2WW - for those TTC-ing

hi girls! i don't mind going tomorrow. 7pm? only three of us, me, bunny and piggy? i need an animal moniker too.. hehe. raffles city has lots of nice food!
Yaataa... so? Tomorrow okay ha? PM me ur hp number pls? Feel like eating Din Tai Feng. Or Shokudo.... HUNGRY!!!

Sleepygal, come and join us bah...

yup.. on.

just that i cant stay too late la.
need to go off ard 8pm.

and hor, raffles city no more shokodo le.
its now called buffet town wor.
i'm back
just read bunny's posting. how about we schedule post CNY? i wanna share about the valencia tan's reiki healing. i just tried one session yesterday :p
Morning gals...
finally i'm back to the thread...too many shipments that keep me busy from coming in. How's everyone, any updates that i've missed.

Tml i'll be on leave cos my new bed & mattress will be coming. Hopefully new bed will have luck for me to make baby since my ovulation is ard the corner.. dunno still in time for dragon BB?
Hi everyone!!

New here!! Married for a year and now wanna start TTC.

The thing is, my period is super irregular, 3-4 months interval, sometimes longer =(

Have been to the doctors and even went to do ultrasound. Doctor say everything is fine, just that my cycle needs to be instructed. Otherwise wont come. (Good if im not TTC!!!)

So anyway i am now on duphastrone to line my womb so that my mensus can come.

Any other supplements to recommend???

I am thinking to take Bai Feng Wan and EPO. Can they be mixed to consume??? Cos BFW is chinese med.

logically, chinese and western medicine, just take at different time should be fine ba...

just that, both is to regulate hormones.

anyway, bai fong wan supposed to take at start of AF for 2-3days?

rest of days then take EPO? hee
sorry i dun understand all the short forms. Haha!!

According to the aunty at Eu Yang Sang, she says start taking 2-3 days after your mensus clear (if thats wat AF means!
and continue to take 1 bottle every week untile ur mensus come again then stop. Start again after 2-3 days mensus clear.

Really hope it can help to regulate my cycle. I have read a few success stories of ladies taking BFW and conceived.
welcome, bearie. dun understand short form nvr mind, we also learn these short forms in the forum here.

EPO means evening primrose oil. AF means auntie flow = menses.

morning bunny, queenie and piggy. where is our dear e-cups? i m still at home. haiz. so bored.
i'm back. today will mark the 5th consecutive night i am having dinner with MIL zzz. looking forward to moving out!!

bunny, piggy and i are thinking of meeting up post CNY. feel free to join us when the time comes ok?

queeniw, long time no see! i see all the spring cleaning pics you posted, really makes me feel ashamed and guilty lol. i bet you are really looking forward to CNY now!

sleepygal, your food pics also always make me droooool. rest more la. watch videos is a good way to pass time.

bearie, don't worry, you will catch on with all the shortcuts soon hehe. one thing you might also find of use is dpo = days past ovulation.

bb2012, you mentioned that you are trying for #2 some time liao. did you conceive #1 naturally?

i'm really looking forward to the last work day before CNY!! bak kwa, pineapple tarts, hei bi roll, i wanna attack them all man!
yaataa, dun drool la. i m a person who cant sit still and do nothing lor. haha, morning go buy toto then go NTUC enjoy aircon. this fri toto, at least $5M wor. haha, so hot at home. later try to pack my cupboard, the clothes are falling out le, oops. **paiseh** dun worry, i will do slowly. haha.
sleepygal! ya lo. u always tempts me with all ur good food.. but how come the dinner always the same.. but i like it!! hehe..

*guilty* till now i haven pack our wardrobe and shoe cabinet, and lots more!!
Gonna get it done this Sat!
Asa, haha. Different veg la. Dinner time always no appetite so always cook porridge. Look out for tonite post. Different dish for dinner. Haha.
me is sasa.. asa is not me..
*i think my nick caused alot of confusion*

hehehe.. ok.. i shall wait n see tonite's post..
u take care n rest well.. CNY coming, hope u will be recover b4 the festive arrives.. =)
hi girls, wish to ask if a positive OPK was recorded on the 12, so based on today will be 6DPO? Am i right? or it does not mean that positive opk = ovulation?
yaataa, my #1 conceive naturally in the first month i ttc, so lucky, and i though it's easy job to get pregnant, who know my #2 let me wait for so long, still waiting..sigh..

