Shahlynn, lynzi
I was doing some marketing kat geylang serai the other day, nampak daun turi banyak seh. teringat korang.

k lah, going out to east coast now. mendung pun mendung lah, at least adam gets to burn off some energy. good news for me too when he naps well in the afternoon...hehe

<font color="119911">San
i tink btr u send her back jelah.. senang &amp; amik sm1 new as u still got few mths to go b4 u stay in sbwg put kan? jadi tak pening kan pala u.. mmg yg baru nanti masalah lain, bt as for dekni dah pernah kerja dah pandai demand sbb tu me mmg taku suka amik yg ex Sin or yg trf.. mmg byk plans up their sleeve, anyway this is my POV je.. as for mine will b sending back to agency soon.. tak bleh angkat dgn kebingiannya</font>
<font color="119911">Slynn
1 of my burner pun dah rosak u.. n e big main api lagi.. it was done by my previous maid, entah cana dia lap pi buka dlm smua..?? heran tul.. so wen i pakai one of the time ada bau terbakar or wire terbakar rupanya its e wiring dlm tu terbakar seh.. takut tau, so now mmg menguji kesabaran seh.. my other 3 burner lembab betul..</font>
She testing "too much water" liao. This time you give her. next time another issue again to test "water" tak finish finish seh. She have to understand that she is working for different employer. If she want leave, as her sister to recommand her to work for Ang Moh la...
<font color="0000ff">Quote *i rather take a new one....
if i take her, agaknya nanti i jadi cam u.... hari2 i kena berbual pasal dia kat sini... *

betul betul betul..!

if i were u.. i just let her go and take fresh one.. no matter how good she is..!

kita yg berkeje ni already had enough prob, mana nak layan anak, hb, rumah, workplace.. dat why we need helper.. tapi klu helper kita sendiri kasi byk sgt prob... tink would be better w/o her..

tak penat ke hari2 nak kena kasi instruction, tink abt her, layan kerena dia?? </font>
at least u still got 3 burners.
now i'm left with 1.
i'm sooo used to multi tasking @ using both at the same time...
but now, with just one.... aiseymannnnn....
I have a firend need a Malay tuition teacher very urgently. Her daughter basically, don't know Malay. Even my firend also don't speak Malay at home too. She is now very worry on her daughter now. Her daughter is in Pri 5.
Do you have any recommandation?
<font color="119911">Slynn
yelah ada 3 burner girl, tp 1 je yg mdm lagi dua tu haiz.. nak rebus daging menyirap darah noh..
so kkdg nak cepat kan tawakal je seh kai yg rosak tu.. bila start bau je matikan api hehe..</font>
<font color="000000">San
oic..ur aunt hub relative ckp she ever bought the same in JB and cant remember where..

Just an opinion, sebaiknya u jgn recommend this maid lahh to the ladies we have been listening to ur story, kesian kan sesape yg takes over you...I sarankan u hantar dia balik aje...or transfer her out to outsiders........

workwise - can be trained, but attitude difficult to change</font>
carik maid nie pun, macam tenok rumah jugak...
nasib baik, view 1st house ajer, dah berkenan.
terus deal. nasib baik, kena view 20 rumah, baru dapat.

nasib baik, 1st maid, punyerlah bagus...
nasib tak baik, problem one after another....

*cant imagine if maid start to watch Playhouse Disney, while Mika mop rumah! hahahhahah
<font color="aa00aa">mira,
i recommend myself if she lives in wdlds..hehe..
just curious, how come she is in p5 adn taking malay and yet she doesnt know a single malay?</font>
speaking of Playhouse Disney,
anyone knows how to send in Mika's photo for the Disney Birthday Wish?

Mika been asking, "apsal gambar Mika takder?"
my answer, "Dorang tak kenal Mika!" jahat seh, mamanyer!
<font color="aa00aa">slynn,
u try go to the website and see.
that time playhouse disney ada competition and the prize is to get to travel to Universal Studios Aust so i asked my then pupils to enter..hehehe</font>
*starts singing..... beginilah nasib diriku yg malang, takder orang layan.....*

*masukkan kain baju dlm kain batik, gantung hujung kayu..... jalan ikut railway track*
<font color="ff0000">Playhouse Disney

My gal also hantu dat channel, if i blocked her view mesti she pekik..or try herself to move one side to watch
morning dan...

**masukkan kain baju dlm kain batik, gantung hujung kayu..... jalan ikut railway track***...
shahlynn, jalan kaki ayam k
Can can. If you want to take her. My friend stay in my aread 400+. How much you charge?
Understand from my friend that she don't like Malay. I'm not sure does she know a single malay. But my friend said she cannot speak well also. Baiscally, their family don't speak Malay Language at home. You want to try? Lynzi.
My friend worried that she cannot make it for her PSLE next year. Therefore wanted to start Tuition now to prepare her for next year.
<font color="aa00aa">mira,
i was a EMS teacher for 2 years when i first entered.
then i switch over to teach mother tongue for the next 3 years before i resigned.
what race is your fren?</font>
<font color="ff6000">I can pretty understand the woes here. Let's see what she wana say by end of Fri.
My parents will be in this picture.

If she's fine w/o off day, we'll con't her. Mayb, by October...we'll change to a fresh maid. It'll be just nice if she were to arrive by December.</font>
My kids are missing ther daily dosage of Playhouse Disney cos my grandma's house takde this channel. I love the channel too. Very interactive.

Mas, rumah belum settle cos the one at Blk 136 yang I berkenan sangat dah sold. Sedih. This current one is nearer the mosque.
Alamak, Malay lah. Both husband and wife malay and both are Graduate if I'm not wrong. Her elder daughter in Sec 3 also have the same problem but better than the younger one.
Lynzi, planning to move by Nov/Dec once my work here is done and the kids finish their school term. So more time to do reno. Planning to coordinate everything ourselves and go direct to suppliers to save cost cos we basically know what we want.
{Planning to coordinate everything ourselves and go direct to suppliers to save cost cos we basically know what we want.}

have fun...

i think u better jgn ambik dia...

1. Due to ur MIL
2. due to the maid herself....

she is also 'peramah' with the guys....

shahlynn tengah pakai her sd bunga bunga so tak yah pack

Doa kan the best for u and your family gerl.. but i can understand the anxiety.
Kalau I pun i bo-chap attitude...
<font color="119911">ada ni.. baru bersin2 seh sekali hembus ah kau make up dust gue punya byk cana.. tak bersin2 hehe</font>
I dunno the weather here yet, belom pegi toilet.

But so so hungry today.. half more hr to lunch time. Nak beli sop ayam today *kenyit mate kat shahlynn*
<font color="aa00aa">mira,
i dont go to pupil's house.
they come to mine.
if your fren doesnt mind then i'm ok.

here at cityhall dah start hujan so lebat complete with thunder and lightning sekali..terpaksa cancel my appt..ishkk..

so sad dah banyak gathering yg u all organised i cannot come..
yg 29th ni confirm cannot cos hubby just called me..he said he dah booked for 3 of us to fly to redang for his bday.</font>
<font color="aa00aa">nora,
sup ayam katne tu sodappp???
sejuk2 gini sedap makan soto or sup ayam eh...kalau dapat mi bakso pun shiok</font>
