, due to the stem cells inside the transferred fat. The lessening of the crows feet was actually quite significant. I used to botox that area but now I don’t have to.
Post Surgery:
There was a lot of bruising from the liposuction, as was to be expected. The bruises faded quite quickly for me. There is some discoloration from the insertion points of the liposuction and fat transfer. The ones on my face faded very quickly (as they were small to start with), the ones on my body have faded over time. Post liposuction, you have to wear a compression garment for a few weeks to help with the healing.
If I press my undereye area, I can feel some slight small lumps under the transferred fat there. Dr. Tan says that this is scar tissue, as sometimes happens. The undereye area is quite delicate. Nonetheless, the lumps are quite small and harmless. It is not visible at all, nor do I notice it unless I press hard on the area to feel if its still there. Versus hollow under-eyes, I would still have done the fat transfer here.
The main side effects I was concerned about were lumps in my breasts and loss of fat volume from the dying fat cells. I experienced no lumps in my breasts and no loss of fat volume after the initial 3 month mark.
Overall, I will say that the bruising and other discomforts are quite trivial as compared to the result. Facially, my friends say I look younger even though they can’t pinpoint why. And, my breasts are visibly bigger, fuller, and rounder with nicer cleavage. I only wish I had done this when I was younger. As it is my own fat, I do feel that the result is very natural.
Results are dependent on both the doctor’s skill and the patient’s physiology as well. For example, I am keen to do the surgery again, but Dr. Tan has advised me that since I am slimmer now, I will probably not see as much an improvement in volume as before. Nonetheless, the size increase that he told me was achievable seems meaningful to me, so I have decided to schedule myself in for another round. I am doing this again with Dr. Tan as I was very happy with the first round of results, and I trust that he will give me the best result possible.
I had went to several local doctors for consultations and I'm glad that I chose SW1's Dr Tan YC as my surgeon. It has been 4 months since I did my breast augmentation with Dr Tan. Dr Tan and his team, especially assistant Amber, has been incredibly friendly and helpful throughout this journey. Due to my past complications, there were hiccups during the recovery but Dr Tan was very encouraging and guided me through. I would definitely recommend Sw1 if you are looking for a place where you want to look good and feel comfortable!
I was wondering if any of you ladies had opted for lipo on their thighs and if any of you had recommendations on which doctor to go to?

I've always tried to get rid of them but the pear shape body haunts me. My thighs are very fat... Want them gone but I also don't want the skin to sag. Sigh.
I'm glad you had a good experience with dr Tan Ying Chien. I believe that not every patient gets the same results from the same doctor, whether it is indeed a good doctor or not so good doctor. But I feel that I need to share that my own experience with dr Tan Ying Chien was not positive. In fact I had to do the exact same opposite as you. I was not satisfied with the procedure, and ended up going to another doctor to rectify. I am happy now with the results. It seems that we can't expect the same consistent results always. Anyway..
Can share more?
Hi mummies, I would like to share my experience with Dr Tan Ying Chien from SW1 Clinic. Actually this review is way overdue as I did fat transfer from abdomen and waist to breast and lipo for armpit fats in Feb this year. I also did removal of eye bags in Feb. I’m in my 30s, mother of 2. Both I did c sec and I bf my older one til 2yo. I have a very flabby tummy, a big muffin top above my c sec scar and saggy breast after breastfeeding. C drop to B. Dr Tan said that I am the perfect candidate for fat transfer as it solves 2 problems at once. It is also more cost effective and alot less down time compared to a tummy tuck. I paid about all in 18k for the fat transfer and lipo for armpits. Very reasonable and value for money. But that’s not the best part. Dr Tan is really the best doctor I have ever met. He is reassuring, chatty, funny, understanding, honest, consistent, professional, takes pride in his work and a perfectionist. When you speak to him, instantly he is relatable, relevant and you form a connection with him. If you are still searching for a surgeon, do shortlist Dr Tan, meet him once and you will know what I mean.

I’m happy and satisfied with the results right now after 6 months from the fat transfer surgery. My husband is also happy with the drastic results. All my friends and colleagues have mentioned that I lost weight and looked sharper. The surgery was painless, you sleep and wake up to a new and improved you. The best version of yourself, in SW1 words. Recovery was very manageable as there was no sharp pain, just feels very achy everywhere like you did intensive workout non stop for 10hrs the day before. By a week, everything feels almost back to normal. My boobs are now D and feels v soft as it is my own stubborn fats that refuse to go away.

