Any Porridge Recipies to Share??

Hi Tay Ann

I also use the ikan billis stock. However my maid will wash the ikan billis first to get rid of the salt then fry and keep the ikan billis. The formula is given by my mom the stock will taste better this way. Then when we want to cook the stock just add any amount desired. We also use the same ikan billis when we cook for ourselve bee hoon soup etc.. it does taste better. You can try.

By the way mommies... any one here uses diamond water at home or filtered water?

Oh recently got another tip from a fren who happen to know someone who sells pork. He mentioned that when you want to brew stock with prk ribs you can add a bit of vinegar to bring out the calcium in the pork bones into the stock.

Hi Thumbprint,
Culd u email me the link also? my email [email protected] . BTW, may i ask u also whether you cook porridge for one meal / 2meals? if I cook one time for 2meals, does the re-heat porridge (2nd meal late afternoon) will cause wind to the bb stomach? or any mother outthere have any ideas? Thanks/
Hi JGze

For the vinega just a small teaspoon is enough and I am using the white one.


My bb gal takes porridge for 2 meals but we only cook when she is about to eat. I feel that the food is more fresh this way. However I do have frens who does what u do. But the stock for both meals can be prepared beforehand
hi ...
yup, vinegar does bring out the calcium in the bones...
at least tt's what i read fr some books.
this is also the scientific reason of eating pork legs stewed in vinegar during confinement for chinese mommies
Hi Thumbprint, I'm new as I was looking for recipes for my baby gal 8.5mths old.Can I have the link too.I usually cooked the spinach with porridge for hours now I know I can't do that!!!Tks alot.Email to [email protected]
hello mommies, sorry for not replying till now cos got prob with the internet lately so cannot access email and this site..

anyway, i had emailed and PMed all mommies, do PM me if you did not received it.. hope my internet or pc won't fail me again.. haha

have fun experimenting!
Hi Thumbprint,

Thanks so much of the link. Its of great help.....I can start cooking congee for my bb....Oh yeah....
Good morning mommies!

Lynn - PMed you oredi..
Jac - emailed you oredi..
Catherine - you do not accept PM, perhaps you can activate your PM or give me your email address and i send the link to you again.

Have a good day ahead!
<font color="aa00aa">mummies
have you tried "pushing" the porridge through a sieve?
you will be amazed with the results.
especially if you are just starting your babies out.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">sungrapes:
you will have very "fine" porridge. its very suitable for babies who are just starting out on semi solids.

something to the effect of mashed potatoes; soft and fluffy.
<font color="aa00aa">sungrapes:
something to that effect. and the carrots, sweet potatoes, potatoes, broccoli etc.. can also go through the sieve.
i never used the blender cuz i didnt like using it. tried it once, but didnt like the weird taste after the blending.
dun know how to describe the taste...
or maybe it was just me.. hee</font>
<font color="aa00aa">sungrapes:
yes, i sieve from scratch.
will cook porridge in steamer first then after porridge is ready, i will sieve the ingredients and porridge
<font color="aa00aa">sungrapes:
hee.. my girl is very old now... hahah 28 months already. i started her on semi solids when she was like 5 or 6 months old. cant really remember now.
what about yours?</font>
compared to urs, mine still green horn at 7mo

I start weaning abt 5.5mo. So now im still quite blur abt solids, porridge making far, so gd, tho in the beginning got problem with his reduce milk intake..trial and error lor! now ok liao, but he start to teeth..hope wun gv me any problems.
<font color="aa00aa">sungrapes:
hee. we are all learning lah..
teething.. as baby grows older, the porridge you make will get more gluey and thicker. and i also started my girl on soup at that time. </font>
Hi All,
I've been reading this thread on Porridge,but just no time to join in your chat.
Hi sungrapes,
Me worst my baby is coming 9.5 months now and I'm still very blur!My concern now is her teething,she still has not started yet.I hope she won't have fever.

Hi sungrapes,
Must learn from you more.
Is it typo error? me oso blur queen, how can learn frm me??

I read smwhere teething by rite wun hav fever, juz teeth better, best is drink milk till they grow up all the way.

dear mummies..
juz wondering watz the best method to remove bones frm fish??

Some bones r so fine i need a microscope..
i tried to sieve but still afraid itz not fool proof.
