2WW - for those TTC-ing

Angel mommy,
Thanks for your advices !
I have been taking it slowly and also drinking a lot of chicken essence ! Hopefully it helps !
Btw when do you intend to start ttc again or have start ?
Tmr is my review with the doc, gg to ask him tmr too

That time I read that royal jelly can help with high FSH count, it like increasing egg count. I took for awhile and stopped cos lazy
Hi all..im back again!!!

My menses is 1 week late but im still tested negative..

Dont knw whether isit stress that caused menses to b delayed! :(
That is what my gyne told me.. She said not so good. About my cyst, I first experienced pain on first day of menses twice , once in dec 2012 and another time in Jan 2013. Told gyne then she did an intravaginal scan for me and saw the clear cyst at my left ovary. Then along the way, during the follow up scan in Oct, saw another two blood cysts in the left ovary too .. That few months, I experienced brown discharge when menses ending .. Brown discharge lasted for 3-4 days..


My period is already clearing up!!!!!
It's like only the 3rd day!!!!!
morning ladies....
MIA for 2 days. haha... ytd co. off so went out wif colleagues to legoland.
Play while i still can. lol...

anyway back to my TCM. went to c the TCM in Jurong East St 21. Lady Sinseh.
She not bad. say all very accurate. lol....
then say all ppl can conceive. juz whether hw u do it.
so she tell me NO JUICES, NO COLD DRINKS. Can only take certain fruits only.....
slp before 1030pm due to body hormones workin between 1030 to 11pm... n give me 6 days med to eat.
ask me to eat less carbohydrate food. eat less oily. EXCERISE. Whahaha....
my hb also got med to take. then she say my hb warriors not handsome. so need to drink more water. bath cold water.
best is she say hope to have gd news next mth. hahaha...
then my hb was like huh??? her med is Xian Dan ar. lol...

but then i trying to cut down on cold drinks n hope to slp early.
but wif the holidays in the corner. seems not easy...
But she is very direct so unless u can take very direct words. then guess she is gd.
was shock tat she can detect so much wif pulse reading......
Hi Stoney!!!!

Is this sinseh located along those HDB shophouses and quite near IMM?
Think I used to see her yeeeeeeaaaaaaarrs ago too.
Have to go queue very early to get a no.

How much did u pay for this session with her?
yup yup. lol....
actually still ok.
i reach there ard 8plus in the morning on Xmas day. then after 3person is me liao. hahaha
not tat long waiting....

hmm. i dun tink she charge for consulation .
the lady charge me medication only.
mine is 28. my hb is 32.50 n he buy Q10 fr them @ 60.
Sinseh ask him to take Q10 along wif his multi vits.

her medication still ok. juz got 1 need to chew n swallow. tat one i really cannot take it.
make me wan to vomit. lol....
yup yup. lol....
actually still ok.
i reach there ard 8plus in the morning on Xmas day. then after 3person is me liao. hahaha
not tat long waiting....

hmm. i dun tink she charge for consulation .
the lady charge me medication only.
mine is 28. my hb is 32.50 n he buy Q10 fr them @ 60.
Sinseh ask him to take Q10 along wif his multi vits.

her medication still ok. juz got 1 need to chew n swallow. tat one i really cannot take it.
make me wan to vomit. lol....

Chew on med?!?!?!?!? o_O I also will not be able to take it!

I remember when I used to go there many donkey years ago, I have to reach there like at 6am.
The queue would be very long if I reach any later than 7am.
My body has been acting weird.. Might wana go see a TCM soon.
i tink also depends on when u go. morning alot ppl. my q no. is 16 when i go. juz mayb is holiday season so less ppl ba.
but i heard wkdays afternoon less ppl.

mayb u wan to go bk c her. i find wat she say makes sense lor. trying hard to adapt n make changes.
might go bk c her again....
but the chewing part. i really feak out. lol. tink will play cheat. ask hb to cut the med into smaller pieces. whahaha....
Thanks for sharing.. My gyne prescribe 5mg folic acid .. My frens' gyne too.. Most of them also same dosage.. How much a dosage did your gyne prescribe to you?

as long as is prescribed by gynae/doc should be ok lah... they should know you best.. just don't anyhow add yourself, knowing how kiasu singaporeans can be =P
morning ladies....
MIA for 2 days. haha... ytd co. off so went out wif colleagues to legoland.
Play while i still can. lol...

anyway back to my TCM. went to c the TCM in Jurong East St 21. Lady Sinseh.
She not bad. say all very accurate. lol....
then say all ppl can conceive. juz whether hw u do it.
so she tell me NO JUICES, NO COLD DRINKS. Can only take certain fruits only.....
slp before 1030pm due to body hormones workin between 1030 to 11pm... n give me 6 days med to eat.
ask me to eat less carbohydrate food. eat less oily. EXCERISE. Whahaha....
my hb also got med to take. then she say my hb warriors not handsome. so need to drink more water. bath cold water.
best is she say hope to have gd news next mth. hahaha...
then my hb was like huh??? her med is Xian Dan ar. lol...

but then i trying to cut down on cold drinks n hope to slp early.
but wif the holidays in the corner. seems not easy...
But she is very direct so unless u can take very direct words. then guess she is gd.
was shock tat she can detect so much wif pulse reading......

