! Advice on breastfeeding - experienced mummies help!


Hi mummies

My boy is on TBF, but he did not pass motion for 3 days alrd.. Is it normal? What shall I do, any food or fruits that I can take, will it help?

dun worry..mine went past 2 weeks without poop.
how old is your baby?
as long as he's not constipated (hard poop) when it comes out...its fine....he's prob absorbing most of it.
if you are worried...give him some pear or prune....but he needs to be above 6mths at least...if not, dun worry about it...
My boy is 2 mths old. Last 2 mths, he used to poo everyday and it's mushy type. Sometimes, its more than 1 time a day. But these few days, not at all. You mean it's normal for TBF bb?
My gal was on TBF til 6 mths old. Her record was 2 weeks without poo. As long as baby is eating and active, still wetting diapers, no tummy pain, then should be okay.
Hi ,
R u eating lots of fibre?
It is normal not to poo for long if full bf, but ideally must poo everyday.
Dont worry!
As long as he is not constipated n not strainjng when pass motion n poo is not hard like rabbit stools, it should be ok.
Any concern, must check with ur pd too.
my gal was on TBF too..there were once she didn't poo for 5 days, and I was panic and brough her to PD. Pd told me it's normal..after that..she hardly have this kind of constipation anymore. I guess its just part of their growing up phase..to absorb most of the nutrient.
hihi, it's quite normal...my daughter is 2 years old now and I recall there were times when she was on TBF and didnt poop. Bought to PD and he said that means the milk is well absorbed so not much poop comes out...dont worry, my daughter's record was not pooping in 6 days! But of course if on majority cows milk and on solid already cannot dont poop for than 2-3 days lah...

hi fellow mummies, don't worry too much. it is normal for the bubs not to poo every day. can always try prune juice (after 6 mths) or consult PD if you really worried.

anyway, good job on breastfeeding! try to do it as long as possible
all for the best of our kids..

Ai @ http://sakuraharuka.blogspot.com
Seems that it's normal, so need not worry too much... Thks a lot mummies! Some more qns here...

1) May I know if it's ok to drink coffee during bf period? My fren said I can take after pump.. Is it alright?

2) if my supply is not enough for my bb.. Shd I take tea or supplement so as to increase supply? Or shd I just give whatever i have n supplement w formula?

Thks in advance for sharing... =)
Hi mummies,

I am expecting my first baby. Excited!
And I am getting first hand knowledge on newborn baby from you all.
Good start.
hi! so glad to see so many TBF mummies here..
MB: it's ok to drink some coffee. don't need to restrict your diet much. not as if u drink loads right? a cup a day or two is fine. if u want to be really safe, then clear boobs b4 drinking.

drink more hot fluids to induce milk. pump and feed more often. mental power is very impt. tell yourself it's enough. because it is definitely enough.
even moms with triplets bf w/o supplements. rely on willpower

my son is on BM till 3yo. if i weren't planning a trip, I would have carry on..

not that milk tea or fenugreek isn't good. just that there r side effects post bfing. so if possible, do avoid outside help.

b4 latching, drink more milky stuff - hot is better than cold. massage your boobs regularly during showers. it exercises milk ducts to unclot anything.
u need more than 8 glasses of water. rem, u r drinking water on behalf of ur kid as well since bm is 70% made up of water... if plain water is too yucky, then take other sorts drink.. avoid gassy ones - to prevent colicky kids.

PLS HELP!!! I need your help! I'm did latch on when my baby is born, but i got problem on latching on so i give up for latching on, when i tink back on latching on i'm so stress! but i do pump my milk every 3 hours so that she could still have her breastmilk. i had a few question in my mind!

1st)How long do i need to pump my mlik when i'm doing every pump? Some mummy say 30 mins left and right total: 1hr? Or just 15 mins each side?

2)If i pump just 15 mins will my supply drop and my baby will have lesses milk?

3) if i just pump for 15 mins. Does this count 1 time as in there is still simulation? and it will be enough for my next pump?

4)My friend intro me to eat fenugreek for milk simulation, and i just started 1 day.. indeed i tink it help for milk simulation.. but i is that gd enough? or i should go back to my doctor?

Pls advice!!!
hi cynthia,

I think the time length of pumping really depends on you. my sis told me 15 mins each for baby to latch on, but I prefer to let the baby suckle for as long as she wants on one side, before I change to the other side. probably same goes for pumping.

even if u pump 15 min each side, u shld probably do it a few cycles until you seem to have no more milk to pump. again, depends on your body how many cycles.

I personally took fenugreek, but only at the later part when my girl started solids. there's many other recommended ways to increase milk supply like papaya soup, mother's tea etc

Ai @ http://www.sakuraharuka.com
@ MickeyBoy. It's totally normal for your breastfed baby not to pass stool for days at a time. Your baby uses almost all of the breast milk he consumes, so there is not a lot of waste left over. The waste has to accumulate before he can have a bowel movement.
@ Cynthia_mei. You should pump each breast, really, until you have no more milk coming out. And please remember, the MORE you pump, the more milk you will produce. So the less you pump, the less you milk you will produce, because your body will think your baby doesn't need that much milk.

Cynthia go here for more info about breastpumping: http://www.breastfeeding-issues-and-solutions.com/breastpumping.html

You can also here to get a good tip about how to get your baby to latch on easy and quick: http://www.breastfeeding-issues-and-solutions.com/how-to-breastfeed.html