I am also extremely happy with my eye bags removal as I have always wanted it since 16 yo. I don’t have to meitu/ photoshop any of my photos or selfies anymore! How awesome is that! Haha!
And I look 5 years younger too!
No scaring visible as the fats was removed from inside the lower lid. Paid about $4.5k all in. Recovery was the usual swelling with slight redness of skin and slightly sore feeling. Majority of the swelling goes away after 2 weeks. I was so nervous when I was in surgery as you have to be awake under mild sedation. I have low tolerance for pain and I’m scared easily. I kept whining ouch loudly when it was not that painful actually thinking back. It was all in my own head. But Dr Tan is always so calming and super patient. He said “it’s ok my wife also say ouch a lot when I do Botox for her”.
I wasn’t so nervous anymore when he chatted with me and played songs on Spotify during surgery.

A shout out to the nurses at SW1 too, esp Phyllis! They are all super nice and pretty too! They are so dedicated, you can ask them stupid questions and they will patiently explain the details to you. They are all extremely sincere. Best of all is they have a watsapp number for all their patients so they are literally there for you almost 24/7 where you can text any qn and voice any concerns.

I can go on and on about how fantastic Dr Tan and his nurses are. I might be doing more procedures maybe next year after I’ve saved up enough. After all, the only limits that exist are the ones in our minds.. in SW1 words : D
Hi baby August, can you share more of your experience as I have made an appointment with Dr tan end Jan too for fats transfer. Fats transfer can up 2 cups? Thank you in advance.
I am in my early 30s, never had children, and had breast fat transfer and facial fat transfer at SW1 with Dr. Tan Ying Chien. I am sharing my experiences for those who might be interested in this procedure. As I probably will not check back on this forum often, I am leaving as comprehensive a review as I can. For reference, fat was transferred from my tummy, love handles and back to my breasts, forehead and undereye hollows.
I did a lot of research on breast fat transfer beforehand. Unlike implants, where you can go to your ideal size in one surgery, I understand that on average, you can only go up about 1 cup size per round of fat transfer. This is because the fat must find a blood supply to survive. If too much is transferred at one go, then the fat will die and get re-absorbed, or, worse, form large calcified lumps inside the breast. Surgeon skill does have an impact on these results, since the appropriate amount of fat must be removed, processed, and injected very meticulously to maximize their chances of survival.
I chose to consult with Dr. Tan because, firstly, he’s a licensed and experienced plastic surgeon. I did ask about pricing before my initial consult. Although there were cheaper options both locally and abroad, I saw that in some of the overseas clinics, surgeries are performed by GPs, and I preferred to go to a plastic surgeon to get mine done. I believe that Dr. Tan is priced competitively for his qualification and experience level.
Further, from my research, I saw that Dr. Tan is experienced with doing breast work, and this turned out to be important for me since he was about to correct the asymmetry in my breasts in a way that was aesthetically pleasing. For me, one breast was noticeably smaller and less round, so Dr. Tan had to be creative in injecting the fat in different areas of the breast to not only increase its volume but to improve the shape.
During my initial consult, Dr. Tan was candid about his track record for this surgery (results achieved, what percentage of fat on average ‘took’ for most of his patients). Since I said outright that I would not consider implants, we only talked about fat transfer. He checked to see if I had enough fat to do the surgery in the first place (I appear quite slim), asked where I would prefer to have fat removed, checked my skin laxity etc., then advised me that he felt I would be a good candidate for the procedure. He did not hard sell me anything and only offered me solutions in direct response to my aesthetic concerns.
Since I was doing breast fat transfer, which happens under General Anesthesia, I decided to also ask about transferring some fat to my face during the same surgery. With regards to facial rejuvenation, Dr. Tan was able to advise me on more options than another aesthetic doctor that I have consulted with in the past. Although the other doctor was also quite good, as a GP, he had a more limited number of options (mostly just artificial fillers/botox/laser), so I think that this is another upside to consulting an actual plastic surgeon – they have a larger array of options to offer, and can talk about their personal experiences with regards to the success of the more creative options. The downside is that Dr. Tan has a waitlist for surgery, so I had to wait around 2 months to schedule my actual surgery.
Dr. Tan did 6 months of checkups with me. Although I could walk immediately after the surgery, and resume normal activities very soon after, full recovery from all the bruising and swelling associated with liposuction actually takes 6 months. During this time, I was free to text Dr. Tan’s assistant, Phyllis, with any questions, and she would check these with him immediately to alleviate any concerns in a very expedient manner. I don’t think that I could have had the comfort of this level of post-surgery care had I gone overseas to do this (assuming air travel post-Covid resumes, of course).
I am now approximately 1 year post surgery. My breasts are 3 inches larger, and my waist is 1 inch smaller. My breasts look symmetrical. I can wear bikinis with confidence. I don’t bother with my push up bras anymore. I can’t fit into them anyway.
Due to swelling, breast size is very large immediately post-surgery, then starts to go down with time. I think that mine stabilized within 3 months post surgery.
A well fitted bra for me now is a 70D. Before, I used to be about 70B. That said, do note that a 70D is not so large since it is a small band (Maybe comparable to a 75B). As I am overall quite slim, it would never have been possible for me to go very large with fat transfer, as I don’t have that much fat anyway. That said, the size difference is significant and apparent on my frame. Whilst I was very bottom heavy with a pear shape before, the surgery has helped to balance out my figure.
I did experience weight fluctuation post-surgery as I started exercising a lot. That said, every time I lose or gain an inch on my waist, I also lose and gain an inch on my breasts, so that my overall shape post- surgery is still improved at every weight.
Waist: 69cm / 27inches
Chest: 74cm / 29inches
1 Year Post Surgery (in conjunction with small weight loss)
Waist: 66cm / 26inches
Chest: 81cm / 32inches
Regarding the facial fat transfer, I transferred some fat to my undereye hollows and forehead. The fat has remained. As a pleasant side effect, my crows feet that had started to appear actually diminished significantly. Dr. Tan only told me post-surgery that this sometimes happens, due to the stem cells inside the transferred fat. The lessening of the crows feet was actually quite significant. I used to botox that area but now I don’t have to.
Post Surgery:
There was a lot of bruising from the liposuction, as was to be expected. The bruises faded quite quickly for me. There is some discoloration from the insertion points of the liposuction and fat transfer. The ones on my face faded very quickly (as they were small to start with), the ones on my body have faded over time. Post liposuction, you have to wear a compression garment for a few weeks to help with the healing.
If I press my undereye area, I can feel some slight small lumps under the transferred fat there. Dr. Tan says that this is scar tissue, as sometimes happens. The undereye area is quite delicate. Nonetheless, the lumps are quite small and harmless. It is not visible at all, nor do I notice it unless I press hard on the area to feel if its still there. Versus hollow under-eyes, I would still have done the fat transfer here.
The main side effects I was concerned about were lumps in my breasts and loss of fat volume from the dying fat cells. I experienced no lumps in my breasts and no loss of fat volume after the initial 3 month mark.
Overall, I will say that the bruising and other discomforts are quite trivial as compared to the result. Facially, my friends say I look younger even though they can’t pinpoint why. And, my breasts are visibly bigger, fuller, and rounder with nicer cleavage. I only wish I had done this when I was younger. As it is my own fat, I do feel that the result is very natural.
Results are dependent on both the doctor’s skill and the patient’s physiology as well. For example, I am keen to do the surgery again, but Dr. Tan has advised me that since I am slimmer now, I will probably not see as much an improvement in volume as before. Nonetheless, the size increase that he told me was achievable seems meaningful to me, so I have decided to schedule myself in for another round. I am doing this again with Dr. Tan as I was very happy with the first round of results, and I trust that he will give me the best result possible.

