Any advice on tubal liagation?


Well-Known Member
I have a week to go exactly before I deliver my 3rd child by Cesar and am considering tubal ligation.

Can anyone who has done the procedure share with me if there are any side effects, ie painful periods, fibroids after having the procedure done? Or if you know of any one who has done it.

Pls come and share, the more, the merrier as will help me and other women make the decision. Thanks in advance

Hi autumnleaf, following up to chk it out if you get your t.ligation done? I'll c-sec this Sept & wish to get it done too. Can you share your experience or rather any differences in recovery compare to previous c-sec birth?

Reviving this thread..

I plan to have tubal ligation after my c-section in a few months.

Mummies who have gone through with this, may i know how long the procedure took after getting the baby out? Was there any difference in recovery? This would be my 2nd c-section.
I find that not much difference. I had my tubes tied at 3rd c-sec. Procedure quite fast.
Thanks for the input agaga! Quite reassuring i wont be bored or missing my baby too much while waiting to finish :)
