
if me i will
tunggu habis maternity
rugi u 4 mths...
during maternity can actively look and go interview
from now go polish ur cv

back from TKC.
punya ramai orang!
semua dah on leave agaknya.

of cos i ate the whole thing!
thanks to lina for the explaination: the 1st layer of the botol dah habis!

you beli beryani kat which stall?
my fave is the something like "mohammed ali kembangan" or something like that.
its sebelah the al-ameen stall.

if you think of quitting, definitely do it after maternity leave.
at least for your 3-4 months, gaji masok.

betol betol its the mohamed ali stall

i think its the same one as ustaz ali yg kat masjid... err tak ingat pulak now
Definitely i will do it after maternity. Kira 4 months tu bonus for all my hard work. Kat sini ckp jer ada jobscope, tapi benda ad-hoc byk... Kena multi-task. I mean.. every kena multi-task, tapi sini mcm melampau..

Extra stuffs i have to do other than job scope :
Design posters for exhibitions, office, reception area
Design wall mural for big big boss (so far 1 jer)
Design catalouges and brochures for company profile..

Besides the above, the norm is admin duties which include quotation, sales, shipment, invoicing, servicing... etc

Then attend to walk-in customers, buat kopi and tea...etc.

Byk tau.. i do feel used too..
Maybe you can talk to your boss ah.
List down your original job scope, and then all the extra stuff that you do.
And ask for a "consideration for increment/promotion"
Do it around the time of the annual appraisal, if your co. has one.
Ah, that stall memang sedap.

Niari tak tahu buka apa.
Mom baru telpon tak masak.

Semalam buka at my MIL's.
She made nasi ayam penyet.
Sedap, but because I was with my boy yg tak tahu diam, in the end makan sikit aje.
Sampai rumah, telpon abg mcd!
I mean dorang do make use of me, mentang2 lah aku nie ada flair for photoshop and design. They take advantage. Kalau dorang engage orang luar kan kena bayar mahal.. so make use of me lor. Then my other colleagues, dorang same job scope as me ok jer.. cuma dia tak pandai design and cannot communicate well with people, they just assign her to normal admin duties. Tapi gaji sama.. so tak fair kan..

I will definitely look forward to upgrade myself once aku dah lepas hari. Just to get some new certs. Kat sini,a few times dorang tanyer kita nak amik course apa so that they can do SDF funding.. haiz.. dah 3 tahun.. haram 1 course pun tarak.
back again...

'sib baik tdorang tak suruh kau bawak lorry...'
nak ketawa aku baca pat nie.
teringat citer crane zaman lampau.

aku rasa these family or brothers-owned biz are like dat
bonus ikut sedap ati nk kasi tknk,
at times gaji pun dtg lambat. benefits tk byk
org yg pandai ampu dpt naik. padahal tk qualified
aku work in 2 organization, and both mcm tu...

ok la aku nak byk bdk2 gi 'ming ming'
ciao bellas...
Athlete, i've been wanting to do that. Tapi pernah i hint hint with my boss last year dia buat dunno. Keep saying economic tak bagus lah apa lah.. but i think this year i will try again cos kita baru dpt appraisal forms.

Zu, you are right about everything. Mana yg pandai ampu, bukan main lagi naik pangkat dgn senang sekali..bonus sampai 3 - 4 bulan. Yg mana dorang tak berkenan, no 13 mth pay or increment lor.. Selalu category nie is melayu and indian workers.

mane mane pun gitu
yg pandai ampu.. maju

yg low profile.. haiz

self promotion is the ONLY way to promotion.. heheh
mas, pegi cuci muka, still have a few hours to go :s

cerita pagi tadi
nak story sikit, tadi pagi i was waiting for company transport pat 7-11 jurong point. then terperasan this chinese girl, budak sekolah pakai t-shirt sekolah lagi, umur dalam 13-14, masih anak lagi muka dia.
then she suddenly approached this Indian guy who happen to walk past. she ask him something and the guy said ok, then she passed him $12. the guy then conperm with her again what brand she want.
then the guy went in 7-11, the girl waited outside and peered nervously at the guy.
when they guy came out, he passed to her a packet of cigarette and the girl quickly blah. the guy also went to join his frens at the other end of the building.
tanpa si dua tu sedari, i telah menjadi spy and took a snapshot of their doings.. jeng jeng jeng!
i sent to STOMP and this afternoon, they emailed me to give them more details.

my question is: no person below 18 can buy cigarette, then authorised seller also must check the age of the buyer. then what about the person helping to buy cigarette for underage smokers? shouldn't they be fined too if caught?
i hope the government will do something about it.

