Any mums stay @ sengkang

hey gals... can we keep the list private or not? i dun want to post here leh...

Hi all, I started a file for you all. But do take note that the file size needs to be kept small, so advise no fancy formatting like italics, or borders.

Suggest maybe someone holds the 'master copy' and the rest update her? I almost never come into this thread anymore, as I stick to one thread mainly, so I can't be the master holder. Apologies.

<center><table border=1><tr><td>
SKDetails.xls (13.8 k)</td></tr></table></center>

<font color="ff0000">When you save as, change to ***.xls</font>, else you can't open the file on your PC.
As to how to upload the file after amending, click on the Upload Attachment button below. Give it the name "SKMomDetails", then browse for amended file to upload.

Hope this helps!
Joleena &amp; Linsaw... yes put into Excel... but then dun upload the file here... anyone can download our info leh... so who can be the master holder? I'm already keeping two lists leow...
Hi Linsaw,
oh i see. so you start early and KO early lah? how nice. better oso lah. i rather start early then can go home early to see kids.

Hi jen,
ya i oso think dun upload file here. how abt we just type our details in the file then send to each mommies email? that way everyone will get a copy through their email instead of here, where others can view. too private lah..

any suggestions mummies?
ya loh i start ear;y i KO early too.

about the data. i am anything. why one one of us be the keep the detail
Hi Joleena,
yah me quite busy recently, new boss is ang moh with lots of Asian experience, he can compared me with people in China and Thailand, so must work hard to show him all of what I have.

Btw, I dun come into this thread often nowadays, if the plan for the excel is fixed can someone help include my details into it first? Thanks lots!
hi lauran
oh with lots of asian experience...yes..must show what you have hehe...and prove him wrong and we are more superior than people in china and thailand?
Hi Joleena,
ya he is very well verse in the local culture and extremely adaptive, very hard to bluff him type, hehehe.
And most importantly he is only 2 years older than me! So I dun want to look like a young, ignorant junoir person in front of him.
Hi Lauran
Oh dear. so now you cant bluff him at all since he is so smart hehe...

so now have to work smart with him...hehe..and prove to him that women work just as good!
hi jo, u keep master list have my number so you can include it in if u want lor.

so ladies is our lunch confirm? suppose to be on 8th april rite? so who's joining and who's not? maybe we shld set a dateline say by next thurs we shld be able to confirm?

Hi pris,
how is jadon? saw him in the NP. sooooo cute....hope he wins!!! voted liao...god bless and keep us updated on his condition. when can he be discharged? are you able to join us for lunch? if can't then maybe for a drink? :)

hi how are you. you joining us for the lunch? let us know ya ?

mummies...sidetrack a bit...the HFMD situation is scary you know?? adults oso can kena. anyone send your kids to childcare?
me also want to join on 8 Apr, but cannot confirmed cos if boys wanna sleep I cannot come liao (they sleep at irregular hours- cannot predict one)
Pls DO NOT count me in for now, but if I can make it I will come along...

btw: what time and where in CompassPoint?
Some options: Swensons, Jack's Place, Yoshinoya, any suggestion anyone?
Hi samval
okie we shall set the deadline as next wed? how about that?

we can meet at around 1pm? okie with everyone?

hi lauran
thanks for the suggestions...maybe swensons is a good idea...
It suddenly came to my mind- should we inform the restaurant to reserve all the baby chairs for this gathering in case we storm the place and they run out of baby chairs for us?
hi helen
in that case, why don we make it at 1.30pm instead?

hi lauran
that is a good idea...yes we need all the baby chairs....
hopefully my boy will sit still for a while haha...
hi hi sorry i MIA so long.

Samval, can ask u which enrichment is your elder gal in? Coz i m thinking of enrolling my elder one oso .. abt same age as yours.

Btw if see Pris around can ask her to contact me? thanks.
hi all,
i'm ok with 8th april (sat rite?) 1pm is ok with me. i think good idea to call up the restaurant and reserve all the baby chairs? where to meet? compasspoint or rivervale mall? btw always pass by swensen and super crowded. can see long queue. unless we make booking lor. they have kids meal oso and food is not bad. any suggestions? or shld we meet for dinner instead? cos sometimes aftn the kids have their "nap time". what do you think? dinner then hubby can join and they can baby sit while we chat away...

hi qdee,
i send my girl for "i can read" on sat for reading program and "tien hsia" on sun for her mandarin. normal days she's in half day childcare. just this week trying out on full day for one week. which school is your gal in? ok i'll sms pris and ask her to get in touch with you. she got your number?
Hi Samval,
Thanks for voting.
Been very busy lately preparing for little Jadon homecoming and running to KKH. Cos I've been told to practise more hands on taking care of him whenever in KKH w/o nurse help. Was given the approval to stay from 12pm to 8pm (only me). Must make myself "disappear" when doctors (a big group) handing over shift. Little Jadon will be going home around April. Will update all of you once date is confirm.

