A place for the TTCs.. (Trying To Conceive)

hi gals,
i have prepared a draft copy of the consolidtion of the gynea and stuff..for those who want a copy,kindly pm me...please see if u r able to add in additional info then send it back to me...i will update my master copy before sending out...

Hi gals...

me getting sick leh.. haiz..... down with flu & cough... sianz...

btw.. how many of u gals are taking the folic acid from NTUC pharmacy ah? so i just go over the counter to tell the staff say Folic acid can liao izzit ah? wat color izzit? it comes in 100 pcs ah?
kekeke... just nid to be sure.. maybe ask my hb to pop by ltr to get it...
Please send to me as well. my email [email protected]

paperplane - I have similar problem last month, tested with Faint positive but at the same time i have bleeding and discharge so I go to gynae immediately. I STRONGLY advice you to visit GYNAE ASAP if you have spotting or bleeding. Blood test will know the value of hCG hormone.
bettle bug - spotting or bleeding signifies m/c ? oso by doing u/s or hcg blood test can know the result if preggie or not right ? which one hv immediate result ?

yes, it come a box with 100pcs inside.(aluminium strip and the med yellow col.)

hey girls,
read for this site:
Understand folic acid also need for man, but dunno izzit the man eat same as we eat?but from what i know just lady took only..... anyone know any folic acid can our hb take?man take will be come "niang niang chiang" haha.....
of course ultrascan lah.. cos they can see your uterus wall... for any implantation. For my case, nothing can be seens although my hCG did surge up on the 3rd day.

my case is chemical pregnancy.
wong.. kekeke.. u very funny leh.. "niang niang chiang" is still okay.. what if "nuan mian mian".. kekeke....okok..what a gd joke for friday.. ahh destress..
hi cahr,

pls send to me too... [email protected]
Ok.. will go check it out later.. so just tell them folic acid can liao hor?

waahahaa... niang niang chiang = nuan mian mian ah? kekeke... liddat no good ah!!
i think the chinese sinseh ask you not to take those food because all those are consider "Liang" (cooling food/fruits) bah? i think there are some reliability since chinese sinseh practise chinese medical and he sees alot of cases. Some people have cool body, some warm. Those with cool body quite difficult to conceive and thus better not to drink too much "cooling stuffs" else easily lose the pregnancy.

char u gg korea ah!! Wow, so envy you! De-stress plus, good lah u go there, see all the romantic places, more easier to get into mood.

paperplane, i think you are likely a preggy already! They will do something to your urine to check the HGC level. There is a medicine that will improve your hormone level, but certainly you cannot take it without proper prescription from the doctor! Moreover it's very expensive, 1 pc is $1.20 and you have to take it everyday. I call it "An Tai Yao" coz i forget the English name. At present you should quickily take the folic acid already!!!

Paperplane, I really hope you will strike and then please give us baby dust also!!

keep us updated ok..
berries, when u r about getting serious with TTCg, you are down wif fever, sigh....

u noe my hb is also the one who gets the folic acid for me from NTUC unity. Somex think back, they r quite "sweet" also right?

Cat and yuki, u all saying about the multi-V tablets which already have folic acid in it I also took before. However, mine is brown colour, round tablets. (Colour is like egg shell)
paperplan your faint +ve how it looks like? this - faint or | this faint

anyway some ppl really homone low tats why when they test urine is -ve or faint +ve

my friend who is 5 mths pregnant last time, she all the while don't know she is pregnant.......no symtoms at all and she tested is -ve , after taking blood test its +ve....
so its really depends on the person itself...
hi paperplane..
i m not too sure leh...must ask...or my current co is also looking for customer svc rep....curretn location is in AMK...or u wana try for this?should be immediate placing cos the gal is leaving end this month...
Hi gals,
i have send all of u the file liao..please see if you have more info to add in dan drop me a mail..i will add into the master copy and send out to u again..
ya lor.. now I so sick man! freezing like hell here in the opi & sneezing away ah...

at least ur hb good leh.. he knows these kinda stuff, my hb dunno anything one lor... i ask him go buy just now.. he can still ask me, that one eat for wat? flu ah? dun anyhow eat ah.. go see doc better...
hi d woof,
so hw is it so far after taking her medication? do u still continue with other medication that your gyne give you? What did she say when you went back to see her? Is your 'pulse' better?
Hi Char

Receive liao... thks...

wow... u so good... going Korea... see can make one in Korea or not leh... hehehhee...

Hi Berries

Hubby are like that one lah... get used to it...
char - i oso recv ur email . thks..muak muak.. so informative..okok ..tmr sat, will see got any good job or not for me lor , if not any how humtum for job liao.

cat - mine is |vertical faint line. got "-" liketat meh ? anyway , the last i use is the test strips, this time GP tested on cassette type lor..

any diff huh ?

penguin, ur name very cute leh.. hehe.. still cant cfm now lor.. dun wan to waste $$ for blood test and u/s yet .. wait until next week.. anyway.. i hv waited for 18 days liao..

whether +ve or -ve, still need to find job asap lor..
when r u gng to korea? so nice hor...hw i wish i can be there too...
can i haf a copy too? pls send to [email protected]

hello pekochan,
the last visit to her, she said everything is oso..take my pulse n oso see the tongue...she juz say good n cont to take her medicine....now taking her medicine to tiao bu my body...my gynae din give me any medicine...
just found from Lisa Chin's thread that this is her package.
Annenatal package then was 700 excluding 5% GST. Includes 2 detailed scans, and normal scheduled consultations and multi-vitamins.
Please help to update.
Hi Paperplane
Suggest you go and see a gynae lar..like dat you can rest ur mind at ease also mar..no need to "hu si ruan xiang"..cos u already missed ur AF like more than 2 wks liao..an u/s should be able to see something if you are pregnant

Hi char
Can you send the list to me also? Thanks for your effort in consolidating the list!
[email protected]
Hi Paperplane,
Ya i agreed with Zhu zhu, its better u go and see asap. My ex-colleague also missed her AF for more than 20 days. Then she didnt go and see after 1mths plus later and then find that got complications. Health is more important. Quick quick go okie!
hi zhu zhu n summer,

okok.. my original plan next week is to see gynae oso and take blood test. my GP told me take blood test is more accurate than the test kit lor. anyway, i was told that blood test is the most accurate source to detect hormone level (as urine oso can't tell)..esp for low hormone people lor..keke.. i think i will take blood test next week liao..
Hi ladies,

I ever spoken to my gf who used to be a nurse. Was told that folic acid generally is good and most ppl should not have problem taking it b4 pregnant but again not all. Some of us the body already have enough and might end up over in-take. So she suggested its best to seek doc advise b4 taking.

Hope it helps...
hi zenn,
izzit? but from wat i knoe...if too much of folic acid it will actually pass out from the body as it is water soluable......heard tis from somewhere......how do we noe whether our body has enuff or not?

do update us....wan to hear good news from u

Hi baby26

Interested to share the Opk which u mentioned earlier dated on 08/Mar '06.


"100 opk us32.34 + 20 pregnantcy kit US5.23 + US 8.25 shipping= US 45.82, abt $0.66 only."

Each person can have 50 opk + 25 pregnancy kit = US 26= S$45.50.
Btw how's the exhange rate like?

