Anak hantu ?! Kwang ajiak betoi mak mentua hang tu.... takper-takper.. sabar eh. Anak Hantu nie lah yg anak dia gila-gila kan...phui!

Last week, i pergi in-laws, my MIL and PIL kan selalu hantar kita pergi bawah tunggu cab tau. Then it was diff this time cos the moment kita sampai bawah, they quickly tell us to take taxi. Kalau tak, mesti nak chit chat. Then i realised that moments b4 we left their house, my MIL tanyer Maya "Maya nk sweet?" At first Maya angguk kepala, then Maya looked at me and aku beliak kan mata and point my finger to her signalling "No". Terus Maya ckp "I dun want sweet" Then my MIL tanyer, "Nenek kasi gula eh" Maya terus ckp "I dun want. Mummy tak kasi"..
Aku punyer happy Maya got my signal right. And my MIL terus bingit i think. Cos dia salam pun mcm nk tak nak.. heheheh...(Evil laughter) Aku pun anak hantu jugak.
kekek lah kau ni! hahaha...hi5 anak hantu pon anak hantu..janji kita tak menyusah kan org, tu org sudah sakit hati..psl tu they find ways to make us unhappy...kita happy lah dorang always be happy happy! Biar Allah aje yg tahu kat dlm hati kita..hehehe
Hi 5 to Kakak Notty... hehehe

Yes. Lagi satu agaknya bcos last week, i sat with my SIL in the room, which was the 1st time ever. Kan kita dah jadi besties.. so agaknya dia mcm seram sejuk tak.. thinking and thinking whether we all revealed her dark secrets.. LOL

Whatever it is. To me now.. i only think abt them when comes Friday.

Ok ladies.. got to go... enjoy your day !

busy lah this week
friday got deadline

long holiday coming
cepat recover
rugi sakit time holiday
Hi mummies, sorry if im intruding. Hmmm... The last time i posted here was when i baru give birth i think.

But i need to ask. Any of u here ada yg tinggal bukit merah area tk? My in laws are taking care of my 3 yo. And im frantically searching for a preschool to put him in nxt year.I've been searching but this estate punya lah susah nk cari!!!

Anyone yg staying in this area have any good preschools to recommend or knows of any good preschool nearby which can arrange transport pls PM me...

Thanks a lot.
Selamat Pagi Singapura...

Hi Missy.. sorry. I tinggal Jurong West. I think kat sini ramai mummies staying east, north and west. I think nobody tinggal Bt Merah area.

Why dun you try to look for info. Good luck !

Ladies.. smlm i MC. I had bad stomach cramping ah. Jalan sikit sakit giler.. so decided to stay home. I think i nak amik early maternity. I really can't walk much already. Nak dtg office to menyeksa tau.. kat sini dah lah takder lift, kena panjat tangga seh..
morning babes

kalau dah susah nak bergerak just take the early maternity la
no point putting urself at risk

banyak buat kuih hari raye nie?
Hi Notty / Nora,

I was thinking of early maternity too.. Now tgh rushing to clear my work and will decide on a date. Maybe 18th Feb is my last day.
morning morning...

does anyone know where i can buy sesame st t-shirt for my boy?

teacher notty,
this fri i'm making the oreo choc.
and i'm also gonna try to make no-bake mini choc tarts!
but play cheat sikit, cos i'll just buy the pre-made base from PH.
hello hello...

ya i think you should go ahead for the early meternity leave.. by 18th feb you should be how far along ya? oh and how many pills/supplements are u taking ya?

wah u all so rajin buat kuih heehee... so good.. i dont know how to make kuih at all hee
Hi Athlete/Isabella,

Kalau by 18th Feb, i dah 37 weeks tau. Not sure whether sempat ker tak. Cos Maya was born at 38 weeks. So tgh fikiran lagi. Whether to take earlier... still thinking.

Athlete, rajin eh buat-buat kuih... bravo !
hmmm i calculated.. if u take on the 11th.. u've got ten more days of work heehee... how much in advance do you have to let your peers know about when you want to go on maternity leave?

i guess during this time it's just about playing the waiting game heehee.. bila baby nak kluar... bila baby nak kluar..
Isabella, tu lah. I have a feeling this boy is going to come before i hit 38 weeks. I tak kisah lah bila dia nk come out janji dia dah fully developed. I told them everyday that i can't work alrdy. Can't walk or stand much. Can't lie down much.. so dorang suruh i clear cepat2 and take early maternity. So maybe 11th Feb is my last day here ? Hmm... tgh fikiran nie. Cos it's abt 2 weeks - 3 weeks from now kan. Time really flies... I need to rest early sebab tangan dah start bengkak and so is my feet.

