Hi Nora... I slept again at 4am..

Takper, at the end of this pregnancy, it is all going to be worth it. Insyaallah.. Lagi 4 weeks to go.
hello hello everybody..

how was everyone's weekend hee.. mine was ok ok la.. relax kat rumah aje.. did not go anywhere except for causeway point ajer heehee..
But im abit scared actually. Cos Fri after coming home from in-laws, i had the worst sakit perut and ceret-beret ever.. So Sat/Sun, my baby tak bergerak sgt, tapi still moving lah. Today im monitoring the fetal movement..mintak2 nothing serious.

And i swear that im not going to eat at my in-laws place anymore ! Phobia giler.
Hi Isabella,

My weekend was ok.

Friday : In-Law place. Ate dinner there and had terrible stomach pains and diarrhea ever.

Saturday : De-Cluttering of stuff in my room. Sebab i merajok dgn the maid, i did everything myself. So the maid tak kena gaya, keep asking whether i need help to clean the room and i said "NO!!" And terus i lock the room. Then evening went over to Kew Walk for dinner party.

Sunday : Maya attended the TUMBLETOTS alone. But it was fun. Then go back to continue to de-clutter only to find out that the maid had clean-up everything !! Apa yg aku dah segregate, she mixed it up again, then she re-arrange the furniture back. BINGIT seh ! Before i go to send Maya to school, I specifically told her not to do anything in the room.. si deknie degil, pergi kemas.. sigh*
morning peeps,
woke up at 4 am cos my boy nak susu.
went back to sleep.
then woke and saw the clock was 6.30.
so terus bangun, nak siap2.
then realised closck was actually 5.30!
now dah soo sleepy already.
what a dfifference 1 hr makes!

wati, insya'allah, yr baby is ok.
but eh, during my preggy time, i was super kiasu.
sakit sikit, go to kkh women's 24 hr clinic.
and always ask to check the bb's heartbeat.
athelete, i nak ajer go to NUH now, but seram ah. Cos i have 2 CTG scan which i can use lah. hmm.. maybe i shld go off afternoon kalau my boss tak dtg eh.
sorry, i don't mean to scare you...
but if you can take the day off, then ok lah...

a friend who's abt 12 weeks preggy also had cramps over the weekend.
she asked if it was braxton hicks.
so i told her its too early for that.
Athlete, 12 weeks is too early. Im worries cos it was painful . Now tgh buat fetal movement counting, tapi mcm kurang bergerak. Maybe cos baby dah too big, so limited space to move around. But tak kan after the incident jer, terus kurang movement. Seram pulak kalau dorang check, sekali they say im ready to give birth... Arrgh... !
hi bonda... hmmm i wonder what you ate at ur in law's place that was so bad... i really think u shouldnt go over anymore lei.. some more u r now 35 weeks? if i were you i wouldnt go over anymore heehee.. and your maid ni... aiyah got storeroom to clear never clear... then when u want to clear ur own room u already tell her no need to help.. she help.. haiyah terbalik la this woman..

athlete, oh no heehee u must have been very sleepy until u saw the wrong timing hahahaha... poor you... all the best ok for today! keep telling yourself "i can do this! i can do this! i can do this!"

hey guys.. ask u all one thing ah.. me and my niece were discussing about having a chalet.. she booked 3 days 2 nights.. one night for our group of friends.. one night for her bf's family.. so i told her ok how much is it for the first night.. me and my husband pay half la.. she say dont need.. we pay for the bbq food.. ok la fine.. cos the chalet's this friday after my scan so i was hoping to announce the gender of the baby at the chalet la.. so then i wanted to confirm the no of ppl to invite(diorang semua no frens, all dependent on me to invite my frens). then my niece said this "Kak, u dont ask first. wait for my bf come back then i ask him for permission first to invite the rest of the ppl." so i said ok la... although my thoughts were like "What for ask for permission?". bf baru u see. so i'm thinking she wants to act all "responsible wifey" then fine la. then she keep on mentioning this is fadzly's chalet, this is fadzly's chalet (fadzly bf dia) then i macam bingit la. like isnt this OUR chalet? dont u think we all have a say. or is this fadzly's chalet and everything we do we have to ask fadzly's permission? so i told her la.. dahlah i think my husband and i tak jadik datang ah gini.. cos now all my friends also dont wanna come pasal dengar cerita nak kena minta permission semua lol..

did i over react?
Isabella, you dah tahu gender of your baby ?! Tell us lah...

Anyway, kalau i jadi you.. kalau leceh dgt pasal chalet tu, better dun do. Cos your niece keep saying tat this is her bf chalet.. i rather not do. Takut miscommunication over whom to invite and abt food.

That was just my point of view.

athlete, you better drink coffee.. nanti balik nk driving..
ok ladies.. got a call from NUH. They want to see me NOW. For CTG scan to check heartbeat. Pray for me ok. I really hope it's nothing. KAlau tak pergi, i will be worried till next wed. Lagi its more unnecessary stress.
Wati, yup, go!
All the best!

yes, i'll do the same also.
kalau nak tunggu mintak2 permission, tak payah sudah!
mintak permission from her bf??
insyaallah all will be fine k

kalau its her bf chalet and all must go thru him
than u all tak payah share cost la
if its me i kemsalam
cam compliacted jer
bonda yes! go go go! we'll all be praying for you ok... hugs!

oh and i dont know the gender yet! friday ni scan harap harap dapat tahu gender! but once i find out i'll let you guys know ok heehee..

athlete, tu ah! i also thinking... PERMISSION? haiyah lain hari suah.. ahahaha...

