A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

Yuki, i also felt that if there's any problem, i rather be the one rather than hubby. I always tik that women can handle such situations better. We don mind going to a great extent to get things fixed, but seem like men are too egoistic to do tat.

Just watched Ch 11 - The Womb, saw the amazing part on delivery. It featured the baby head coming out and the gynae is pulling it, seem to be quite painful to me, ouch!!! but its a good show, i must say.
paperplane - don't be sad... Still can try again next round, GO GO JIA YU....
carole ?

me = melissa ?? no lah.. i am not , i just registered recently and still consider newbie..

bettle, sigh..what to do leh.. need to see gyane tmr
paperplane - which gynae did you go to? if i remember correctly you still haven't decide for one last week
anyway just relax and let your AF come and try again next time :D
u can do a search on starhub scv to find out whether thr will be anymore re-runs. tis doc was actually shown abt 4-6 mths back on scv too
(As of 14 March)
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 21</TD><TD> 8</TD><TD> 20 March</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> 12</TD><TD> 16 March</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> 8</TD><TD> 21 March </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fizz</TD><TD> 16</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 1 April</td></tr></table>
Hi Louie

No lah... not IT expert but coz been in this forum since SBO times.. so more familiar wif posting mah...

Hi Paperplane

Dun be disappointed... there's always next cycle... we juz keep trying hor...Gambatte..

Hi Baby26

Sounded very expensive leh... U mean the $110 is on top of the $170 that u hv paid? Mine consultation fee is $66, Pap Smear is $30, Ultrasound is $80... think 2nd visit, the consultation fee is cheaper... but couldn't find the receipt liao...

My Gynae explained to me and printed some pictures for mi... but maybe coz that time, I was having very BIG cysts... and was going for a surgery... that's y more detail... but my gynae did explain when I ask her certain things even after the consultation... Think most gynae won't explain much unless u ask them... coz their terms sometimes too chim... also dun understand wat they saying... hehehehhe...

Hi Fizz

Hmmm... Depending on the next job u moving to... if it's higher level (managerial, etc.) that u r moving to, it's good to move on... but if it's the same level and u r moving on juz to get greater exposure... then I find no point lor... and if u hv been there for a long time... yr salary for yr level wld probably be too high for u to move to the next company on a higher salary... Generally lah... also depending on position lah... coz I also dunno wat u working as mah... so hard to really confirm...

U r TTC now... if u were to move on to the next level, it might be abit stressful for u to handle the next phase of life and also to handle a new challenge in work too... Actually, I'm in this junction now... also dunno whether I shld quit or stay on... coz scare that if I go on to the next job... starting period sure very stressful... then TTC may also be affected.... but if I stay on... think I'm rotting liao... aiyo.... so fed-up...
hi ladies
i'm new here and been ttc after wedding last year. this morning, i tested my urine with clear blue and it shows a faint positive...which means i shld be preggie. my question is should i go to a GP to confirm or go straight to my gynae and re-test?
Hi Koori

Ya lor... think gals can accept all those funny tests done on us juz to have a bb... but men are too egolistic...

So, Fizz, u r also lucky that yr hubby is the one that's dying for a bb... then he wld probably go all out... If his sperm count is low, then u 2 only BD when u O lor... since u already done the scan, and noe when u supposed to O... that might as well stop BD now... and BD only on that day... higher chance mah... coz Hubby on low sperm count... shld BD too early otherwise, affect the sperm count also... then that day u wear sexy sexy...
seduce him &amp; his bro...
hehehehe.... maybe can work leh... if really still cannot then consider IUI lor...

Hi Koori

I'm on Clomid this cycle, think that's y my cycle shortened... My luteal phase normally 14 days, so estimate shld be on 21 March lor...
Hi Enerus

This is as of today?

Hi Starmoon

How many days are yr AF late? If u tested early, then perhaps, u might wanna wait for a few more days to use HPT to confirm again then go to Gynae lor... but if u r already late... then think can go to gynae and confirm lah...

