Advice on Myanmar Maid

Oh, just a point to add. After completing her 2yrs, employer is to pay her airfare. If she broke her contract for whatever reason, she got to pay on her own. So my sis maid bought the ticket at peninsular plaza, my sis reimburse her also



I would say give her a week to find employer. For 1 thing, contract normally state 1 week notice. Secondly, you will cut down amount you need to pay. And btw, if she goes back to agency, you do not need to pay salary.


You can try tiger airways coz my new maid came from there or myanmar airways. But better buy earlier if you can, more time to compare and choose and can be cheaper. I will just pay everything for the return except their income tax, their excess luggage etc since she complete 2 years. Btw, you can cancel 1 week in advance before she departs but do not need to tell her. Also approval is on same day for cancellation request before 8pm mon-fri and before 2pm on sat. This is in MOM website. This is for cancellation online, no charges.

As for tax, I was told by someone it's $50 for every month they work, not sure if include months with loan. If you are bringing her to pay tax, better bring her 1 week in advance coz they can be quite slow...

Btw, my new maid is from man si. Shes the eldest, think family quite poor coz no watch and wallet even. I think it's quite common for them to bring compact powder coz she also bought powder and tweezer.

Now is a good time to hire maid, coz of the recent furore so MOM seems to have implement some new stuff for new maids. Realise this when I picked up my maid
Do your Myanmar maid eat very little when she just came? My new maid say she eat 2 bowl of rice but everytime eat 1 bowl, 1 small fish some vegetable then she says she's full...
Her place is nearer to china. So far, she's been a gem though it's only the 3rd day so I think have to see what happens in the next 2-3 months

a bit concerned with her food intake because she's doing mainly housework...

But I think her family should be quite poor, because she's really quite diligent with housework and she behaves like she knows what to do.

I suspect she has Chinese blood because of her features. Also she's from Kachin state like my previous Myanmar maid.
Hi mummies

I m getting a fresh mynamar maid...worry i will hv prob cos all mine previous maids cannot wk & hopefull i m lucky enough to get a good one
Hi dolphin,

Hope your next maid is good. Sometimes it's really luck.

What is her job scope? Or her priority?

I realise some maids are good in certain things, and how well the person can work boils down to attitude and what is your priority. Even experienced maid needs to train ( judging from my ex-Filipino maid Behaviour) not to manage fresh maids.

For me I'm taking 1 step at a time, train her first to know her duties and priority before training her how to do it well.

Sometimes, have to close 1 eye on the not so important stuff. I feel if I correct and she listens, better to retain the maid since still can train.

BtW, myanmar maids not very good at spoken and listening to English. But they should be able to read and write so it will help with writing your instructions down.
Hi chalkey

Btw,for work permit cancellation matters, you can print the special pass online. I remember it should be valid for a week and before you can cancel work permit, must have air ticket info and passport info..
Chalkey,I got my maid to ask her family and friends to recommend.

Quite worried about current maid food intake. She eats really too little.and her English is really bad so i can't tell whether she's not used to the food, or she really eats so little at home or maybe picky
Would u change maid if ur maid us start hitting ur son? My maid has been 1 year with us. Her house core is not great yet I just closed one eyes as long as she is taking good care my 5years old son. Recently she is start hitting my son hand whenever my son naughty. I have good talk with her, I m telling her for not hit my son when he is naughty, she is coming with excuse that my son was hitting her that is why she hit my son. Yesterday it is first incident that I notice she hit my son hand, when my son was naughty in front of me(it may she did not realize I was there). I have good talk with her yesterday yet same incident happened again this evening, I was so angry and telling her that I hope she won't hit my son otherwise I will report u to police.

If she has been doing a gd job, I would tell her not to do it again even if my son is naughty. I would tell her to tell me, and I will punish the child myself. I would also tell her, only my husband and I can hit the boy. If you have consider sending her to the agency and she does it again, just sent her back and inform the agency why. Otherwise, if you feel she is a threat to children, just repatriate her and inform MOM via the feedback channel. She is probably thinking that children needs some light punishment when they are naughty.

The problem is, because she is not the mother, she might not know when to draw a line. It's is mother's instinct to protect their children even when we are punishing them.
Hi chalkey,

wanted to ask which part of Myanmar is your maid from? Coz of the way my maid eat. Oddly enough, she seems to like vegetables also.

I figure out my maid is picky. She finished the food we bought back.. What to do? I keep asking her why she don't eat the normal meals. yet she will eat the watermelon. Anyway I just bear with it. So far attitude still ok. If I say, she will do. Today did surface cleaning only as was previously I realized. As she started wiping the furniture, I went to my room to put on contact lens. Barely a minute and she was done with wiping the furniture... I couldn't believe it. Then I told her to do it in front of me. Se didn't even bother to lift up the newspaper to wipe underneath. Ended up I did it just to show her.. But very forgetful also, show her how to do also never do. I really think have to wait 2-3months to determine if she's really good attitude or just pretending.

Though I must say, she knows how to carry baby and try to coax him when he's being persistently noisy.
Hi bagsroom (bagsroom),

YES, TOTALLY agreed with chalkey (onsansg). Was very busy these few days that din got time to come in to comment.

PLEASE sent her back. Imagine at your presence, she can hit your kid, what can happen when u are not around???? PLEASE DON'T KEEP HER!!!