ok then this is where the story makin interesting... i told her my reasons for not going la.. i talk to her nicely.. abeh dia cakap ape tau... SINCE U PREGNANT U SENSITIVE AH.

omg. aku nak cakap ajer "never tell a pregnant woman she's sensitive, lest u want to die la". alamak geram sey... terus i tell her ok la.. errr all the best...dah tu ajer.. dont wanna say anymore..

i may be more sensitive but all my friends feel the same way as well so they can't be more sensitive la kan.. pasal they're men and they're not pregnant.. and then bcos i am pregnant la aku taknak gaduh so lantak kau la anak. nanti chalet takde orang datang enjoy ah the two of you lol.
your calm response to her is v good.
shows her that you're actually NOT sensitive!
bottomline, why should you be unhappy at the expense of others?
btw, im sure yall heard/read all the uproar (pardon the pun!) over the "US tiger mom"?
all these om puteh shld come here.
our jungle is full of them!
wah honestly i just heard about the tiger mom and i went to google and omg. GARANG man. hahah

athelete, yeah man.. down here so many of the tiger moms pushing and pushing their kids heehee... its not wrong... like what nora said.. to each his own heehee..but one thing's definite... different cultures different parenting styles... like asians tend to lean more towards spanking and all.. westerners believe in small little rectangular carpets called time out.
Hola.. back from NUH. Alhamdullilah.. everything is ok. BUT !! Guess what.. due to the stomach pain and diarrhea, (this is what doc said) She said that due to the electrolytes...blah blah blah...the baby is now turn in an upright position. Now the baby is breech ! Arrrgh.. dah cantik2 budak nie dah ready in position for delivery, dia boleh pergi main pusing2 plak.. hmph! Now i just hope that the baby will turn in time. Insyallah...

And the moment i did the CTG scan, my baby moved around like crazy..Non stop hit seh.. Doc ckp i got cheeky baby.. aisey bedah.. but now, i dah relax sikit lah knowing everything is ok.
Athlete, i guess it is true. Cos selalu baby dah terbalik and his kicking is on my upper tummy.. so mcm kena my rusuk then my the kick is harder. Rupa-rupanya, baby dah breech position, so not much movement. Patutlah aku panic...

I just spoke to my mum abt the maid incident on Sat and Sun. My mum ckp "Dia nie memang degil". So what?! I got to understand that she is degil and live with it? From now onwards, i am going to lock my room cos she MEMANDAI-MANDAI rearrange everything. Aku dgn perut dah penat2, put everything nicely in place, and she go and move everything. Belo seh.
wati yayyyy everything is ok! phew! dont worry i doakan that the baby will pusing balik ok... heeehee cheeky baby boy! oh yah have u planned a name???
Isabella, nama baby dah pilih. Will be the same as my dotter name. Short. very short. Like 4 letter short.. LOL. My dotter is MAYA. Tapi i got a few choices cuma belumd decide. Kena tgk muka baby dulu. Hehehe.
Syukur Alhamdullilah ur baby is well..Insya Allah he'll be back into position by the time he's ready to see the world..

wah name 4 letter word sehh..k lets all teka ehh??

1. Baya
2. Alif
3. Amin

start dari M ke? kasi ahh clue sikit..hihihi

alhamdullilah baby ok
kaupun jgn phobia sangat la ngan pils
mebe its also in ur mind so strong that it manifest itself

name boy four letters

Baya name ke?? first time aku dengar

i can only think of

1. Adam
Nora.. you're right.. LOL.

PILS : Im not paranoid. I know they dun like me. Did i tell you, dari dorang pergi haji, whenever they call to my HB.. tak pernah pun tanyer khabar i sihat ker tak..until now aku dah 8 mths, takder sekali pun tanyer when im due or how am i. Last week we went over, dorang sibuk tanyer my HB whether JULY nanti can go to their house and paint their hall ?! Phui !

So whatever it is, kalau dorang tak nk berbual dgn aku, aku lagi suka ! Just don't create rumours about me. I am not going to help them when they need $$.. no more liao.. Game over !
3rd one kalau ada rezeki, memang aku nk girl.. heheh..nama maybe shorter.. "You" ker "Oi" ker "Gal" ker "Swit" ker.. lol
So whatever it is, kalau dorang tak nk berbual dgn aku, aku lagi suka ! Just don't create rumours about me. I am not going to help them when they need $$.. no more liao.. Game over !

I'm goin thru this shit again! ATM BERGERAK!! Its so diff to say no, mil sounded so pitiful..! walaupon aku tahu ni drama, i still got taken in!
Kak Notty...dun they all sound PITIFUL all the time kan.. haiz.

For my case, nasib baik mata aku tajam. Recently saw my MIL wearing new gold bangles. Ada 2 tebal. So aku tunggu kalau dorang mintak, i will tell them to gie hantar gelang masuk jail.

Another story, the other day, 1 of my HB auntie (Janda anak 2..anak dah besar lah kan..) called to ask my HB to jadi GUARANTOR cos she want to buy house. Aku terus ckp NO !! Cos i knew my MIL is the one yg suruh this auntie call him.
tu guarantor rumah..aku penah kena sound jadi guarantor legal money lender! arrr..aku mati2 tak nak tolong...pastu di lable menantu tak bagus cannot help when they in need.
Ye lah. Gaji HB i kalau besar ok jugak. If anything happen, mati kita anak beranak. And Auntie nie yg dulu pinjam $100 cos my MIL recommended me, pun tak bayar2.. but my HB ckp NO. So i think he also tak berani.

Best Menantu ? I think if my MIL kasi i free pun i tak nak. Puji ada makna tau...Ada pergi ada balik oi.
