Anyone change your job for the sake of kids ?


New Member
My previous job was stressful and required to work long hours with occasional travel. I hardly have time to spend with my kids or coach them because by the time I reach home, they already asleep. As a result , my primary school kids done rather badly in the exams.

After several thoughts, I made a switch to a more relax admin job. This job enable me to leave on time and giving me more time to spend and coach my kids. I can see some improvements in their school work. The problem is I couldn't get use to the admin job which has a lot of ad hoc tasks, all my previous
jobs were specialized.

I still enjoy my previous job and am thinking if I should go back . My friends have been telling me to think twice considering my kids will be taking psle next year and I will not be able to cope with both work and family.

I am not ambitious or wish to climb corporate ladder , just want a job which I enjoy and will not need to drag myself to work. I m at a loss, it's like being trapped in between.

Anyone ever face this problem before?

I am at a loss. My salary need to contribute to household expenses so I can't be sahm.

Oh dear! Can you have both? A happy mom = less frustrated mom at home. You may want to list the aspects of the old job you enjoy and try to find one that meets those aspects.

The other alternative is to teach them how to work hard on their own so that you can bear it for another year or two before going back to a more demanding job.
Actually, have you tried checking with your kids? Some kids'd do better with parents around because they see it as parental support etc, while some will get stress with the parents hawking around.. Mayb you can check with them on what they want?

Basically, the concern here is on the kids' studies.. Tt can be solved by engaging a tutor or sending them to the tuition centre on wkends whereby ya'll show them that as a parent, ya do care about them and will be there for them, i.e weekends r devoted to the kids if they need it etc..

Pertaining to job-wise, have you considered whether the effort that you are putting in correlate to the pay that you are getting? If the current job requires you to be away for 8hrs a day and the same with your old job (+ some OT), but the latter pays you much much better, y not? If one is working or the income to substantiate the household expenditure, might as well get a job tt you like and pays you correspondingly rather than settle for a lower pay job which you are not fond of..btw, ya dislike current admin job because it has lotsa ad-hoc stuffs or? Could it be the messy affair of all those ad-hoc thgy that's getting you frustrated?

Alternatively, can just rope in the daddy to help out a bit? If your kids are taking the PSLE this yr, considering tt it is only a few more months to go, maybe it'd be good to either stop work temporarily to coach them full time and then find your dream job after their exams, since the no-pay period'd be relatively short.. Rather than being 8hrs away from them for a presumbly lower pay (as compared to ur old job) which you do not enjoy..

My $0.02 worth.. Think ya've alr made your own decision and just need some support here considering that you are not getting any from your friends bah.. Good Luck in whatever your final decision is..
Hi air dancer n bewildered, thanks for your advice.
My elder one is those lazy type and needs lots of pushing. He is also attending group tuition on weekends. However, tuition is only once a week, If I can spend at least 1hr each day to coach him, i believe it will help.

My previous job though stressful and long hours but it does
not really pay me well, surprise right? I m in this industry for so long because of interest. In fact, I got more for my admin
job. That's why I m thinking is it worth it to go back.
For me, i will 'tong' till their grades improve or at least till after their psle. If their results bad, cant get into a good sch, then i will be filled with "wat if.." questions and be tormented with guilt. Cos u noe, sec sch peers r very impt. If they hv the right mix of peers, then u can relax abit.

Just bear with it awhile. Like sprinting...gv it ur best for their psle time. Then the race will be over for u.
Hi, I can feel how u feel by changing bcoz of ur kids.. coz im facing e prob now too..
Im a single Mummy of a 4year old gal, my gal & i currently renting a room in a frz's hse. she goes to those 7-7 childcare near by our place, my previous job starts at 8am in e West area and im staying in e North, so by e time i send her to sch and rush to work, i'll still be late. Tat cause unhappy from my company. so i quit and hoping to get a better timing job tat to suit wif my gal.
As i dun have much Qualifications only till sec 4, is really hard for me to find a job on office hour timing, and there's a big issues tat is im being Sued Bankruptcy bcoz of my Ex used my name to loan a car and din paid at all.. So i can only say I have trusted e wrong man tat ended my Life to be so Shit now..
But still Bcoz of my Gal I have to keep moving on...
Hi Sungrapes, I agreed with you that peers in sec school is very important. This is one of my concern that puts my plan to switch back on hold. If my kid is hardworking and able to maintain good result, I wil hv less worry . I hv seen friends whose kids enter good sec school and those not so gd ones, there is a difference. Sigh , guess I really need to sacrifice and endure .
U can do it when u put ur mind to it.
For the sake of ur kid's future. Cos psle is only once in life time chance to score gd grades in order to get into a gd sch. Once u miss tat chance, wanna trsf sch oso very difficult esp if psle score not gd enuf.

My experience with a sec 1 gal. Her psle score not gd, so went into a not too reputable sec sch. Her sch mates bully her by pushing her head. Her teachers gv up on them and threaten to use cane. The environment is so bad tat she wld rather skip sch and loiter outside. Even if wanna trsf sch for her oso very hard. So she s stuck there for 4yrs..her teen yrs so fundamental for her future.

Just be patient and positive. Gv alot of encouragement even if u feel like vomit blood. If family members gv up , then they will feel even mre discouraged and will stop even trying.

Alot of thgs is the mindset. Once the attitude is correct, evthg else will fall into place.
Hi TroubledJu, hope u can find a better job soon.

I have decided to stay put in admin industry for the sake of my kids , don't know I can tong how long but will try .
jiayou winter!! you can do it!
hope ur child know how much u love them by sacrifice your jon interest to spend more time just from them.. all the best to you!
All the best! Not easy to balance out work/stress/home/kids etc... Take care, everyone! I'm not woring too. Decided to give up 'cos no point being stuck in-between.