If confirm liao... dun forget to spread yr babydust to us hor...
hi yuki
my period not regular...sometimes early and sometimes late by a couple of days. in jan menses came on 11 jan, den for last month it came on 12 feb. for dis mont, nuttin yet but i been feeling nauseous everytime after i eat lor. yesterday i had some spotting too. i read the leaflet in clearblue and it says even if faint positive, it should be preggie. so now thinking if shld go to GP first to test or gynae cos i noe must eat folic acid all dat and was wondering if i go GP and if confirm, will they also give me those tablets? datz y thinking if not, maybe go straight to gynae.

hi enerus
thanks. hopefully the test is still positive lor

btw, wad is AF ah? u all use acronyms and i dunno wad it is.
Hi Starmoon

Likelyhood, u r preggy liao lah... already due for AF but AF nvr come and u also hv pre-preggy symptoms...

Think it's better to go to Gynae lor for checkup to make sure the pregnancy is normal lor... folic acid can get from pharmacy also lah... so, dun need to see GP... as for the other multivits... think gynae wld hv better idea wat's good for u and wat's not...

AF means... yr menses lah... Auntie Flow...
hi yuki

oic...thanks for yr advice. okie, will go to see gynae den. do u think i should wait till next week to see gynae cos not sure if it is too early to go this week.
hi starmoon, hope to hear good news fr u

Hey gals, me will wait until end of tis wk to test, dun want to test too early also. Currently, still monitoring my BBT, if doesn't drop consecutively &amp; drastically then a good sign! *Keeping fingers crossed* (dunno where to get the cute fingers pic) hee
Hi Louie

Hahahha... okie...okie... crossing fingers for u.... and for me too....

Hi Starmoon

Hope to hear good news from u soon...
Hi louie, is ur AF due already? My AF is due on 16 Mar, now keeping my fingers crossed tt it won't come. Am also monitoring my BBT, as of this morning, its still climbing...

Hi paperplane, don't be too disappointed and don't think too much k? Jia you Jia you...

Hi starmoon, do keep us posted of ur results...happy for u if ur are really preggy...
hi tami, my AF shd be jus ard the corner, tis few days lah. Think we have ard the same cycle. Hee! My BBT dropped a little to 36.89... been hovering ard tis range to 37.1 or so. So, prayfully it doesn't drop lor
hi yuki &amp; tami
thanks. me oso keeping fingers crossed. hopefully will haf good news. will prob wait till next week before i pop to my gynae. thanks ladies for yr wonderful advice.
starmoon, it was smart to u to start TTC-ing aft getting married. most of us waited q a while here lor, then now "stressed" to have baby. Hee...

Char, thanks for updating! U back fr korea already? so fast??
hi louie..
havent go yet leh...26th-31st Mar...me disappeared for a few days cos busy handing over all my stuff before my last day next week...
Acronym Meaning
AF Aunt Flo menstruation/period
BBL be back later
BBT basal body temperature
BC because, or birth control, or before children
BCPS birth control pills
BD baby dance (sex)
BF breastfeed, or boyfriend
BFN big fat negative (pregnancy test)
BFP big fat positive (pregnancy test)
BIL brother-in-law
BM breast milk, or bowel movement
BRB be right back
BTDT been there, done that
BTW by the way
CD cycle day
CF cervical fluid
CIO cry it out
Circ. circumcise
CM cervical mucus
CWIM see what I mean
CS or C/S cesarean section
DC daycare
DD dear daughter
DF dear fiancee
DH dear husband
DPO days past ovulation
DS dear son
DSD dear stepdaughter
DSS dear stepson
DW dear wife
EBF extended breastfeeding
EBM expressed breast milk
EDD estimated due date, or expected date of delivery
EWCM egg white cervical mucus
FF formula feeding
FIL father-in-law
FT full time
FTR for the record
FWIW for what it's worth
FYI for your information
HPT home pregnancy test
HTH hope this helps
IC incompetent cervix
IMHO in my humble opinion
IMO in my opinion
IRL in real life
IUI intrauterine insemination
IVF in vitro fertilization
JJ or J/J just joking
JK or J/K just kidding
JMHO just my humble opinion, or just my honest opinion
KWIM know what I mean
L&amp;D labor and delivery
LOL laughing out loud
LP luteal phase
MC or M/C miscarriage
MIL mother-in-law
ML maternity leave
MM mother's milk
MYOB mind your own business
NMS not my style
NMSAA not my style at all
NP no problem
O ovulation
O'd ovulated
OMG oh my gosh, or oh my god
OP original poster
OPK ovulation predictor kit
OT off topic
PG pregnant, or pregnancy
PP previous poster
PPD postpartum depression
RE reproductive endocrinologist
ROFL rolling on floor laughing
SAHD stay-at-home dad
SAHM stay-at-home mom
SAHP stay-at-home parent
SD sperm donor
SIL sister-in-law
TCOYF Taking Charge of Your Fertility, by Toni Weschler
TIA thanks in advance
TTC trying to conceive
US or U/S ultrasound
VBAC vaginal birth after cesarean section
WAH work at home
WOH work out of the home
(As of 14 March)
<table border=1><tr><td>Nick</TD><TD> CD</TD><TD> DPO</TD><TD> AF Expected</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Yuki</TD><TD> 21</TD><TD> 8</TD><TD> 20 March</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tami</TD><TD> 34</TD><TD> 12</TD><TD> 16 March</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Koori</TD><TD> 22</TD><TD> 8</TD><TD> 21 March</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Fizz</TD><TD> 16</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 1 April</TD><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>Avenie</TD><TD> 16</TD><TD> ?</TD><TD> 30 March </TD></TR><TR><TD>Enerus</TD><TD> 11</TD><TD> 17</TD><TD> 28 Mar 06</td></tr></table>
Hi hi...