Alamak, kesian lah i baca psl yr work situation.
But 500 staff, that's a big company.
Yeah, hang in there, make lots of doa you masih boleh tahan kerja kat situ sampai yr maternity leave habis. 4 mths - that's really precious.

Tapi merepek lah dorang ikut pilih2 abt bonus. Then again kat mana2 tempat pun gitu jugak. Kalau you shine & pandai promote diri sendiri, sure you get more $.

kalau I pun, I bingit seh 3 tahun tak dpt naik gaji. Dapat extra $50 pon better than nothing.

Hahaha, yes, the whole malay population is now at TKC & Bazaar geylang. Tadi I gi TPY, tukar $ baru, beli kasut kat Bata (tak glam seh) & belikan my son some new pants & baju. Baju budak kecik tu aje dah $70+ seh. haiz.

I think sekarang gahmen dah deploy ramai plainclothes officer tangkap sama tu budak2 kecik step nak jadi above 18. Tapi seriusly, ramai sangat lah..... it's really hard to contain already. I was thinking, maybe I shud work as one of those plainclothes officer. Confirm takde orang perasan I work for the authorities. Ingat makcik mana pakai tudung, sekali tu, muahahaha...hamik korang obat.
I bot 2 bottoms & 1 top - for $75!
Haiz. I wanted to buy from the neighbourhood shops, tu murah sikit, only $18 to $20, tapi I tak berkenan yang ada design tulis2/cartoon2.
Kalau beli thru spree mths ago, should be cheaper. Haiz.

Anaqi brapa pasang baju ada?

Think kita ni semua ngantok coz mood raya lah... just takde mood. I punya colleague, lelaki, lagi best, boleh pergi salon buat rambut.
Chet Nor,
Kau pun kira mcm aku jugak eh..i pun actually tak suka kalau orang break the law lagi2 budak pakai baju sekolah and do nonsense things. Kalau police tu boleh list down the most number of calls done by 1 person, that would be ME.. hehehe.. (Aku nie dulu perasaan nak jadi police) tapi makcik-makcik keypoh bawah block pun ok. Janji my neighbourhood aman damai. I kalau nampak strangers around my house floor jer, aku kejar tau. I will follow cos they dun live there. The more they see me, the more the run.. the more aku nak tahu what they are doing there. Kaypo is in my blood...


Anyway, pasal kerja.. entah lah. Memang dah tertulis nasib aku nk jadi kuli seumur hidup dgn boss2 mcm gini agaknya. Kalau dah takdir, akan ku terima seaadanya.. kalau dulu aku kerja dgn bapak aku pun cantik ah.. haiz. menyesal tak amik offer.
Wah, sempat you ambik gambar!
nanti kalau keluar pat STOMP, jgn lupa kasi link!

SD / Mas,
yup baju budak lebigh mahal i find.
yesderday, pegi FOx belikan my boy seluar aje dah $33.90.

Can I ask all you experienced mummies here?
My son is 19 mths, usually poops abt 1-2 x a day.
But the past few days, frequency increase to 3- 4 x.
On the 1st day. the poop is watery.
Then subseqently, dah tak sangat, just a bit soft.
Do I need to bring him to dr?
Other than that, he's feeding and behaving normally and not cranky.
Athlete, just give him more air suam to drink. Weather is so hot lah these few days ! Budak2 yg jadi mangsa. My daughter kerap kena bibir kering.. sebab kurang minum air.. padahal badan dia bulat penuh air.

Last Sat, i pergi urut dgn my frequent makcik cos pinggang aku sakit giler..Maya tagged along. So right after my urut, Maya ask me "Mummy feel better?" aku ckp, "Yes".. terus dia baring kat tikar tu and tepuk-tepuk perut cakap, "Nenek urut, perut banyak angin".. ya allah..aku terus speechless.. dah lah makcik tu penat urut si badak sumbu nie, dah nak kena urut budak kecik nie plak.. tapi makcik tu ketawa and terus ask Maya.. ok.. bukak seluar and baju.. dah anak aku tinggal dgn pampers.. makcik tu pun urut dia satu badan.. dah habis jer.. Maya terus ckp, "Kakak is faster" terus dia buat happy feet.. konon2 kaki dia dah kena urut dah jadi stronger lah tu..
mas, sempat eh mengunyah asam asin!

