2016/07 July babies

@verluv - you'll b busy with 3 this time wo, the pounds may drop faster than you expect :D

@Gwenk - for epidural, u may want to do it early if u feel the pain from contractions will make you too tired to push. Everyone's threshold for pain is different, so you really have to experience first before you decide. I didn't take because my pain threshold is relatively high, babies were quite small (both 2.6 kg only) and was stuck in labour ward for only about 4 hrs both times, and mainly because I cannot get over my fear of needles. So it may be good if you keep an open mind, just take it if you need it :)

On early labour symptoms, I rem that I kept having the feeling of needing to poop about 2 days before the mucus plug was released. Kept going toilet but nothing.

Because I indulge in durians (ya know, it's the season now), I replace some meals with salad and lotsa avocado. Very yummy. I also take coconut drink now and the homemade bai guo fu zhu yi mi dessert, or green bean soup. I know some ppl say it's a myth. Even my gynae says so. But I have 3 sisters who swear by it so I will do it too. Moreover they are my fav things to eat :)

I also like durians and take it sparingly. But be careful of the intake as bb may become too big during delivery. I bought Avocado juice during lunch just now. Think I am beginning to take it more regularly as this is very nutritious. My mum & mil also encourage me to take fuzhu baiguo dessert. Think it's high fibre intake and may help in relieving constipation.
@tuna, Ya, I want to decide it later on like if I cannot push for few hours (maybe 4-6 hours). So far, gynae has mentioned tt my bb is already 2.8kg (maybe an estimation?). That was about 35 weeks, not sure about now and when nearing to edd. I will keep an open mind. Thanks for the advice. :)
I begin to go toilet for big business twice a day since last week. Really poop one. Think this is false alarm I guess. May look out for the mucous plug..
Ok will keep a lookout for more poo poo sessions. Actually recently I must be doing something right...less constipation past one week. Prior to that constipation was quite bad.

Gwenk, yes my hubby last night made me promise no more durians lol. I had 3-4 rounds of it past one month. Now remaining 2weeks (I hope) I will eat more liang food.
Omg .. I have been poo for 2-3 times a day since last week and also spend longer time in the toilet because got the feel of pee n poo but nothing come out. Aiyo baby must wait leh ..I still need to work till 1 July
@emk - That could hv just been my experience, your feeling like that may be because of "lightening" ie baby moving lower, which causes more pressure on bladder. This happens in the last few wks. Don't panic hor. Why must work till 1 Jul, u starting ur leave on that day uh? If baby comes, it's time for u to enjoy ur new baby and a nice long leave. Don't bother about office.
@tuna my initial Edd is 13 July lo so I though start my leave two weeks before should be quite safe .. So plan my contract staff to come in next week. End up my Edd adjusted to 5/6 July.. Got to train contract staff and now is school holiday so many people on leave lo, need to do more work than usual. Now everyone said my tummy big n low, look like very soon to pop .. Make me even more stressed
Yes constant feeling of poop but mth came out is also a sign of labour.
Redvel: it's not that u are doing something right with your bowel juz that your body is preparing u for labour le. Normally will have constipation and then when it's nearing to labour, your body will try to cleanse it and release all the poop first.
Gwenk: I'm taking coconut water once every 2 weeks.. Juz had one yesterday. As for avocado milkshake, that is to pump up my bb weight coz bb on the small side.
Tuna: thanks for the nice words.. I really hope I will lose weight more since I will be busy With 3.. But the more stress and busy I am, I tend to eat more...:(
Emk: dun worry abt the leave la.. If your bb decide to come out earlier there is nth you can do and nth your company can do. Dun slog for your company.. At this moment, bb is the most important
Oh I didn't know that, verluv. It's coming it's coming.

Emk, you gotta do what you gotta do. Keep stress level down. Work should now be the last thing on your mind :)
Thanks redvel and verluv, will try to be more relax :) I wondering when will we know we will get stretch mark ?
@emk - just aim to cram ur OJT to 2 days max, maybe prepare a list of all that u need to train the contract staff on, in case u pop this week, someone can do the training on ur behalf. Just a matter of weeks more to enjoy the feeling of baby kicking in ur tummy, make the most of it now ba.
On stretch mark, if by now don't have, think unlikely to appear liao ba, provided we continue to apply the oil/lotion etc.