Hi I have made an appointment with Dr tan end of jan. Im also keen to do fats transfer to my books.
Can I ask u if I can transfer fats from a few parts of my body to my boobs or Dr tan will limit it? And how much weight did u lose from the fats transfer? Is it stable after the procedure or fats will come back easily?Thank you in advance.
Hi I have made an appointment with Dr tan end of jan. Im also keen to do fats transfer to my books.
Can I ask u if I can transfer fats from a few parts of my body to my boobs or Dr tan will limit it? And how much weight did u lose from the fats transfer? Is it stable after the procedure or fats will come back easily?Thank you in advance.
Hi, good to hear that you choose Dr Tan to do the fat transfer for you. I am very happy with the results and never regretted my decision. Dr Tan will make sure results are drastic but within safe limits. So you will definitely see results. But do not have unrealistic expectations of not you will be disappointed. You will not look like a super model immediately. But the troubled areas will be improved greatly. Boobs won’t go up 2 cups. Will only go up 1 cup. Mine was saggy and lost volume after 2 kids and breastfeeding. It’s fuller and not so saggy now. If you want to go up 2 cup size you have to do implant. I have a lot less bulging layers of fats and a flatter abdomen. But I still bloat especially after eating. So lipo won’t get rid of the bloatedness. Still have to maintain with exercise and watch what you eat if not will still bloat and put on weight. But you will definitely look better in tight clothes. I wish you all the best with Dr Tan. You are in good hands!
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Hi I have made an appointment with Dr tan end of jan. Im also keen to do fats transfer to my books.
Can I ask u if I can transfer fats from a few parts of my body to my boobs or Dr tan will limit it? And how much weight did u lose from the fats transfer? Is it stable after the procedure or fats will come back easily?Thank you in advance.
That time when i did, he took fat from my tummy, love handles and back... these are my concerns and these are the areas where he could find fat to transfer.
P.S. I'm not fat to begin with
My weight has remained stable and breast size still about the same which I'm happy.
Hope that helps
Hi, good to hear that you choose Dr Tan to do the fat transfer for you. I am very happy with the results and never regretted my decision. Dr Tan will make sure results are drastic but within safe limits. So you will definitely see results. But do not have unrealistic expectations of not you will be disappointed. You will not look like a super model immediately. But the troubled areas will be improved greatly. Boobs won’t go up 2 cups. Will only go up 1 cup. Mine was saggy and lost volume after 2 kids and breastfeeding. It’s fuller and not so saggy now. If you want to go up 2 cup size you have to do implant. I have a lot less bulging layers of fats and a flatter abdomen. But I still bloat especially after eating. So lipo won’t get rid of the bloatedness. Still have to maintain with exercise and watch what you eat if not will still bloat and put on weight. But you will definitely look better in tight clothes. I wish you all the best with Dr Tan. You are in good hands!
Thank you for the reply. May I know how long did the bruises go away?
Thank you for the reply. May I know how long did the bruises go away?
Major bruising takes 2 weeks. Than it will take some time to slowly fade from yellowish to completely gone. Took up to a month for bruising to be gone. But pain wise it is very manageable. It is more like muscle soreness and aches.
My friend just did her breast implants with Dr Shens from Shens Clinic , in fact the group of 5-6 of us did our BI with him.
Hers was done like a few months ago and she’s happy to share her experience for the ladies to choose the right and desired size.