pe'ah, yah lah there is just too many of these law benders.. muka decent nonsense abis tau that girl.. i hope she gets caught soon, bukan apa, kesian her future down becos of cigarette.

wati, apa cerita nya kau main kejar-kejar ngan strangers? ntah dia antar girlfren balik rumah ke, tak bersalah orang tu kau kejar! hahah!

athlete, thats the beauty of iphone - no flash, no sound, can take pic w/o being noticed. anyway the 2 were too engrossed in their transaction to notice me. maybe they think i was playing games apps with my iphone!

wati again - your makcik urut do house call eh? how much she charge? can share?
athlete, better to monitor closely cos kids kalau lost fluids banyak sgt nanti they suddenly become very weak, maybe not in the earlier stage.
what wati said is right, give more water and kalau masih cam tu go doc to check, dah nak Raya ni nanti byk minum/ makan dan keluar beraya, last thing you want is a sick child. (jauhkan lah eh)
Maya nie mcm have her own mind. Aku nie bukan bangga but sometime i can have heart to heart talk with her like adult.. Dia pun angguk2 mcm paham jer.. LOL. But takper lah. Janji ada orang nk dgr luahan hati ku. Tapi kan these few days, dia asyik nak tido dgn my mum tau.. She tak nak dgn i.. Izzit bcos im preggy with number 2 ? My mum ckp, the baby inside me is growing, jadi Maya and me mcm 'panas'.. so now everyday dia nangis nak tido rumah nenek dia..

Nor, makcik nie does housecalls too. tapi i think she charges $50 per trip. Tapi dia tinggal Redhill, so sometimes bila i free, i make appointment with her. Aku nie badan mcm badak.. so once she seen my sexy body, i do not want another makcik to see it too.. hehehe.. cukup lah satu orang tgk badan ku yg so the fugly.

Mas, aku pun kunyah asam masin just to keep awake. Then satu kepala bau minyak cap kapak..
Lina, kau nak aku jadi neighbour.. heheh..
Cos kau nak feel safe eh.. ?

Tadi ada orang call my line and said, "Hello, is this Metro Sengkang?" Apa hal siak.. Aku kat hujung dunia Tuas dia ckp Metro plak.. Padahal company buat mesin.. Siao ah tu olang..
orang tua2 cakap maybe kalau anak kite e.g. popan tak nak ngan kite maknanya baby girl...
ntah iyer ntah tidak donch know...

i dun believe in 'panas'....

semua kadang2 bila kite stress\unhappy we give out a certain cemistry...

it can make the 'positive' p-ple feel the negative energy n cam tak nak dekat
Lina, aku sembarang.. makcik kat sebelah rumah aku pun kaypoh.. so we update each other..Alamak.. am i getting another girl ? Yahoo!! Suka.. api kalau boy pun alhamdullilah.. ada jugak teman for my hubby.

Nor,aku main kejar-kejar dgn orang tu. Orang kalau tak salah asal nk lari.. betul tak.. pernah aku nampak this malay guy tgh standing near my neighbours bicycle. Then bila aku pekik "Oi!".. member terus lari.. aku kejar lah. Terus nampak dia sembunyi kat tingkat 16.. terus aku "Oi!" lagi.. hehe.. member kelam kabut..
nor orang tue2 cakap jalan kena terus jgn melencong tempat lain hihihi...

ur helper balik 2 weeks datang balik or u choose a new one?
i just ordered online from pizza hut.. kalau ada kfc pon ok sangat eh..

wah sambal udang!! feverit!! lagi dgn telur si burung!! mak mertua jalan tepi pon tak kuasa nak tengok! hahahaha!
lina, my helper nak sambung lagi 2 years with me, so dia kira cuti berbayar for 2 weeks.. mem dia yg cuti tak berbayar!
Athlete.. entahlah.. Tu kan mcm pantun. aku main hembus jer.. LOL.

Let's do something crazy.. since kita chat kat sini tak nampak muka, mari aku letak gambar aku kat ofis eh.. jap eh..
Athlete, kat sini kalau aku sebut buah.. semua hidup.. kalau aku citer kisah sedih hidup ku.. semua action tak baca.. LOL...
*mengucap - astrafirullahalazim astrafirullahalazim*

mane lah org kat blok cip tu all tak lari

amponnnnnn... Cip....

wakakaka sempat si cip....

athelete errrr i tak tahu...

selain dari buah bidara
ade jugak dengar
buah ladong

kalau ade susu cap gantung
buah cap gantung pon ade...

ok dah...tak leh lebih2...
