2WW - for those TTC-ing

sorry for MIAing. I am trying to transfer my temp data into FF so that I can upload into this thread here for discussion and also get your guidance..... My AF came on 3rd May as what tsb predicted. 4D also not so accurate!!! hahaha sorry no offence to the rest. My cycle is a damn accurate 30days. Somehow my implantation didnt take place and stick. Anyone knows how to increase the probability for the egg to "stick"? During my cycle, sometimes I can feel something slipped in my abdomen.... Sometimes I wonder what is it???? When I asked tsb about it, she replied to ask me be patient. The channel 8 artist took 2 years to conceive wor!! OMG, my boy is 4 years old now. Sometimes I feel like giving up liao.

Last 2 wks, I had been seeing my son's classmates mummies with big bellies liao. Today, in less than 1 hr, I learnt about my colleague and my gf sis in law preggie with third & second child. I am so excited and happy for them!!! There again, I feel so sad why I am not the lucky one. Most pple striked after coming back from short holidays. Is it advisable to go for short holidays and bring my son along? My mum has problem looking after my little rascal....

Doodoo I'm the one who said... haha... fascinating eh...
ya can be. not really tis cycle left ovary then next cycle another ovary. I rmb last time my tcm told me if tis mth supposed to be left ovary's turn to work but it din work, then right ovary will do e job.
yar indeed fascinating!!!
orgh so not alternate... so then makes sense... super duper accurate then, my cycles... not 28 the 35... but liddat dunno when is which length!! >.<

doodoo123 cannot see ur img lei. u need to click "upload a file" to upload img. cannot jus paste here if u r using phone.
ohhh i always copy and paste. took me forever to find the "upload file" button!!! *smacks head*
anyway, now FF keeps registering my cycle as "28 days" and luteal phase as "6 days".... errr..... how to reset?!?! i'm pretty sure tt's not correct....

yar indeed fascinating!!!
orgh so not alternate... so then makes sense... super duper accurate then, my cycles... not 28 the 35... but liddat dunno when is which length!! >.<

ohhh i always copy and paste. took me forever to find the "upload file" button!!! *smacks head*
anyway, now FF keeps registering my cycle as "28 days" and luteal phase as "6 days".... errr..... how to reset?!?! i'm pretty sure tt's not correct....

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Hi doodoo, I dont think u can manually reset.. They will based on your input to determine your O and your LD (luteal days)...Have u tested O for this round?
Hi doodoo, I dont think u can manually reset.. They will based on your input to determine your O and your LD (luteal days)...Have u tested O for this round?
don't they consider the range of acceptable LD?
well wasn't too diligent with opk this round because of a lot of traveling (lazy to pack opk along lah). but i did have a faint line on CD14, which disappeared on the next day.... was my first time testing so wasn't sure if that was indicative... so didn't put into FF... now in retrospect, that was probably when i really did O... coz my cycle was 28days... so i did O on CD13/14! I just added that data into FF, and now they've recalculated my O/LD! :)

don't they consider the range of acceptable LD?
well wasn't too diligent with opk this round because of a lot of traveling (lazy to pack opk along lah). but i did have a faint line on CD14, which disappeared on the next day.... was my first time testing so wasn't sure if that was indicative... so didn't put into FF... now in retrospect, that was probably when i really did O... coz my cycle was 28days... so i did O on CD13/14! I just added that data into FF, and now they've recalculated my O/LD! :)

