Any comment on Dr. Adrian B Woodworth from Thomson Women Clinic

halo mummies & mtb !

i am also seeing dr woody at SK clinic...i can say he is a great fact some of the mummies in my thread (may mtb) is also complaining abt him being too pro c-sec rather than pro natural...and his visiting time is less than 5mins...i do not mind all these as long i knw my bb and me is in good hands and well taken care off..

i had a D&C under him in year 2008 feb...when he knew that i tested positive again, immediately he ask me to take hormones pills and call him if there is any bleeding occur...he stress that call his HP..dont call funny..hehe...anyway i am 37weeks now..looking forward to hold my bundle of joy soon

recently, i heard him scolding one couple (on his hp) inside his room...he say giving birth is not a game...if dont listen to the nurses or doct, better go home, dont give birth...he mentioned something like the mother refuse to put on the ctg to monitor bb's heartbeat...

Soeur15, no worries... My pleasure...

Porky, no leh.. He is not pro C-Sect leh... In fact he only says that when needed... Most of my gf who see him all natural even for myself...
Hmm...never know that he is pro c-sec. A lot of my friends including myself are nature delivery by him.

1st visit is ard 100plus, but when you take up the package, you only need to pay the balance.

When my friend is giving birth, the nurse remove the monitor for baby's heartbeat. The nurse was scolded by Dr Adrian 'Do you want me to give you all another lesson?' Haha...think he can be quite fierce. But of course is so important to monitor heartbeat, dont know what the nurse thinking.
Hehe.. gal as down with fever & cough since labour day so quite tired for me these few days..

can add me in msn..

[email protected]

hehe..think you have got the ans you wanted liao...

Remember..dun get angry with the clinic pay to see the doc...

to never hurts to be more friendly & smile to everyone,never knows when they can help us....

Hmm..for adrian clinic hor..his appointment is like none,coz stated as 6-9pm normally i more kaisu,walk in like before 6pm to drop my card,sometimes he already in so immediate see him..than mostly i will tell the clinic assts to let others 1st coz my hubby also wan to go in,so when hubby reach i just inform them & the next is me liao...

normally he's just walk in lor..but go early than the stated opening time would be better...he will only be late if there are emergency cases or he's held up in hospitals...


Adrian is a very pro natural..unless necessary or he find it's a danger for mother or bb to go thru natural,he won't encourage c-sect..
even when i had my elder gal,she was consider a big size bb,average of 3.1kg during last tri scans,than my hip was small...Adrian mention tat lucky i'm tall so can try natural,but he warn me 1st,if anything emergency,he will c-sect...

yap..he's very kan cheong..i had 1 tat i have to termininate,when i was preggy with my boy after tat,he immediate put me on hormones pills also...
when i was expecting my elder gal,before tat i had a miscarriage(tat time under kkh)..i brief him on all my experience,he also immediate put me on hormones pills,say to help stablise pregnancy..
No lah.. dun think he's pro c-sect.. my bb was delivered natural with forceps by him.. he even advised me that i can go without epidural and i did it!! cos my first child (by other gynae), im on epidural..

My gf was also natural delivery by him..
Didnt know he can be fierce too, nv see b4.. :p
Hello Ladies, would like to check with you all.. did u all need to go back for check-up 6months later after giving birth?
mi too...natural delivery w/o epidural....guess he have his reasons when advising mummies to go for induction or c sec...
Eunice & Mich: i went to the clinic just now and guess what? i signed up with him immediately after that..probably i know what to expect from you everything was within expectation... given the chaos in the clinic...i'm glad to say the assistants there are really nice and smiley...they made me feel comfortable as compared to the less crampy clinic with sulky assistant i went yday...& i was realy impressed with one of the assistant as she can rembmy name just once aft she look at my IC...she's incredible...

anyway..did the scan and couldnt really see the baby haha..too small..but can see heartbeat ald!! 6 weeks only and can see that like too early?? hahah...but i'm nt worrying as Woody said everything is fine and i feel i'm in good hands...even tho' he speaks like a utlra m/c gun and my hub cldnt even hear a word he say...not to mention his scribbling aren't legible at all hahaha...
Glad that you like him. I can never read his writing also and yes he do speak very fast. Going forward it will be like that all the way...haha. Just ask him if you have any questions.
I also dont think Dr woody is pro c-sec.