Stoney , sounds good:) hope the medicine will give u a BFP soon:) I think I know the TCM .. Heard many pp goes there too:)

If we see TCM, does it matter if we are having menses? Or better to go when not having menses? Or doesn't matter at all ?:)
the folic acid I took also prescribed by doc, think its the standard 5mg like wat angel mommy said.. then I took that together with 2 pre nats pills daily.. and the pre nat also contain folic acid...

oh man.. so how??

Maybe you check how much folic acid is inside your two prenatal pills? Cos the folic acid tablet itself already 5mg.. Then when u see your gyne, check with your gyne if the dosage is okie. I guess it is either jus the prenatal pills or jus the 5mg folic acid tablet.. But best to check with gyne :)
does not matter de. they juz record when is ur last 3 cycles.
they no do scan de mah. hahaha...

but i also heard alot of couples go there. before me also saw 2 couples taking their med. hahaha...
does not matter de. they juz record when is ur last 3 cycles.
they no do scan de mah. hahaha...

but i also heard alot of couples go there. before me also saw 2 couples taking their med. hahaha...

Thanks Stoney:) I've not seen a TCM regarding fertility or to tiao my body before.. But as I get older, I think machine getting old and rusty liao.. Hahah.. Need to tiao my body first:)
Angel mommy,
Thanks for your advices !
I have been taking it slowly and also drinking a lot of chicken essence ! Hopefully it helps !
Btw when do you intend to start ttc again or have start ?
Tmr is my review with the doc, gg to ask him tmr too

That time I read that royal jelly can help with high FSH count, it like increasing egg count. I took for awhile and stopped cos lazy

Pooh, get well soon!:) my hubby bought those fish essence for me to consume during my first week after op. Supposed to help healing after op.. You can buy them too:) my mom also boiled the herbal fish soup for me .. Those that can help in healing after op. I don't know how to boil by myself cos need to get that kind of fish .. So when I go back to my mom's house, she will boil for me.. After that I also drink chicken essence:) my hubby also bought the berries essence for me.. Loads of vitamins :)

As for TTC, my hubby suggested for my body to rest for 3-4 months then start engine.. To tiao my body well first by seeing TCM , then start in march or April.. But I'm anxious to start soon leh.. Sigh .. How about u, pooh? When you plan to start to TTC?:)
Maerceci: Any updates? Hope you will BFP k???

I feel that my period for the past few months have been quite weird ever since I started TTC.
Like for this cycle, I totally have no cramps at all. Nothing.
I'll usually have cramps and backaches on the first 2-3days.
But there's nothing this time round. Feels as if I'm in the 4-5day of the cycle but I'm only in my 2nd.

Any ladies here experienced this?

Yes whinypooh

me me too aft TTC mens nv come! i have long cycle ranging 32 days to 46 days last time but when i started to TTC on Oct, my menses din report till today!!! My 1st day of last mens was 1 Oct.
Yes whinypooh

me me too aft TTC mens nv come! i have long cycle ranging 32 days to 46 days last time but when i started to TTC on Oct, my menses din report till today!!! My 1st day of last mens was 1 Oct.

so weird.... issit hormones? stress of TTC-ing? sounds good to not have cramps... but not good if the cycles become longer, coz need to wait longer to try again if fail! >.<
morning ladies....
MIA for 2 days. haha... ytd co. off so went out wif colleagues to legoland.
Play while i still can. lol...

anyway back to my TCM. went to c the TCM in Jurong East St 21. Lady Sinseh.
She not bad. say all very accurate. lol....
then say all ppl can conceive. juz whether hw u do it.
so she tell me NO JUICES, NO COLD DRINKS. Can only take certain fruits only.....
slp before 1030pm due to body hormones workin between 1030 to 11pm... n give me 6 days med to eat.
ask me to eat less carbohydrate food. eat less oily. EXCERISE. Whahaha....
my hb also got med to take. then she say my hb warriors not handsome. so need to drink more water. bath cold water.
best is she say hope to have gd news next mth. hahaha...
then my hb was like huh??? her med is Xian Dan ar. lol...

but then i trying to cut down on cold drinks n hope to slp early.
but wif the holidays in the corner. seems not easy...
But she is very direct so unless u can take very direct words. then guess she is gd.
was shock tat she can detect so much wif pulse reading......

