2WW - for those TTC-ing

my last bfp (end up blighted ovum, sian n sad...) also no sore booby... no backache, no nothing... Only symptom i hve is a missed period.

wat is blighted ovum??
I had that in my first miscarriage too. Bligted ovum can go all the way till 12 weeks without realizing if you don't visit a gynae early. there is a sac but no fetal pole. basically the embryo has been absorbed back into the lining. I had my D&C in week 10. it's usually due to chromosomal abnormality. normally wont bleed during mc, more like a missed miscarriage. Will usually realized only after the scan. or start bleeding at a very late stage.

during my BO pregnancy, my boobs were super sore, I had implantation bleeding (coz I rem asking my friend if have spotting means period coming), very painful nipples and have whole lots of symptoms. but by week 6-8 no more symptoms and confirmed that im losing the baby.

Sloshysoupy, but I read up a lot, the chances of getting anther BO probably will not happen again. quite low.

u r correct.. Blighted Ovum happens by chance and is one of the most common and account for half of 1s trim miscarriage. Thinh its super suay of me to kena coz i hve been trying since Jan this yr... i know its not likely to happen but i m still abit haunted by it and fear for my next preggy... aiya, now still nothing and go think bout all the wat if's.. think i m getting paranoid liao

u r correct.. Blighted Ovum happens by chance and is one of the most common and account for half of 1s trim miscarriage. Thinh its super suay of me to kena coz i hve been trying since Jan this yr... i know its not likely to happen but i m still abit haunted by it and fear for my next preggy... aiya, now still nothing and go think bout all the wat if's.. think i m getting paranoid liao
don't think abt it, okay one. :)
SloshySoupy / hopeful_mum,
Oic. understand liao. so since the chances are slime then SloshySoupy, dun tink abt it le.
Look forward....
read that not all bfp comes with sore boobs. Some dun even feel anything.. I know most pple will hve sore boobs when af bout to arrive, but not in my case leh.... All these 30 plus yrs, I NEVER experience sore boobs, menses cramp prior af... So all these talks bout sore boobs, painful nipples, crampy feel r like alien language to me...
like that also good ma. wont feel e pain, :)
thks gals... really glad to find forums like this as i learn quite a lot of stuffs regarding preggy... Before ttc, i knew nutz bout Ovulation, fertile days, test kits, signs n symptoms.... aft reading frm forums like this, at least i get a fair idea.

Last time damn naïve, think getting preggy was easy peasy, just get into the act and Bingo! baby on the way... sigh, now kena bitten so hard by reality.

But not ready to give up. Thou getting quite old already but still not si xin yet....
just wondering, u gals r trying for No wat huh? No 1? 2? 3 or beyond?

Me trying like siao for our No. 1.
Actively trying from Jan 2013
Result: D&C in mid Aug

anyone? care to share?
thks gals... really glad to find forums like this as i learn quite a lot of stuffs regarding preggy... Before ttc, i knew nutz bout Ovulation, fertile days, test kits, signs n symptoms.... aft reading frm forums like this, at least i get a fair idea.

Last time damn naïve, think getting preggy was easy peasy, just get into the act and Bingo! baby on the way... sigh, now kena bitten so hard by reality.

But not ready to give up. Thou getting quite old already but still not si xin yet....
35 not old yet. we have another forum friend who tried ivf, failed, then naturally pregnant then mc, and now happily pregnant. going to deliver in Jan liao. oh ya and this time is naturally conceived one.
just wondering, u gals r trying for No wat huh? No 1? 2? 3 or beyond?

Me trying like siao for our No. 1.
Actively trying from Jan 2013
Result: D&C in mid Aug

anyone? care to share?
i had 3 miscarriages, 32 years old, trying for no. 1 also. not giving up yet. i believe will happen one :) this year i miscarried twice, the 3rd was ectopic. now i not scared of much things, just scared ectopic again. chances of it happening again is 10%. after 2nd ectopic, chances to happen again is 25% and so on. but I'm not giving up, just keep trying loh :)
SloshySoupy / hopeful_mum,
Oic. understand liao. so since the chances are slime then SloshySoupy, dun tink abt it le.
Look forward....
lol can please stop me from testing.. lol i got urge to test. but now only 8/9dpo think too early liao.. got to wait .. must wait!

Dun test now!!!!!!!!!!!!!

trust me, u will just get a BfD = Big Fat Disappointment...

Lock up those test kits/strips/whatever... Right Now!
test too early only kena disappointment then u will feel super sian and discouraged and all those funny depressing tots start swimming in ur head... end up wasting $$/test kits. Not worth it.

