w'sallam nshahi.

joey frm friends pun pernah head stuck in turkey...

i pernah try the roast turkey frm canadian pizza.
was nice.
<font color="0000ff">W'salam Yasminy
lamanyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa u menghilang.. ingat dah tak nak "geng" kita kat sini lagi.. hehehhe</font>
<font color="0000ff">Yasminy
dlm senyap u dah ada no.2...!! bestnya dah ada 1gerl and 1boy..

btw how old is ur gerl now??</font>
2nd preg stress betol coz company last min cari replacement, 1st is 2 yrs old (30 nov 07)

thank u, alhamdulillah, all is fine.. now dont feel like returning to work next yr.. isk.

taking full 4 mths ML ke?
kalau dah ML sure malas nak keje

but bile tengok bank acct.. reality check...
<font color="0000ff">Nora, yasminy
tak payah tunggu 4mth.. dat time i take 2mth pun dah malas nak datang balik keje..
dah lemak sedap duduk rumah tenung muka anak..!!

klu berat sgt nak come back to werk, ikut petua nora.. tenung bank book acct.. LOL</font>
congrats to yasmin!

alamak, nora dah mention back acct...
reminds me of mine, slowly depleting...

feel like looking going back to work full time to fill it back in quickly...

but dunno if i can take it...
even with working flexi,dah rasa penat nya.
really salute all you ftwm....
bagus kan kalau gahmen kasi mommies duit....every mth....if mommies cukupkan quota n mommies need not work...hihiihihii
congrats yasmin...

yahh...i dah start tenung bank bk i skang...hehehehe...kekadang ada terpikir nak dok umah , tak nak werk pasal slalu windu anak jerrr....but the lil bit of help to hubby seems to be comforting hubby..n he says i rajin to dress up more also since werking...kekekekeke...

ps: my werkplace seems to be short of manpower...saper saper carik pt/ft job pi lah email my sup ehh....
i gave the email here kan dat time..
<font color="119911">
gd idea tu.. bagus sgt makin merajinkan kita berkerja keras kan

congrats girl

ada pt gak eh? tp hmm if pt firm shift ke depend eh? cam nak cari kerja lebih je ah</font>

at least u got push factor to go to werk kan

yep yep i kalau kat rumah tu mcm achi rempah.. hahahha
but i am lazy la and comfort is veri important to me .. hehheheh

ada pt...u can just send the email lah..try n apply for communication agent pt...the pay every wk masuk bank..

yasmin..keje kat hotel..jaga/pasang tepon....hehehe

smalam sampai keje kol 6pagi jer dah kena jadi contractor...bukak kasut dok kat lantai pasang phone line n wire...terus mata terbukak...dah tak ngantuk..wakakakaka

meh meh kite bukak mini childcare pat wdlands ihihiihi

aku nie 50-50....sekajap nak work...sekejap nak jadi SAHM...tapi like nora said...tgk bank book...aku sewammmmmmmm
you know in some other countries, SAHMs dapat allowance frm govt.
and if you're looking after elderly or sick parents/siblings you also get another type of allowance.

but of cos if you're working full-time your income tax is high, cos your tax $$ goes to all these schemes lah...
good and costly .. leonard drake (personal experiance been with them since i start work)

cheap and ok ok.. i myself tengah carik

yep masuk watson or gurdian.. hah .. berkotak kotak chocs

and i cant resist cardbury milk tray yg purple box tu
<font color="119911">anyway talking abt xmas

mana ada roast beef yg halal &amp; sedap eh?
till wen is e order?
delifrance nya kecik ah tak syiok.. swensens nya tak pernah try, selalu order thru GIANT bt entah tak nampak plak this time dorang ada ke tak?
NTUC nya lum pernah try or mayb termiss on e halal ones tak?</font>
<font color="119911">NAw
GIANT mmg selalu ada we selalu order from GIANT je bt entah lately tak nampak plak e order form? NTUC i tink lately or last yr je kita ternampak halalnya bt we didnt try ah u selalu buy from where?</font>
<font color="119911">Oh.. hehe so tu yg u tanya eh? e xmas party meal or deal? or dinner tu? hehe
tp kan yg sedih &amp; boringnya makin lama makin kecik &amp; kecut daging2nya hehe bt seriously sedap ah sis.. from GIANT ah sal selalu order sana je</font>
<font color="0000ff"><font size="+2">Morning Morning..!!!</font>

apa stories nari??</font>
<font color="0000ff">takde stories ke?? meh aku bukak cerita..

