(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

The milk powder not suit ur bb? Seem like quite a few comments on this type. I m still trying out. Now already 1 week after changed to total comfort.
Bb doesn't like the taste n refuse to drink. Np if u OK after trying sometime just let me know if u want. If not so wasted.
Went for my post partum checkup on mon. First thing gynae ask me, was wat happen to my eye bag...
Obviously I'm lack of sleep with HUGE eye bags n dark circle. Haiz...
Now is only 3mths with pumping. Duno how to tahan another 3mths till LO is 6mos. Zzz.. So deprive of sleep..
Hehe i also on leave. Still got leave. Now trying to finish.

"Trying to finish"????? Omg! Envy u. Haha

Went for my post partum checkup on mon. First thing gynae ask me, was wat happen to my eye bag...
Obviously I'm lack of sleep with HUGE eye bags n dark circle. Haiz...
Now is only 3mths with pumping. Duno how to tahan another 3mths till LO is 6mos. Zzz.. So deprive of sleep..

U still pump in MOTN? Aiyo... Means v obvious ur nt gettin enuff slp leh.. Jiayou. Try to skip night pumping, or drag ur hours longer abit..
Went for my post partum checkup on mon. First thing gynae ask me, was wat happen to my eye bag...
Obviously I'm lack of sleep with HUGE eye bags n dark circle. Haiz...
Now is only 3mths with pumping. Duno how to tahan another 3mths till LO is 6mos. Zzz.. So deprive of sleep..

Yea @furbee me too skipped the middle of the night pump and dragged the pumping hrs to 5hrs (to prepare for work too, can't be always pumping every 3hrs).. heh, that is when I have enough stash in my fridge as the supply will drop with lesser pumps.. so try to strike a balance ya :D

Kinda got used to being quarantined at home with taking care of baby chores. . Soon to be back to work. Haha.. finally can get a breather and escaped the messy hair image at home.. sometimes my hubby came home and commented that i looked like i survived the war period.. :D but surely will miss baby, stressless sleeping hours..
My baby is feverish after 5-in-1 jab ytd. 37.7deg. She refused to drink milk mixed with panadol syrup. End up we forced her to take. Now is still feverish :(
My baby is feverish after 5-in-1 jab ytd. 37.7deg. She refused to drink milk mixed with panadol syrup. End up we forced her to take. Now is still feverish :(

Sponge her! Dun worry, jus as normal give her milk. Try not to mix with panadol, scare she totally reject the milk den makes thing worse. Good to use syringe to feed panadol (same way as taking rotavirus, bit by bit. Den if she nv swallow, lightly pinch her nose so she will gasp n swallow)...

Yea @furbee me too skipped the middle of the night pump and dragged the pumping hrs to 5hrs (to prepare for work too, can't be always pumping every 3hrs).. heh, that is when I have enough stash in my fridge as the supply will drop with lesser pumps.. so try to strike a balance ya :D

Kinda got used to being quarantined at home with taking care of baby chores. . Soon to be back to work. Haha.. finally can get a breather and escaped the messy hair image at home.. sometimes my hubby came home and commented that i looked like i survived the war period.. :D but surely will miss baby, stressless sleeping hours..

Haha good to know u haf enuff rest before starting work. But still maintain ur stash, if fully express bm must pump 4x a day (in 24hrs), if still DL keep up!

I also pumping less n less, but is excess for my #2.. Trying to DL whenever i reach home, but my mom always end up bottle feeding him! Arrggghhh, luckily i dream feed him too....
Sponge her! Dun worry, jus as normal give her milk. Try not to mix with panadol, scare she totally reject the milk den makes thing worse. Good to use syringe to feed panadol (same way as taking rotavirus, bit by bit. Den if she nv swallow, lightly pinch her nose so she will gasp n swallow)...

Haha good to know u haf enuff rest before starting work. But still maintain ur stash, if fully express bm must pump 4x a day (in 24hrs), if still DL keep up!

