A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi wendypooh,
am feeling v bloated at the moment. Haven't had much to eat for the last two days... my MC expires today and I don't know if I will be well enough to work tomorrow. Quite miserable.. Any ideas how to reduce the bloatedness?

hi tuffy,
ph no u sound very sick, maybe go back to the doc again to ask for mc
maybe u can try using ginger to boil water and drink ginger help to reduce air in the stomach

wendypooh is right..most will still feel the AF type symptoms during the 2WW, especially towards the end..

If you want to be sure, you shd also monitor your temp closely..usually, it will remain high through out..
which is why i am rather pessimistic now because my temp has dropped &amp; dropped since yesterday...<sigh>
hi wendypooh,
we don't cook at home so we don't have ginger... I just ate a mango. I figured, since I am going to be sick, I might as well eat something I like. So far so good.
I must now tell myself that I am not sick... how are u and the bb?
hi tuffy,
oh no u should not have eat the mango, it very heaty. The recent temp is very hot tat why many ppl sick.
i went check up on MOn and everything went on well cant really see the bb next appt in May.
now quite worry just remember tat i took 3 typeof antibitic in Feb dun know will affect bb. next appt must check wif doc

my gynea is dr cheng from TMC....when i was expecting my no.1...i also had MS...starting from the 6 weeks til 19 weeks....only at 20 weeks then i start to really eat......so during my first trimester i actually lost weight yo......so thruout my whole pregnancy i only put on 9kg!!!

hope you will get over yr MS soon......it's really no joke and no fun man!!!!

btw hor...pardon me i abit blur...wat's 2WW r u gals toking abt???
hi wendypooh,
ooppsss.. i din know that. But surprisingly, I am feeling quite ok. Still bloated so no deterioration. Doesn't seem that long ago that you confirmed your pregnancy - now you will be seeing your BB soon.
time realy flies.
hi lbs,
the cramp and discomfort is on and off,but got difficulty sleeping at night due to body ache

hi classy,
i have on and off cramp when i just test =ve and having boday ache everyday and bloated tummy. so far i still eat 3 meal a day but portion reduce a bit cos i feel nausea if i eat too full, really scare i put on too much weight.2WW is day after oulvate to teh next AF come

hi tuffy,
ya u r right i just cfm my pregnancy last Mon, at tat time is 4 week. my gyane use 3D scan so can see a bit but he ask me back on 8 May which is ard week 7 maybe can see clearer
hi wendypooh...

lucky u...at least u can still eat yr 3 meals...during my MS time...no food and drinks...watever in will be out the next moment...everytime when i vomit...i will cry and cry.....as for me, i dun encounter cramps...i only felt very tired and sleepy easily...every nite must sleep around 8 plus or 9......

dun worry abt e weight...if u can eat just eat....it's better that u can eat then can't eat.....hope to hear that yr MS is over soon....
HI all
I'm new here and and have been following this thread. Same as classy, i'm trying for my no. 2. No. 1 kenna on the second try and this time round not so lucky. Tried for 3 mths liao and no news yet.

Classy, how old is yr no. 1?
hi ladies

as expected, mission failed this cycle.Surprisingly, I dont feel so depress this time. Zai Jie Za Li!

*Baby Dust to Tuffy &amp; Wennia* - you two in 2WW, right?

Kindly update me as CD1 today.
hi lbs,
hope you are not too discouraged. Can always try again next cycle.

for me, I am still suffering from the effects of the flu. Had tummy ache this morning again. Also feel nausea too. H says that I feel sick cos I don't want to go to work - wonder if that's true. Anyhow, am not feeling too good and my chart has been all over the place due to the fever I had. So I don't know if I am successful this cycle...
hi classy,
i can still take 3 meal but cant take much cos will feel bloated and not comfort. i cant take dry stuff only prefer soupy stuff. i oso feel like i getting more temperamnetal.the MS is on and off now.
Really worried tat i put on weight leh, i still have not have any craving yet
Thanks lbs. I really really hope to be announcing good news this month. Tuffy, also hope to hear your good news this round.

Any of you in your 30s and trying for your first baby? I am. I think I have to call myself TVVHTC rather than just TTC! Grrr....

Wendypooh, did your doctor give any assurance that the antibiotics you took in Feb will not affect your baby?
Hi wennia,

i am also in my 30s and running to 35 soon so i am also on of the TVVHTC! doesn't help that i have a very pressuring job.
Yannie, welcome to the TVVHTC club but hope we both get out of this club soon, right?
Your hubby has pressurizing job too?
nope. i think he copy pretty well with his work. He can switch off his brain and not think about work once he is home. actually doesn't help that i am kinda stupid about how the body works!
hi nougat,

my no. 1 is 2 years 2 mths......wat abt yrs??

hi wendy,

i didn't have cravings too during my no.1.....but something to share wif u is when my MS ends on the 19 weeks, i started to go swimming everyweek til the last week when i'm due....i think it really helps in my delivery and of cos in my weight too....2 hrs in the labour and my bb is out already!!!

hi lbs,

try again nex month cos me too trying again after my check up nex week....hope we bingo together!!!

hi wennia,

me also in my 30s but me trying for no.2....had my no.1 at 29!!!!
hi ladies
actually when this morning my AF comes, I didnt really feel despair as last time..maybe, I was quite well prepared..

Hubby &amp; I decided to take it easy this cycle...wont be BDing so 'siong' like previously..

I think more or less is due to stress level as he has been very busy with work for this month &amp; is having his exam soon...remember , I told you all that the day before my O, he didnt come much?