Somewhat i feel v excited about seeing him again. =)

Soeur15, rest assured that you are in good hands now !
Personally I dont think Dr adrian is pro c-sec. My #1 was in a breech position so I have no choice but to go for c-sect. When i was expecting my #2 a few months later, I told him I would like to try for natural and he agreed. However in the end I opted for c-sect after a discussion with him. He told me natural is possible but chances are not high esp my previous c-sect was only less than 14 months ago and if I try for natural, my previous wound may be ruptured. He also added in case if there's complication during the delivery process, he will have to do an emergency c-sect to bring my bb out. In order to save the unnecessary troubles, my hubby wanted me to go for c-sect instead. He is very detailed and serious when come to such matter.

Hehe... We all brain wash you already...

To be frank, till today even though this is my 2nd baby with him, I still can't make out the picture of the baby scan...

Dun worry, you are in good hands!

hehe...think we should ask for commission liao from adrian..

You meant the younger & thiner looking clinic asst??Even i call up,before i acknowledge myself,she can recongise my voice..even now when i walk in for my kids jabs with the GP sharing clinic,they still remember me..hehe...

IF you cannot catch his words,dun be paiseh to ask him again,adrian is ok to repeat himself...sometimes i will write down some things tat i feel i need to ask him,just in case i forgot when i see him..

6weeks ar...can see heartbeat liao,very actually depends on the positions elder wan,6weeks see hearbeat,my younger boy 6weeks can see a small depends..
even for gender,my gal was so protective,we only found out her gender during the 5mths detailed scanning & the person spend 30mins just to scan her gender,although Adrian before tat already mention more than 80% gal..hehe..
my boy was kan chiong,before 4mths Adrian already confirm 100% boy..but told me wan super sure than wait till detailed scanning..1 of the routine scan,Adrian just took his private parts!!
Hi All Mummies

Does Dr Adrian pro natural-drug-free birth and does he allow baby to overdue for a week without induction so long baby and mummy are both safe?

I am considering to see him for my 2nd pregnancy.

i can't advise you much...but when i was preggy with my elder gal,my EDD was around Adrian only asked me am i those pandang parents tat wan bb to popped at specific time & date..told him he just say let bb chose lor..
If after CNY bb still chose not to come out, than we will meet up & replanned...

to wat i know,as long as everythings ok,eg:bb heart beat,water in water bag,mummy blood endanger health problems...normaly will wait lor...

Actually drug free anot is not up to gynae but mummy gynae he will confirm advise you on all the possible painkillers & methods avaliable,but to use anot is ultimately up to mummy lor..

For me,i only took laughing gas for both deliveries.
Hi mummies out there

I am also one of Dr Adrian patient. However I always wonder for him with such a large group of MTB seeing him, how can I be ensured that my delivery will bw done by him? Won't there be chances that another MTB is the same day and time as me also?
hi june, Dr adrian def pro natural, and wont suggest induction unless neccessary. I rem nearing my edd, i was feeling so tired and exhausted of waiting liao.. and been back to see him like once a week, haha see until tired to see him liao .. but he would always says eveyrthing ok, just wait for bb to decide when to come.. if pass edd then will then go for induction

until the last visit 3 days b4 my edd, he noticed the amniotic liquid level gettin low, hence requested me to be admitted in earlier to bring bb out instead of waiting till my edd and kept reminding me to count the no of times bb kicks, anything not right, call him immed..

yar hes really concerned abt bb safety.. hehe he flares up b4? i never see b4 woh
Hi Eunice, Piyobaby, Blessedmum

Thanks for the advice and sharing. I am feeling assured now that he is not the stringent type of gynae that 'die die' doesn't allow overdue baby and must go induction as I heard some are like that.

Acneery Gal,

For your question out here, seriously I dunno.

