Anyone has children's massage to recommend?


New Member
Looking for alternative ways to help boost my child's immunity. Been looking around Singapore, and there're only Tui Na TCM places, but I really cannot bear some ah pek TCM doctor touching my daughter, even in my presence. (So wrong!!!) I need western type, preferably female and in a nice environment. Anyone please recommend?

The TCM scene has changed in the recent years. TCM practitioners are no longer limited to those ah-peks or chinaman. There are lots of women, too, and there are also the younger batch of practitioners. When I went to NTU TCM, there were actually more ladies than men! And the older ladies were the professors, the younger ones were the junior physicians. Environment is nice and spacious, too. Although, I must warn you... NTU is very far. But I am sure the same can be found in those Eu Yan Sang clinics??
I tried TCM massage at Quan Qi Dao, it was not bad. However, its $40 to 60 plus per session and they want me to go back 2-3 times per week. That is quite costly for me. The disadvantage of it is that my body aches ease when I go for the masage, after a few days then it comes back again
I have a 18 mths girl. She started walking in Feb and since then she been getting quite a handful of bruises and bumps. It really pain to see her blue back on her forehead. Also, these few weeks, the weather is erratic, rain one day and hot sun the next day. She also got a cold due to the weather change.

I heed my sister advice and gave her millenium. It works wonder!! Her bruises subsides after 3 days. For her running nose , it recover after 3 days without taking doc medication.

Thus, if you want to boost your child immunity, you can try it as well as it will enhanced their overall body defense system against virus, bacteria etc. Also help them to recover faster.

I also drink this product and it works for me too. When I have cold or sore throat due to lack of sleep etc, I just take it and I can recover from my cold in 1-2 days. Thus, reduce my downtime and Im in a better health to take care of my child
I have been bringing my 2 girls to this place called my kid's spa at grandstand. You can find them at Hope this is helpful. They used to have a lot of tummy pain and leg pain, but after 2 sessions, I hardly hear them complain and had been bringing them there weekly. Their therapist are all certified n ladies, so I feel safer.