Most women will go for a ideal C cup


  • For a natural teardrop look with a finger gap in between (to fill up loss of volume from the chest bone which might be caused by the loss of fat due to breast feeding)

My friend choose a C, the main reason is to achieve the proportional S shape figure, to look good in clothings and without the hassle of wearing a strapless bra.

She is very active in sports so she want to choose a implant that looks natural with fast recovery.

Dr Shens choose a ERSD355 Motiva implants that suits her chest width that will achieve a C and we are glad to know that Dr Shens is actually the first surgeon in Singapore to use Motiva implants.

The procedure is a short 45mins surgery, and with the nerve block by the experienced anesthetist, she feel more comfortable and can lift her arms up right after the surgery.

She described the pain scale like 3/10 and at night she can even perform simple tasks.

Day 1 of surgery – Able to lift both arms with pain scale of 3/10.
Day 2 post surgery – Able to resume normal activities
Day 14 post surgery – Able to resume sport activities

Overall experience:
Fast recovery / comfortable
Hassle free
Short incision scar of 2.5cm

The C cup that looks natural and of the right size that suits her body frame and to be able to workout effectively.

Ah Sao 1.jpg
Hi ladies,

not sure if anyone of u still religiously following this thread. Recently i took a sabbatical off work and hence i splurged into consulting numerous plastic surgeons for my eyelid surgery. Thought of doing a quick summary for ladies who are shopping around:

1.Dr Andrew Tay: very polite mannerism, very experienced and could even tell i had nose thread done and commended it was very well-done and he likes it.

2. Dr Terence Goh: young, charismatic but a tad impatient and condescending (kept checking his laptop while talking to me). Does not do epi canthoplasty if u are considering

3. Dr Samuel Ho: Charming during consultation (saturday afternoon) but heard during actual op and post op, the vibe can feel very transactional. Clinic prices are high

4. Dr Tan YC: very easy going, very detailed and has own prescribed methodology of what surgeries work to achieve desired outcome. (like he doesnt do stitching eyelid surgeries or lateral canthoplasty). I would say is one of the underrated PS in the sg scene. Well known for motiva BA too

I have not consulted Dr Shens but his reviews seem to be very mixed and somewhat fiery at times? Haha. Any recent updates on his service/ practice to share pls? I am looking to revise my stitching upper bleph done 2 years ago locally. Shall not mention doctor’s name. Thanks :)
Hihi I am rushing to go out so quick post. Georgina I replied your PM.

Short answer I am still searching for the right doc.

but for anyone consider droopy eyelid (ptosis) surgery, highly recommend you also get one consult with an oculoplastic surgeon, the medically trained eyelid doctors like at the Singapore National Eye Centre because they may tell you things your regular plastic surgeon (also do rhino, boobs etc) might not be specific about. They will also diagnose if yours is a medical case (can claim Medisave) or cosmetic vanity (like me haha). Incisional operating on your eye muscles is no joke and it’s advised not continue contact lens use post surgery because you may risk pulling down your eyelid again in 1-2 years.