@ verluv - I oso a bit worried about losing the extra wt this time. Last time the pounds melted away within 2 mths, this time round older, plus wt gain slightly more, but I will try my best. But hor, I remember really not having time to eat with the constant feeding, diaper-changing, washing and housework. So I shall stay hopeful :)
Ya by now don't have stretch marks means shouldn't have already. My tummy and boobs and bum are always oily throughout my pregnancy. Haha just slap on oil/cream every few hours to avoid the marks.

My sis used to tell me must enjoy the pregnancy when the baby is all 100percent ours in your stomach. Once popped, you need to "share" her/him.

Now that I'm about to pop, I'm already starting to feel I will miss being pregnant!
Emk - I also will be start on leave from 1 July. My edd is on 8 Jul. I hope that my bb will be on time. Same here, need to train the contract staff. So worried have no enough time to impart all the task and knowledge to her.

Btw, how is mucus clog look like? Saw some post mention we need to observed this? Please enlighten me. As recently I have lots of discharge than usual. And can feel bb kicking more often and vigorous. Feel the cramp like menstrual cramp since last Saturday. Does it mean the d day is approaching? Really hope that my bb will be on time that is blessed enough.
My EDD is July but due to past complications I have delivered via csec on 10 jun at week 34. I've been dicharged but baby's still at nicu for monitoring.
Yes constant feeling of poop but mth came out is also a sign of labour.
Redvel: it's not that u are doing something right with your bowel juz that your body is preparing u for labour le. Normally will have constipation and then when it's nearing to labour, your body will try to cleanse it and release all the poop first.
Gwenk: I'm taking coconut water once every 2 weeks.. Juz had one yesterday. As for avocado milkshake, that is to pump up my bb weight coz bb on the small side.

Verluv, I guess I am pooing more than usual, also have the urge to go toilet many times. Think it's nearing too. But hope that it's not this week. I also want to work till end of this week at least.
Will Avocado pump up bb's weight?? Though it's a kind of fruit and contains fibre in it.
My EDD is July but due to past complications I have delivered via csec on 10 jun at week 34. I've been dicharged but baby's still at nicu for monitoring.
Hi dear. Haven't seen you here for awhile. Congrats on the arrival of your precious. So I'm not gonna be the first in this group:) Baby will come home soon to be reunited with your family. Happy to hear of the first arrival here.
Verluv, I guess I am pooing more than usual, also have the urge to go toilet many times. Think it's nearing too. But hope that it's not this week. I also want to work till end of this week at least.
Will Avocado pump up bb's weight?? Though it's a kind of fruit and contains fibre in it.
Maybe bcos avocado high in good fats?

I'm making avocado sandwich for lunch later :)
@jomanji I googled mucus plug before and it's not very pretty thing but that's what it is. Looks like mucus with some blood?
Mucus plug is juz like our discharge with tinge of blood... But sometimes mucus plug can be quite a lot and thick. Normally our discharge is not like one big lump one bit mucus plug is one big lump one. I only saw it in my first preg.. Din really see it cos it pop out and drop into toilet bowl.. Haha tmi liao..
Think gwenk and redvel might deliver before me. I keep thinking I should deliver either end of this week or mod of next week.. Let's see ba.. Now my poop is still not daily yet.. But it will be when nearing to the d day unless induce by Gynae like he breaks my water bag or wat la..
This time round I am going to ask my Gynae if it's possible to go into labour really naturally but to think that I have h&s and need to put on drip and my labour being very fast, dunno whether he will agree to it or not.
Avocado is high in good fats and hence they say can boost bb weight and help in milk supply. Dunno how true it is but juZ try lor. I will tell u all how true it is when I know my bb weight end of the week.. See whether it's to pump up bb weight or my WEIGHT!!! Haha.. Hopefully not the latter.
Tot the stretch mark will reveal only when we slim down?? Coz now the tummy too stretch liao and then when we slim down then can see?
I have very obvious stretch mark on my thighs but couldn't remember when it appear la..
I also start to miss being pregnant liao leh.. To think that we are going to deliver soon and start our moo moo career and sleepless night a bit sIan.
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@redvel, what you put besides Avocado in your sandwich? I also want to try to make one as Verluv mentioned it will boost milk supply. :)
I am going for the checkup this week and see if bb puts on weight. I have been diligently applied the stretch mark cream, hope the mark is minimal and easy to fade soon.