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Lols.. see they are clever de.. just input more information they are able to detect and re-calculate.. When i input my temp today they send me a pop-up msg say they have remove the O day they predicted for me.. lols.. guess they get confused by my temp.. whahaha..
Doodoo123 you didn't start from cd1 and no input of oPK result, that's why FF can't detect your actual O, but look at the chart, you maybe O on cd16, if yes, Luteal phase about 12days, still ok. Very unlikely only 6days.
Lols.. see they are clever de.. just input more information they are able to detect and re-calculate.. When i input my temp today they send me a pop-up msg say they have remove the O day they predicted for me.. lols.. guess they get confused by my temp.. whahaha..
yar... they recalculated mine many times... at CD16, they told me i had O-ed on CD14.... then a few days later, another spike spotted, and they started getting confused, and said no O date can be calculated.... few days later... CD25/26 they said ok, I O-ed on CD22!! Then ended up I AF on CD29... lol
Doodoo123 you didn't start from cd1 and no input of oPK result, that's why FF can't detect your actual O, but look at the chart, you maybe O on cd16, if yes, Luteal phase about 12days, still ok. Very unlikely only 6days.
yar i only just bought my thermometer so i only started temping mid cycle.... was just testing it out this cycle, but still happy to have seen some sort of trend retrospectively! :)
hi everyone, i'm new here! :) currently freaking out during the 2ww as i was not really ttc but now cannot rule out accident. not sure if this is tmi (too much info) bt my dh is unable to maintain erection when wearing condoms (gosh why isn't there some abbreviation for this? i'm blushing!) so ever since we got married in dec 13, we have not really bd (he gets upset about not being able to do it properly)...last week we went on a short 2d1n getaway to batam and i dunno what struck us but we finally managed to bd twice! my dh now refuses to use condoms as he thinks that they are spoilers. unfortunately we bd during my ovulation period (i think) as i observed 2 days of EWCM and both of those days, we bd without protection...my AF is due about 14 may but i'm super kanchiong now. i've never used an opk or monitored my bbt before. how now brown cow? so nervous! also, i have been puking more than 20x over the past 2 days but i think it is likely a viral stomach flu more than anything. but still, the mind drifts off to think about maybe-s and what-ifs. sorry for the rant! :(
hi everyone, i'm new here! :) currently freaking out during the 2ww as i was not really ttc but now cannot rule out accident. not sure if this is tmi (too much info) bt my dh is unable to maintain erection when wearing condoms (gosh why isn't there some abbreviation for this? i'm blushing!) so ever since we got married in dec 13, we have not really bd (he gets upset about not being able to do it properly)...last week we went on a short 2d1n getaway to batam and i dunno what struck us but we finally managed to bd twice! my dh now refuses to use condoms as he thinks that they are spoilers. unfortunately we bd during my ovulation period (i think) as i observed 2 days of EWCM and both of those days, we bd without protection...my AF is due about 14 may but i'm super kanchiong now. i've never used an opk or monitored my bbt before. how now brown cow? so nervous! also, i have been puking more than 20x over the past 2 days but i think it is likely a viral stomach flu more than anything. but still, the mind drifts off to think about maybe-s and what-ifs. sorry for the rant! :(

gingerbellekitty, not likely that you are experiencing the puking cos of pregnancy now cos the fertilised egg takes something like a week to be implanted in the uterus , and it takes another couple of days or so for hcg to be detected in the blood stream (and another couple of days after it is detected in the blood stream for it to be detected in your urine). if u really strike, then good for u . If u didnt, then just let things be!
don't they consider the range of acceptable LD?
well wasn't too diligent with opk this round because of a lot of traveling (lazy to pack opk along lah). but i did have a faint line on CD14, which disappeared on the next day.... was my first time testing so wasn't sure if that was indicative... so didn't put into FF... now in retrospect, that was probably when i really did O... coz my cycle was 28days... so i did O on CD13/14! I just added that data into FF, and now they've recalculated my O/LD! :)