I feel more informed after getting an eye consult but still thinking about going to the regular plastic surgeon who is more trained in Korean aesthetics for the final result....not sure where...
Dr Adrian Ooi for ptosis or droopy eyelid surgery for sure. Hands down he has done a lot of cases as he was head in Sgh and they see the most medical condition cases there. He is now in private practice - his clinic is in orchard road. His speciality is eyes
Hi ladies,

not sure if anyone of u still religiously following this thread. Recently i took a sabbatical off work and hence i splurged into consulting numerous plastic surgeons for my eyelid surgery. Thought of doing a quick summary for ladies who are shopping around:

1.Dr Andrew Tay: very polite mannerism, very experienced and could even tell i had nose thread done and commended it was very well-done and he likes it.

2. Dr Terence Goh: young, charismatic but a tad impatient and condescending (kept checking his laptop while talking to me). Does not do epi canthoplasty if u are considering

3. Dr Samuel Ho: Charming during consultation (saturday afternoon) but heard during actual op and post op, the vibe can feel very transactional. Clinic prices are high

4. Dr Tan YC: very easy going, very detailed and has own prescribed methodology of what surgeries work to achieve desired outcome. (like he doesnt do stitching eyelid surgeries or lateral canthoplasty). I would say is one of the underrated PS in the sg scene. Well known for motiva BA too

I have not consulted Dr Shens but his reviews seem to be very mixed and somewhat fiery at times? Haha. Any recent updates on his service/ practice to share pls? I am looking to revise my stitching upper bleph done 2 years ago locally. Shall not mention doctor’s name. Thanks :)

i got my mine by Dr Samuel about 4yrs ago.
Everything from consultation to post op recovery was great. He is charismatic(definitely a huge plus point for me), assuring and confident. Nurses were very friendly too. I dont really feel that it was very “transactional” as i felt their sincerity. Price wise, i feel its ok given the location and the popularity of Dr Samuel. Since the surgery, i have received many comments that my eyelids are done very nicely and looks very natural. No regrets at all and will definitely be going back to Dr Samuel for tummy tuck or any other surgery after birth(in future if needed).
i got my mine by Dr Samuel about 4yrs ago.
Everything from consultation to post op recovery was great. He is charismatic(definitely a huge plus point for me), assuring and confident. Nurses were very friendly too. I dont really feel that it was very “transactional” as i felt their sincerity. Price wise, i feel its ok given the location and the popularity of Dr Samuel. Since the surgery, i have received many comments that my eyelids are done very nicely and looks very natural. No regrets at all and will definitely be going back to Dr Samuel for tummy tuck or any other surgery after birth(in future if needed).
glad that u have a good experience with Dr Samuel :) guess pretty much depends on rapport and individual eyelid predisposition too.hope u’ll look great after childbirth and need not do anything else :)
anyone else saw Dr Adrian Ooi? He was recommended by my doctor bestie.
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glad that u have a good experience with Dr Samuel :) guess pretty much depends on rapport and individual eyelid predisposition too.hope u’ll look great after childbirth and need not do anything else :)
anyone else saw Dr Adrian Ooi? He was recommended by my doctor bestie.

i certainly hope so but i think tummy tuck is a must do after birth.. so must start saving money for it when finding out about the pregnancy
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glad that u have a good experience with Dr Samuel :) guess pretty much depends on rapport and individual eyelid predisposition too.hope u’ll look great after childbirth and need not do anything else :)
anyone else saw Dr Adrian Ooi? He was recommended by my doctor bestie.
Dr Adrian did my eyelid surgery and I’m v happy with the results - basically even and natural looking. He’s charismatic and detailed. Overall I had a very good experience, so I would go back to see him for other stuff ^.^ addicted!
Hello ladies, It has been 4 months since I've done my breast augmentation with Dr Tan Ying Chien from SW1 Clinic. I've never regretted this decision. He was very detailed and professional right from the first consultation visit even till now when am back for all my follow up reviews. Also special thanks to his medical assistant team, especially Phyllis who went extra mile by taking non-stop care of me like a friend (which I appreciate a lot, cos that helps to soothe me) and ensuring me that I'm not anxious. I would highly recommend Dr YC Tan as a plastic surgeon for anyone who would like to see a positive change in yourself
Hi ladies,

not sure if anyone of u still religiously following this thread. Recently i took a sabbatical off work and hence i splurged into consulting numerous plastic surgeons for my eyelid surgery. Thought of doing a quick summary for ladies who are shopping around:

1.Dr Andrew Tay: very polite mannerism, very experienced and could even tell i had nose thread done and commended it was very well-done and he likes it.

