Any mummies staying in Japan?


Active Member
Hi, I am currently staying in japan, tokyo... searchin for Mummies who r alone there too....


Hi Eniale,

Where about in Tokyo are you? I am also currently residing in Tokyo with an infant. Keen to know mummies in Tokyo too :)
Hi autumn_Leaf....

Great!! I am staying at Yokohama city kanagawa pref... hw abt u?

share abt myself....
We jus shifted over less than 6 mths, my hb is a jap... i cm bk to spore for holiday last mth, will b gg bk on this comin thurs....

Cool..Hope you are enjoying your time in Singapore :). We are also pretty new here. We have been here for less than a year. I stay in Minato-ku city (Tokyo Prefecture).
Btw, do you have any email address which we can correspond?
Hi, Autumn Leaf,

Hi, so hw have u been? I am bk in Jp on Fri... wow.. start to miss Spore already......... esp the food!!! kekekek......

Hi! Welcome "home"! I often miss the food back home too..esp. those hawker fare, right? hee hee..I understand that there is a Chinatown in Yokohama, right? How's the food there? Any Singaporean/Malaysian restaurants there?
Yah, did went a couple of times to Chinatown... but hor e food there is mainly China style / Hongkong Tim Sum etc lor.. and e taste basically is jap style so i feel tat almost e sme lor to eat any Chn rest out anywhere....

But I did get some info frm my frd tat there is a Kuching noodle shop there... (Kolo Mee) dunno u knw this dish anot..... but havent knw e location in chinatown yet... kekek.....

So, hw u actually spend ur time there? yah.. share more abt u..... :p hw old is ur bb now? My gal is 15+ mths now liao.... We jus applied our long term stay visa here and have to stay at least 6 mths to obtain my gal Jap nationality.. so meanin tat me will be trap in jap till April 07... :p

Do u have msn? mayb we can chat there too....
my add is [email protected]
hi eniale / autumn,

my hb is going to be posted to Japan for 6mths.. and i'm also thinking of tagging along,,

any recommendation on how i should go about looking for long-term accommodations there?

Eniale, i've added you on msn..
Hi Nicky's mom,

Nice to hav u here!!!
Great, so when will u all b comin over to Jp?
So u n ur hb will be searchin ur own accomodations in here...? I can ask my hb for some info but wat kinda of accommodations u wish? if those rental type arh, ned to put 1 to 2 mths deposit... n abit complicate lor... jus pardon me, his company (or his own) doesnt provide it?

Ok, I have added in too!!!

Hi eniale,

i know what you's always difficult to find authentic singaporean food abroad, right? the chinese restaurants we get here are also the hong kong/chinese style kind..

most of my time is spent with my nine-month old baby boy. as i am his sole caregiver, the bulk of my time revolves around him. when the weather is fine, i take him out for strolls as well as doing grocery/running errands at the same time. housework also takes a good chunk of my time. what about yourself??

sure! will add you to my sure we will have a lot of common stuff to chat about..:))

hi Nickys mom,

for accommodation, you may want to try out this website which I think provide very comprehensive information about living in japan.

other websites for short and long term accommodations, you can check these out:

hope it helps:))
Thanks autumn leaf. Info is very helpful.

am also thinking of being a full time caregiver to my younger boy. but not sure if i can cope.haha.. add me to msn too.. I pm you my msn address liao..
Hi Mummies,
I have added your addresses to my msn messenger.

Nicky's mom, you are welcome..:)) I am sure you will be able to cope. I always thought I would be the last person on Earth to look after an infant single handedly but I guess when time comes, we just go with the flow (but there are times when I thought I am going insane too!!)hee hee hee..
Hi Autumn leaf,

yeah.. got u in my msn
So ur area quite convenient to get grocery? within walkin distance?.... Mine side is abit unconvenient for me wif a bb, hve to travel to Train station or a few stops away S.C by bus... so usually i will shops durin e wkend wif e help of my hb lor....

During e first 3 mths stayin in here alone wif bb really gets me mad, facin 4 walls.... but sometimes do enjoy times wif bb ... n e train station at my side doesnt hav escalator / elevator lor.. imagine hav to carry stroller n bb alone up e stairs if i am gg out myself.. so siong.... and very homesick.... so went bk Spore n refresh myself.... keke..

Now my gal r able to walk, now so much more easier for me, eiher in hse or outside..... hehe...

