2WW - for those TTC-ing

Jeslyn83 : Ohh okok.. I jus took only for around 1week plus. Can i ask do u have side effects?? Like feeling naseous?? U ask the gynae other than IVF, any other alternatives??

no side effects lehz..bt one of the pills quite smelly..so i usually take with choco or strawberry milk..no lehz..i nv realli ask much cause tat time was in a bit daze..cause after she told me IVF i was like a bit stun..
Jeslyn83 : yaya the tablet lor. i was complaining abt it lol. Once i take out, the smell seems to be in the air .. I quickly take a sweet after that. some ppl have the side effect i read online de.. So im not sure if mine is the side effect..
haaa..ya la..tat awful smell & taste..

now still in 'disbelief' mode..keep tinking of the egg tingy. Doc say nothing can improve 1..haizzzzzz
Ya lor. but u v "on".. already consumed for 6mths. how much u bought it for?
i bought it from watson at $27.60. Is this promo price??
Okok.. normally human beings choose to "disbelieve" not good things.. this is how our mind works.. cheer up ok?? if reali your hubby is ok with ivf, then jus go ahead .. dont think too much, it wil only make u even more sad.
Ok duno whether u got see my earlier post, i got m/c in mar, i aso choose to somehow disbelieve. But it had reali happened le.. i took quite long to get over..
i tink tat time ard 40+ for 2 packs..27 shd b the normal price baz..

act im more in a daze rather than sad. im like how come i didnt do anything also will tio tis kinda ting, have to go thru ivf in order to get preg..like letting down my hub like tat, though hes ok wif it
Oh .. okok.. can.. if is promo price. i go buy 1 or 2 more to put at home.. but horr i stil hope i dont need to consume anymore!!! lolll. :)
Ohh i see.. ya lorr. i know u did mention u dont smoke & drink.. Sometimes in our lives we have to go thru this kinda of things.. but we need to face this cruel truth.. i also feel sad/gulity for my gals n hubby when i got this m/c.. I blamed myself for it....
Try ivf thread for support ? Sorry not chasing u away but think u can get more support over there.
U might want to seek 2nd opinion too .. Jyjy!!
im tinking of seeking 2nd opinion bt duno where to start from..? labbit, u mean as in go to private & get 2nd opinion or?
my SIL told me to go for TCM to tiao though..
Erm.. Also not too sure.. Anyone has recommendations ?
Which gynae u saw at KKH ? What position ? Didn't gave u any other options besides IVF ?
Only know that SF Loh is expert for IVF at TMC now
morning ladies....

let jiayou. keke..

sorry to hear tat. but at least there is still ways to get preg. so dun be too sad.
hmm. mayb if u wan to get 2nd opinion from another gynae. u might wan to c my gynae. he is famous for the fertility issues.
Dr Loh from TMC. I am seeing him now.
mine is under subsidised. its a lady doc, tan shyun yen or somting..4got hw to spell..she suggested IUI 1st cause she didnt see the egg count tingy..so after she saw tat the count was so low, she proposed IVF lo..
no subsidised. so compare sure is more ex.
1st consultation already 150. but then sub visit is 80plus.
other tat the tests mah. tink is normal price ba. i also dun knw wat is the charges like in KK. so unable to compare.
Hi all who are ttc. I was like many of you here. I have tried to ttc for 5 years and have finally found out that i'm preggie. Its a long journey so please persevere. I've been taking TCM on/off for 4 years but has persisted thru the last 2 years. IVF is not a route for me because of religion so my only hope is TCM. I really believe in my TCM doc because she came highly recommended by many of my ex-colleagues who go to her to 'teow' their bodies for pre & post natal. I'm still continuing my TCM during my preggie to ensure that I've a smooth pregnancy. For those of you who are interested, you can pm me for my TCM doc's details. But pls do not expect overnight miracles when taking TCM, it's a long process to build up your body. Good Luck to all!
hi afternoon ladies !

yes, i agree with your hb, in event if the chance of getting preggie naturally is still low, then i suggest u discuss with ur hb, and consider to go ivf straight, at least it saves u money and also the waiting time and stress. TCM is good but like said, the process is going to be long, and wont happen overnight. think abt it slowly, best is dont stress yourself over it .
i have also made an appt with the gynae in TMC and decide to go for a thorough check and see if it is my or hb problem, hopefully no need to do the tube test as i heard its painful, and my thresold is very low for pain.

hang on there, as long as no red !

congrats on your preggie and we are all here to collect ur bb dust.
Belle : Congrats!! We need tons & tons of baby dustsss.. :):) TIA..