2. Dr Terence Goh: young, charismatic but a tad impatient and condescending (kept checking his laptop while talking to me). Does not do epi canthoplasty if u are considering

3. Dr Samuel Ho: Charming during consultation (saturday afternoon) but heard during actual op and post op, the vibe can feel very transactional. Clinic prices are high

4. Dr Tan YC: very easy going, very detailed and has own prescribed methodology of what surgeries work to achieve desired outcome. (like he doesnt do stitching eyelid surgeries or lateral canthoplasty). I would say is one of the underrated PS in the sg scene. Well known for motiva BA too

I have not consulted Dr Shens but his reviews seem to be very mixed and somewhat fiery at times? Haha. Any recent updates on his service/ practice to share pls? I am looking to revise my stitching upper bleph done 2 years ago locally. Shall not mention doctor’s name. Thanks :)
Totally agree with you on the part on Dr Tan YC
Hi there, thank you for sharing your reviews! So which doctor are you leaning towards after your consultation?

I just went for consultation with Dr Shens today. I saw his ad on Facebook for double eyelid and my friend told me her friend had her double eyelids done at Dr Shens and recommended him. After looking up the reviews and Q&A on FB messenger with his staff I made an appt to see him.

I had droopy eyelids due to saggy skin. He recommended the incision double eyelid procedure and showed me quite a few before/after examples. I’m not sure if it’s the patients prefer more puffy and higher crease, I actually wasn’t impressed with the work...then I went on to enquire abt lipo and fat graft. That’s when he started to fast track the consultation and I felt he wanted to finish up already. I was the last consultation but I don’t think that’s right... at the end of the day the consultation costs abt $160. but the staff Serene was very patient as she explained the prices to me.

I wasn’t convinced he is the right doctor for me hence googled when I came home and found this thread.

I got a quote for thigh lipo from Dr Ivan at Amaris B and Dr Shens is slightly cheaper. But Dr Ivan made me feel more at ease (but more ex!).
There’s so many things I want to correct so I’m prioritizing my eyelids since they are the window to my soul right (they look so tired now).

After reading the reviews of Dr Adrian Ooi and Dr YC Tan I think I’ll research further on them and go for consultation first. I think it’s really important to find the right doctor especially when it comes to anything done on the face.

By the way my friend did her suture eyelids at a Andrew Tay and it’s very natural.

Hi ladies,

not sure if anyone of u still religiously following this thread. Recently i took a sabbatical off work and hence i splurged into consulting numerous plastic surgeons for my eyelid surgery. Thought of doing a quick summary for ladies who are shopping around:

1.Dr Andrew Tay: very polite mannerism, very experienced and could even tell i had nose thread done and commended it was very well-done and he likes it.

2. Dr Terence Goh: young, charismatic but a tad impatient and condescending (kept checking his laptop while talking to me). Does not do epi canthoplasty if u are considering

3. Dr Samuel Ho: Charming during consultation (saturday afternoon) but heard during actual op and post op, the vibe can feel very transactional. Clinic prices are high

4. Dr Tan YC: very easy going, very detailed and has own prescribed methodology of what surgeries work to achieve desired outcome. (like he doesnt do stitching eyelid surgeries or lateral canthoplasty). I would say is one of the underrated PS in the sg scene. Well known for motiva BA too

I have not consulted Dr Shens but his reviews seem to be very mixed and somewhat fiery at times? Haha. Any recent updates on his service/ practice to share pls? I am looking to revise my stitching upper bleph done 2 years ago locally. Shall not mention doctor’s name. Thanks :)
@ssng84 did you do the incision or suture method? Thanks!

Dr Adrian did my eyelid surgery and I’m v happy with the results - basically even and natural looking. He’s charismatic and detailed. Overall I had a very good experience, so I would go back to see him for other stuff ^.^ addicted!
Hi there, thank you for sharing your reviews! So which doctor are you leaning towards after your consultation?

I just went for consultation with Dr Shens today. I saw his ad on Facebook for double eyelid and my friend told me her friend had her double eyelids done at Dr Shens and recommended him. After looking up the reviews and Q&A on FB messenger with his staff I made an appt to see him.

I had droopy eyelids due to saggy skin. He recommended the incision double eyelid procedure and showed me quite a few before/after examples. I’m not sure if it’s the patients prefer more puffy and higher crease, I actually wasn’t impressed with the work...then I went on to enquire abt lipo and fat graft. That’s when he started to fast track the consultation and I felt he wanted to finish up already. I was the last consultation but I don’t think that’s right... at the end of the day the consultation costs abt $160. but the staff Serene was very patient as she explained the prices to me.

