8.5mths baby still unable to sit up


Hi my 8.5mths baby still unable to sit up, is it alright? As my friends babies are able to sit up at abt 7 - 8 mths, so I am starting to get worried. I hope I not paranoid.

hi gal,
mine onli start to turn over when she is 7 months. But she started to walk when she is 1 yr old.

My gal is slow in turning over too. I guess each child has his/ her own process of development. Dont worry and you observe. Try to stimulate your bb motor skills.

For my son I use Bumbo chair - my son has sat in his since the day we brought him home and I really think it has helped strengthen his core muscles and aid in his balance development.
Hi c3lin3,

Your baby will have to devt assesments done either by Polyclinic or PD. You may like to check out with them about your concern and get professional advice on how to stimulate your baby to sit up. Usually, a baby should be able to sit unassisted by 8 mths (as a guide).

However, as mentioned by other mummies here, different kids progresses at different pace.

For me, my DD1 hardly crawled on all 4s but she can walk steadily by the time she turned 13 months.

Do see professional help early if you are too concerned or get your doubts cleared to get peace of mind.
Hi Muumy..

I agree with Constance too..Try using Bumbo.

Though the kid MAY not really like the feeling of being in there...my DD outlived it in 2mths or so..

Try the bumbo. I think it helps.
and good to train for Potty too..

HTH =)
hi mummy c3lin3,

yupp different babies progress differently. some are fast, some might need more time. however if ure still concerned, u can alwys check with ur PD
hope all will be fine!
Thanks to all mummies for the advises! I do not know the Bumbo chair will able to help, anyway will try, but my baby doesn't really want to sit. I can see he is trying hard to sit up, but still can't. I will arrange to bring him to see PD to have peace of mind.
mine consider fast.
3mths flip
4mths sit bumbo seat
5mths sit with support
5.5mths sit without support
6.5mths crawl
7mths kneel
7.5mths stand by herself with hands supported on cot

different babies progress differently.
i still believe babies who have weak points, will also have their strong points, which u may not see for now.

i have some friend's babies who cannot crawl at 7mths but started to walk at 8mths!

jiayou! everything should be fine