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doodoo mine chart this cycle is worst than u haiz... no hope for me liao... temp nv raise ever since aft O... dono y.. even if rise , oso rise a bit then nex day drop. like ups and downs. haiz. dono is it my sleeping pattern that affects e temp. had been slpg late these couple of days. :( at least yours stay high up then drop... my totally like dead one lor
doodoo mine chart this cycle is worst than u haiz... no hope for me liao... temp nv raise ever since aft O... dono y.. even if rise , oso rise a bit then nex day drop. like ups and downs. haiz. dono is it my sleeping pattern that affects e temp. had been slpg late these couple of days. :( at least yours stay high up then drop... my totally like dead one lor
Hey Emily, dont despair.. u still got me mah... i also same same as u.. come hug hug *hugzzz*
Im just waiting for TSB to give green light for my IVF... whahaha
I think im not those lucky ones can bfp naturally.. :confused::confused:
doodoo mine chart this cycle is worst than u haiz... no hope for me liao... temp nv raise ever since aft O... dono y.. even if rise , oso rise a bit then nex day drop. like ups and downs. haiz. dono is it my sleeping pattern that affects e temp. had been slpg late these couple of days. :( at least yours stay high up then drop... my totally like dead one lor
not sure if time you go to bed really matters... think the time you wake up matters more... i was also traveling so sleeping hours range quite a bit, and aircon temp also changed... but hor... if you noticed.. still acceptable fluctuation.... but my chart in the initial part fluctuate like crazy.... i believe that was how i used my thermometer leh... at tt time, i only stick thermometer under my tongue then start doing my things while i measure.... then fluctuate like crazy... later on i made sure i stuck the thermometer as deep as possible under my tongue, and made sure i pressed it down with my tongue (not just measured air under my tongue)... and held it still and stayed still while measuring.... the temperatures after i did tt all more consistent... at least less fluctuating... if you haven't been doing tt, can try doing tt too to see if your temping changes!!
doodoo mine chart this cycle is worst than u haiz... no hope for me liao... temp nv raise ever since aft O... dono y.. even if rise , oso rise a bit then nex day drop. like ups and downs. haiz. dono is it my sleeping pattern that affects e temp. had been slpg late these couple of days. :( at least yours stay high up then drop... my totally like dead one lor
This is the reason I suspect u didn't o. Possible that ur body gearing up to o so got positive opk... but somehow didn't manage to. Sorry ah don't mean any offense just sharing what I think.

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Hey Emily, dont despair.. u still got me mah... i also same same as u.. come hug hug *hugzzz*
Im just waiting for TSB to give green light for my IVF... whahaha
I think im not those lucky ones can bfp naturally.. :confused::confused:
hugs hugs. hug u back... so many ppl here leaving me behind... :(
not sure if time you go to bed really matters... think the time you wake up matters more... i was also traveling so sleeping hours range quite a bit, and aircon temp also changed... but hor... if you noticed.. still acceptable fluctuation.... but my chart in the initial part fluctuate like crazy.... i believe that was how i used my thermometer leh... at tt time, i only stick thermometer under my tongue then start doing my things while i measure.... then fluctuate like crazy... later on i made sure i stuck the thermometer as deep as possible under my tongue, and made sure i pressed it down with my tongue (not just measured air under my tongue)... and held it still and stayed still while measuring.... the temperatures after i did tt all more consistent... at least less fluctuating... if you haven't been doing tt, can try doing tt too to see if your temping changes!!
yup... u cannot measure e temp while u doing things cos e temp will go up n dwn and it takes longer to measure... and when u measure, u shldn't move... almost... don move at all... first thing u open ur eyes in e morn, u must reach out to ur thermometer, WITHOUT you going dwn to bed... meaning, u lie dwn in bed while u reach for your thermometer, once taking, u shld not move until it beeps n u see ur temp, thereafter , u are allowed to leave ur bed :)
This is the reason I suspect u didn't o. Possible that ur body gearing up to o so got positive opk... but somehow didn't manage to. Sorry ah don't mean any offense just sharing what I think.
no la no offense la. i am ok de... i want e truth :) so any comment or feedback is acceptable. at most i read liao i sad lor. haha :D
yup... u cannot measure e temp while u doing things cos e temp will go up n dwn and it takes longer to measure... and when u measure, u shldn't move... almost... don move at all... first thing u open ur eyes in e morn, u must reach out to ur thermometer, WITHOUT you going dwn to bed... meaning, u lie dwn in bed while u reach for your thermometer, once taking, u shld not move until it beeps n u see ur temp, thereafter , u are allowed to leave ur bed :)
hee then you must be doing it right :)
yar i read about the staying in bed part... but i don't do tt... coz my alarm is place far away from my bed so i gotta stand up to turn it off... then i will stand and take temp.... doesn't seem to interfere tt much with my temp... making sure the thermometer is well inserted under the toungue probably made the most different... and once i went to brush teeth first then measure...err.... took temp 5 times after tt, all different lol!!
Wonderess, y u need tsb give green light to go ivf. How long u have been seeing her?
Hi dolly_gal, i seen her only in Feb 2014 this yr... This friday is only the 4th visit. During my 2nd visit, i ask her if can try for IVF in maybe May / June (I posted previously) she commented seen her twice and want to go IVF liao.. blah blah blah.. if not success dont blame her med etc.. lols.. So i think is better to wait for her green light.. What do u think?