Best is to ''thong'' till ur af due date....
this is speaking frm experience... my stoopid af was very very late on Oct and i did 3 test kits.. disappointments snowballed one aft another.. everything was damn negative then and i was literally throwing tantrum at my hubs (who, thankfully, take it all in, but i tried to make it up to him aft that la..)

So, my advice to all who itchy backside wanna test early coz kan chiong or wat, is DON'T! i klearn my lesson the hard way.
Trying for No.1. being actively trying since early this yr.
but have PCOS n tilted womb. so not easy to get preg.
under medication n try IUI this round. so hope for the best.

hold on..... wait for me. ask ur hb to hide all ur test strips.
til date then test. ok???? Hold On.....

just curious, how did u find out bout PCOS? is it of terrible menses cramp? coz i read that PCOS do causes bad menses cramp.

Gynae did a scan and told u its PCOS is it?
tilted womb, hmm.. i read that some women with tilted womb also gotten bfp, den their gynae gave them jabs or something, cant recall wat exactly it is, to stabilize the pregnancy...
I dun have bad menses cramp de. sometimes totally no pain at all.... only until i go c gynae for checks n scans then knw de. Gynae did not tell me on face that i have PCOS. is the nurse say de. Also becoz gynae prescibe me med is for PCOS.

tilted womb still able to get preg. actually is depends case to case. but mine is tilted quite alot. which is fr recent scan, my gynae saw. but since i under clomid for 5 rounds le. so this round try IUI. Clomid cannot take too much...
if preg then need some support. can b jab or med. depends on ur gynae....
so PCOS can be detected via scan at Gynae is it? okok, i m thinking of goin gynae jus to make sure all parts r in order so wont get in the way of production, heheeeh.... So, whens a good time to see gynae? Before af, during af or after af?
true, dun prolonged clomid usage. By right, clomid should not be taken longer than 6 cycle. Will cause thin lining and other complication.

me thinking of SO-IUI if still no good news aft CNY....
Me trying for no.1 since Aug this yr but only engaged my hb actively in Sept. Haha.

About PRC women more fertile, i think they might have home remedies pass down from their mothers. China has long history of TCM ma. And recently my PRC manicurist told me that, in China, there is a TCM doctor able to prescribe medicine for woman to conceive the gender that they want. No problem to do twin too. very li hai! Confirm got results wor..:rolleyes:
i mean if this tcm doc really so zun, by now he shld be world famous n his prescription studied fervently by fertility docs already... Conception, till date, still hve lotsa unknowns...
lol i good gal nvr test. i waiting and waiting. af due on next tues to thurs. i not testing also becoz i no much symptoms. from my past 3 pregnancies, i roughly know when i got pregnant during tww. and by 10dpo will show results liao. after ttc for 2-3 years its amazing how much u will learn from your own body.

but after mc, sometimes the cycle and symptoms will be screw up. so this cycle i just wait. coz once tested positive i need to go see gynae immediately to make sure its not ectopic. I'm under high-risk becoz of my history. so they gave me an number to call, to make appt immediately. this one is under NUH recurrent loss department.

but i don't wish to see anyone of u there. hope everyone gets sticky baby dust, happy bfp, and healthy pregnancy :)

I am wishing for twins, maybe the only way to do it is IVF. but dr says i can conceive naturally so not letting me do ivf till 1 year or more later unless i insist.

u r correct.. Blighted Ovum happens by chance and is one of the most common and account for half of 1s trim miscarriage. Thinh its super suay of me to kena coz i hve been trying since Jan this yr... i know its not likely to happen but i m still abit haunted by it and fear for my next preggy... aiya, now still nothing and go think bout all the wat if's.. think i m getting paranoid liao

I understand that fear. I had a miss miscarriage in Jan this year at 16 weeks, baby died inside I also dun know. Only found out at follow up scan after the Oscar scan. Now kinda paranoid too.
I understand that fear. I had a miss miscarriage in Jan this year at 16 weeks, baby died inside I also dun know. Only found out at follow up scan after the Oscar scan. Now kinda paranoid too.
ya will paranoid one, esp ladies like us. but nvm we must think positive and hope for the best. thats the best for us and baby if we are pregnant again ! :)

Jia you!
Now not only depending on ourselves, my hubs and I go to Novena weekly, praying and depending on spiritual help from God. Now not only pray to get bfp but pray for a healthy and normal baby. Especially in my case, my last miscarriage was because baby was diagnose as high chance of ds.
Now not only depending on ourselves, my hubs and I go to Novena weekly, praying and depending on spiritual help from God. Now not only pray to get bfp but pray for a healthy and normal baby. Especially in my case, my last miscarriage was because baby was diagnose as high chance of ds.
oic, don't worry. pray hard I'm sure u will be blessed with a healthy child.