Pooh232 : okok.. but chances of preggie not high, evil witch coming to find me higher chances.. jus dunno when nia.. JUs scared scared is another mth of hormones inbalance. Today the nauseous like slightly better, so i dont know is it the side effects of CW or what.. lol
yap. Spreading BB dust to all. I'm here to share my experience to encourage all not to give up and also if interested, there's always help around. I'm recommending my TCM doc just to help all sisters who are having difficulties ttc, helping all of you as those who have helped me by recommending my doc to me. I understand the long agonising journey. Month after month of disappointment for 5 years!
u seeing which gynae?
haha. my threshold for pain also not so high, but the tube scan still ok. juz beginning painful abit.
lucky the nurse is nice. keep on telling very fast. relax. dun worry. hahaha.....

Congrats..... i was tinking whether to go c TCM. but the process dun knw can endure or nt...

dun worry so much lar. relax. k.... We all are here...
AF clearing up. so fast. need to start work soon. lol.....
hmm i am planning to see Benjamin Tham from TMC, heard abt him before ?
yeah, i think hor, this mth i really worked very hard, if never strike, something must be wrong.
so already prepared myself to go and see and do the tests.
pooh, thks for the encouragement..will tink it thru.. luckily hb is encouraging & says its not my fault & that he will go thru tis wif mi...
belle, congrats, how old r u btw? So when you see the tcm, does he / she tell u wts wrong or juz prescribe medi for u to take to tiao regularly?
Belle : i salute your ttc journey.. Hope u have a smooth 9mths journey.. :)

Stoney : I know u all are here for me .. but still feel kia kia.. u see.. u all already AF clearing up, or gg to be in 2ww liao. im still waiting for my AF.. *faintzz*.

Pooh232 : i think shld be quite famous. saw this gynae name in the mothers thread.. :)

Jeslyn : You have a great hubby .. :)
thks blur..agree..bt then again feel like a bit guilty la..cause initially i tot its his prob lo..cause his living styles more unhealthly than mine..who knows its the other way round ... T_T
haha... u n my case the same. normal times i need to wait very very long. like no ending. envy ppl have a closure on each cycle while i wait.....
dun faintz. very fast will have closure.

I tink most impt is hb support. actually no matter which party have issues also not their fault. it juz happen.
dun tink too much, most impt now is eat healthy and relax. then wif hb support, nothing is impossible...
tink positive....
thks blur..agree..bt then again feel like a bit guilty la..cause initially i tot its his prob lo..cause his living styles more unhealthly than mine..who knows its the other way round ... T_T

Jeslyn : u shldnt feel this way.. You are v blessed ger.. :) Jia you okie??
Stoney : BINGO!! Exactly how i feel now. If not preggie then evil witch faster come n find me leh. then i can start a new cycle, got new hopes mah.. cos i think this mth my hub gg overseas also..one mth drag one mth .. im gg to be old liao lorrrr. arghhhh.. Closure = AF or pregnant?? I seriously hope is the 2nd one hahaaaaa..
haha... gd luck...

last cycle 35days. abit shorter than earlier on cycles.
but AF is sure shorter. 4th day clearing up compare to last time.
mayb is due to clomid.
so this round i goin to be hardworking. hahahaha...
jiayou hor !
yes i am in 2WW, actually last 2 - 3 days still got sore breast, now feeling nothing, no symptons.

i know his Dr Tham through recommendation, gg to try and see how.
mine is quite close, 36 days...i also feel that Af shorter and lesser..
u already very hardworking liao..every other day...haha
by right, O is 2 wk prior to AF right ?
last 2 cycles i chked that 2 wks prior to AF, did bd but AF still came, wondering why ? means i no O or ?
Labbittree/Stoney : I really envy u all leh!! ..