Very long ago, my sis's first maid can even push her son's head to hit the wall and pinch his cheeks and claim that he fall and hit on his own when he was just 2+ tat time I think. And when my sis started to suspect, she bring them to the in laws house with the maid n her son, BUT SHE IS REALLY VERY EVIL!!! She purposely don give my sis's son milk and don feed him, so he keep crying den she go and tell my sis tat the boy don like to stay at the ah ma house, wan to go home. She can EVEN left the boy at home ALONE and went down to shop at the mama shop and kanna bumped into my sis's hb when he went back in the afternoon to see the kid and she say clothes fall down to level 4, so she go down to check....Comeon, don't ever keep the maid if she can hit the kid RIGHT IN FRONT OF U!!.....u can tolerate meh??

I also told my 3-day old maid, if children naughty, tell me or my hb, she can never hit them. cos this maid is a bit rough, the 2nd day, she pull my 6yr+ daughter arm so tight till whole patch of red spot daughter show me and say auntie pull her...haiz.....this time i really forget to tell this maid earlier...Normally the first day when they come, I will tell them not to hit the children. We employ them to take care of children n not to hit or punish them. Yes, all kids are playful, sure playful.....tat is their tian zhen side right. Few more years, u want them to be cheeky n playful also tough liao...cos the "self-image" thing will kick in....n that is when they lost their 天真

Don't tell the maid. When u go home, ask her to pack n bring her go. Tell ur agency that u going to send over n if they are closing, say u going do the paperwork other day. Don't keep her, <font color="ff0000"><font size="+2">CANNOT KEEP HER!!!</font></font>
Wah, chalkey, your maid sounds very free. Only mop floor daily and cook? And she don't even appreciate you.

I'm just waiting to see if current maid will change attitude. For me, all my maids only look after 1 kid for occasion 15-30 min. So I am quite picky about cleanliness because otherwise I don't need a maid.

At least when current maid saw that I am cleaning the window grills, she follow up when I had to attend to baby without my requesting so still quite happy.

A funny incident happened that day. I told my maid to fill up ice cube tray with water and put it into the fridge then left to attend to baby. She didn't know what was ice and ended up walking around with it. I had to laugh when my hubby told me.
Hi Chalky,tinklestar,my friend got a myammar maid for transfer.I thought of taking over,she say maid is with her for 1 yr,MIL don't like her,she like to talk on home phone.Can I know what to look out for Myammar maid.Which place is better?
Where can I help to send things bk to Myanmar? My maid is v v good n I want to help send her family things in return.

Did your friend tell you in-depth about the good and bad points of this maid? And with examples?

Do u have young children like toddlers and below? If she likes to talk on the phone, personally I wouldn't want her to look after young children. Imagine her talking on the phone while your children who are unaware of danger issues moved ard. I have seEn this before.

Will your maid need to work with in laws or parents? I will ask my friend why mil do not like the maid...

To be honest, I would not consider a transfer maid simply because if within a year, employer can want to send away the maid, she must be not too good and at the same time, if employer can keep a maid for a year, it could well mean that she was tolerating the maid and maybe decide that she couldn't take anymore or the maid has not improved in a year. Then I would consider the personality of my friend. Will I be able to tolerate better than her...
Emama, if you have young children and needs a myanmar maid urgently, choose maids with passport and choose one who is the eldest in family with much younger siblings. I realise in Myanmar, the eldest gals do the work even if they have younger sisters..with passport, they can be in Singapore in 1-2 weeks
Anybody know where I can remit money to Myanmar? My maid wanna remit money back to her mum but I just found out that Western Union don't remit to Myanmar and I have called up a few remittance companies, they too dun remit to Myanmar. Please advise, thanks.
Tks tinklestar,my friend says gd point about her maid is can tahan scolding,house work wise ok,no off day ,so far never remit money,bad is she will make call when nobody is around not while working,no auto must push type,still considering.If new maid must pay alot money,transfer only pay ins/agency fee.Is employing Myanmar x,what to look out,must pay their home levy or not.
Myanmar maids salary are cheaper but loan more. Everything else is the same because MOM regulations are fixed. Only thing is whether you wish to give more.

Does your friend have CCTV? Is it because of the calls that's why mil don't like her? I find generally, people behave differently with different people. Did your friend warn maid not to make calls even when there is no one ard? If she did and maid still do so, that is passive disobedience. Then again I would be wondering if she makes calls leaving children alone when employers not ard. In my case, unless my friend can tell me specifically why she don't want the maid, I would not take her. Simple reason being that I have been through something like this. I disliked a previous maid through months of her nonsense but it was partly my fault as I didn't like correcting her seeing that she was older than me and was a experienced. Even today, though I would say that if I had been more strict, she would have been a good helper instead of taking us for granted. So unless it is such a case, I will not take the maid.

My child vomits too when he's sick. I give him barley water or honey water and also multivit.

Is your daughter eating adult food or still baby toddler food? If toddler food, you might want to consider modifying adult food so she can eat. It work for my son when he started refusing to eat. He wanted to be "adult". And he was snacking way too much on fruits, juice an biscuits
Hi chalkey, Maybe you can buy food scissors for cutting the food into smaller pieces. It worked for my son. I found that he was interested in thE food but due to too much chewing needed, he lost interest so ended up not eating. The other thing I realized was that if he was mildly sick, he couldn't eat as stomach will get bloated, a precursor to heavy I will give honey water coz reduce inflammation.