@verluv, I guess I will miss being pregnant too and feel bb moving around. But I also crave to see my bb soon.
Last 2 weeks, I have been drinking iced avocado juice 2 times per week but stopped recently due to cough. When I went for checkup last friday, bb weight is still low at 2kg (start of 34 wks). My gynae is quite concerned abt it so now i am trying to eat more meals throughout the day and see if can pump up bb's weight. Hopefully can hit 2.8kg by 38 wks.
Last 2 weeks, I have been drinking iced avocado juice 2 times per week but stopped recently due to cough. When I went for checkup last friday, bb weight is still low at 2kg (start of 34 wks). My gynae is quite concerned abt it so now i am trying to eat more meals throughout the day and see if can pump up bb's weight. Hopefully can hit 2.8kg by 38 wks.

Try to drink w/o ice. I usually ask for no ice when ordering one though more expensive. Have you taken any prenatal supplements? Think bb will be able to absorb the nutrients if you are not able to achieve a balanced diet.
Try to drink w/o ice. I usually ask for no ice when ordering one though more expensive. Have you taken any prenatal supplements? Think bb will be able to absorb the nutrients if you are not able to achieve a balanced diet.
yes, have been taking prenatal supplements daily after the 1st trimester.

I have the impression the fruit juices will taste quite yucky without ice/not cold but i think i'll try to order it without ice next time.
My friends with stretchmarks said theirs appeared during pregnancy. Oh dear, still hv chance of getting them? And I thought I managed to siam them once more.

Whether or not avocado helps bb to fatten up is one thing, the other is that it is extremely good for brain devt, so let's eat more! Yummy! I like to toast a cheese sandwich and add slices of avocado in. Also like to scramble 1 or 2 eggs and eat with sliced avocado. The other thing I heard boosts milk supply is almond paste (that dessert, mandarin is xin ren hu). I took a lot the last time, really had a lot of milk, dunno if it was due to those foods, but no harm taking if u dun mind the taste. This time round I haven't had the chance to take that, so difficult to find these desserts nowadays.

@redvel and verluv - can share how u eat avocado for more ideas?

@starview - hv you tried eating cheese? That helped my bb's wt to increase the last time. Also took greek yogurt. Just make sure they are pasteurized.

By the way, @verluv - what is h&s?
Emk - I also will be start on leave from 1 July. My edd is on 8 Jul. I hope that my bb will be on time. Same here, need to train the contract staff. So worried have no enough time to impart all the task and knowledge to her.

Btw, how is mucus clog look like? Saw some post mention we need to observed this? Please enlighten me. As recently I have lots of discharge than usual. And can feel bb kicking more often and vigorous. Feel the cramp like menstrual cramp since last Saturday. Does it mean the d day is approaching? Really hope that my bb will be on time that is blessed enough.
Yea hopefully our baby can wait till July.*finger cross * I have been talking to my baby n ask him to wait till after July 1. Hopefully its work haha
@tuna, how you siam the stretch marks? very steady.. I think I got little showing up just below my tummy.
Cheese with Avocado sounds interesting. How about ham? Usually I like to eat ham & cheese sandwich, not sure if I add Avocado along in it.
Almond paste is not my fav. But I may try once again for the sake of bb. Think you can still find it in Chinatown area where there are many dessert stalls.

@starview, I think the taste is still acceptable for me. You need to explore some drink stalls and I think majority is fine for me.
@emk and @Jomani, I also hope that my bb will be coming in Jul as my edd is 4 Jul. But I think it's quite difficult, cos she is very active and has been moving and kicking every now and then. Not sure whether she is patient enough to wait. :p
I'm actually prepared to see stretch marks as it is in my family gene. My mom and all 3 sisters got it from pregnancy (not after). I myself got it at 18-19 yrs old because I put on weight over a short span and I lost it even faster (medical and stress issue). At that time I didn't know about taking care of my body so I have these old marks on my thighs and bums now. So I feel super lucky I don't get it now (but hor I hope I don't jinx it). But like someone said, it can happen after our body tries to shrink back after popping. Therefore I will still continue applying oil and do wraps and exercise after labor.
@Gwenk - I'm really quite obsessed with creams, lotions, oils, applied a lot of stuff on my tummy. Started applying even before getting pregnant. Not sure if that's the reason why I managed to avoid stretchmarks all 3 times. So far.
I love ham, but I've been trying to cut down a bit on processed meats, but I indulge once in a while, add a slice of Ham into my cheese and avo toasted sandwich, shiok!!
Thanks, I shall hunt for the dessert in Chinatown!

Anyone here doesn't hv the linea nigra yet? Strangely this time, the line didn't appear at all, I can't understand why.
Avocado drink I don't really fancy. Like it cut as it is. Will throw into salads. Or on toast. I toast wholemeal bread with margarine. Then put sliced avocado and cherry tomatoes on it. Sprinkle with crushed black pepper. I'm already salivating writing this. Heh. That was my lunch today by the way.