Pooh 232 : good luck to u!! I know u very hardworking heheee.. Good efforts wil be paid off.. :)

Labbitree : I think hor not neccessary leh.. cos hor i got one colleague who actuali got preggie when she BD the day after she cleared her AF.. Thus, ovulation can happen any days during the cycle, but for those normal 28days cycle, all ppl was saying 14days after AF is the golden period lo...Good for u lah.. can start new cycle earlier mah..

actualli im considering clomid.. but this one must go see gynae de huh??
Hello ladies,

A hell week for me so far (yes, monday only right). team of 4, ended only me in office these 2 weeks. work si wo le! all training or went back their home country for hari raya..

Jelsyn - dont be disheartened k. like what bellebelle said, go tcm to tiao your body, the tcm i went, she give medicine to make the eggies big and "pretty" de. and she specialises in fertility issues as well. so you see her clinic on weekend, alot of young couples went there de. she is located at Jurong east.

for those guys with laggy swimmers, she will recommend medicine to take. i rem one of it is Qo10. she said help improve blood circulation.

most impt, during TTCing, dont take soya products as they are "kexin" for ttcing..

Jiayou beautiful ladies here!! will pop by when there are time at work.. really looking forward to long weekend!!
like that, must anyhow bd already ... haha...
really depend on luck...
u wait a while more patiently ba....hopefully is gd news heheee

abt soya, heard before, but is us or hb ?
hb say he doesnt believe as he loves soya but not drinking often so i dont bother him also...
Gd Luck. hope u hit.....

last mth nt tat hardworking. actually did not BD alot. tink few times last mth.
so this mth need to b hardworking. but need to start up the motor first. lol...

yes. by rite is, but not definite de lor. some ppl dun O. really depends.

Yup. Clomid only can prescribe by Gynae.
Pharmacy got sell but need the prescription then can buy.
cannot anyhow take clomid as will thin ur lining. need to be check by gynae first.
Labbittree : Ya lor.. for irregular cycle, seem that this is the only way.. or take BBT lor. heard from stoney is quite accurate right?? But i lazy haha.. Luck really plays a part, got a fren like v easy preggie one, now already #4 liao. *envy* siaa.. Morning i not "fang xin" i go temple pray pray, pls let me test BFP soon if im relli preggie. I have been drinking soya bean drink lorrrr.

Stoney : ooh okok i see i seee. .cannot anyhow consume de lorr. thanks hor..
ya lor. i also envy. so work hard ba. i got 1 cousin married for 8yrs then get her no1..
so we need to jia you. dun give up.....

temp is zhun on when AF coming lor. hahaha. not for others.
so far FF cannot detect my last cycle O. based on the temp i input. hahahaha...
mayb not accurate as alot of days not taken....
u are welcome. dun tink so much....
patiently wait ba. I over the 2ww. so now is new cycle new hope.
Labbittree : Oopss. wrong info. As what stoney said is more accurate on as evil witch is coming a not hahaaa.. partly lazy partly i think is too stressful liao leh.. Like monitor this & that, some of my frens jus anyhow "humtum" also can get preggie de lor. Maybe we relax relax.. more easy to BD.. But again say easier than done!!! Arghhh..
agree on the stressful part, i used ovulation strips previously and always cant detect any positives, really v stressful, only managed to conceive after stop testing on the strips
agree on the stressful part, i used ovulation strips previously and always cant detect any positives, really v stressful, only managed to conceive after stop testing on the strips

Labbittree : that means is quite true that if we are on relaxed mode .. easier to get preggie..
dunno why horrr.. maybe hor when we relaxed, the eggs aso on relax mode?? hahaa.. as n when release huh?? wahahaaa
Hello hello~~

Jeslyn: hello. is there anything that can eat to incease the egg count? i don noe. jus wondering. like vege? fruit? any specific food? maybe can go tcm to consult.
Pooh & Blur: waiting for your good news! im still waiting. if don have, will go holiday relax.
labbittree & stoney: jia you for this mth
belle: so happy for u. congrat!

siyingong : Im waitin for your good news too!!

Ladies.. today i have been visiting the toilet. Duno is water intake increase or what.. wao lau near to 20x i tink... haizzz. how not to think too much.. keekeee. Somemore think ard noon time i suddenly got nose block like that. now bcum flu liao.