My maid says in Myanmar they sleep at 6. Think she's falling sick due to low intake of food. Maybe I should just load her with vegetables and fruits. She seems scared of funny looking ( eg Wanton) food. How to get her to eat? She already has eye infection..
My maid is not a gem. She cleans terribly, dishes still have obvious food stain, iron 3 times still crease. I have personally iron to show her, mop to show her, scrub the toilet to show her. I really don't know what else I can do. She can't even put baby to sleep... I would think that she would at least be good at one thing.even hanging clothes, she couldn't be bothered to get more pegs when the pegs ran out and baby's clothes dropped onto the floor. We bought expensive mop and iron so she could have a easier time, all clothes are practically machine wash, even children. She's not even looking after kids. Yesterday while visiting, she couldnt even be nothered to hold my child hand while walking on the road, couldn't be bothered to hold the lift for me when she had free hands and she practically did nothing yesterday except washing up for breakfast and it's only 2 weeks. only thing is if we tell her to do fiercely, she will do. Oh, she's gd at folding plastic bags and hanging up curtains.

And she keeps doing her own stuff when her work is not completed.

I scolded her today. Knowing well that her clothes and ours are to be separated, she still put her clothes and baby clothes into the washing machine. On top of that, she was supposed to use washing machine for her clothes only with her bedsheet, and that was changed a few days ago.
Hi Gals, guess new Filipino maid told me she don wan to take care of children n wan to transfer on Monday, which is just the 8th day I took her in....zzz

She happily collected almost $80 dollars worth of ang baos and now say wan to go... I feel like telling the agent that the money i will confiscate due to her irresponsibility since she pass me the ang bao $ to keep. She is aware that I had 2 kids at home and she is supposed to look after them before taking up this job offer, AND that is precisely the reason for me to employ her.

Come on, in Singapore, who will employ maid if not for them to look after young or old.

She lied to agent that she is single and with no children and upon reaching, agent confiscated 2 handphones and found baby boy's pic in the phone. Thus they ask her. She even denied in the beginning and after multiples of questions, she finally admit that the boy is her son. 1yr+. But she is not married but living with son and husband at the in-laws house.

By the 6th day she is with us, she already cried for 5x or more cos she say she missed her son. I keep consoling her, tell her after 2 yrs she can go home with lots of money (more than 200k+ of piso after clearing debt) and she can buy things for her son and also send him to school. Cos she keep telling me becos of financial she had to come her work and she cannot buy things for her son. ALL OF US also work for $ lah. who wan to work if not for $$. Think I like to work if I got enough to feed my kids and family meh haiz....really very pissed with all her things.

Ask her to look after children, she will pull a long face. Ask her to feed my son, feed 2 spoons and look at me say my boy don wan to eat. Haiz....which children like to eat rice/meals?

When she told me she don wan to look after children, i ask her, so who look after her kid at home? She say her in-law and she just help out at one side....sian lah....what kind of mother?

But I don't denied that her housework is good. Other than that, nothing much. Cannot look after kids, cannot feed, cannot bath, cannot cook, don't listen or follow instructions. Ask her write down step by step what to cook for dinner also can cook wrong and even cook the spoilt food which is leftover for 2 days. She add new ingredients in to the leftover n add water to top up to full pot and make soup...zzzz...see liao i wanna puke... VERY talkative also. Ask her 1 qns as we try to be friendly to her cos she is new, she can continue to talk for another 5 sentence non-stop. And she is deprived for praises. Keep wanted people to praise her for her work or purposely do things to attract your attention. Haiz....

Now just wait for the agency to open after their cny break so i can ask for exchange. My daughter called me more than 10x in less than 3 hours this morning and tell me about her. She did not make milk for her ever since she wake up for more than 1 hour and she is very hungry. I had to ask her to take her lunch at 10.15am cos she need to go to school and if she drink milk by than, she can't take her lunch. Don't even want to prep her for school or tie her hair...I am really speechless....really very unlucky to have gotten her. All she want is to do housework and nothing else. Don't think it's very possible haiz....sorry for my naggy, but i must let go somewhere...haiz....another 6-8 weeks of wait for the new to tolerate for this filipino for another 6-8 weeks....omg....
Hi chalkey,my son was borned 2009. You can give your daughter multivit too. If your daughter still has tummy problems, u might want to consider giving her lacteOl is gd overall for tummy, intestines and females and is safe for infants. Pd used to prescribed maid, after I made her re-iron the clothes, now knows how to do a gd job of ironing and has her initiative again. Only thing I don like is she starts having the habit of sitting on sofas and beds even when she's not carrying child in other people homes. Hygiene wise still pretty bad.

Mommybaby, I am really sorry to hear that your current maid is so bad. I have long given up on Filipinos after 1 try.tUpi might want to talk to the agency about the hongbao money.after all u need to pay levy and admin fees like test fees etc for her to come in on top of waiting for another maid.Maybe you want to consider asking your agency for Myanmar maids with ready passport.
Hi tinklestar,

Thanks...My maid really ki siao today.

she tell me again....."mum, sir, i need to talk. I want to terminate now"

yesterday think whole day she had been crying....when i go back, her eyes are so small n watery...