Teo, normally we ovulate the next day or next two day after positive OPK.
Morning... or rather...evening... Yaataa, Sleepygal, Bunny and the rest! Been a busy day and next week I will be taking leave to enjoy my CNY at home. Rest! Plus eat! Plus shopping... ha..ha...

Jun Li, OPK is ovulation predictor kit. It detects hormone that causes ovulation. So if positive OPK is detected on day 12, that is zero day pass ovulation, because that day is your ovulation day (plus minus 24 hours).
morning ladies. counting down, second last day of work before CNY break!! quick quick quick. give you guys a mood dampener. do you know the next public holiday is only in april? *cries*

sasa, you are back! any good news? apart from you, Asa, there was also AK during that time right? hope their baby dust will rub off on us soon.

jun li, usually i count day after positive opk as the day i ovulate. that means 12 you test positive opk, 13 is ovulation, 14 then is dpo1. that's what FF usually tells me anyway. hope it helps! and piggy one also correct. really depends on when you ovulate after you detect LH surge.

bb2012, you are lucky with regards to #1! i hard a hard time conceiving #1, so i guess i was prepared that #2 will be a hard uphill battle too. how old is your #1 now?

sleepygal, i think you are very hardworking when it comes to cooking. i can eat but lazy to cook!
Good morning!

Yaataa, u so early! Yes, I also noted that the next public holiday is end april. Good friday followed by vesak day. Could take a long week holiday that week.
Good morning everyone!!!

yaataa: im always here but was too busy to comment but did read up.. so far no news.. gonna try hard...

sleepygal, ur dinner seems yummy.. but u only cook for ur own share?

nv realise the next PH will be in Apr.. =(
morning gals.

yaataa, haha, my passion i to cook.

sasa, ya cook for myself. my dh doesn't want to eat my qing dan food. lol...

piggy & sasa, declare ur holidays ba. lol. me planning for a holiday trip either on apr or may. luckily my co still got birthday leave in conjunction of our birthdays. haha.

i used to cook after work but due to my new job my hubby cook the dinner instead.. *feels bad but bless*
aiyo, he shd appreciate and eat healthy with u too.. hehehehe
my co dun have birthday leave de so sad.. ex co hv but only half a day.. but luckily i accumlate 6days last yr..
Wow! is there such thing called birthday leave?
This is the first time I am hearing it. Needless to say, my company dont have this and neither did my ex-company.
warau i come back and read about birthday leave... *jealous feel* anyway, i am early cos of job requirements! hahaha! i don't have leave to take at all. so no real celebration of special days. oh well, most important is that every day hub and me are happily in love. i slurf my hub!!

sleepygal i agree good for your hub to eat healthy. i think my hub needs a diet. he overweight liao T_T very sad. i like his tummy but he hates it!

and bunny, i free on any day except fri cos got lou hei session. who else is freeeee?
sasa, my ex-co oso dun have too. my current co only give half day as birthday leave.

piggy, got la. its actually the co policy to give birthday leave to their discrepancy.

yaataa, my ah lao dun want to eat the healthy meal with me wor. and i agrees, my dh needs to go on diet. his tummy bigger than 4mths pregnant. lol...
ok... im back.. nowadays i really busy and get tired easily... sianz.. FAT FAT FAT

CNY coming liao is gluttoning time!!! OMG... i need to jian fei leh..

Yaataa, u try the reiki session??!!! how much?? can share??????
tis yr in fact i quite lazy lor...just clean up most of my room & kitchen, if not for my new bed, i won't bother to clean the window & change new curtain.

hehe....last nite i BD on my new bed. Do it while piping hot...lol cos my fil want us to have dragon bb which is last chance for this mth. i can't even bother to do bbt & opk.
Good Morning!

Piggy, you're soo cute. Hee..

Last month to conceive dragon babies is April cause if conceive in Apr, delivery will be Jan 2013. I read some posts that some want to aim for that, cause still dragon babies but in the 'snake year' so not as competitive as dragon year for the child.

Last work day before Chinese New Year... my company half day.
dun feel like coming to work..

to me no matter whether is it dragon, snake, horse, or whatever just wan my bb to be healthy is the most impt!

but gonna to work hard cos mil did hint hint to my hub that her frens are askin when u r gg to be ahma.. LOL since my hub is the only son (he has sis btw)

just hopin the time strike 6 asap!!
