woooo...miss zam2 murtabak...
dulu werk at lavender st...sonang je makan...
tapau pon senang....park tepi kedai je dah dapat...

Nasib i tak fav murtabak bcos of the bawang overloaded. Hehehe... Nor.. enjoy your murtabak !

SD, tu lah.. last time my wedding.. ada a few sedara from KL, my dad jemput lah. Cos jemput setakat jemput as courtesy..then dorang satu family ramai2 nak dtg tau.. naik train from KL. Then a few peeps.. passport dah mintak my dad sponsor to renew the passport so that thy can attend the wedding.. haiz.. then my dad sponsor lah some..and we even charter bus to pick them up from the train station and we have to find for them places to stay.. mcm organize them to sleep at some sedara house..Bila balik, kita kasi duit tambang..
tat's really terok lor.
But then actually kalau ikot betul2, that's
really the right thing to do since they don't have $ but want to fulfil an invitation - i guess it means
yr dad is really a very hospitable person.
Bapak aku muka ajer step reebok. Tapi dlm hati ada taman...

I baru habis lunch Nasi Lemak. Today ordering KFC for dinner cos my mum feels like eating it. Today feels so like FRIDAY.. so tomorrow langsung takder mood nk kerja.. just come and let the time pass.
took the morning off cos my boy sakit semalam.
but today seems ok, back to normal.

skrg tgh makaan lontong kering w limpa, sambal goreng kacang and sambal tumis ikan.

was reading thru the thread earlier, whats the joke abt hisap rokok tepi tong sampah??
Hello Bella

I just had nasi goreng

me also no mood to work...hb dah cuti till end of the yr...
today he bring my boys to Masai again...
lepas tu gi Giant...
wa bonda nasi lemak.. bestnyer.. u know, i havent been eating much for the past few days.. no appetite.. no energy... a bit here and there ok la.. yesterday night makan half a zinger burger pun muntah... in the end makan 1 slice of bread to alas perut..

i want the feeling of lethergic to go awayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... heehee... besok gi kl hopefully in a better state and mood.. and i still havent packed lol...
hi dan!

hope u enjoyed ur nasi goreng..

wa semua dah ambil cuti.. my husband never take any leave at all sey.. he's working harder and longer hours instead lol.. besok he work half day then i finally have him all to myself until monday... cos he hasnt had a single off day for 3 weeks what with work and school on the weekends..
Your little one sure recovered fast. That's good, alhamdulillah. As long as no fever, it's not so worrying ...

bagus nye yr hb. My tempat kerja, susah seh nak amik cuti sampai end of the yr kind. Unless agaknye I dah sampai retirement age...cuti sampai akhir tahun sebab nak clear leave.
yeah, I'm in today. Actually i was thinking of working from home, but i came to office at about 10 am. I aim to get a report done by today. Kalau kat rumah, I'll be too bz with the kids.
Entah lah si small A tu, so sticky to me like glue seh if I'm at home. I usually have to cook etc with her perched on one arm. Lenguh ni.

But good lor, my place, I think even if we clear leave to avoid forfeit, kerja pon tak stop. In fact ramai my colleagues buat kerja walaupon on leave. Clear leave, tapi selalu timbol at work, or suddenly ada email sent from home.
My boy also v sticky and whiny when I'm around.
He'll refuse everyone else's attention, even my HB.
So tiring kan...

Next week, cuti panjang pegi M'sia?

Sigh, envy those going on leave.
Me sekarang dah tinggal 2 hari aje.
Worse, since I'm contract, my year offically ends Feb 28 2011, not Dec 31 2010...
Yes, trip to Seremban cancelled so....balik kampung ooohh ooohhh balik kampung to MIL hse.

If not raining one of the day might going to Gunung Ledang mandi air terjun...
Oh no, u have to tahan for another 2 months.
Haiz...takpe hang in there...pray all will be blessed with good health & so tak payah amik leave sangat. Worse come to worse, NPL lor.

Wow... jawuhnye ke Gunung Ledang!

Oh, would anyone have a contact who makes mini fruit tartlets at reasonable price? Someone in the east. Thanks.
suker nah u order mini fruit tartlets eh

glad ur boy is ok now
mesti mak dia yg penat lebih

good luck with the buat chocolate this weekend
i must tell u the photos of that choc making class were highlarious.. hehehhe

u know i was at the airport when i saw the pic 'terperangkap'
i terus sms si mangsa to interbiu her .. hahahahhah

*tengok kiri kanan* dia takde sini .. heheheh
SD, yes.. the simplydelights my sis-in-law pernah amik. Sedap jugak. Kalau brownies.. please amik Notty punyer... sedap giler !
lol...tak pernah seh in the end..

Thanks, I think I pernah email to that person tapi dia terus tak reply...wonder why.
Hmm, that time when i emailed her she replied quite fast jugak.
You tahu tak maslina cake shop pat kaki bukit?
Think they have mini fruit tarts also.
Try calling them?

hhaha, that was really, unfortunately, v funny!
I scrolled to the archive to read about this tong sampah thing. Kelakar. nasib tak ketawa terbahak2.

Okay, thanks! I'll see if I can get them.
Semua orang dah balik ke?

Wow, I dont know WMF but oooh.better something than none.. hahaha tu mahal tak?
Anyway, I found this online fruit tartlet seller who was really really rude! he's malay I'm sure. It's really embarrasing, his attitude.
WMF is like "branded" (to me at least!) crockery.
Their pots n pans are the heavy, sturdy kind.

Ooh, jual fruit tart pun boleh attitude?
I hope you're not ordering from him!
I didn't. He was pissed as I told him prima deli's cheese tarts were cheaper than his. he replied, "Hahaha, I used to work in Prima Deli as a baker. I think you'd better order from them".
Wow. So rude!
Anyway I replied only this, "Tolak rezeki seh"

No wonder the chinese businesses are flourishing while the malay ones are still stuck in the same spot.

I dah contact Judy fm Kaplan..will let u know if I need ur advise ya..

Athlete, Cip
thanks for recommending my brownies eh...tak sia2 dpt kwn mcm korang heeee...

U nak fruit tarts for when? u can try add Orked Zuraidah in FB. She at tampines, selling 50sen each tak salah
Zam Zam - ekcerli (pinjam lina's dictionary) I prefer Victory's murtabak.. cos over the year ZZ dah slack ah.. and also probably influenced by my late dad's choice of murtabak too.. he will order the $12 murtabak - super thick and double eggs/ meat and all.. goooood stuff!
darn, now i'm salivating again, padahal baru makan smalam seh.. tsk tsk!

notty, I spoke to Judy too when I enquired about my studies.. ok ok you buzz me if you need any other info.
today I tak masak lunch.. going for massage later so I got my helper to make bagedil and sup ayam for the girls.
Nanti balik i'll cook dinner - mee goreng basah
massage basah LOL!....

semua tgh holidaylah kite 3 beranak ajerlah...

how was ur choc thing? jadik buat...

nor..ade sengkak sekali tak?
Lina, yup yup the whole process incl sengkak..
I just finished.. feels so nak terbang balik

massage basah - boleh dipertimbangkan utk sesi mlm!