Emily / doodoo, dont despair.. Im also here.. I have ttc since 2006 also like that...although not seriously ttc until 2010 then start tracking bbt, O kits n check ups.. also now still here while my batch of ttc mates already graduated and some already pop #2 liao.. so dont give up ok..stay positive.. hugs
Hey ladies, I just watched the Taiwanese variety show 一袋女王 hosted by 曾国城 n they were discussing on ttc. There are both guests who give birth to alot of children till scared n guests who tried means n ways still no babies. Here are something old wives tales which worked, but dunno anyone tried here b4?

1) Get 3 pieces of 好孕棉 (sanitary pads) from expecting mothers. 1 put under yr pillow, 1 put under hubby pillow n 1 carry in your bag wherever u go. DO NOT USE them!! It's supposing to bring u bb luck so that u can conceive. Apparently 2 of the guests got bfp after trying this.

2) If u know someone who has bfp very easily n give birth to many children, ask them to give u a pair of their house chopsticks as it represents "筷子=快子" n then put these chopsticks under your pillow. Sort of like the above borrowing luck.

3) This is a fengshui tip given by the fengshui master on the show, he says 80% succeeded after trying this. 1st u need to get a 葫芦, inside must put 5 colour beans in this sequence: bottom layer is green beans, next red beans, next soya beans, next "flower" beans (Chinese is call 花豆), then lastly black beans. These beans must fill up at least 80% of the 葫芦, remaining 20% if those who believe in 祝生娘娘, can go n get the incense ash n put inside to fill up the gap. Then u pray n wish infront of 祝生娘娘, bring home the 葫芦, put it at your bed's headrest or side table. I think as close to the bed is the best la...

I find it quite interesting!!!
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Hey ladies, I just watched the Taiwanese variety show 一袋女王 hosted by 曾国城 n they were discussing on ttc. There are both guests who give birth to alot of children till scared n guests who tried means n ways still no babies. Here are something midwives tales which worked, but dunno anyone tried here b4?

1) Get 3 pieces of 好孕棉 (sanitary pads) from expecting mothers. 1 put under yr pillow, 1 put under hubby pillow n 1 carry in your bag wherever u go. DO NOT USE them!! It's supposing to bring u bb luck so that u can conceive. Apparently 2 of the guests got bfp after trying this.

2) If u know someone who has bfp very easily n give birth to many children, ask them to give u a pair of their house chopsticks as it represents "筷子=快子" n then put these chopsticks under your pillow. Sort of like the above borrowing luck.

3) This is a fengshui tip given by the fengshui master on the show, he says 80% succeeded after trying this. 1st u need to get a 葫芦, inside must put 5 colour beans in this sequence: bottom layer is green beans, next red beans, next soya beans, next "flower" beans (Chinese is call 花豆), then lastly black beans. These beans must fill up at least 80% of the 葫芦, remaining 20% if those who believe in 祝生娘娘, can go n get the incense ash n put inside to fill up the gap. Then u pray n wish infront of 祝生娘娘, bring home the 葫芦, put it at your bed's headrest or side table. I think as close as the bed is the best la...

I find it quite interesting!!!

Chocopiggie thx for sharing. cute lei.
No2... get a pair of chopsticks and put under whose pillow? hubby or wife? or 1 chopstick in 1 pillow?
Hey ladies, I just watched the Taiwanese variety show 一袋女王 hosted by 曾国城 n they were discussing on ttc. There are both guests who give birth to alot of children till scared n guests who tried means n ways still no babies. Here are something midwives tales which worked, but dunno anyone tried here b4?