I wasn’t convinced he is the right doctor for me hence googled when I came home and found this thread.

I got a quote for thigh lipo from Dr Ivan at Amaris B and Dr Shens is slightly cheaper. But Dr Ivan made me feel more at ease (but more ex!).
There’s so many things I want to correct so I’m prioritizing my eyelids since they are the window to my soul right (they look so tired now).

After reading the reviews of Dr Adrian Ooi and Dr YC Tan I think I’ll research further on them and go for consultation first. I think it’s really important to find the right doctor especially when it comes to anything done on the face.

By the way my friend did her suture eyelids at a Andrew Tay and it’s very natural.

i just consulted Dr Adrian Ooi and he was very charismatic and detailed. He used his tools(pliers etc)for measurements, hear my concerns for the preference of a higher crease out and showed me his works through a powerpoint presentation. He said he likes my creases actually and my slight eye slant and would recommend only revising my right eye if it bothers me.Consultation about $120 and he was thorough.

Dr YC Tan just did my friend’s boobs and she is super happy and proud to flaunt her new racks in every way haha I would say Dr Tan is somewhat like an underrated SME because his clinic always full of patients who had done BA.
Happy for ur friend’s suture lids at Andrew Tay. He is a nice and experienced doctor.
Ladies, has anyone had ptosis surgery in Singapore? My right eyelid has a droop which partially conceals the double eyelid and I want to get fixed. Still thinking if I should also have blepharoplasty to both sides to widen the crease.

I was considering Dr Yeow or Dr Por from Dream Plastic Surgery since they have written articles online about ptosis surgery, but there are some reviews which say Dr Yeow is arrogant and Dr Por has a dirty office and BO!!! Has anyone tried Dream?

My first procedure so I am quite scared...any feedback greatly appreciated.
Hi there, did you eventually go for the surgery?
I know how you feel, i've only ever done chemical peels with Dr Leo Kah Woon. He's really nice though and popular among my friends. I hope your baby's fine now. <3
avoid wish Clinic taipei taiwan. doctor there have too many alias Dr. Jimmy Chuang AKA Dr. Chia Jung Chuang AKA
Dr. Jia jong Chuang, Dr. Jia wing Chuang, Dr .jia rong Zhuang.. Chuang = zhuang. Too many alias so people cannot
see his bad reviews. He had taken down many that is posted in the asia region. In taiwan, he takes bad reviews down so on one sees them.
He pulled my skin too hard killing it and giving me
necrosis(death to skin by cutting off blood supply),
Hypertrophic scars, widen scars, over lapping skin,
dents all over my face and my right side is lopsided due to
no flesh. Where is my flesh(SMAS) is missing.
I paid for a high smas and he switched it to a SMAs
At surgery date, I told the account manager when I made
payment that I watch the high smas. The doctor told me to
do a smas and he inject fat into my laugh line. I didn't want that on
surgery date. I told them that, but the doctor do what I don't want
He didn't honor any of my wishes. All 4 procecures are botched.
Neck lift close to 3 years post-op feels like I am hanging on a rope. My face
is very pull and I am in severe pain. The scars are so ugly and he cut out of line.
If he offers you costumization run.... run run. He will not do anything you requested.
I told him not to cut my forehead muscles and he did it anyway leaving me
with dents on my forhead from his sloppy forehead lift. I have lumps and bumps on
my head... He didn't stitch me back up when he told me my forehead lift stitches was not ready
for removal at 14 days. Why didn't he tell me that at consultation. I done
facelift, neck lift(which I don't even need), undereye lid which left me with a thick
white scar that you can see on my face. the facelift scars are so horrible and he cut onto my face.

Why I paid for such sloppy surgery without aftercare. He lies. He gave me a barbaric facelift. I told him
at consultation time I am looking for skilled plastic surgery to do high smas facelift and I need the incision close to the
line. He rushed my surgery and left me with brown skin and it is still brown today. I can never pull my hair back because
the scars are really ugly and it is not even hidden near my ear. Just look how far he cuts out. 11500 usd in 2018 . There are
plastic surgeon that charge that in usa too. He told me he is an expert in face lift. Check my photos out. I am in severe