Dunno she why...almost daily cry....wan to come out work must have mentally prepare HB also say we already try not to talk to her liao n no instructions given anymore but today she still ki siao n say wan to go immediately....i scare she ran away den my 4k all gone down the drain....cos i pay for her loan now...if she ran den no nid pay loan n agent won't exchange for us cos we din return them the maid......

I think she mentally unstable...think maybe yesterday finish all housework n nothing to do n sit there think n think.....I also bo bian cos she say she don wan take care children....where got so many housework to do my house....n i also dare not give instructions for her to do things b4 i left home for work, i told her 3 more days. monday can go liao cos agency not open i also cannot do anything. 3 more days and she can start to pack bag now.....haiz... let's hope she wont go bersak and take knife to stab me when i'm sleeping.....omg...
Hi chalkey,

Ya...really scare of her...luckily both my kids sleep in my room n we definitely locked up the door. I'm also worried she may spill saliva into the milk for them also.

And yes, today I rob my mother in to help me pick up my ger liao cos the school having cny celebrations today. hopefully she is able to hijack her from the school bus haha..

My father ask me to send her back today cos he say since she so unstable, better send her back just in case she think n think den later jump down...i say agent not open and i also need to find the agent and check if i can send her back to their dormitory aka the boss house lah cos I ever send my ex maid there. Den he so funni, he say if not open, send to police station else later if she really suicide den i cute haha..

Haiz but I need her tomorrow cos my family members is coming over for I need her to help clean up we are thinking of sending her on Sunday.

I also thinking of getting back Myanmar maid. Thou slow but at least seems safer n they are more humble and they are like more naive. This maid keep telling me her auntie here for 13yrs liao. First day come can tell me lucky plaza n stuff....very sian.

One thing i'm also not very happy is she keep humming songs or tune. Even when we visit my sister, she is washing the dishes and she is humming even at my presence. My sis's Myanmar maid just keep quiet n do her work. I find it very bad lor. My sis try to tell me it's their culture and true, i know they like to sing but now working n somemore at ppl's house, can be more serious in work anot haiz.

I just called my dad as he help to pick my ger, he say she is talking to other maids while waiting and talk n cry....haiyo...the other maid say she missed her son....haiz.... I know it's also pitiful to leave home to work especially when got kids but cant be crying for 2 yrs, 730 days right? If i know she got so young kid, i wont take her liao. Cos I prefer those single but eldest with siblings also. At least mentality more sensible. But she lied in the first place...Haiz. She need to overcome this missing thing. Else go other house also gone de.

Thanks both of u (&amp; tinklestar)for lending a listening ear...well, eyes in this case haha.....happy CNY to u two
Hi chalkey,

That is bad lah...blood leh...omg...what are they long ago was that? sigh...what we want is just a helper to ease our burden. Must they do such things. Very bad of her haiz.

Just now I try calling the agency and surprisingly someone pick up the phone. The boss...and I roughly told him that the maid say don wan look after children so wan to transfer. Cos the lady dealing with me is still on leave till 2 Feb. Then the boss say how can like that one. He ask me if I will mind if they call her. I say go ahead. However, I doubt I want her anymore even if she want to work. She is incapable for my house needs and also so mentally unstable. Like a time-bomb. I know and heard many that this kind of crying episode will last very long and keep coming back. I doubt I have the patience to entertain her. I'm also preg with my #3 now and this pregnancy is not as good as previous one. I'm feeling terrible also and still need to see to her nonsense...I don't wish to have pre-nantal depression. These 2 days I don even dare to let her touch my 2 kids, not even shower or change clothes or diaper. Just hope after tomorrow she can just go away n give me some peace. This CNY is totally not happy for me. She keep crying and all happy mood also gone liao let alone all these stress she had inject to our family.

The steamboat will be prep by myself n with her help so chances for her to spit in will minimize and also my kitchen is open concept....No walls blocking, just big sliding doors to the living room....she cannot hide n do something funny...I just need her to clean up after the meal only. Else eat till so full, I don think i can bend forward to do the washing haha.... getting "fatter" also haha...
Eh chalkey and tinklestar, guess what, my Filipino maid just just just just ....called me leh!!! She say sorry, agency called her and she told me she don want to transfer liao...Wah kao...

I don wan scary...dunno when it will happen again. I become her "toy". Not happy or angry say wan transfer, happy den say sorry, don wan liao. And for goodness sake, this is not the first second or 3rd sorry lor......she say many times before liao.... u all think should keep her mah?
Hi chalkey, your ex-maid was so horrible. She could have pass disease to your child. Did you write into MOM and get get blacklisted?

Mommybaby, I wouldn't want her too after that. Let her go back and have to get another 2 months loan. I'm sure they can find another household whereby mainly do housework. It's ridiculous that she says she miss home and child yet refuse to help with kid. More likely she wanted a easy life just like my ex Filipino. Only machine wash her clothes, baby clothes, sweep and mop floor and rock baby in sarong to sleep, tidy up children bedroom a bit... And you are pregnant somemore. When your stomach gets bigger, and for that few days after you give birth, you will be at her mercy. I'm not joking coz my ex-Myanmar was better after we reprimanded her in the 1st few months but after my stomach start showing, get worst and worst after my stomach was so big until I told her I could survive without her since biggest in ccc for whole day. Only after I gave birth
Mommybaby,Btw, if she's humming songs, she's not unhappy. None of my ex-maids or current maid hums songs unless they are feeling relaxed. This is human nature. How to sing when sad. More likely to cry. She's probably using whatever she's saying as excuses to find a more relaxing albeit don't need to work and get paid job.