1) Get 3 pieces of 好孕棉 (sanitary pads) from expecting mothers. 1 put under yr pillow, 1 put under hubby pillow n 1 carry in your bag wherever u go. DO NOT USE them!! It's supposing to bring u bb luck so that u can conceive. Apparently 2 of the guests got bfp after trying this.

2) If u know someone who has bfp very easily n give birth to many children, ask them to give u a pair of their house chopsticks as it represents "筷子=快子" n then put these chopsticks under your pillow. Sort of like the above borrowing luck.

3) This is a fengshui tip given by the fengshui master on the show, he says 80% succeeded after trying this. 1st u need to get a 葫芦, inside must put 5 colour beans in this sequence: bottom layer is green beans, next red beans, next soya beans, next "flower" beans (Chinese is call 花豆), then lastly black beans. These beans must fill up at least 80% of the 葫芦, remaining 20% if those who believe in 祝生娘娘, can go n get the incense ash n put inside to fill up the gap. Then u pray n wish infront of 祝生娘娘, bring home the 葫芦, put it at your bed's headrest or side table. I think as close as the bed is the best la...

I find it quite interesting!!!

Chocopiggie thx for sharing. cute lei.
No2... get a pair of chopsticks and put under whose pillow? hubby or wife? or 1 chopstick in 1 pillow?
how are u doing dolly gal?
Hi Emily, thanks for asking..I m official back to ofc today. Ytd went to gynae clinic to pick up some medication, saw my gynae n asked him is it normal to still.have spotting till now since I already discharge from hospital more than a week n last see him was last Tuesday. Then end up catch me in to do u/s again. He still see clots in the screen, the small beanie still in there, not flow out yet but big Beanie doing vy well he said. Has grown from 3.14cm to 4.19cm within a week n hb was 174bpm.then he said Beanie active I replied bcos I haven't eat bfast yet n it's almost noon.. so he scheduled me for oscar test 23 may n see him 4 june. He said spotting will continue as long it's not bleeding n cramps non stop, no need see him or b alarm wor...
Chocopiggie thx for sharing. cute lei.
No2... get a pair of chopsticks and put under whose pillow? hubby or wife? or 1 chopstick in 1 pillow?
Every cny my mum said must buy a pair of chopsticks to add to existing ones. So I have been doing tat for years liao
Hey ladies, I just watched the Taiwanese variety show 一袋女王 hosted by 曾国城 n they were discussing on ttc. There are both guests who give birth to alot of children till scared n guests who tried means n ways still no babies. Here are something midwives tales which worked, but dunno anyone tried here b4?

1) Get 3 pieces of 好孕棉 (sanitary pads) from expecting mothers. 1 put under yr pillow, 1 put under hubby pillow n 1 carry in your bag wherever u go. DO NOT USE them!! It's supposing to bring u bb luck so that u can conceive. Apparently 2 of the guests got bfp after trying this.

2) If u know someone who has bfp very easily n give birth to many children, ask them to give u a pair of their house chopsticks as it represents "筷子=快子" n then put these chopsticks under your pillow. Sort of like the above borrowing luck.

3) This is a fengshui tip given by the fengshui master on the show, he says 80% succeeded after trying this. 1st u need to get a 葫芦, inside must put 5 colour beans in this sequence: bottom layer is green beans, next red beans, next soya beans, next "flower" beans (Chinese is call 花豆), then lastly black beans. These beans must fill up at least 80% of the 葫芦, remaining 20% if those who believe in 祝生娘娘, can go n get the incense ash n put inside to fill up the gap. Then u pray n wish infront of 祝生娘娘, bring home the 葫芦, put it at your bed's headrest or side table. I think as close as the bed is the best la...

I find it quite interesting!!!