Not sure whether little Jadon will be discharge by then so can't confirm I would be able to join all of you. Will sms either one of you to let you know.

Apologies as was busy and did not reply you. Will sms you later. Thanks.
A photo of little Jadon sitting up and trying to balance his head with a bit of support. Physiotherapist told must do some exercise.....

ooooooohhhhhhhh pris.....soooooooooooooooo cute!!!!! oh since you're here qdee looking for you leh.

coming back in april?? that's good. pls update us. join us if you can. if not dun worry. we all stay nearby and can have many many more outings once jadon is out of hosp. then we can go for celebration.
oh dear little jadon is such a cute darling...

good that little jadon will be discharged soon

as for the meet up, i think 8th april sounds good..and swensons sounds great
we just need to confirm with the total no. of people and reserved seats plus baby chairs
awwww.... jadon is soooo cute. feel like giving him a hug. he has such an innocense looks hor. sweet little warrior..
re: gathering... sorry, i gotta give it a miss... happen to have a birthday party to attend... sigh...

hi pris, finally got to see jadon again...
hey samval, "i can read" is the one at rivervale mall? How much huh? mabbe i can send for saturday class. Which child care is your gal in?
Mine is in full day at gingerbread.

Hi pris, this weekend i wont be at SK coz i m painting my mother's place. Maybe any time on wk days next wk can or not? Btw my hubby said he need to hunt the 2 screws coz he misplaced them.
I am not sure how heavy it is.. but i guess quite heavy? coz its wood mah. and got abt 5 parts. If not can take bit by bit or use those trolley for marketing?? hee
I dun hv car otherwise i dun mind sending to your place.
hi qdee,

yup "i can read" is at rivervale mall. think they charge $300 plus per term, once a week class. so far quite good feedback and can see some improvement too. but your gal will need to go for assessment first before they take her in. they will assess if she knows her phonics and the sounds of all the alphabets, then will recommend which class she can go to. if she knows all the sounds already then can skip the beginner's class and move on to the 2nd level.

my gal is being taken care of my mum who stays in sembawang so she's in a child care there. gingerbread is not bad. i like the setup. no need to wear uniform rite?

so mummies, is our lunch confirm this sat or shall we postpone it to another day, since some can't make it? btw how many of us going ah? a bit blur liao
Hi Samval,
I also want to send my boy to 'I can read' but the young learners programme? I forgot how old is ur girl? Also in the young learners? My boy is coming 2.5yrs next month. I have not started him on any playgroup before. But I prefer to send him to classes like 'I can read' cos they focus on teaching more than playing alone. U mentioned the assessment before they take in the child, my boy can read A-Z already, I wonder if they will let him skip the basic class?
hi S@L,

i can read program is more to learning how to read and use proper grammar etc. oh i'm not too sure abt the young learners program. yup they will do assessment first, but its based on knowing the sounds of the alphabets and not jus the whole alphabets. so if your boy doesn't know the phonic sounds then they'll put him in the beginners class
Little Jadon saying hello and thank you to all uncles and aunties for your prayers and blessings..... See he's smiling and hand is waving to you.....

hi pris,

good morning. jadon really looks bright, healthy and a very happy baby. may the Lord continue to shower His blessings unto Jadon. God Bless!

our prayers have worked wonders..
hi everyone,
i don't stay in sengkang, but my parents just shifted to rivervale crescent late last year, and i pop over sometimes. hope you don't mind i pop in to say 'Hello'!
i have a 18mth old boy.

oh my, jadon looks so lovely and from the looks of it, he is definitely gonna be a charmer!
hi pris
jadon looks so lovely...and smiley

hi duckweed,
sure no prob...we are in sengkang...and me and linsaw (aka helen) lives in rivervale crescent as well

my boy is 16th month today
Hi ladies,

Pris..I have been following this thread for quite sometime.. following jadon through the whole progress.. everytime when i read the thread.. tears will flow down....

But now.. its tears of joy! Very happy to see jadon so lovely.. handsome and cheerful.. Though im not a mummy yet.. TTCing now but i can feel your courage.. you are a strong mummy..

joleena, im staying at rivervale crescent also.. the new clusters of flat.. saw alot of young couples with newborns babies.. so envy..

Hi Joleena,

yes.. im infront of you.. you knows theres some tentage infront of your place.. issit for pasar malam..

nope.. im still trying for one..