Chalkey, btw how did you know your ex-maid smear menses onto your baby's teats?
Chalkey, lacteal fort can be given daily. If serious can take every meal. If not serious, half or 1 pack will do.

My current maid also walks in front of us with kid behind. Sigh.don't know what to say. Today just reprimand her again. Told her 3 times to use a specific bamboo pole for mats, today hang on wrong pole. Sometimes I think it's heck care attitude since not her things. Then she wash her clothes before all chores are done. Really angry coz I had a long day trying to get child settled in ccc then the teacher not helping by saying certain things though I had calm child down enough to go into class without me and it's expensive ccc somemore. Then come back still need to supervise.
Hi chalkey,

I figured out my current maid couldn't be bothered, maybe started taking us for granted only 2 weeks with us. Coz after I told her off, then hubby spoke to her yesterday, she suddenly has lots of initiative and could do lots of things well without us telling her. She could even iron the clothes better than me as in I will iron a bit carelessly but still straight, she's like ironing all parts o hubby's shirt. On top of that, she noe knows to wait up til we are back before going to sleep, while previously, she will just prepare to sleep without us telling her too.

I really give up. I'm starting to think that most maid's are "Jian", not that I want to be vulgar but obviously they only react positively to "bad" treatment...
I am really upset with my maid. Told her many times, our kitchen bin must be emptied at night. she didn't and went to sleep. She had a whole afternoon and night free. Many times didn't clean the oven after use. She couldn't even be bothered to clean the sink properly as well as the area surrounding the stove. It's like as long as we are not likely to see, she don't need to clean. There are so many times her action tells me she wasn't listening when I was doing the work to show her or instructing her.
hi tinklestar, once my ex myanmar maid also did not finish her daily work eg clear rubbish, hang clothes from washing machine. i woke her up in the middle of the night and ask her to complete. and i told her that she is supposed to complete before sleep. if she did not, i will wake her up in the middle of the night again for her to do.. think from then on, she make sure she complete her daily work before sleep.. but she is the worst maid i ever employed. we send her back after working for 2 mths. i recently checked her employment history record. i'm her no.4th in 6 mths and she is working for the 6th employer since christmas eve...
Hi tinklestar,

Ya, I had decided to change my Filipino maid thou her housework is 4 star with my house very clean. But still I need to keep her for at least 2-3 weeks cos I need to wait for my new myanmar maid to come. She is suitable for family with older kids where she no need to bath them, feed them or play with them. Just need to make sure she is around to clean the house n keep it clean.

You know last saturday I actually told her off on her humming of songs. I told her "Sorry, but can you don sing song when you are working or hmmm hmmm hmmm like that when u doing things?" You know what she told me, she said "But I miss my son, so must sing song"....kaoz....

Anyway, I already told her liao. She wan to listen or not it's up to her. I give up on her cos I don even want to teach her or bother with her. Just quietly hope these 2 3 weeks past and send her back. I need someone who can take care of children cos I will be having an infant whom I doubt she is capable of taking care so no choice got to change her.

Actually I think really must screw the rubbish thing into you maid's brain. Cos I also cannot stand rubbish sitting in the kitchen overnight. My whole house will smell if there is any spoilt food cos I close windows when sleeping and it will attracts "friends" also. Must tell her to throw lah. I also call my maid out if she go into the room and close her door. Must let them know it's not acceptable to have rubbish in the kitchen overnight. They come from village, to them it's ok one.

Actually I think Myanmar maids are quite sui bian. If the thing is done, they consider done and not really care whether it is done properly or badly or must close one eye. Cos for me, my priority is children. children things do properly, housework sometimes still dirty I still keep quiet till I saw it many times den i start nagging ex myanmar maid also can leave traces of vegetables sticking on the side of the sink over 2 nights and still there till i wash it off thumbs up for them can they take a dirty living area haha...maybe we are in the city and they live in don't really mind what's around them hee....must keep nagging lor...hopefully after 9 months - 1 yr they will get better....which is the norm timing for myanmar maids.....
Hi mommybaby, I agree abt the "friends" things thats why I went to wake her up. When i had no maid, i never had cockroaches in the house.

When I called in the normal tone twice and maid refuse to stir, I thought of leavin it be since she's asleep,until I remember the previous night she did not enplty the bin too. So I went back again an called louder and also in a irritated tone. Guess what, she immediately answered me and she did not sound like she just woke up. I was so angry I scolded her there and then since it's only 9.30 and she had spent the whole afternoon and evening doing only her personal stuff.

Today, she really made ab effort. The past weeks she was here, I always felt that the floor was unclean after cleaning even though I don spot check. Today, when I step into the living floor, there was no funny smell which we attributed to the floor detergent and the best thing was, the water in the pail was so quite black. The water would not have been so dirty if she had been cleaning properly daily.

I concluded that she was just plain lazy. All along I thought agent never trained or she didn't understand us. But now I realized it's her attitude though she doesn't show it. Now I am just waiting to see if she will be behaving the same way again. She keep telling me she try.