Seems like so many of u r in 2ww oredi...nevermind...I shall slowly wait for mine...

I m still decidin whether or not to go for iui...I noe tat the %tage of success is oni slightly betta than norm...wil update u galz lor...thanx for all the advices n support yest...

Hi Yuki...

Actually I m lookin at either movin to a diff industry...or a more managerial post lor...the oni worry is tat I wil be preg within 6 mths shld I move on...it wldnt b very nice...n the stress level of preg, new bb n new job may b too high for me to handle...tatz y I nid to stay put for tis yr...n hopefully hv a bb asap...
Thanks Char, wah so many acronyms ! I also also TCC. My CD is either 28, 30 or 31. AF expected is 6 April. DPO is 9. So this coming weekend is very crucial!! This is my 1st attempt at TTC. Very stressed also. my colleague is trying for very long. now i can finally understand the anxiety.
Hi Fizz, our cycle quite similiar. I am also deciding whether to go for So-IUI or not. My hubby got low motility(43%) and mophorlogy(8%). Now taking TCM medicine. Hope I can strike this cycle or next cycle. If not, think have to go through the SO-IUI path.
Are you under KKH or other hospital?
hi fizz/ Avenie, is IUI expensive? After how long then will doc recommend this procedure?

Avenie, u under KKH? Me also, but think KKH q ex. Haven't gone to see gynae relating to TTC-ing.
belle, yr Cycle length is 28, 29 or 30, right? What is yr today CD? If u expected yr AF on 6 April and now is DPO 9, than yr DPO length is 32 days.. too long liao. I think u r on CD 9 today, DPO dun know yet (haven't ovulate), AF expected 6 April.... right?
Hi Fizz

I wld consider wat u want as a new challenge which can be stressing during the starting period and may require u to do alot of OT... to settle down... it won't be good to try for a baby during such stressful period... already u r having difficulties getting pregnant... it wld only make it worst... Think better to stay put till u get preggy... give birth... settle down wif yr bb first before u start looking around... that's my personal advise lah... up to u to decide wat u wish to do lor...

Anyway, do tell us on yr decision abt IUI... when u hv to decide?
louie, how long have u ttcing? If more than a year, u should go for some fertility checkup. To save money, u can get a referral letter from polyclinic, but take longer time for the whole process.
I have been ttcing for a year since my last m/c. Doc can't find out anything wrong on me, juz my hubby got some sperm problem. So, they recommended this IUI or IVF.
I think the cost for IUI is ard $300, SO-IUI is $2k, IVF is $7k...
hi louie
datz becos ILs waited too long liao and we've been together for too long so decided to ttc now rather than later cos growing old leh. scare next time will haf difficulties and complications lor. now gotta wait till next week and it is passing so slow. can't wait till next week to come....

belle, do u know when u ovulate? The day u ovulated is DPO 1. Normally, the DPO length is 14 days. So, on DPO 14, u should expected yr AF.