Do you have Dr Chan's number? I will be doing a bit more 'research' before deciding which gynae to go for body checkup..

yeap...what happen to oreo?
hey gals..
Me not MIA lah.. I'm currently overseas... did not manage to get connected to internet till now...
will be back by tuesday. (CD Updates will resume by then)

talk to u gals later .....
Hi wendypooh
Thks! I shld be visiting the gynae once my AF ends, hor?

Hey oreo,
glad to hear from you again..

<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 23 Apr 04
lbs ............ CD 01
lilac .......... CD 08
oreo ........... CD 13
funny .......... CD 14
westbb ......... CD 15
joice .......... CD 16
amberlyn ....... CD 18
huggie ......... CD 20
ribena ......... CD 21
maya ........... CD 23
catepillar ..... CD 25
tuffy .......... CD 26
wennia ......... CD 27
jov ............ CD 31
okeanosmao * ... CD 35
skinnyma ....... CD 38
aa ............. CD 41
Ms Blur ........ CD 50
jojoba ......... CD 52
</font><font color="ff0000">
MIA => Pls update ur CD / let us know if u have graduated!

felene ......... CD 57
wizard ......... CD 67
shopper ........ CD 68
</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
Giggler ........ 13/06/04
Disney ......... 18/07/04
sue ............ 05/08/04
new ............ 23/08/04
esprit ......... 26/08/04
apple .......... 26/09/04
pet ............ 03/10/04
angelia ........ 04/10/04
SLK ............ 08/10/04
Micky .......... 23/10/04
Wendyl ......... 24/10/04
YeeYee ......... 24/10/04
chihiro ........ 30/11/04
Jen ............ 19/12/04
Emma ........... 19/12/04
wendypooh ...... ??/12/04
<font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>
<font color="119911">* = PCOS</font>
Common terms used ==> http://www.singaporebrides.com/cgi-bin/forumboard/show.cgi?tpc=36738&amp;post=489349#POST489349
Hi lilac
Think u hv miss my msg to u. Can u reply me when u're free.
Posted on 22/4 12.13pm
Thks for yr reply. My normal cycle is 26 or 27 days, for the past few mth very regular. Except this mth, my menses suppose to come on 12/4 but didn't come. So i waited unitl 19/4 (7dys late) i went to c a doctor, tested -ve. Doctor asked me to do another checkup next wk. I really dun noe wat happened to my body, I'm quite worry wat happen, mayb due to hormone changes????
Hi classy,
my no. 1 is 16 mths. Started becos gynae say i difficult to get pregnant.
hi lilac

Have you decide whih gynae to go? Me also looking for gynae for body checkup after my AF finish..
Hi lilac &amp; Ibs,
I oso thot of going for a body checkup... Actually thot of going to eastern specialist centre at bedok. They have a female gynae name Heng Tung Lan (dunno correct spelling or not). Found out from other thread tat she quite a humble lady..
Maybe u gals can recommend which gynae to see?? By the way for the checkup, do u gals intend to ask hubby along for checkup too??
<font color="0000ff">oranges</font>
sorry that i miss ur Qs. I also duno what causes ur AF to be late. Do u have any symptons?? Maybe u are one of those who have super low HcG level and so cant detect early if u are preggie.
Or are u under stress lately??

<font color="0000ff">Tuffy, lbs, joice</font>
yup ive made an appt cos my menses just cleared. The gynae which i intend to go is WK Tan from TMC(same gynae as <font color="0000ff">forgetmenot</font>) but she is fully "book" and so i made appt with Madeline Tan. Will be going for pap smear lor. BTW, what test must i also take har? Wat abt those test to chk for blockage??
hi lilac,
I also dunno what those tests are called... but it might be a good idea to undergo them since you are already going to visit the gynae. i think if you tell your gynae that you have been trying for a few months but no success, she should be able to recommend your the appropriate tests. Are you bringing along your FF charts for reference?
hi lilac,
So when is ur appt? How is her charges like?

All these TTC really makes me feel very down these few days.. Have not be able to BD these few days(my fertile wk)cos hubby too tired due to work. My hubby not young anymore so really wish to strike faster ..
Hi lilac
Glad tat u reply.
Recently, feel like vomitin(but nothin come out),feel very tired lor &amp; feel very hungry. Opp.. am i preggie ? wat do u tink base on my symptons? Stress... not really. Alamak wat is HCG level, i really dun noe? Pls advise. Thks

if u suspect you may be pregnant, why dun u take a home pregnancy test (urine test).. if you are pregnant, the hpt should be able to pick up your hcg. If result is negative, and your AF not started yet plus the symptoms you described persist, maybe u wanna test in 2-4 days again. If you are pregnant, the pregnancy test will show up as positive and the line will become darker as the day goes by.

hcg is only produced by your body when you are pregnant. So if the pregnancy test kit detect hcg level (normally at 25-50 IU) then most likely you are really pregnant lor
Hey Oranges, you really do sound like you're pregnant! Perhaps you should test again? Good luck.
joice, how about making your hubby a cup of coffee prior to BD? I've been surfing the internet extensively on this as I'm also very eager to get pregnant. I've read a couple of articles recommending a cup of coffee for the guy, especially in the case of wanting a baby boy. Do note I haven't seen any scientific back-up on this yet.

yannie, perhaps you can look up fertility friend or babycenter. They have pretty good write-ups on how the body works, especially on how to pin-point our oh-so-precious window of fertile days using various methods. Good luck.