WOW your doc is so encouraging... everyone can conceive?? kinda don believe, if really that's e case, then every woman can preg liao. but nevertheless, it is still very encouraging after all. Jurong east!! what is the lady sinseh name? roughly how much did u pay for? is powder form med right?
so weird.... issit hormones? stress of TTC-ing? sounds good to not have cramps... but not good if the cycles become longer, coz need to wait longer to try again if fail! >.<
ya lor. very sian lor. menses come will feel disappointed. menses nv come oso a big problem. my chinese doc said that i have pre mature eggs kind of difficult to conceive. I went to gynae to do an ultrasound so that my chinese doc can have a clearer view. So now she is giving me med to eat to improve my health and hopefully can conceive. She said if i do IVF, very high chance to preg. but the process is very stressful and cost a lot!

Actually not really stress of TTC. but ever since i TTC, my menses go haywire
Stoney , sounds good:) hope the medicine will give u a BFP soon:) I think I know the TCM .. Heard many pp goes there too:)

If we see TCM, does it matter if we are having menses? Or better to go when not having menses? Or doesn't matter at all ?:)

angel mommy
don need to have menses when u visit TCM. Just go any time
Emily Tan: what's premature egg?? I nv heard before lei... I so suaku.. heehee

Mshoon: I've been taking royal jelly pills (japanese brand)for more than half a year.. not sure on the effects of producing more eggs but definitely make my skin more beautiful n lesser pms symptoms on some months.. :D
WOW your doc is so encouraging... everyone can conceive?? kinda don believe, if really that's e case, then every woman can preg liao. but nevertheless, it is still very encouraging after all. Jurong east!! what is the lady sinseh name? roughly how much did u pay for? is powder form med right?

hahaha. ya lor. super encouraging...
her name is chen li zhi. only 1 sinseh there.
hmm. juz med for 2 person for 6days is ard 60bucks. did not charge me for consulation.
but we buy Q10 from them @ 60 bucks.
yup. med is in powder or pill form
Emily Tan: what's premature egg?? I nv heard before lei... I so suaku.. heehee

Mshoon: I've been taking royal jelly pills (japanese brand)for more than half a year.. not sure on the effects of producing more eggs but definitely make my skin more beautiful n lesser pms symptoms on some months.. :D

hi chocopiggie
pre mature eggs meaning i have eggs inside but the eggs cannot be fertilized :(
eg, a hen lays eggs. It has many eggs. those that can be fertilized will turn into chicks. those that cannot will be sold in e market. :)
hi chocopiggie
pre mature eggs meaning i have eggs inside but the eggs cannot be fertilized :(
eg, a hen lays eggs. It has many eggs. those that can be fertilized will turn into chicks. those that cannot will be sold in e market. :)

hi chocopiggie
wanna add on sth... pre mature eggs also kind of known as immature eggs. both meaning eggs cannot be hatched. :)
hi chocopiggie
pre mature eggs meaning i have eggs inside but the eggs cannot be fertilized :(
eg, a hen lays eggs. It has many eggs. those that can be fertilized will turn into chicks. those that cannot will be sold in e market. :)

Hahah , Emily, your description is so funny!:) premature eggs does it also means no ovulation has taken place ?
Hahah , Emily, your description is so funny!:) premature eggs does it also means no ovulation has taken place ?
haha angel mommy
ya, u could say tt. that was what my chinese doc said. she said although i have test positive for all ovulation strips, but bcos i may hav PCOS, thus all read positive. it's a sad news after all. chances for gettin preg are extremely extremely low
i also went to a tcm to diao my body after a miscarriage. I find the tcm quite effective. My body felt warmer after drinking his medicine and brewing those chinese herbs that he prescribe.

I went to him regularly for a weekly basis for medications. If i didnt remember wrongly, his medicine is $14 per bottle and can last for 5 days. Luckily it is near my house too. It is at Kovan.

After seeing him for 2 months +, hubby and i tried again and we hit the jackpot! So thought of sharing my experience with u all.

Hope it helps. Jiayou all!!


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morning ladies....
MIA for 2 days. haha... ytd co. off so went out wif colleagues to legoland.
Play while i still can. lol...

anyway back to my TCM. went to c the TCM in Jurong East St 21. Lady Sinseh.
She not bad. say all very accurate. lol....
then say all ppl can conceive. juz whether hw u do it.
so she tell me NO JUICES, NO COLD DRINKS. Can only take certain fruits only.....
slp before 1030pm due to body hormones workin between 1030 to 11pm... n give me 6 days med to eat.
ask me to eat less carbohydrate food. eat less oily. EXCERISE. Whahaha....
my hb also got med to take. then she say my hb warriors not handsome. so need to drink more water. bath cold water.
best is she say hope to have gd news next mth. hahaha...
then my hb was like huh??? her med is Xian Dan ar. lol...

but then i trying to cut down on cold drinks n hope to slp early.
but wif the holidays in the corner. seems not easy...
But she is very direct so unless u can take very direct words. then guess she is gd.
was shock tat she can detect so much wif pulse reading......