Chocopiggie thx for sharing. cute lei.
No2... get a pair of chopsticks and put under whose pillow? hubby or wife? or 1 chopstick in 1 pillow?
Hi Emily, thanks for asking..I m official back to ofc today. Ytd went to gynae clinic to pick up some medication, saw my gynae n asked him is it normal to still.have spotting till now since I already discharge from hospital more than a week n last see him was last Tuesday. Then end up catch me in to do u/s again. He still see clots in the screen, the small beanie still in there, not flow out yet but big Beanie doing vy well he said. Has grown from 3.14cm to 4.19cm within a week n hb was 174bpm.then he said Beanie active I replied bcos I haven't eat bfast yet n it's almost noon.. so he scheduled me for oscar test 23 may n see him 4 june. He said spotting will continue as long it's not bleeding n cramps non stop, no need see him or b alarm wor...
wow that's good to hear! great that both u n beanie doing very good. Happy for u :)
BTW e small beanie will need to flow out naturally? or wil stay inside till u give birth?
wow that's good to hear! great that both u n beanie doing very good. Happy for u :)
BTW e small beanie will need to flow out naturally? or wil stay inside till u give birth?
Gynae said it will disappear on it's own or slowly flow out... most important dun start infection inside he said
gd to hear u are in gd form... beanie is growing well...

hi Emily,
how are u. dun be sad. mayb u have really O since ur cycle is long.... cont take temp. mayb later part is the O period...

hw are u??? hope u are doing well....
Hey ladies, I just watched the Taiwanese variety show 一袋女王 hosted by 曾国城 n they were discussing on ttc. There are both guests who give birth to alot of children till scared n guests who tried means n ways still no babies. Here are something old wives tales which worked, but dunno anyone tried here b4?

1) Get 3 pieces of 好孕棉 (sanitary pads) from expecting mothers. 1 put under yr pillow, 1 put under hubby pillow n 1 carry in your bag wherever u go. DO NOT USE them!! It's supposing to bring u bb luck so that u can conceive. Apparently 2 of the guests got bfp after trying this.

2) If u know someone who has bfp very easily n give birth to many children, ask them to give u a pair of their house chopsticks as it represents "筷子=快子" n then put these chopsticks under your pillow. Sort of like the above borrowing luck.

3) This is a fengshui tip given by the fengshui master on the show, he says 80% succeeded after trying this. 1st u need to get a 葫芦, inside must put 5 colour beans in this sequence: bottom layer is green beans, next red beans, next soya beans, next "flower" beans (Chinese is call 花豆), then lastly black beans. These beans must fill up at least 80% of the 葫芦, remaining 20% if those who believe in 祝生娘娘, can go n get the incense ash n put inside to fill up the gap. Then u pray n wish infront of 祝生娘娘, bring home the 葫芦, put it at your bed's headrest or side table. I think as close to the bed is the best la...

I find it quite interesting!!!
oooh thanks for sharing!! i love tt show hehe.
Haha Ya lor but I m taking it once weekly for the gold kiwi before I read this article.
I aso just bot 2 bags of fruits from ofc roadshow every Tuesday...
This is quite crazy if true. I can't imagine eating 3 kiwi a day for a few weeks much less 9 mths... and kiwis are not cheap
I think if eat 1 a day still reasonable. 3 is definitely too much, not sure if our tummy can take it or not. esp those with gastric problems. cos kiwi esp e green sour one contains lots of acid. so not so gd to eat 3 a day ba. can cause wind n diarrhoea lei
Haha Ya lor but I m taking it once weekly for the gold kiwi before I read this article.
I aso just bot 2 bags of fruits from ofc roadshow every Tuesday...
hee hee gold kiwi is better than green ones. gold ones not so acidic but very expensive. I love kiwi too. I see if I can grab a box aft work :) thanks for sharing.
Stoney: still same old me, but now more focusing on other stuffs than ttc lo... heeheehee

Dolly_gal: too bad I got allergy to kiwis... once I eat it I will salivate non-stop for ard 5min... :(
Kiwi aso has high vit c so I dun mind buy n eat together w dh once a week cos we hardly buy other fruits to eat..
Thanks Chloe_ng, I am about to ask, TSB against fruit, would any one ask or tell her about that? Very seldom see stall selling yellow kiwi fruit, where can I buy?