I also pumping less n less, but is excess for my #2.. Trying to DL whenever i reach home, but my mom always end up bottle feeding him! Arrggghhh, luckily i dream feed him too....

Thanks.. I do sponge her but still 37ish. But she seems normal, still smile and do tummy time, so not too bad. Hopefully her fever will be gone soon. When do i need to bring her to see PD?
Thanks.. I do sponge her but still 37ish. But she seems normal, still smile and do tummy time, so not too bad. Hopefully her fever will be gone soon. When do i need to bring her to see PD?
@isenggirl 2015-08-23 01.33.35.jpg
Haha good to know u haf enuff rest before starting work. But still maintain ur stash, if fully express bm must pump 4x a day (in 24hrs), if still DL keep up!

I also pumping less n less, but is excess for my #2.. Trying to DL whenever i reach home, but my mom always end up bottle feeding him! Arrggghhh, luckily i dream feed him too....

Ehh.. just nice for daily intake with some excess for extra feedings... not enough to build extra stash.. so LO will start with those frozen milk once I start work..

Hmm.. LO's into dream feeding too but with bottle.. doesn't wants to drink when awake.. pattern many many recently so I stopped DL. .
Hi mummies... have u ever notice your bb soles "shaking/vibrate"? Not both together n it lasted a few seconds only. I noticed my boy soles shake n vibrate occasionally after birth. Even now already 4 mths he still got.
When it shakes is it when he slp, or jus awake? Or when playing?
Sometimes i think when bb pee maybe one leg will shake.. Haha. I not sure the exact reason nv go n monitor :)
But if u worried, den jus infd ur pd, or polyclinic doc wen u go for appt..?
He can shake anytime. Can be sleeping or awake. At first I also thought is coz of bb peeing. But as I m FTM, no experience at all. Will check w my pd Whn bb goes back for injection mid of sep. Thank you furbee :)
I'm going back work tomorrow! Should start work today but cos bb IFC is closed for their event, took a child care leave today. Hehehehe
I'm going back work tomorrow! Should start work today but cos bb IFC is closed for their event, took a child care leave today. Hehehehe

Enjoy ur work tmr! Back to reality...... Guess here gonna b more quiet ....

Anyway, my lo managed to flip ytd without me witnessing! Sigh. And he can pull an adult pillow to cover his head. So dangerous... I used it to block his head in case i scare he fall or hit the wall, now cannot put liao.. Din expect him to b so 'strong' -.-"""
Hi mummies... have u ever notice your bb soles "shaking/vibrate"? Not both together n it lasted a few seconds only. I noticed my boy soles shake n vibrate occasionally after birth. Even now already 4 mths he still got.
Me! I thot it was just reflex. Its getting less frequent nowadays though..

I took 16weeks ML. 6 days childcare.. 6 days annual leave.. Haha. I know i wun have much chance to clear leave when i go back to work. So clear more first.
Enjoy ur work tmr! Back to reality...... Guess here gonna b more quiet ....

Anyway, my lo managed to flip ytd without me witnessing! Sigh. And he can pull an adult pillow to cover his head. So dangerous... I used it to block his head in case i scare he fall or hit the wall, now cannot put liao.. Din expect him to b so 'strong' -.-"""

Wah.. improvement! Ur bb so strong!
Ya. I oso notice here is quite recently. Almost all mummies have started work.
Enjoy ur work tmr! Back to reality...... Guess here gonna b more quiet ....

Anyway, my lo managed to flip ytd without me witnessing! Sigh. And he can pull an adult pillow to cover his head. So dangerous... I used it to block his head in case i scare he fall or hit the wall, now cannot put liao.. Din expect him to b so 'strong' -.-"""
Sometime our LO just like to hide their ability from mummy. Until one time being caught in the act.... Lols. Yeaaa after my LO learn to flip, now everytime he flip never ending. Then tired sleep in tummy position.
Wah.. improvement! Ur bb so strong!
Ya. I oso notice here is quite recently. Almost all mummies have started work.
Yeahh now here is so quite. Issit becoz almost all start working? But before during our pregnancy we were quite active here while working. Hahaha.....sometime I just reminiscing what was going on last year. Remember last year around this date I just found myself pregnant n shocking. Now baby almost 4 months old. Time flies so fast
Yeahh now here is so quite. Issit becoz almost all start working? But before during our pregnancy we were quite active here while working. Hahaha.....sometime I just reminiscing what was going on last year. Remember last year around this date I just found myself pregnant n shocking. Now baby almost 4 months old. Time flies so fast