So, hw lng does ur hb neds to station in here? E expenses quite high rite? so ur bb drinks well with e milk here?
Hi Eniale,

Yes. The grocery store is walking distance away from where I live. I would say 15 to 20 minutes walk. I also notice that there are no elevators or escalators at some of the train stations in Japan and in situations like that, we struggled with the stroller and baby. So I understand how tough it must be for you to take the baby out alone under such circumstances.

Ya.. Taking care of a baby in a foreign land can be nerve wrecking at times..Sometimes, we just wish that there is another extra pair of hands around to help us, right?? Its good that your baby girl is now walking..I still have a long way to go..

I am not sure how long we will be here. It all depends on my husband's job . Maybe two or three years?? So how long will you be in Japan?? You mentioned your husband is a Japanese, so will you be staying put in Japan for good?? Do you speak Japanese?
Hi Autumn Leaf,

sorry today cnt chat wif u in msn, my gal awake n disturbin me so have to bring her down......

Yalor, I feel tat i realli ned someone to take over my gal n let me rest for tat little moment...n frankly speakin, i breakout tat time.. so sad...... but nw she knw hw to walk is oso another prob.... she tends to touch here touch there, climb here climb there.... its a never ending story one lor.... hehehe..... :p

So, r u able to adapt the living here?
i oso not sure hw lng will we b stayin here but definitely not forever lor... My hb intends to shift to US after obtaining my gal nationality... (but for me, I wish he will return bk to Spore)... hahaha... :p
I do speak a little jap, but oni those unformal type, conversation oni.... can listen well more than speaking... I enjoyed those entertainment program in here.. hw u feel abt it? so u take up jap lesson b4?

Oh yah, since i am free everyday, y not we mit up together wif our kids n have coffee or whatever together... btw, do u hold any mobile in here? Pls let me knw ya....

Hey Mommy stay in Jap sorry for interrupting your conversation

Can help to answer a few question of mine? I am planning for a trip to Jap end of Oct (23 to 30 Oct) with my 13mth old Boi like to check on the following

what attire shall I prepare for him?
Is it easy to get bottle food in Japan super mart? What brand do you recommand?
I know there is a children store Akachan in Japan but can I know which one is nearer to my hotel which is at Shinjuku Washington....
I like to get some Jap attire for him is it easy to fine there?

Many thanks for your help!!!
Hi eniale,

Ya..understand what you mean. the "touching here and there.."my son has started crawling and it's really tough to keep a lookout for him all the time. I am adapting well here in general. I am not into the entertainment programs here as I don't understand Japanese. I am also not so much of a TV person hee.. I have not taken Japanese lessons before but am planning to next year. Meeting up?? Sure but I have a little problem here. I cannot travel too far due to the little one. Also, other than places around the Tokyo prefecture, I am unfamiliar with the rest of Tokyo. So how far are you from me?? I mean the distance between Yokohama city and Minato city?? Maybe we can meet midway between where we live?? I have a mobile number. I will email you. Do email me yours too, ok?? :))
Hi Poko,

Some fleece wear should be fine for your little one. You know, those Disney kind?? Long sleeved cotton tops/pants are good choices. For them to wear inside their fleece wear/outerwear. Bottled baby food in Japanese supermarkets that I come across are usually made in Japan and they have Japanese characters on them so I have no idea what brand they are called. They seem to be of the same kind. One with a baby on the label and the pictures of the ingredients. The age of the baby will also be written in numerical at the top of the label. Yes. You can get Japanese attires there. Akachan is a good place to shop. However, I do not know which is nearer for you though. I thought there is only one Akachan in some TOC building, I think..Btw, Akachan also sells baby food, diapers etc.
Hi Autumn Leaf,

i too tort of takin in jap course, I saw this "Yoke" jap/living course for foreigner stayin in Jp when i was in e Immigration office last wk, i brought bk e leaflet... it hav 20 lesson, 1.5hr/session for 10000Yen (est $140), nxt startin course period is on Dec 06 till Mar 07......I find it worth n consider cheap lor.... but in details, i still not so sure, asked my hb to find out wahahaha.... And ned to check if can bring bb along anot or dey hav any services to tk cr bb while i m in e class...

Told by hb tat our distance was not tat far, or perhaps u let me knw e nearest stn at ur side, then me check e stn guide c where can we mit up? i will go to Tokyo area thru Yokohama Stn...

Hi eniale,

That's quite a good deal. Ya..I will have to sort out childcare/domestic help issues first before I can embark on the course.