dun dwell on it, datz wat i told myself too... i know its hard but apart frm movin on with a positive mind, i cant think of a better alternative. After my recent flare up, i now tell myself to forget it and take it easy... I m also glad i didn't start charting temp, dat one sure will get me damn pek chek...
helo everyone !
wow, today has got alot of postings !

dont worry .... continue to stay positive and talk to your bb, everything will be fine, okie !

stoney buddy,
how are you ?? i am seeing DR again tmr !!
keeping fingers crossed.
trying as hard to keep and see him with open mind

hopeful mum,
how are u feeling ? rest well and take it easy

dun dwell on it, datz wat i told myself too... i know its hard but apart frm movin on with a positive mind, i cant think of a better alternative. After my recent flare up, i now tell myself to forget it and take it easy... I m also glad i didn't start charting temp, dat one sure will get me damn pek chek...
waH!!! i can't chart also! i tried for one cycle and give up. i already think every morning pee for ovulation is already making me go nuts, i was fed up when i chart.

but i really admire and impressed with ladies who chart. they really damm good! salute!

when are u expecting to O?
helo everyone !
wow, today has got alot of postings !

dont worry .... continue to stay positive and talk to your bb, everything will be fine, okie !

stoney buddy,
how are you ?? i am seeing DR again tmr !!
keeping fingers crossed.
trying as hard to keep and see him with open mind

hopeful mum,
how are u feeling ? rest well and take it easy

hi hi,
I'm good thank you. ya go with an open mind. u will be fine!! jia you. what time is ur appointment? share with us update?
today CD13, so shld be ard these days liao.. unless this mth my cycle ke Xiao again like wat happens on Oct...

sian.. ever since we start ttc, all funny funny things happen to my cycle.. and its making me more confused.... right now i dun wish for anything, just prayed that i did hve an O, else all these bd-ing seems so saying like that....

but i think i m more or less prepared shld af popped in for this mth. Think i already numbed liao, hahahhaaa, its a good thing in a warped way, yeah?
today CD13, so shld be ard these days liao.. unless this mth my cycle ke Xiao again like wat happens on Oct...

sian.. ever since we start ttc, all funny funny things happen to my cycle.. and its making me more confused.... right now i dun wish for anything, just prayed that i did hve an O, else all these bd-ing seems so saying like that....

but i think i m more or less prepared shld af popped in for this mth. Think i already numbed liao, hahahhaaa, its a good thing in a warped way, yeah?
wow jia you! rem to continue taking folic. :)
so ur tww gonna start soon :)
Haiz... now waiting for AF to report! Gynae said i might have PCOS but need to check again during menstruation. So guessed, i needa see him again. now my 2WW is to wait for another 2 weeks for AF.
Haiz... now waiting for AF to report! Gynae said i might have PCOS but need to check again during menstruation. So guessed, i needa see him again. now my 2WW is to wait for another 2 weeks for AF.
u seen the gynae today? i think my baby sis in law also pros. 3 mths no af. but it can be treated, so don't worry, you will be able to conceive once treated :)
me too!!!! same case as angel_mommy. so once I went back for meals, I eat like 7th mth type... super yao-gui
Hi sloshySoupy, Welcome welcome! :) this Saturday I'll be going back to my parents' house again! Yipppeee!! So looking forward to her home-cooked food! :) I also super yao-gui for home-cooked food! :D
Morning ladies! AF arrived today already, so better luck next round!! Those in 2WW good luck n hope u get bfps soon!!! :D

chocopiggie, jia you for next cycle! :) after AF, work hard again .. new cycle comes with new hope! ;) stay cheerful always! that will continue to keep you positive and hopeful ! :)
Haiz... now waiting for AF to report! Gynae said i might have PCOS but need to check again during menstruation. So guessed, i needa see him again. now my 2WW is to wait for another 2 weeks for AF.

Emily, good to discover any potential hinder to TTC ... so that once the problem is rectified, you can TTC again without any worry of any problem :) when I learnt that I have cysts and mild endometrosis, I am glad I went to rectified it though my TTC journey is to be put on hold.. was sad at first but after that, I learnt that it is to ensure that my effort to TTC is not in vain.. I'm sure once your little hiccups is rectified, you will be on your way to holding your baby in your arms in future ... it will come at its most beautiful timing ... we are all here to encourage and support ... me too, gotta focus on recuperating well from my laparoscopy :)

hi hi....
oh.... c dr today. hope all is well.
Jia You ok?

tats gd of u. can hold bk dun test. nice.
i also trying not to tink of the symptoms.

actually my gynae say is clomid can be taken up til 1yr. but best is dun.
tats the reason y once under clomid. almost every cycle need to c gynae to check the lining.
lucky me tat i took 5 rounds. n did not affect my lining....