Budget 2012. Maybe you can submit to[[ssEPoll]]&amp;pid=[[19]]

or google, click on budget 2012. Closing on 5 Feb 2012. Hurry!
We paid so much of a live-in maid, above $1200 but we ended up with inexperienced errant maids, so unfair!! They don't adhere to contract terms or what we highlighted during interviews - main duties.

Indicate in your message, We, FDW's employers are seriously short-changed. Eg:

1) Scape security bond and insurance binding employers
This is the main reason why many employers are unwilling to give their maids off days (afraid to bear unnecessary expenses). When maid runaway, get sick or hurt when not in employer’s house (eg while waiting for transfer at agency or off days), employer need to bear those unfair expenses.

Get FDWs to buy own insurance. They job hop many times, insurance still in-force as long as they are working in Spore. Employers need not buy new insurance just because they hired transfer maids.

Maids runaway or got hurt while at agencies, off days, no longer responsibilities of FDW's employers. No more unexpected medical costs or security bond tied onto our necks.

Maid waiting for transfer should pay agency lodging fee, not from employers’ pockets.

2) Repatriation and maid loan
Maid loan should be settled by individual maid, same like Hong Kong. Agencies can’t blackmail or force employers to recycle bad maids to another employer, in order to keep pre-paid maid loan which amount to $3000. This is a big amount to many working adults (employers). We can't report bad maids to MOM or police!!

Don’t let bad maids be recycled in Spore. Some maids ill-treated the children or elderly but CANNOT BE REPORTED as employers' pre-paid maid loans will be eaten by maid agencies. This is very unfair/unethical to Spore employers. We paid more than $1200 a month (insurance &amp; bond, agency fee, lodging, salary, levy, etc). Why treat us, your citizens so poorly?

Is this the quality that we deserve? Inexperienced, lousy or maids who can't even hit satisfactory performance level? Teach FDWs how to do housework, keep our house clean, manage our children but what did maids nowadays showed .... unwillingness to work well as a DOMESTIC helper(somebody had brainwashed maids to fly to Sg for holidays), craving for mobiles to chit-chat during working days, hiding or pretending they can't cope or 'don't know how to do a task', thus, indirectly making employers to do their job ... we paid them yet we had to do housework ourselves! They can threaten to go back to agency at our inconvenience, what bargaining power or protection did Sg gov give us? Nothing! We're defenceless!

<font color="ff0000">If Sg gov want more babies in Spore, gov should help working women, not kept making us suffer, worry again and again. Their excuse in getting “foreign talents” to ‘make’ babies is incorrect. Not everybody can or want to send their children to childcare centres.</font>

Let bad maids be repatriated at their own expenses. Don't give FDWs who can't perform to satisfactory level, a chance to earn a free tickets home. Scape maid loan so that FDWs who are here to enjoy life (simply not having mindset to work as FDW), ill-treated our beloved ones, stolen or hurt somebody... be repatriated at their own costs, with no strings tied to our necks/pockets.

NO more recycling of bad maids. Let bad maids be reported to MOM, blacklisted or have criminal records. Ban them.

Maid should know how much is her loan at home country, settled in own country before flying over.... just like HK maids. Don’t let maids be fooled by maid agencies and point wrong fingers at employers!

We need to highlight our problems so send to above link.
We need more funding or more levy subsidy
or a way to channel existing levy to maid as bonus for completion of 2 year contract. Discourage job hop. Make the salary look more. We paid for their levy, insurance, lodging and food, etc .... maybe employers put these amounts into their monthly salary so maids take OWN $$ to pay for daily needs, so their eyes can see better, know how much we actually paid for them. Instead of we, employers pay, next time, FDWs pay themselves and see how much left as <font color="0000ff">take home pay</font>. Let them regret and be sorry for not appreciating us.

We need our gov to treat us fairly. We are also human, how can we be treated less equally and less human when compared to maids? They are like protected species while we're being sponged and bullied again and again. <font color="ff0000">Those who had not hired maids in recent months or years won't know how much problems we're facing</font>.

How I wish we're back to olden days, maids are good helpers, truly in Sg to work and lighten our loads, not time-bombs or money waster. Sigh!
<font color="ff0000">Do note that the fight for fairness is tough!</font>

Gov and most people in Sg wanted to create the impression FDWs are suffering here, earning little (take home pay more than our local cleaners) yet screaming FDWs have overworked, lowly paid, no off days at the expense &amp; nightmare of employers.

Gov and most people, especially those who have not hired bad problematic maids (eating money and wasted our time &amp; effort to train), want to continue to sing how good FDWs are, how pathetic they are and how bad Sg employers are.

This scenario will remain as long as there's a strong demand for FDWs.

If there isn't a strong wave sweeping by, nobody will bother to care about what we're truly going thru. MOM continues collect levies; agencies continue to make easy profits; eat our loan if we dare to send maid home before 9mth is up; FDWs continue to fly in to enjoy life; suka suka threaten employers they don't feel like working &amp; want to go home unless lesser work, more $, do half of the housework, etc.
I really want to give up on my maid. I hire her mainly to do cleaning but she's really...