What's the first (nearest)station in Tokyo area for you when you hop into the train at Yokohama Station?? I was just looking at the subway map for Yokohama and Tokyo. Is it Shibuya or Shinjuku?? The stations nearest for me are Azabu Juban and Roppongi (the tokyu line).
Hey Autumn Leaf thanks for your reply it really helps 8)

Also heard that there are a lot of variety on BB food in Japan. Hope my picky eater is ok with them.
Hi Autumn Leaf,

I will be taking JReast Shonan Shinjuku line (red line) from Yokohama and the first popular stn will be Shibuya then Shinjuku.... which stn will b easier for u? But the area there me not tat familiar... :p or is there any area tat u often went n r familiar with?
Hi, My hubby was posted to tokyo earlier this year.. i was with him till July.. cos i came back to deliver my baby in end Oct.. Prefer to give birth here cos my family is with me.

But i will be returning to tokyo in jan hopefully can meet up w some Sporean Mums ;)
Hi cher,

Nice to have u here...

Sure, hopefully can mit up with u n ur cutie bb too.. so its a boy or girl?

i am planning to go back Spore on April 07.. have to obtain my gal nationality first... haiz.. hopefully time flies asap.... (for me ...:p).

Hi eniale,

I think I am the wrong person to ask hee hee..I am not familiar with Shibuya or Shinjuku either. I think Shibuya is nearer for me, based on the Tokyo subway map. There are a couple of areas which I am familiar with but I am not sure if they are convenient for you. I have been to Omotosando Hills (Omoto Sando Station), Roppongi Hills (Roppongi Station), Ebisu (Ebisu Station) - just a big shopping mall and some offices etc. From the map, Ebisu seems to be the nearest for you. It's your call :))

Hi cher,

You must be waiting anxiously for the arrival of your little one now :) Enjoy your last days of pregnancy cos once the little one is out, you will have no "peace" and life will never be the same again. Sure. Hope to meet up with you and your newborn too. Where about in Tokyo will you be at??
Hi, Autunm Leaf,

I have PM u my hp no. dunno if u have recieved it?

FYI, My internet line will be terminatin frm tml, n we will b applyin it again frm tml, so might takes several days b4 it activate.... so pls mms me thru mobile ya....

yah, If ebisu is fine with u, then we shall mit there... There is the Mitsukoshi department store which i know frm below website and the yebisu garden place (Yebisu skywalk), so, where shall we mit is better? My hb will b bringin me there if time r okie wif him so ned not worry abt me gettin there....

I will PM u again my no..

Hi Ladies..

Im glad to see this thread here! Im moving over to japan soon prob nxt march..i've got a bb boy who is comin to hb is a japanese and we are planing to stay around tokyo or yokohama hope to meet up with you mummies when im there..pls also add me to ur msn.. [email protected]
Hi, I'm a Singaporean MTB with a Japanese husband. Have been living in Japan for the past 1 year. Hope to chat with other Singaporean mummies!
Hi, tempura76 and Autumn Leaf, I've added you to my MSN! I'm still working right now so maybe I'll not be online often, but still hope to chat with you gals sometime!
hi all, i m cherfang. I have just gave birth to a baby gal. We will return to tokyo in feb 07
staying at Chiyoda ku, veri near to tokyo dome..hmm think within 10min..

btw m msn is : cherpeh@hotmail..

hope that we can keep in touch..and meet up when i m in tokyo
Hi to all mummies, Autumn Leaf, Tempura76, Wai Peng and cher!!!

Had been lng time I didnt came into this thread...haiz lng lng story... keke... my internet connection will b up again probably beginning of Dec... so will b able to chat wif u gals v.often soon..

wow, theres many mummies who r and will b stayin in Jp.. thats great. able to make more frens here.... Self intro of myself again, I am a SAHM , Hb is a Jap too n we r stayin at Yokohama city with our gal, 18mths this dec. Shifted to Jp on May this yr.. and I am still tryin to adapt the livin in here...

cher, congratulations to u!! wats ur bb girl name? shall meet up wif u when u get bk to Jp on Feb with ur cutie bb...

Cher will returnin bk to Jp on Feb 07 n tempura76 will b shiftin to jp on Mar cher and tempura, both of u will b a SAHM too?

keep in touch n keep this thread gg... will add u all into my msn as well once my internet connection is workin....

Hi, hows everyone here??

I was so flare up abt the internet connection company, have been waitin for quite sometime n in e end was told by them tat our side unable to set up e connection blahblahblah, aiyah.. anyway we reapplied again last wkend and poor me got to wait another month again to have the connection to be up again... hee hee sorry for complaining.....