Wahhh... No cold drinks is very hard for me... hahah... I like to drink tea, heard is no good for the womb also. Very "liang". Can I have the exact address of the TCM? :) Need to fix appointment one right?
Emily Tan: what's premature egg?? I nv heard before lei... I so suaku.. heehee

Mshoon: I've been taking royal jelly pills (japanese brand)for more than half a year.. not sure on the effects of producing more eggs but definitely make my skin more beautiful n lesser pms symptoms on some months.. :D

I just start taking Royal Jelly for coming a month? Dun need any effects yet. According to my gf, she believed that was one of the factors that helped her conceive naturally! :)
when i go back review doc say only will delay like 1 mth but now its 2 mths. next review is 4 mths later..

the menses backflow is symptoms is like cramp and pain, sharp pain etc.. .. during the menses there is no pain. but 3 weeks will have pain and the pain is more n more frequent..

but menses all the same flow also the same.. went to poly and refer and went back kkh ended up after 6 mths check then they found out is menses backflow.

I start to have bd 2 sat ago.. tot wait for menses to come then start ttc.. now only worry is the menses...
the fish essence dun drink yet.. cos they say it will form like a mini hotdog ontop of ur scar.. wait till everything heal den drink the fish essence
by the way I have

blackmore conceive well gold brand new box to let go. cos tablet too big cannot swallow..expire june 2014.

interested pls pm me..
Wahhh... No cold drinks is very hard for me... hahah... I like to drink tea, heard is no good for the womb also. Very "liang". Can I have the exact address of the TCM? :) Need to fix appointment one right?

address is Blk 202 Jurong east street 21 #01-117 S(600202)
Tel : 6897 5655
no need. can juz go dwn to q.
but if u call, they will leave a slot for u. but is only when u reach they give u no. If i not wrong. heard them tell a lady tat....
Hi ladies, finally got the chance to qualify 2ww... Have been TTCing for 9 months and no news of even ovulation! saw gynae, have PCOS and taking clomid for the 1st time. Does anyone experiece cramps during the 2ww?
i also went to a tcm to diao my body after a miscarriage. I find the tcm quite effective. My body felt warmer after drinking his medicine and brewing those chinese herbs that he prescribe.

I went to him regularly for a weekly basis for medications. If i didnt remember wrongly, his medicine is $14 per bottle and can last for 5 days. Luckily it is near my house too. It is at Kovan.

After seeing him for 2 months +, hubby and i tried again and we hit the jackpot! So thought of sharing my experience with u all.

Hope it helps. Jiayou all!!
Thank you very much sum05 for sharing!
i also went to a tcm to diao my body after a miscarriage. I find the tcm quite effective. My body felt warmer after drinking his medicine and brewing those chinese herbs that he prescribe.

I went to him regularly for a weekly basis for medications. If i didnt remember wrongly, his medicine is $14 per bottle and can last for 5 days. Luckily it is near my house too. It is at Kovan.

After seeing him for 2 months +, hubby and i tried again and we hit the jackpot! So thought of sharing my experience with u all.

Hope it helps. Jiayou all!!

Hi Sum!

Does this doctor provide tablets or you had to buy packets of herbs to brew on your own?
Good Morning Ladies!

so far the tcm(dr su) i visit only prescribe powder form and mix warm water to drink. If i want to buy chinese herbs to brew myself, how should i go about doing it(know nuts abt chinese herbs)
Good Morning Ladies!

so far the tcm(dr su) i visit only prescribe powder form and mix warm water to drink. If i want to buy chinese herbs to brew myself, how should i go about doing it(know nuts abt chinese herbs)
hmm dr su only prescribe powder medicine, why do u want to brew herbs? if u think those more effective maybe u can ask her the next time or see another tcm. unless she asked u specifically to buy certain herbs to tiao, if not over-taking Chinese herbs may harm your body also. coz certain herbs cannot be taken together.

also have chemical reaction one wor. so better be cautious.
oohhh i see. then i better seek her advice...if not later my body go haywire. thanks hopeful_mum:)
no prob. coz certain herbs mix together can get poisoning, when all are safe when taken separately.

lol u very hardworking, I lazy to brew herbs. lol
haha angel mommy
ya, u could say tt. that was what my chinese doc said. she said although i have test positive for all ovulation strips, but bcos i may hav PCOS, thus all read positive. it's a sad news after all. chances for gettin preg are extremely extremely low

how come PCOS will cause the reads to all be positive?