She cleaned stove after cooking today. When I wanted to prepare food for baby, I used the stove. She just wipe half the stove and I saw a big pc of garlic on the half that wasn't cleaned. The half she cleaned was still oily. She didn't close the blender properly too. All the water pour on me when I lifted up the blender. Fortunately, it was plain water. Told her to use the small deeper frying pan to deep fry, she used the big one so only need to wash one pan. I really give up. If I dont check, she don't clean. Even the chopping board had ants on it.
My mil can cope only with the maid helping her and my fil helping her when there is only the younger one ard at her place. So asking her to help is really a no no.And hubby has said, take mil out of the picture..

Amazingly, after I ignored my maid when she made mistakes yesterday ( she let the lift shut on her alone again and left me and baby waiting at another floor while she has to come back up again and some other stuff), she is now very diligent, better at cleaning stuff, eating properly and also faster.
Very upset with maid. Children's clothes smell despite being washed at least twice in washing machine still smell. And I thought it was the detergent or washing machines fault. Then I found out today that despite me pasting stickers to show which buttons to press for the kids, the maid has not Ben doing so. My kids Have been having stuffy nose and cough due to stuffy nose for 2 weeks and there I was wondering what was wrong. When I spoke to their pd, he said might be allergy and suggested milk. Now I know what was the cause. When I smell their clothes, I felt sick too. Can u imagine what abt the kids. Clothes smelling of stale milk and vomit, obviously lots of bacteria. And I was puzzled why therewasnt a scent of detergent when she hanged their clothes. Now I know why.
I believe all of us have reasonable expectations from a maid. They seem to think that just take the salary and clean like they clean at home

I wonder if they do housework at home? Do they get paid a salary for helping around the house. This is a job, a maid's job.... a cleaning job!!!! If I can tahan not so clean, I don't need to pay a live in maid..right? I just clean the house once a week myself.

It's a cleaning job of a household, including washing and ironing of clothes etc. These are the basics. Who would hire a maid to take care of babies and old folks only. The priority maybe be such, but we still expect daily cleaning/ household chores and must be clean and properly done according to our instructions.

The surprising thing I found out was that they are actually trained properly at the Agent's dorm, and most times, they just refuse to do, not that they don't know how to or poor living conditions at their hometown or if they are so smart, they won't be maids. No, it's their mindset.

I told my maid - Do I give you half a bowl of rice and ask you to eat with soy sauce, and say that I have fed you enough? You eat the same food as us and eat till you are full. ( She eats a lot like all Myanmar maids) I expect you to clean until the plate is no longer oily and whatever item is clean to the touch, no dust and non oily.

- Do you bathe with your clothes on? by 2 splashes of water on your limbs and 2 rubs of the soap, rinse 2 seconds and wipe 2 seconds. Are you cleaned? Why do you tell me that you have cleaned the house/items.

I am so sick and tired that I have to constantly prove a point by using a tissue, wipe and show her the dirt and she has this suprised and embarassed look and says sorry. Why should she be surprised?!?!?!

Recently I discovered that she tried to use my laptop and restarted it. She could not access the desktop at all because I did not set up Guest account and it's password protected. She admitted she touched the mouse, as she was leaning on it to balance herself while trying to reach for the cloth. ?!??!?!!? It's BS. My desk is huge and why would she be touching the mouse and not the the free space around it. It's a laptop, the lid must be opened to click on the restart button.
I just read a post on singaporemaidblogspot that a maid told her employer that she was offered another job and if current employer can match the condition, then maid is willing to stay.

The condition is live out. The maid is willing to pay her own levy and living expenses. She already has freedom to use her hp anytime, every Sunday off, allowed to stay at cousin's house once or twice a week.

I think this is very obvious that the maid is intending to live with a boyfriend. The employer posting, used an Ang Mo surname. She says that maid is with her for 6 weeks.

This maid is very BOLD! Or the boyfriend is very smart because he knows it's not possible or he is a very new expat in Singapore and know nuts about FDW regulations.
Sigh. Maids, without them, if you have kids, life is not easy. With them, life is not much easier too.

I am still deciding if I wish to keep this maid. Coz got agent to talk to her, yet she can say she went to wash her clothes in afternoon because I say cannot soak too long. In the first place, she uses the washing machine for her clothes. In the second place if she was handwashing she should have soak last night and wash early this morning when she wakes up. So why was she doing her own stuff in the middle of afternoon when her housework was not yet done. Best thing yet, she did not switched off the iron and my son was run if around the house.

And she even lied to me that she has swept the floor. She wakes up at 6.30 and between 6.30 to 7, she was doing her own stuff. I saw her at 7 carrying the mop. Tomorrow I will test her work again.
Hi stshaw,

Yes, I agreed. To maids, as long as they did the cleaning they consider the job done. They don care if it's properly done or done with effort. I also found dry food stain or even pieces of dried food on plates taken down from cupboard, cups filled with water with soap smell is also served to my kids.

It's getting tougher to employ maids now in Singapore. They are talking about human rights with u also. I had also surrender back my Filipino maid's 2 HP back to her with her numerous times of asking. I gave her back cos I know I'm not going to keep her anymore after this week. I believed she had also gotten her top-up cards from the shops below my block as she was late to reach home after sending my ger to school yesterday. My mother even caught her walking from the coffee shops with another maid to the pickup point for my daughter school bus. She is with use for barely 3 weeks.