Cher, so hws ur newborn girl? coping well...? hee hee.. must b v.cute... any pic to share?? hows ur delivery??.... u mus have completed ur confinement right ya....

Tempura76, so hws e preparation of coming to Jp? start to search for a hse?? prob mus b with it right? when me n hb shiftin over, we have a tough time searchin for hse.... went over Jp for 1 week n left my toddler with my mum while searchin for hse.. but lucky got wat we like... heehee... our plc is not in the city area but consider very convenient for travellin to e city side... bcos we have a toddler so we actually chose quiet n safety environment as priority... ur hb is a jap, wow then u mus be able to speak japanese well... me not gd in jap even though hb is a jap.. hahah... but his singlish is gettin more better than me... wahahhaah.....

tk cr everyone n cheers!!!
hi eniale,

woa seh..hw come take so long for the internet connection?? tot the japs are very efficent workers! haha..

my hb will be going back end feb and will look for house while staying at service apartment or hotel..think its better..where are u exactly staying? prob i can ask my hb to take a look there..hehehe.. then we can meet up easily..haha..

einale, tell u.. me dun speak JAP..wahahaha..but can understand..speaks very basic..cos hb can speak english, abit chinese, abit hokkien..hahaa..will start to learn when i go to japan..

Hi tempura76,

Yalor, tort in here things works v.smoothly n fast but turns out it isnt wat i expected... instead of being efficient,they work more detail... they actually correspond via post-mail, maby thats y it takes so lng n not only we rcd their letter n tts it but we actually need to reply n wait again for their comfirmation letter n so on... so the to n fro corresponces drag the time....anyway i am waiting patienely....

I dunno if ur hb knows, but we r actually staying at Yokohoma-City, train to our hse from Yokohama Station needs roughly 10mins... Hb works near Tokyo Station, travelling to work isnt tt far for him.....Which location in Japan will ur hb wrks at? So, any idea what kinda of hse will both of u be looking for? Those typical Jap hse is very compact compared to Spore hse... but for hse cleaning, it will b an advantage for us...wun b so shiong.... kekeke tts wat i feel....hahaha.....

Ur boy is 4 mths right? whats his name? u r his only caregiver now in spore? My gal gg to rch 18 mths on end of this Dec, her name is Yu *pronounce as U* Its a japanese name, din get her an english name, v.regret now... haiz... did search one for her tt time but jus dunno y i din chose one n jus went to register her name without remembering to decide e english name.... blur mummy... but now we call her YuYu, in double syllables... more easier more e elders...

I am lookin forward to meet u in Japan... Me n autumn leaf can show u around some places we knw in jap with our kids....

hi eniale,

i just spoke to another lady who's staying at chiba area with her singaporean hb last night..she also face the same problem with you on the internet connection..also waited for 2mts! so horrible! now i noe of that i will get my hb to apply everything before i go over..haha..if not i will be bored to death!

We're also planning to stay in yokohama area but have yet to find the place, maybe u can let me know which area is better? or nearby ur place?? so we can always meet hb office just moved to kawasaki getting the subway from yokohama line is less crowded compared to tokyo hb wants to stay in a house, cos more spacious..if apartment..he says its reali small..i totaly have no idea.. as long as its not crampy im fine, cos i hate doing housework!!!!!!!!wahahahaha..

my boy just turned 5mths and 11 days..he's a month end bb..keke..his name is KAI..also short n simple..i wanted to add eng name but hb say no need cos its confusing when we go back to japan..duno how true..but anyway..cant do anything about it anymore..just leave it..

im also looking forward to meet u both! pls guide me along when im in so grateful that there's a thread in SG forum..if not i would be so lost when i move to japan.

mata ne.. cheers!
hi tempura76,

Yes, its betta that ur hb apply n get ready for u b4 u shift over here.. I experienced it twice here without the internet n I can tell u, its really v.bored........ esp when I jus started to live here n dunno anything.... But the tv program here r v.interesting!! So, ur hb will be comin over here more earlier than you or will ur family come over together? Oh yah,must prepare also for the application of long term stay in jp... We have did ours recently n now waiting to apply for e Jap nationality for my gal on April.

I agree tat apartment in here is v.small n super compact... I dunno how does a mansion is like in here as we din view that type of accomondation. Ours is a 2-storey terrace house, 3 house in a row, which stick next to each other.... surrounding is all residential houses. Theres 2 train stations which i can go from my hse thru bus is Nakayama Stn (Yokohama Line) and Tsurugamine Stn (Sotetsu Line).. so probably if happens that ur hb chose someway near or on this line, we can meet anytime.. hehehe...

