A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Hi girls

Thanks alots...I don't feel pregnant... no symptoms at all... just test it for fun...didn't expect to c a faint line... I'll be going to do a blood test tomolo b4 i fly off to hong kong.. Hopefully, I'll have a smooth 9 mths..as 1've 2 miscarriage b4....

Hi Dor,
today is my dpo 11.

****BABY DUST TO ALL******

Hi Chikako,

Me gg to be 29. No much different from you lar. TTC for my first baby. Also very stress. But stress also no use, make the things worse only. My hubby always lecture me why I make myself so stressful, he told me if dun hav also never mind, and this make me feel touch. But I still always quarel wth him dun know y??? When menses come again, I will dai dai look at him and ask him when our baby will come ...siao liao...
does anyone know if you're preggie, will your pulse be faster?

i read that xi mai is a smooth pounding heart beat. English health site also says that & faster pulse too. Just wanna verify. Does it happen throughout or just from one of the trimesters?
It's really very difficult to tell what mai is fast and what mai is normal.

I once went to Zhong Hua at Toa Payoh and the chinese physician felt both my pulses and said i pregnant. It turned out that I wasn't. So if a trained doctor can get it wrong, it is even more difficult for us to tell.
hi Valerie,

pai say..i miss out your question...

married last Sept04.. got pregnant in oct04.. 2nd miscarriage in dec04.. n after trying for about 5mths... finally, got a BFP...

busy just now... phew!

each tube not very big...
neber mind... u never know.... even thou affect, but i think it wont kill all also... so dun worry... just 1 soldier can liao...;P
aiyah... twice I went there they not open... today then I know they dun open on sat liao... and this time I go from west to east, so buy 1 more.. if not my petrol more ex leh... ;P
kekekekkekeke..... if KS can help me to conceive... I will be very KS... hahahahahah...
kekekekek... I bo bian... I think this one still cheaper than wat the gynae gave me... cost be $30 plus for 1 tiny bottle...
If it hurts, very difficult to BD sometimes mah... so need a bit of help. hiaz!
hello ladies

so tired today.. havin headache nw leh.. sianz

congrat kokopooh
me married in oct04 but tried for 7mths then get BFP but m/c recently..

loving.. i didnt know u got brown discharge oso leh.. means that mine is the same as urs lor.. only that i dun need D&C
I already surfed liao few mths back... all dun deliver to S'pore one... so sian... so bo bian got to buy from them.. I also find ex... but no choice lor...
if anyone going to US then will be much cheaper lor for them to buy. :p
me also like you... everytime 2 WW or AF comes. will ask hubby when will we have bb...

not siao lah... just sian... but cheer up.... think positively...

Continue to jia you!!!
have u doing any mini confiment?

ur one consider chemical pregnancy mah
so dun need d&c..

b4 spotting, my gynae already hint me that bb might not able continue growing when check up..
so when start spotting, i already something bad liao.. but anyway, i accept the fated, its mine, will be mine.. gone nw rather than suffer later when bb born abnormal lor...

like a lot of pp very busy today.
no test yet. tom.
what's your CD today? today Nat haven't posted the updates. No updates, i lost track liao. Must really thank her for the efforts
Hi all,

Need your advice. I've read quite a no. of threads and I find very useful in this website forum. I'm trying to have a baby. But I do not know to go to a normal gynae or fertility specialists? Anyone can help me to advice on this? Maybe recommend any doctor and hospital,clinc?

very boring one. Too lazy to find work. hehehe. now just wanna conc on making babies. i'm a very single-minded person. What to do? only 1 thing at a time.
If you want to save money, you can go to KKH and ask for preconception checkup. But if you have been trying for quite some times and no result, you need a specialist and you can go KKIVF to do a further check.

dunno how far you're in it already. but for a start, u can just go to a gynae to do basic checks first. Only if u find more probs then go to fertility specialist.

heh. dunno what to do leh. i didn't want to return to my prev line, all the jobs look so boring.
loving.. i dunno hw to do leh.. coz MIL duno hw to cook confinement dish :p so will drink chicken essences and DOM after its clears lor..
u did any??
mashy.. u not workin nw ah?? shiok hor.. but will think alot regarding babies one lor.. i tried that b4 coz i didnt work for almost 1/2 a year and keep think wan to have bb leh.. hahaha

hb don't dare nag me. :p he nagged b4, then gave up. now he wants me to help him lor, so i'll be his admin assist lor. end of may gotta take exam.
last time i was from PR line. Find it too stressful. Also dunno why i was in that line, not exactly the savvy kind of person. And of course wanted to get out of the declining co. Looks glam outside, but it's shit work. now i think i'm resting for all the stress i got last time.
Your hb a financial planner right? Rest is good. I told my boss I want to quit and stay home to make bb haha...she said stay home so boring...might as well stay office to work. I told her I am going to do IVF and she is ok with that...very nice hor
I was just wondering girls... would it be more relaxing for us to keep track of our CDs less often??

Anyway, here's today's CD list:


<font face="courier new"> <font color="0000ff">as @ 20 May 05
naturally ...... CD 02
babycutie ...... CD 02
busybumblebee .. CD 02
jenny tan ...... CD 03
sugarbun ....... CD 03
sally .......... CD 07
chikako ........ CD 13
blue_rabbit .... CD 16
carrie ......... CD 19
december ....... CD 19
jasjas ......... CD 21
chern .......... CD 22
dawn ........... CD 24
dor ............ CD 27
babymaking ..... CD 28
bookworm ....... CD 29
poohmum ........ CD 32
qwer ........... CD 33
hopeformiracle . CD 34
mashybrainz .... CD 35
milo ........... CD 35
luvflower ...... CD 36
sunny .......... CD 38
tulip .......... CD 42
matilda ........ CD 45

</font><font color="aa00aa">
Graduates - EDD
sharon ......... 17/05/05
bluesea ........ 22/05/05
ras ............ 07/06/05
jamci .......... 15/06/05
megtan ......... 21/06/05
stupid ......... 10/07/05
tuffy .......... 17/07/05
bubbleling ..... 19/07/05
wendyg ......... 09/08/05
tingting ....... 09/08/05
miso ........... 20/08/05
angel .......... 28/08/05
ilmare ......... 11/09/05
mrstan ......... 05/10/05
sneaky ......... 06/10/05
jenifur ........ 22/10/05
kris ........... 22/10/05
ling ng ........ 23/10/05
garfield ....... 28/10/05
kelly .......... 08/11/05
nik ............ 01/12/05
sexxy .......... 12/12/05
aspire ......... 18/12/05
ttc2 ........... 02/01/06
</font><font color="119911">CD = Cycle Day; AF = Aunt Flo = menses;</font>

The ABCs of TTC
Checking your CM and Folic Acid
The TTC Prayer

<font color="aa00aa">If you would like to join us, or update your CD, please PM me!

yup. he is. my SIL says so wasted i go &amp; be his asst. :p Go outside also can earn many times more lah.

you lucky girl! Your boss is very nice. not everyone that nice &amp; understanding.

even if we don't keep track, we'll still be thinking &amp; thinking. :p