There is nothing we can do. Quality of maids are getting worse compare to my mother's era. Most of them are here to see and visit our country and they are not so poor anymore. Very few are here to earn $ to feed their parents and siblings. Even the new Myanmar maid that is coming also state that she is here to gain foreign experience only. They are here having such thinking, how good can they be at job. But I still took her cos tat is the best I can find among the few Myanmar maid selection with the agency.

Employer can only suffer in silent cos we really need people to be around to help while we work. I really have no one to help me take care of my children and I need the money as we are still on loan for my study and even my reno. Life is so tough in Singapore. With $200, how much food can you buy. Even rice itself also so expensive now. Diapers milk powder all also need $. We just have to work and endure the nonsense the maids created and keep move on. It's really very bad. Who can we turn to, agency only care to distribute maids to families. MOM only care about levy, insurance and fairness to maid. WHO CARE ABOUT US????? Sigh...

Hi Tinklestar, how long is this maid with u liao? I think not long only right? Did you draft a timetable to ask her to follow? Actually maids really need someone to be around to see them. Else they will up to tricks or do half past six things only.
So far, is she okay with children? Maybe you need to let her know your priority. I keep telling my maids that kids is important. Priority is children and children things need to be clean. So everything must be clean. Must keep stressing to them what your priority is and get them to know that is the thing to look out for. If they did follow your priority, think still ok. Rest is just keep nagging lor. I also do that for my maid cos think it's their nature to not to follow things haha....they just briefly do them and ignore about it.
Mommybaby, her priority is cooking &amp; housework. She does not care for kids at all as I work from home mostly. Even when I need to go to the office, my mil looks after. She's been with us a month, cannot be doesn't know what to do.

That's why I am very disappointed with this maid. Barely 2 weeks into job and she did not make an effort. Have to keep saying and scolding her. She has a list of housework to do. I do not want to fix timing so own time planning. Once she finishes she can rest. My problem with her is that I am aware she did not make effort. She can iron her clothes in 5 min and no more creases while ours iron 2-3 times still have creases.I realise if I don scold, say nicely only, she will not do or listen. I'm tired of being fierce...She can tell agent scared being scolded by me yet don do properly. Ironing itself I did at least 3 times to show her. Agent herself said if she can iron hers but cannot iron ours properly then is attitude.
Hi mommybaby

You're right, quality of maids is just getting worse. My previous maids were indons. this is my first time getting Myanmar, current maid is 2nd Myanmar after the 1st Mynamar sent back after 3 weeks, I posted about her rubbish behaviour late last year in this thread.

Huh?!?!!? Your phi maid have 2 handphones?

All these activists talk and talk so big. I think they are just rebels for rebels sake, going against authority, which we employers are authority in our own household, someone has to give the orders.... it makes no sense to be them the maids...right? There is an order for everything, each one has their place. If everyone knows their place and do their part, there should not be any problems.

What is so difficult to understand? They apply for a maid's job, follow instructions and timetable and do the job. I think they just do what they want to do, when they feel like doing it to assert themselves, like some sort of protest and talk about human rights. Is it the younger generation of today, big on being an individual, everything is about them?

My maid like to sing and she sings very loudly when I'm not near her, like in the other room, but I can still hear her. I asked her, if you were a singer trying to make money, would you sing songs that you like or sing songs that people would like to hear at your concert to make money? You should be smart enough to know that you make the money first and then sing the songs you like at home. If you take a job singing, you turn up on time and sing for the paying customers. You don't sing as and when you like and get paid, no body is there. It's a maid's job, every household in Singapore is the same, it's follow instructions, household chores to be done by timetable. You get paid for your job.

Hi Tinklestar,

My goodness, your maid no need to look after kids and yet her housework is done like that. People say if you are bad at one thing, at least there is something you will be good at. Like my mum always told me, if the maid is good at children, her housework is not so good...and vice verse.

Think you need to retalk to your maid. Let her know her duties and go thru one thing by one thing with her. Afterwhich, ask her to repeat what you say. That is how my HB ask me to do with the maid. Make sure they understand what you say and if she still fails, sure can scold her till nobody's biz.... Else I think if it goes on and on, one of these days u sure cannot stand her anymore. Better talk to her again and also ask her is this what she want in the job, else also no point if she don want to do. But if she dare to tell u this is not what she want, den can forget it. I dunno what is the reason for her to come here to work liao...lolz...

Hi stshaw,

I 101% agreed with what you say. If everybody knows their stand in that position, there will not be so much trouble. You come here to work as a maid, you must be mentally prepare to work like a helper. Doing housework and look after children, this is their job scoop. All jobs have job scoop right, like us. If u take a 24x7 job, den no choice u must be prepred to be called even in the night. They just don't understand. They come to look see look see only.

Everything is simple instructions and actually is a no brain's job. Cleaning, feed and play with kids. How tough can it be? Of cos, no doubt that maid's job is tedious in terms of the working hours and need to oversee the household, but even if they don come here be maid, after married, shouldn't they be overseeing their own family needs also meh?

Yes, my maid dare to bring 2 hps here and she also sing n hum songs. And I really cannot tahan and go tell her off. Can you imagine if you are keep singing during working hours and even at your desk with your boss around. This is really showing how serious and how much u take pride in that job. Haiz.

Comeon, everyone want to be boss, den who be worker. As a maid don't work like a maid, they think they are in their own home, can do whatever things they like and don't listen. Really dunno what are they thinking. Maybe immaturity is also one of the factors....