My gal is also a month end bb... kekeke... hey, my hb also told me the sme thing when i mentioned that I regret to get her a eng name... he say is difficult to register cos jp dun have middle name.. blah blah.... hahaha... ya.. anyway cnt do anything about it anymore as wat u say... hee hee... Kai-chan must b v.kawaii... cnt wait to c him hehehehe....

Me too v.happy to see so many reponses n was so surprise that there r quite a number of sporean mummy stayin or going to stay in Jp, before I meet up with autumn-leaf, the 1st few mths was hell to me, breakdown a couples of time... so went bk spore on Aug this yr, so call refresh n at the sme time apply for the long term stay visa in Spore japan embassay.... now gettin betta in life over here.... (*O*)
Hi eniale, nice to see you in this forum again
i been msn with Wai Ping..

I will be a SAHM too.. My Bbay gal is called Chloe..Now she is 2 mths old.. trying to adapt to her errectic sleeping pattern.

hopefully we can get more sporean mums in tokyo to join this forum
Dear all,


Hi Cher,

Must b hard on u now, so u have been managing her yourself in spore? its better to rest much whenever theres a chance...
I was hopin n waitin patienely for e internet connection to b up asap... recently had been using hb laptop to access internet once in a while... haiz...

U b planning to come bk Jp on Feb rite? hehe.. so probably on March we are able to meet up with each other , mayb with Autumn leaf, tempura76 n Wai ping.. wow... that be 5 of us and 5 kids... looking forward for this gathering....

Hows ur christmas?
Hi all! Merry Christmas to you all too! I'm excited to meet you all for a gathering.

Eniale, I'm staying near the Sotetsu Line too. My nearest station is Kashiwadai, next to the terminal Ebina station.

I will go back to Singapore coming Jan 8. Coz I've been having a cold for 2 weeks now, and still haven't recovered. So better go back and recover in the summer weather before it affects the baby.
I plan to come back to Japan in 2007 October, although not confirmed yet. I hope to meet up with you guys then!
Hello dropping by here to seek some advice. I will be travelling to Tokyo in January period for 2 weeks. Am currently pregnant in 2nd trimester. Is it worth shopping for maternity clothes in Tokyo, or is it much more expensive than singapore? Is there a recommended street / mall / places with maternity clothes?

Is the weather very very cold then? I will be indoor most of the time, except weekend. Will cotton pants, with 3/4 jackets be sufficient? i m not too worried about top, as i can wear many layers. but pants wise, i don't have thick thick material type.

Please advise.
Hi Wai Ping,

Oh, we are actually 8 stns away from each other, my nearest stn for Sotetsu line is Tsurugamine.

So, hw many mths r u preggie now? u mentioned that u are currently working, so if u go bk to Spore, hw abt ur wrk? ... keke.. jus curious... ops... its betta to leave here for recovering b4 affecting e bb...

Last few days, Me n my gal had been influenced by a virus here but doctor jus suspect... i cnt rememeber the virus name... symptom is fever, vommiting and diarrhoea. My gal had diarrhoea, mild fever n vomitted 4 times since Mon till Wed, and I got the virus from her and vomitted on Tuesday midnite.. both of us went to the clinic on Wed noon.. so bad feeling that cnt really move much.. and feel nausea n cnt take in any food even water, vomit soon after taking.. my gal takes milk n immediately she vomiit....after taking the medicine, both of us recovered after a whole day rest without taking any food. Lucky hb didnt got the virus from us....

Hi buttercookies,
For me, i find wearing cotton long socks, those type up to the knee, useful and warming during this season... if you r able to get some in Spore,i would suggest u wear it with the cotton pants...

I am not sure where can get reasonable price for maternity clothings in tokyo, maby you can try Akachan-honpo stores. Over there, they sells mainly bbs stuffs n they do sells maternity clothings too...

Hi Eniale, thank you so much. I was just thinking today, as well, about those cotton long socks. i think it's a great idea, rather than, spending on a thick material maternity pants, which i won't be able to wear in singapore. yes..will keep a lookout for these socks in singapore. if i can't find it here, i am sure i will be able to find in tokyo, as it's a feature of japanese girls' fashion!

For the Akchan-honpo shops. is this a shopping mall? will there be other shops beside maternity clothes? that way, at least my friends won't be bored when coming with me. :)