And since I need to watch the type of carbo intake, I'm recommended Wasa (a kind of very dry crisp bread) by gynae. I spread it with plain yogurt to make it more moisty, then put sliced avocado. I like to add a little sweetness so I also cut one or two dried dates (now Ramadan so can be found easily at supermarket) to top it up. Dates are also very good for us!

Ohh I will look out for almond paste tomorrow. Haven't had it for a long time. Thanks for sharing.
Tuna, I'm also obsessed with body creams way before pregnancy. I think I started applying daily after shower since late 20s. Maybe this helps in the prevention.

I got that dark line yes. I think late second trime started to show.
Hi all, I just went for my gynea appt last week.
Just to share the info, he mentioned that for natural birth, u can try perineal massage before birth to prevent tearing. Mummies who going for natural can try. I myself is still figuring how to do it after googling on the web.
I read about that massage before somehow I feel very weird if I do it heh.

For me, I try to put oil on private part too. Someone recommended it. Softens the skin there to hopefully avoid tearing.
Someone recommend me to have sxx with hubby so it help to loosen our private area but I don't know it's safe to do it or not. May need to check with gynae :p
Someone recommend me to have sxx with hubby so it help to loosen our private area but I don't know it's safe to do it or not. May need to check with gynae :p

Heard that sex might trigger the contractions ;) if I'm over due then maybe we will do it. now at week34++ so trying to stay calm for next 3-4 weeks
I m still thinking about the full month celebration...did it for number 1, so if number 2, not doing is like not fair.

How do you prevent people from carrying or touching the baby's face during the celebration? I m afraid May pass virus if they dun wash hands

I m a paranoid mummy!
What I do for my #1. I put in a stroller. Anyone have the kissing action. I say no face pls n put my baby's hand for them to kiss.
I have the dark line too but not too obvious.. It will disappear after birth I guess so it really doesn't matter if you dun have it..
For me, I only take avocado milkshake. My mum blend the avocado with coconut sugar and milk and a little bit of ice and then yes it will be a nice shiok drink. I haven try taking avocado with bread yet.. But I guess it's definately healthier to eat with bread coz no milk and the coconut sugar..
N talking abt sxx, it will trigger contractions.. So if one is wary of PRe term labour, then better refrain. I have been having that for the past 1 mths.. Think my hubby should be v ke Lian. Hahah
Did I mention Abt h&s? I dunno leh.. I can only h&s with insurance..hospitalisation and surgical policy.. Or did I type too fast and made a typo mistake ?? Hee hee
Starview: dun worry any bb weight. So long bb can hit 2 kg upon delivery, they won't need to stay in hosp for observation. Weight of bb is important but more importantly, the bb is born healthy. I have small bb but they eventually pump up upon full mth !! So satisfying
I love almond paste! Having it a few times cos almond is good for cough. Also heard that eating oats will boost milk supply so i'm eating it more frequently now.

I think for now, I will just do whatever I can to pump up the bb weight till the next gynae visit.
Regarding sex, the gynae mentioned that it's best to do after 36 weeks at a pregnancy talk. My gynae actually gives us the green signal already.
But my hubby and me still refrain from it. Maybe if I am nearing edd, I may try too.. :)
I've consulted my gynae about avoiding episiotomy. He mentioned it's advisable to go through for 1st pregnancy. I've also read up the website, it can be avoided by applying oil on the perineum area from 34 weeks onwards. Tried applying the oil, but it seems like 'M' cos you need to insert your finger 3cm into it and stretch down and outwards for about few mins. Then massage the outer area as well to moisturize it.
@redvel What kind of oil that you put on private part? I applied bottom balm near private part but not sure if can straight apply on private part or not due to itchiness.

As my elder sis got a obvious stretch marks on her tummy, kiasu people like me started to apply since 2 months pregnant. So far no stretch marks on my tummy. But without my notice, dont know since when my thigh and butt got stretch marks. Especially my thigh got very obvious stretch marks. As i only focus to apply on my tummy since beginning, stupid me. :(

Yesterday just checked with my confinement nanny, she still helping another mummy doing confinement and only available after 29/6. Hope my baby hang in there and pop after July. Everyday talk to baby must wait at least 1 July then come out. My edd is 11/7. But my foot super swollen, my colleagues and friends said i might pop earlier. I hope not.
