<font color="0077aa">alo! i lunched rice. now waiting for KOI delivery. satu opis dah obsessed, sampai sanggup call in to order :p\

can naqi appreciate upin &amp; ipin? I pernah tunjukkan adam on youtube and he looked at the show, eyes big big...hehee. But i like the show, coz cakap melayu kan? good to show kids instead of asik tengok citer orang putih aje.

If i were you, i tak tunggu 2 weeks. I'll test asap, hehe. R u planning for a baby?
yup2 he is a fan of them...
when ever masuk my tv room he will lead us to da TV "pin pin"...then kita tahu lah dia nak tengok upin ipin....kalau he say ...arney arney...hah barney lah tu dia nak tengok...
N da best part is...bila sampai part Opah pekik...he will also pekik..
Afternoon ladies,

Wow the thread is too long to read - missed logging in yesterday, went outing with my eldest girl, my sis and her 2 daughters whole day.
<font color="0000ff">Halooo i'm back..

dat koi bubble tea ada provide delivery? bestnya..!

Upin &amp; Ipin
sgt lah cute.. geram pulak dgr diorg cakap "betul betul betul".. but leceh aahh nak kasi naufal tgk kat youtube.. nak beli vcd, sampai skg tak terbeli beli...

i pun not sure whether naufal minat upin&amp;ipin ke tidak.. cos selalu tgk sekejap je.

but for now naufal fave cartoon.. Dibo, Pokoyo, wordworld and dany&amp;daddy.. </font>
Mika suka imitate some dialogue..

Cucu Opah, malassss.... asyik main2 ajer...

once, mika said to me, with the tone and all...
"Mamaaa, malasssss.... tak solat!"
Kong asam nyer budak.... padahal mama dia redlite
Afternoon Mas..


We still have not collected the Gain IQ because can do so only at night - have to wait for hub or son-in-law to go because its at Telok Blangah Heights. Do you mind to wait a few more days?
<font color="0000ff">Afternoon cik nab

u TTC ke? ikut mcm nora cakap "buy a diff brand testing kit to test again"

klu i lambat kan, i nvr wait for 1wk pun.. rimas ahh nak tunggu2 and mcm guessing game pulak..!</font>



"Mamaaa, malasssss.... tak solat!" - bijak nya your son

Wah I see that you all are planning another makan session ~~
<font color="119911">Slynn
lau nak skg e bag bleh saja dong..
sila pi ke pasar Bukit Gombak disana ada tergantung2 sila pilih ye..
lau nak lain stock ah tg ah wen me or mas pi jb</font>
<font color="119911">Slynn
alamak ku tak tau plak eh ori ke tak? cuma check baarcodes ah cam cita cicakman?
or if u tul nak, size cana? can try ask MIL to get if she happens to go out any of this days</font>
<font color="0000ff">Smalldream
dat time when i'm trying for naufal.. i pakai ovulation strip.. tapi i beli watson, so ex!! if i'm not mistaken.. 7pcs ard $70plus..!
Ok ladies,

Nak log off pasal mata dah ngantuk baru balik dari kelas "Hawa Emas" at PPIS - free session for 10 weeks for ladies every Wed from 9.30 to 12.00 noon.

Ada syarahan by Ustaz and Ustazah, motivation talks by counsellors and so on. But the best part is before start of class there is half-hour aerobics by qualified instructor for warming up.
<font color="0000ff">Naqi, Shahlynn
anak2 takde apa2.. mak2nya pulak yg over ehh klu boleh semua nak beli... hehehe</font>
Hello mums. My boys and I love Upin and Ipin too. Got the 3 DVDs but right now dah rosak sikit, my boys buat main. Bought them the exact replica of baju Upin and Ipin (the yellow and blue singlet with I and U in front) in KL time Tour de Langkawi tapi sayang, my husband beli a tad too small. The boys dapat pakai sekejap ajer. There's a picture of them in those outfit in my facebook. Kat SG, I ada nampak kat kedai jamu/ kitab @Bt Gombak.

My headache now is where to become PV. It's time to choose a shcool for my boy.
Itu UPin set selling MYR $37.00....let me check it out kat toko warisan how much..

Coz aku nampak Toko warisan is S'pore Distributor
Okay, u go cek... and we'll see whether its cheaper to order direct from them or just buy off the shelves @ Toko Warisan...

the next makan session in town...
u joining us, kan?
<font color="119911">usually tshirt2 yg dijual oleh member flea market is $9.90 ea so is dat consider cheaper? might as well i ask them to take order for u Slynn..
also alternative u can go pasar bukit gombak &amp; check them out, i tink shld b ori lah.. no harm recce.. coz selain that toko warisan, stalls yg luar2 berderet Aliff pun ada</font>
ok aku cek....kalau da price more than S$20 then nor worth lah...Coz delivery semua should not be more than $20 ...

oh ok
