bonda, yup CD NurKasih.. can can I let u know once i get my hands on it.
not to burst your bubble lah but honestly with 2 kids esp newborn, one can hardly say one has "all the time in hand" - from experience.

oh ya i'm suppose to pass to you a baby bouncer. will find time one of the weekends and buzz you k.

my cake is done.. cooling now.. gonna have that for tea

Nor... hahaha... kau betul dah burst my bubble. Baru nak angan2.. hehehe..

And enjoy your cake ok... makan kan me sekali.

ok ladies.. got to log off now. Enjoy your day !
Hello hello greeting from home....ada PTM at my son kindergarten

talking abt citer NUR KASIH...i just finished watching it from Youtube yesterday citer dia...3 mlm dah habis
yes. It's been a wet weekend for me too. Tak kemana... duk rumah jer. Nak keluar gie Jurong Pt / IMM pun mcm sardine.. everybody doing last minute shopping.. tak sanggup aku. Confirm perut kena langar. So what i did was sewa I will return them this sat. Best kan..Holiday stay home watch DVD in cold weather. Best..

Niari, my company ada CNY dinner. It was so last minute that cuma ada 8 table jer. It will be held at Safra Jurong. Dekat nah lah dgn rumah i.. hehehe

dah bis on sat morning
bersengkang mate aku u know
hb pun ikut sekaki

but after that my mother pulak start from epi one
walaupun dah tengok aku tengok lagi

dia punyer opening song tu cam menyeru yeru...

sakit angau kali ni rase ye lambat nak baik...
Athlete, yes. Im going for the dinner. Cos it's nearby to my place and then i boleh cabut siang cos i bleh bedek ah ckp tak sedap badan. Heheh.

Anyway, ladies nak tanyer. Saper sini pernah kena 'buahsir'..? It's when you pass big motion then you push hard hard.. need advise.

u can get haemorraoid cream from pharmacy
on the shelves ade
to be safe u ask the pharmacist preggy can use or not
Dan/Nora.. i pernah dgr orang ckp, try to push it in back. Then i tanyer orang singseh, they said there is nothing i can do or apply. Just drink some honey in warm water. Then gradually it will go away.. sob sob. I tgh takut nie. Kalau tak go away, then nanti aku nak beranak, nak push mcm phobia plak.
nanti nak branak, you'll get something inserted in there to clear yr bowels kan? or sometimes you'll just auto clear yr bowels when labour is near. Insya-Allah OK lah. Ask yr doc & if he says nothing else that can help, just make doa lor. But ya lah, paiseh kan bila part nak push, takut lain yang terkeluar pulak.
SD, precisely! Im praying hard that it won't go bad. I dah prepare benda spray yg boleh pakai for constipation. The one the you insert into your rectum and then spray. Tapi i just use 1 smlm. Not sure whether safe or not. Tapi kotak tu tak ckp anything abt preggy women.
Come to think of it, I don't remember having to clear my bowels for labour..

SD, you in office tdy?

I'm so hungry now, don't where to go for lunch.
Canteen sure ramai org, q panjang...
benda2 gini baik you check dgn yr gynae. Just to get the clearance lah. Just call your clinic up & ask.

Hheheh, yrs dah cleared naturally kot? For both my labours, i cleared my bowels naturally a few hours before I gave birth. Syukur tak payah masokkan benda apa2 dlm apa2... o_O

I just got back to office from something this morning. So i got lunch from chinatown. Hujan....who knows what the canteen has for you?
adoiii, maybe hujan lah jadi member kena flu.
So what's for lunch?

Im also sneezing away. Actually unwell for sometime already cuma nasib baik not those type of full-blown-confined-to-bed type of flu. kerja banyak macam mana lah nak amik MC. I just pray all sick people will get well by Tuesday, in time to have a good, enjoyable rest over long weekend.
harloww everybody!

nora, i sambung watch on youtube after the weekend dose of NK.. bila lah CD aku nak sampai....

today i'm cooking burung puyuh goreng rempah to eat with nasi goreng sambal blach.. *teringat Nora blach*

besok got reunion dinner part I i haven decide what to cook, tsk so slack man!
aku kena buasir on my 37th week...
ask doc, dia kata, leave it!
nanti dah beranak, we'll deal with it.
but hari2 tu benda 'terjuntai' kat situ, aku pun seram...
but after cebok, aku try tekan pelan2.... masukkan balik.

true enuff, after delivery, dia termasuk sendiri...
about 1week after i delivered...
my #1 labour - i didnt ask for dat thingy, and midwife pun tak mentioned... hah kao! i btol2 'kosongkan' perut time labour....

#2 - i mintak. midwife said no need lah... oso u havent eaten, rite...
my labour very fast, so tak sempat nak terberi...

#3 - i mintak. they lupa nak kasi.... hiak hiak hiak....
amik kau, isi perut ku!
padahal i had it surgically removed more den 10years ago tau...
tak expect it to come out again...
doc said, not uncommon...
yeah that freaked me out too! U mean that's buasir? or piles?

But during first check up after delivery, gynae sure take a look & see if got piles or not kan?

Thanks eh, too much info, lol.

But ya lah, time pushing, there's a bit of pressure at the rectum, jadi panic kejap, ingat nak ter-...
i thought they were more common among men.
i know of 2 frens' hbs who had to go for surgery for it.
and my FIL also always kena
'org' slalu kata, kalau suka teran2, nanti kena piles...
but i got mine, time i kena diarrhea...

u go clinic, doc only kasi cream to sapu...
to kecutkan balik, den tekan masukkan.
unless its too far out, den no choice but to remove it.
Shahlynn.. phew.. ok ok. I some what felt relief sikit. Ingat uncommon. Aku malu betul nk mintak nasihat. But i guess i will leave mine. Cos it's very small. For now, i will avoid meneran lah. Now terasa nk berak, mcm phobia sikit. I guess must drink more water.
Yeah, drink more water and yakult. wud that help?
nanti asik terberi je pulak. Apa nak buat, wanita mengandong, macam2 dugaan ada...
no choice la...
diff pregnancy, diff dugaan la...

yup, drink more plain water, eat more fibre...
drinking yakult would help too..
the midwives will clean it la....
dats their 'job scope' too...

#3 kluar, face down, and she almost TERmakan...
so midwife cepat2 tarik dia & told me to stop pushing...
they had to clear the mess & clean her super fast...
kena midwife melayu/mama, they gladly bersihkan tau...
walaupun bibir sampai senget sebab tahan bau,
u can see muka dorang, they bersihkan seikhlasnya....

kena midwife cina, mulut takleh diam....
bebel, rungut!
u wished u had pooed more lah!