But when he delivered my 2nd gal that time including my gal, he had 8 deliveries that day and he still manage to deliver my baby. And he even have the time to see me 3 times during the whole process, 1st time is to induce me as my anatomic fluid was low, 2nd time is to check how much I dilated, 3rd time also to check how much I dilated again...
wow 8 deliveries same day, when i give birth he has 6 deliveries on that day. He came to see me 2/3 times also.
I am goin to see Dr Adrian later, just confirm pregnancy ....but having very bad cramp!

So for him, I must ask qns myself rite, cos he is of few words
he will usually ask basic neccessary questions. but if u are in doubt, feel free to ask him. i'll sure he'll be glad to answer them.
Hi all, am back fr the visit. Tink will stick to Dr Adrian. Anyone sign package? Cos I stay in sengkang so I tot its more convenient.

I listed my qns b4 i go in to my hb n i repeat to him b4 my turn so qns all answered, think next time I write down b4 i go, hee!

But forgot to check when will bb be due.....
hi i agree with mommies here tat Dr Adrian is a good gynae

i delivered my 1st bb in Nov 2007.. currently expecting a 2nd princess again due in Aug 09
Hi all, can you all help me to estimate how much will delivery be ah? Dr Adrian's delivery package doesnt include ward charges..... sorry am very new to these....
Think everyone of his patient sure take up the package cos is so worth it. As for delivery charges, my bill based on 4 bedder at TMC nature delivery with epi is 3k plus, 2k plus from cpf balance cash.
hi firipy,
for my 1st child 4 bedded but free upgrade to 2 bedded ward , without any painkiller jab or epidural , total bil including doc charges is $2.8k...
Can use cpf but i didnt coz i have no cpf at all
hi all, thanks for sharing! My case was really unexpected, we din really plan financially for the arrival yet. Now then do many things to learn and find out

Was emotionally unstable when the test was positive and confirmed by GP later, luckily family and frens were very supportive. Felt better now
Hi Mich

Very amazing hor.....I actually check out another doctor but his nurse told me that the doctor is fully booked for Sept EDD. As such, it makes me more puzzled that how Dr Adrian is able to do it as I think he had far more patients than the other doctor that I asked. By the way, any gals out there know the detail scan that we are doing during the fifth mth is done by Dr Adrian himself? Or just any personnel at TMC?
Acneery Gal,

Huh? Got Gynae like that one meh? Or maybe his charges very high, enough to cover his overheads that month? Hehe...

Thats why most ppl choose Dr Adrian. He like 24 hours on call 1 lor. Thats wat i call a good doctor is.

Detailed scanning is done by TMC ppl. Dr Adrian will view the report and let u know if its ok or not.
halo all, good morning !

dr adrian has delivered my bb via spinal c-sec on 8th may...i never regret to choose this method of birth...his skills is really good and he is very assuring...i can walk the next day...will sure go back to him if i have #2
Congrats Porky !

yes he's stitching skills is v good le!
I could walk by the next day too. I discharged on the third day instead of the fourth hee, coz i somewhat insisted. He was v funny, insisting that i show him that i can walk well first.
Hey MTB who is with Dr. Adrain right now. I was with him during my first pregnancy in April 2007. Can i know if he is still using 2D machine? Any upgrades?
2005...i was abit notti and ask why he din upgrade to a better ultrasound machine and he replied bcos it's not nec when the current one provide the nec info...a new machine costs quite alot wif short lifespan thus he dun wish to pass on the cost to usual being very practical he is!
hi all...its been some time...anyway do any of you happen to know if BB cream (the lastest fad to replace foundation)is harmful to the bb??
hi yup, he's still using 2d scan machine..
on my last visit his machine ran out o photo paper so i don have e print out for my latest check up


Hi All,

Wah, I find I'm quite "ke lian" lor...

I not the only one who reply to this Ah Juan regarding the thread she posted about Dr Adrian service level going down. In the end she only say me, summore insulted me.

Anyway, this is the thread for you all to have a look. I not asking for help or what lah, just that not very fair for her to personal attack.

For my part, I just blurted out she was the one played me out on buyin sumthin from me 3 yrs back and that pissed her so much that she personal attack me.