Ya.. time flies.. last year this time we were still suffering from morning sickness. Haha.. my bb can now laugh with "kekeke" sound! So funny!
Yea @furbee me too skipped the middle of the night pump and dragged the pumping hrs to 5hrs (to prepare for work too, can't be always pumping every 3hrs).. heh, that is when I have enough stash in my fridge as the supply will drop with lesser pumps.. so try to strike a balance ya :D

Kinda got used to being quarantined at home with taking care of baby chores. . Soon to be back to work. Haha.. finally can get a breather and escaped the messy hair image at home.. sometimes my hubby came home and commented that i looked like i survived the war period.. :D but surely will miss baby, stressless sleeping hours..
@furbee @AngelDustV , I already skip midnight pump long time ago. But try to last pump @ 11pm. After pump and wash up, is 12mn when I hit the bed. Then 6am get up to pump and get ready for work. Next pump will be lunch time @ 12nn. Then I either squeeze in another pump @ 5pm before I knock off, or go home then pump le.
1 day 4x but I still shag. Duno izit my job too demanding, haha... I actually lost 1 kg after I went back work for 8 days niah. But supply actually better than when I stayed home. Think 5-6 hours pump works better for me than 4hrly pump. Hmm...
My baby now daytime only power nap for 30mins/ nap. Think she now very curious and like to play so Nvr sleep much. But she can Zz from 8+pm to 7am. 12hrs no wake up for milk. I so scare lo.
However, she will become super cranky if no enuf sleep during daytime wor. Very contradicting.
My baby now daytime only power nap for 30mins/ nap. Think she now very curious and like to play so Nvr sleep much. But she can Zz from 8+pm to 7am. 12hrs no wake up for milk. I so scare lo.
However, she will become super cranky if no enuf sleep during daytime wor. Very contradicting.
How much u feed her each feeding? 7hrs straight is so powerful!
Had to go back office yesterday to settle some stuff, miss my boy boy so much. Yah i think most mummies already back at work? I told my boss next mth then fully back, but will pop into office now and then. Sighs, market is bad…

Im so not ready to go back! Looking so unglam at e moment, need a haircut soon!
Ya.. time flies.. last year this time we were still suffering from morning sickness. Haha.. my bb can now laugh with "kekeke" sound! So funny!
Hey mine too! She can laugh with kekeke sounds and managed to take video once. But not yet out loud.. I thot initially she is coughing. Lol.
My baby now daytime only power nap for 30mins/ nap. Think she now very curious and like to play so Nvr sleep much. But she can Zz from 8+pm to 7am. 12hrs no wake up for milk. I so scare lo.
However, she will become super cranky if no enuf sleep during daytime wor. Very contradicting.

My lo also nap short while same like urs 30mins. Tink shld b normal tat they wanna play more slp less. Now getting noisy, keep calling ppl to play n entertain him.
I pump 7am, 4pm, 10pm .. 3x a day, already soooo tired!! :( but lucky still dl when im home.

@cynn04 u need to go saloon liao.. Mani n pedi too!! Hehe
How to train baby slp in her cot during day time? She can slp there at night but not in the day. I can pat her for 4hrs straight yet she still awake. Sigh. If she manage to fall asleep it's only 30mins.
Hey ladies! Haven't been coming in for days cos dunno why the notifications for this forum updates didn't alert me on new posts leh! And I was wondering how come this thread so quiet now.. haha..

@ furbee, hi5! My LO also just did her first successful flip by herself yesterday!!

