2WW - for those TTC-ing

<font color="aa00aa">Nuskin and usana also didnt work for me..hehe.
Think it still boils down to the team, the system u using and the support.

im on duphaston twice daily now.
Wow..weekly jabs..ouch ouch

how to cook the porridge?</font>

<font color="aa00aa">Bfp,
dont care what others say. Importantly u won and the money is yours.
Of cos u are welcome to hear and see what is it about..no obligations.</font>
hi wish,
sry yst forgot sms u... i tt liao... then hor, i forgot how much... so tt 35 to u le... dunno enough or not... haha...

hi yaataa,
saw the dress u wearing on fb... nice... haha... are u lying on ur left liao?

hi bfp,
cos most people like myself dunno anything abt singing, not to mention go research into every single details abt teresa lorz... after ur singing hor... i told my dh i very worried... cos ur voice is so delicate le... while the rest of the competitors' voice is so strong... but in actual fact teresa songs are all very "rou" and very delicate de... dun bother wat they say, i feel u deserve to win... cos ur tone and emotions in singing has the strongest in resemblance liao...
i am the saddest la, friday night is out for me.. i am sleeping in SCHOOL cos we have CCA camp!! very sian and depressed thinking about it

erm sticky, i got try but i end up flopping from left to right throughout the night actually. hahaha hubbs say i always disturb his sleep. the dress material not so good and bloody ex!!! $30!!
hi yaataa
hi june...
mine is worse... wait till feb then can buy... i already order iphone 4, 32 gb... haha... think is the best choice..

hi gals,
me on leave today... gg chalet for my nephew's bday later with my mil... yst was a really bad day.... super super bad for me... after my dh desperate attempts to cheer me up, i was feeling better... but was hit with something awful last nite... my dh was like my efforts all down the drain... haha...
but is over and today will be good...
yaataa, u got to try harder... cos ur baby is most comfortable on the left side... and pls flip urside lightly... u sound like u very rough in flipping from side to side... i so scare... haha
Sticky, hope ur mood today will be better..
other than iphone 4, any other hp to recommend? dunnoe what phone to change leh.. haha.. iphone cant play cw.. haha..

Yaataa, over 3 days u ate crab twice liao! still not considered often?? LOL.. but remember everything in moderation lah.. and cant u be excused for the camp? enjoy ah! haha..

BFP, waiting for ur link.. ;p
Hello ladies,

Not a good day for me. Last night totally cannot sleep. I only fell asleep at 5am.
So took half day leave jus to sleep at home. However, I woke up at 9am and couldn't fall asleep again. Haiz waste my leave.

Why they so bad with that comment. I think u really sing well thou I only see your semi final video. Please dun care how they say.
Sticky, y u everytime so naughty one.. make me jealous lor.. hmph.. Next time see u must spack your backside..:p

i wan to go home leh...haizz.. so sian lor..
add one more ecups... me lazing in bed after a full meal with dessert... haha...
ok la... half day liao... a few more hours everybody knock off liao...
today ceraine did her er... i'm so excited for her... thurs she doing her et... =)
meanwhile, is 16nov liao... in abt 2 weeks me be starting my jab... if my blood test clear la...
Sticky when will you be getting your blood test?
This Friday evening you free then can meet up with you to do the insurance

Ceraine good luck to you.....
hi lynzi,
how see gynae le ma? spotting stop le ma?
this fri i meet vivi first, hers very very urgent... haha... we meet next week can?
Hey gals, i have been feeling alot of white discharge coming leh..
haizz... today is CD23.. eveil witch due on the 25th of Nov... how ar...

Lynzi.. before u knw u preggy.. u got alot of white discharge or similar symptons..?
me at home la, so busy today. go marketing, go pay bills and post office collect letter for dh. later cooking tom yam soup. got to go now.
Ms Wong, finally got some reponse sia..

i Tot im the only one left lor.. sobsob...

u read my post jus now.. alot of White discharge leh..
.. then adviseable to BD bo..??:p
this kind of thing hor, i really not expert leh..scared give u wrong info....but nevermind la, whack him tonite using ur jingle neh neh...haha...
Qrghhh a friend knows I'm undergoing treatments, then when she heard I did iui, she said "oh but like that u all dun enjoy already, n not natural. " wt....f?

Then today, msg me ask me to get my dad help choose a good day for her c-sect next week. N then another message followed "Last chance 2 meet up this week b4 i got too busy from next week onward...when my darling is born... Confirm next wed admit to induce my bb out. Hoi pray for me also ok. There is still chance tt i will hv 2 do c-section which i dun want."

! Can these ppl stop all these insensitivity?!
BFP, hate all these insensitive ppl

Vivi, in order to capture the pic nicely. The size is roughly 9.5x6.5inch. You ok with that size or not? Someone order that. she like the same design as you
Too bad I didn't order more for this cloth
morning ladies, happy PH!!

ecups, managed to seduce your hubbs last night?? ;)

BFP walau really got a lot of this shitty insensitive people around!! please ignore all of these nonsense. for me, i just let it flow in one ear and out the other. enjoy the prize and the praises cos we all know you worked hard for it!! and ignore your friend please. totally no sense at all!!

i had a great sleep in this morning! shiok i had river hoe nam kee prawn noodles for breakfast.. sedap!! going shopping soon!!
btw wish, i also love all these purses/wristlets! i have a lot a lot a lot at home.. was happily using them till hubbs got me this proper wallet this year haha. they are just so handy and convenient to use!
Yaataa, buying a good camera to take pic of baby? Keke

My dh also kiasu. Bought one SLR when my first trimester is over. Now rotting in the dry cabinet
wish, hahahaha!!! hey hey hey i tell u the truth, it is cos we have $400 worth of money to spend on 'self development' every year. so hubbs and i have been thinking and thinking about what to get.. at first i wanted a phone, but too bad, contract not up yet and i no need 2 lines.

after debating so long, he decided to get a camera even though we already have one that we always use :p if not really dunno what to buy liao!