for me 37 weeks not considered early la
go 11 feb or the week after cny pun ok jugak

at least ur coliqs are understanding
Nora... tu lah. Tadi i told them 15th Feb which falls on a Tuesday. But then dorang suruh i amik 11th Feb (Fri) to be the last day. Seriously last few weeks, my coliqs joke tau..cos i dah walk like penguin and very slow like tortoise. Dorang joke suruh aku bawak wheelchair. But now at this point of time, i think, i do need a wheelchair... And this is secret ok. I dah pecahkan 2 of my office chairs due to my pregnant weight and bcos i moved around in them at my work station. Sekali patah kaki dia ! Nasib aku tak tergolek !
heheheheh .. memang nasib baik kau tak bedebus ke bawah...

ok la 11 or anytimwe that week
jgn earlier, sayang public holiday
Kaki kerusi tu patah, tapi tak tertanggal tau. So i left it at my coliq table kan, sekali my boss pergi duduk, terus dia jatuh ! Hahaha.. It was my dirty lil secret sampai sekarang. Then the management blame the cheap chairs that they bought. Hehehe
byk yg order brownis..senang sikit..haha..aku buat sikit2 for my neighbours, dorang suka Hazelnut ball..brg lom beli :p

anak murid contoh! hahaa..yup yup can use the pre-baked tarts fm PH, tapi i tak penah mkn, is it nice? dah buat antar sikit kasi gua testing..

..u can also make cream custard and put fruits..dah jadi fruit tart..
Notty, tak sengaja. I put the chair there for my coliq to get man to dispose.. tahu2 si tua tu duduk dgn force, habis lah.. kebabom! Jatuh mcm nangka busuk.. hehehe. I can't stop laughing when it happen, tapi at the same time action concern.
"I can't stop laughing when it happen, tapi at the same time action concern."

meh aku imagine....hmmm

cny ape plan?
tak pegi mane mane
picturing wati's boss jatuh!
but wati, you don't look that big what.... (i've seen bigger preggies)
memang agaknya the chairs are cheap quality.
my sis made fruit tarts using the PH pre-baked base.
it was ok, cuma keras sikit.
i'm trying to make the choc tarts just to "practice".
cos my dark n white choc frm last time still got alot.
then you tabor some toppings for our praline..or tarok those edible mini-flower..jadi tak too plan..or just drizzle with white chocs..

tak pi mana2... any place to recommend?
just to share:
pic of what i'm hoping mine will turn out (minus the fancy plating and strawberries)
am following the recipe from that site also
hehe, actually last week i went to a friends's place.
then she served some so-called famous bakery's choc dessert + tarts.
than i ate it and thought "huh, notty's praline lagi sedap!"
so that inspired me to do more...
Alhamdullilah..i still hv the 2 trays of almond fillings fm our class :p biler gaknye nak buat praline..hihi..few days ago i buat molten choc lava..tu power kedemak! sinfully chocolate...

since u like nuts..u can put 1 whole hazelnut on the center as the topping..ada org buat camtu jg.
bluerbery cheese tart pon sedap eh..tapi mkn byk muak pulak.but den tu kena bake..

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Author Message

BabyShark (babyshark)
New member
Username: babyshark

Post Number: 13
Registered: 8-2003
Posted on Wednesday, January 26, 2011 - 12:24 pm:

Date: 18 March 2011 (Friday)
Time: 7pm
Seat: A05 Row 10 Seat 1-3
Price: $108.90

Will go to first person to make payment.
Back from lunch. Talking abt skate. Actually what you guys dun know abt me is i can skate and rollerblade. Hehehe.. tapi dah basi ah. But it is tough lah. Kalau jatuh confirm mcm nangka busuk. Lebam2 tu biasa.. kalau patah tangan pun biasa. It depends on how you break your fall.
And also things that you dun know abt me is i can swim very well. I have certs till Survivor Course. Badan ajer besar, tapi active tau.
I'm not at all surprised at yr abilities.
You do look like the "lasak" type- this is a compliment tau.

Me, jangan cakap skate, i can't even cycle!
Athlete, yes.. im abit tomboy lah.
Cycle tak boleh ? Gulp. Kan senang.. tapi i pun ada a few guy coliqs yg tak boleh cycle jugak.

wati, kau start leave on 18th feb... aku plak return to work...

based on my previous experiences, i took 1 week prior to EDD.
dorang kluar on EDD + 2 days later...

skali yg nie, aku memang dah penat2... thot nak amik 2 weeks earlier. skali dia kluar 4days after i start leave.

Hi Shahlynn,

Im starting my leave on the 14th Feb. Kira last day at werk will be 11th Feb. Baru hantar email to inform HR Dept. Cos at that week, im alrdy 37 weeks lah. Takut keluar siang kan.. better be safe than sorry. Sekarang ajer tak larat nk jalan oi..