I took 16 weeks ML and 10 days annual leave.. so will be back to office 7 Sep.. so not looking fwd but no choice lor..
So the next 1.5 weeks will be to get ready to face the world.. so facial.. mani pedi.. hair color etc all lined up.. hahaha

LO is now more easily distracted by the world around her.. lesser nap time.. shorter drinking time while DL-ing.. aiyo. . But easily laughs.. so quite fun actually.. lol
Missed out so much here! Seems like everyone's LOs are flipping!! Mine not yet tho...

Accompanied hub to hk for his biz trip last week while i took care of my 2 gals... Ended up i had high fever 40.5...stayed at the hotel most of the time. (Seriously not ez...) Hub was bz with presentation... So informed him only when he left his office. The hotel mgr was nice, accompanied us thruout the visit in their local hospital.

Back on Sun late in the nite, yesterday went to see gp coz fever still persisted... Turned up i kena dengue fever...

Today all the rashes are out...my whole body is aching like mad!! Tmr gonna do another blood test again...hope my platelets dun further reduce...
My LO is drinking 120ml/ feeding. Last feeding is 150ml. Been drinking like this since full mth..
Wah my baby is drinking only 80-90ml each feeding. But seems more frequent now every 2.5hrs. Only at night she sleeps longer but still wake up at least once at night..
Time really flies. My boy just had his third month vaccination yesterday and I'm monitoring his temperature. Hope all ur babies have stabilized n r less cranky. Seems so hard to shed the last 3kg to regain back my Pre pregnancy weight. Tummy still so flabby n no thigh gap! In fact I wished to lose another 5kg. What about the rest of mummies? Got back ur figure.
Hi mummies, how long can we keep e ebm after its heated up? My lo can't seem to finish a bottle of 100 ml ebm after its heated up. Do I need to throw away immediately or can reheat for him later? If can reheat, how long can it last?
Hi mummies, I have been following this thread since the start of pregnancy.
Have not joined in the chat as for some reasons, unable to do with my mobile. Finally switched on my laptop to say hello. :)
Hope that I will be able to join for the next gathering. My LO is turning 4 months this week. Time flies.
Hi mummies, how long can we keep e ebm after its heated up? My lo can't seem to finish a bottle of 100 ml ebm after its heated up. Do I need to throw away immediately or can reheat for him later? If can reheat, how long can it last?
If reheat I usually do not exceed two hrs.
Time really flies. My boy just had his third month vaccination yesterday and I'm monitoring his temperature. Hope all ur babies have stabilized n r less cranky. Seems so hard to shed the last 3kg to regain back my Pre pregnancy weight. Tummy still so flabby n no thigh gap! In fact I wished to lose another 5kg. What about the rest of mummies? Got back ur figure.

I m 1kg away from pre pregnancy weight. I lose weight ever since I started work as need to juggle work n bb. Can be quite stressful sometime. Tummy also still flabby. No time for exercise at all. Already so tired when reach home. How's ur boy after vaccination?
Time really flies. My boy just had his third month vaccination yesterday and I'm monitoring his temperature. Hope all ur babies have stabilized n r less cranky. Seems so hard to shed the last 3kg to regain back my Pre pregnancy weight. Tummy still so flabby n no thigh gap! In fact I wished to lose another 5kg. What about the rest of mummies? Got back ur figure.
Shed 8kg since wk3 & stuck with the last 3kg. Demoralized. So flabby and cannot put on my denim shorts though the rest of the clothings is fine. My thigh still got gap but the denim damn tight even at thigh. =( horror!
My bb got many small little pimples like bump n rashes around genital area/lower abdomen . I have tried to apply powder or baby calendula cream but not effective. Any good recommendation?

My bb got many small little pimples like bump n rashes around genital area/lower abdomen . I have tried to apply powder or baby calendula cream but not effective. Any good recommendation?

Try Cetaphil baby lotion? The doctor at polyclinic suggested this brand of lotion,saying it's good for moisturising baby's skin. Good for dry skin / mild eczema. My LO had similar rashes on her cheek and neck area. I started applying on her on Sunday and it looked better yesterday.