<font color="ff0000">Berita Harian 9 Dec</font>

Tiga cuba selamatkan adik tapi turut lemas

MUADZAM SHAH (Pahang): Empat beradik meninggal dunia dalam kejadian menyayatkan apabila tiga daripada mereka lemas ketika cuba menyelamatkan adik mereka yang terjatuh ke dalam terusan di Ladang Kelapa Sawit Kota Bahagia di sini, kelmarin.

Dalam kejadian pada 2 petang itu, Muhammad Syukri Md Shamsuri dan Norsyafiqah - kedua-duanya berusia 15 tahun, serta Muhammad Syafiq, 12 tahun, dikatakan nekad terjun ke dalam terusan itu tetapi ketiga-tiganya turut lemas bersama adik mereka, Norsyakirah, lapan tahun.

Ketua Bahagian Ketenteraman Awam Ibu Pejabat Polis Daerah Rompin, Ketua Inspektor Abdul Rahman Abdul Jalil, berkata empat beradik itu serta dua lagi kembar berusia enam tahun, Nor Ain Syahirah dan Nor Ain Syariah, mengikuti ibu bapa mereka, Encik Md Shamsuri Maulana, 46 tahun, dan Cik Saeyah Mohd Noor, 38 tahun, ke terusan berkenaan untuk memancing dan berkelah sempena cuti sekolah.

Bagaimanapun, empat beradik itu memaklumkan mahu memancing dan mandi di kawasan berhampiran.

'Sebaik sampai di kawasan terbabit, Norsyakirah dipercayai tergelincir ke dalam terusan sedalam tujuh meter menyebabkan yang lain terjun bagi menyelamatkannya.

'Pada masa yang sama, bapa mangsa tergerak untuk melihat anak-anaknya yang berada agak jauh tetapi menjumpai joran serta selipar sebelum terlihat kelibat tangan mangsa terkapai-kapai di permukaan terusan berkenaan,' kata Encik Abdul Rahman.

Bapa mangsa segera terjun ke dalam terusan itu bagi menyelamatkan anak-anaknya, tetapi terpaksa naik semula selepas beliau sendiri hampir lemas.

Beliau kemudian berlari ke arah jalan besar, kira-kira 100 meter dari tempat kejadian, dan menahan sebuah kenderaan bagi meminta bantuan menghubungi pasukan bomba dan penyelamat.

Anggota penyelamat mengambil masa dua jam untuk mencari mayat mangsa yang ditemui di dasar terusan itu.

'Saya mengambil kesempatan cuti hari ini (kelmarin) untuk membawa keluarga berkelah sambil memancing kerana sebelum ini tiada masa berbuat demikian disebabkan sibuk dengan tugas sebagai pengawal keselamatan di sebuah ladang.

'Saya tak sangka hasrat membawa keluarga berkelah sempena cuti sekolah untuk merapatkan hubungan keluarga berakhir tragedi apabila empat anak saya meninggal dunia serentak,' kata bapa mangsa, Encik Md Shamsuri. -- BHM, Harian Metro.

morning lina &amp; lynn...
just a quick peek in here before i have to go off to work...and to rant a bit...

my boy jatuh yesterday.
he's at the stage of trying to stand-up, and i guess he lost his balance, and fell on the side of his head.
Of cos he cried, and then i checked, but no "benjul", or blue black.
he had his afternoon milk feed, napped and after that he was ok, active as per normal.
but at night around 7+, after i gave him his last nite feed, he muntah.
but he was fine, not crying or cranky,
and he slept after 1 hr of playing.
my hb was on nite shift.
i called the kkh nurse, and the nurse said vomit once is ok, and to just observe his behaviour etc....
tdy he's at my mum's who is now vv angry with me pasal "tak tahu jaga anak betul-betul"....
i told her to observe him, just in case aje, she got angry again...
"kan dah buat orang risau!"

ok, rant over...

u gals have a great day tdy.
i'll try to log in during lunch...
Morning lovely ladies,

I might be leaving my job with the present company - problem is the travelling distance and journey time (getting frequent headaches when taking public transport)........
hi cik nab.... !!!!!

oh ni yg u post part fb abt making ur mind abt eh

i thot of asking kat fb but... takut too personal

tak per lah cik nab, u take a rest la

memang jauh kan ur current workplace

<font color="0000ff">Morning athlete, mamaliz, cik nab, nora

it ok.. lepas kan je, u would feel better after dat..

btw pasal budak jatuh ni memang perkara biasa..
my boy had his first fall when he was only 2mth old.. jatuh katil.. can u imagine how i felt dat time???
and i dont tell anyone only me/hb neos and we observe closely but i still felt uneasy..
i bring him to KKH for further checkup at nite..
they keep him under observation for 4hrs and give him somethinginotsurewhat look like syrup and monitor any vomiting etc..
alhamdullilah, takde apa2..

if i tell MIL, for sure kena membebel.. hehehe</font>