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avoid wish Clinic taipei taiwan. doctor there have too many alias Dr. Jimmy Chuang AKA Dr. Chia Jung Chuang AKA
Dr. Jia jong Chuang, Dr. Jia wing Chuang, Dr .jia rong Zhuang.. Chuang = zhuang. Too many alias so people cannot
see his bad reviews. He had taken down many that is posted in the asia region. In taiwan, he takes bad reviews down so on one sees them.
He pulled my skin too hard killing it and giving me
necrosis(death to skin by cutting off blood supply),
Hypertrophic scars, widen scars, over lapping skin,
dents all over my face and my right side is lopsided due to
no flesh. Where is my flesh(SMAS) is missing.
I paid for a high smas and he switched it to a SMAs
At surgery date, I told the account manager when I made
payment that I watch the high smas. The doctor told me to
do a smas and he inject fat into my laugh line. I didn't want that on
surgery date. I told them that, but the doctor do what I don't want
He didn't honor any of my wishes. All 4 procecures are botched.
Neck lift close to 3 years post-op feels like I am hanging on a rope. My face
is very pull and I am in severe pain. The scars are so ugly and he cut out of line.
If he offers you costumization run.... run run. He will not do anything you requested.
I told him not to cut my forehead muscles and he did it anyway leaving me
with dents on my forhead from his sloppy forehead lift. I have lumps and bumps on
my head... He didn't stitch me back up when he told me my forehead lift stitches was not ready
for removal at 14 days. Why didn't he tell me that at consultation. I done
facelift, neck lift(which I don't even need), undereye lid which left me with a thick
white scar that you can see on my face. the facelift scars are so horrible and he cut onto my face.

Why I paid for such sloppy surgery without aftercare. He lies. He gave me a barbaric facelift. I told him
at consultation time I am looking for skilled plastic surgery to do high smas facelift and I need the incision close to the
line. He rushed my surgery and left me with brown skin and it is still brown today. I can never pull my hair back because
the scars are really ugly and it is not even hidden near my ear. Just look how far he cuts out. 11500 usd in 2018 . There are
plastic surgeon that charge that in usa too. He told me he is an expert in face lift. Check my photos out. I am in severe

That is so sad to hear!

Personally, I had my share of experience in Taiwan at Wish clinic where I did my eyes and nose. The nose was wayyy to high with a straight implant so I had have it removed in Seoul. My epi scars are still visible.

Hence, it's really important to choose the right doctor!

Looking at these posts, they all seem to be posted by the marketing team of a particular clinic. I used to work for one of the clinics but left this industry before Covid. It's a rather unfriendly environment. The doctors all detest each other and it's common for one to create fake rating accounts and post fake reviews just to discredit another.

Don't trust doctorXdentist too much. Originally founded by a doctor, the clinics there pay a hefty subscription fee to be listed, post articles and receive leads.

Let me give you my honest opinion on some of the clinics.. just for fun ><

Dream Clinic - They just keep trying to bury their genuine, negative reviews with (clearly) fake ones and have renamed their business listing name to concierge. Strange how they brand themselves as a Korean-ish clinic but cant uphold their korea clinic standards. Overpromises from time to time but cannot deliver.

Dr Leo - He is not bad for selected procedures but better with aesthetic treatments. Somehow, he's always on another clinics' website as a "guest doctor" so we always wonder whether it's because he doesn't have enough cases or too hardworking LOL

Allure clinic - Reviews are mixed. While they have quite a neat clinic front and nice, the results seem to be 50-50.
I have a friend who did ptosis here and was satisfied (ptosis here is claimable, if you have a rider plan, but the clinic will ker tok you about $15k for a ptosis/double eyelid. The market price is about $5-8k+).

My ex-company had quite a few patients who needed revision after having their treatment done in allure.

Martin Huang - An experienced dr who is not too bad.. after all a "celebrity plastic surgeon. But his prices are not too affordable for the average singaporean.

Sweng - The doctor is known for taking wayyyy too long to complete a surgery. For instance, he could even go up to 2 hours++ just for a breast augmentation. Really question the quality of surgery here too.

Sw1 clinic - The prices here are a little above market price but everything about them is always on point - from marketing to clinic interior. Dr is responsible. Clinic is huge enough and you will get the care you deserve.

Shens clinic - A simple clinic. This dr is popular for breast implants, apparently because he keeps bragging about he being the only dr in sg with the shortest incision point for implants to be inserted- shortest means less scarring. And he is super zai with his vaser lipo. A 32 year old gf forked out $15k of her hard-earning school teacher savings to lipo some fats and she came back with abs, the smallest waist ever and thigh gaps. Also, one thing commendable is that he is ethical. If cannot do, he will say he cannot/don't want.

I would not recommend this place for rhinoplasty though. A patient who had her primary surgery done at shens clinic, found it too natural and not as high/sharp as she wanted, despite telling the dr what she wants. End up had to remove and revise at my ex-company.
