(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Just wondering, any of u experiencing nausea after meals. I am having it... Not sure is it due to hormonal changes...
I'm dead tired...finally had a chance to catch up on the threads here. LO is super cranky today... I guess i have been latching hrly since 3pm...and she finally willing to sleep... ( . ) ( . ) damn sore...how to pump like dat ah? I have been pumping only once per day which at 4am... Have 40ish packs of ebm at freezer but per vol is small...like 120ml nia...she will be gg to ifc nx month liao.

I really envy u all can schedule 3hrly pump..guess i can only do that when she's in ifc. Haiz... Nite peeps!
selamat hari Raya!

It's been a busy week preparing and cooking and cleaning then visiting and more cooking but today I finally started running again 2mths pp! Just bought a treadmill so that I can look at LO while exercising. Feels so good to run again!!

Does anyone know where to get nursing sports bras?
@yanarah, woww she is sooo pretty! :) how many weeks is she? So fast she can hold her own head?! :)

Anyone regularly doing tummy time with LO? How long each time doing it? Do we need to stop if LO starts crying?
@yanarah, woww she is sooo pretty! :) how many weeks is she? So fast she can hold her own head?! :)

Anyone regularly doing tummy time with LO? How long each time doing it? Do we need to stop if LO starts crying?
I think we are supposed to do 3 times a day, about 5-10min each time. But I forget qt often...
My LO super cranky these 2 nights. Yday slept at 3.30am. Today keeps sleeping during the day. I attended wedding dinner and hubby looked after her. He said she only woke up for half hour and drank 50ml of milk. In the end she woke up at 12 plus and refused to sleep. Cried when put her back to cot. In the end, latched her and managed to get her to sleep on my bed ard 3am. I also fell asleep. Just moved her back to her room n pumping now.

Wonder if she will get used to waking up at night n wanting to sleep on my bed?
I had a scare just now when I woke up. Found LO lying face down on the bed! She was struggling. Gosh. Before I slept I put her lying flat (head face up) on the bed but I know she turned a little to sleep on her side straightaway. As it was just a little to her side and I thought she will turn back to original position herself, I didn't bother much so I just slept. Then, 5 hours later which is now, I awoke to find her face down! She's strong enough to flip already. From face up to side to face down. Scary....luckily her feet was moving as she struggled. It was her moving feet that woke me up.....
I had a scare just now when I woke up. Found LO lying face down on the bed! She was struggling. Gosh. Before I slept I put her lying flat (head face up) on the bed but I know she turned a little to sleep on her side straightaway. As it was just a little to her side and I thought she will turn back to original position herself, I didn't bother much so I just slept. Then, 5 hours later which is now, I awoke to find her face down! She's strong enough to flip already. From face up to side to face down. Scary....luckily her feet was moving as she struggled. It was her moving feet that woke me up.....

Oh dear.. is indeed very scary.. how old is ur bb now? So fast can flip over already? Now must wake up few times at nite to check on baby.
Just wondering, any of u experiencing nausea after meals. I am having it... Not sure is it due to hormonal changes...

I only experienced it ytd.. Suddenly. Den when told my mum, my irritating bro say is preg -.-"" o was thinking in my heart havent start bedroom activity how to preg sia!!
But anyways, u frequently feel nausea??

@yanarah, woww she is sooo pretty! :) how many weeks is she? So fast she can hold her own head?! :)

Anyone regularly doing tummy time with LO? How long each time doing it? Do we need to stop if LO starts crying?

I nv do tummy time!! I realise i v v v lazy. Lol.
Do u all put bb on tummy before or after meal?
I only experienced it ytd.. Suddenly. Den when told my mum, my irritating bro say is preg -.-"" o was thinking in my heart havent start bedroom activity how to preg sia!!
But anyways, u frequently feel nausea??

I nv do tummy time!! I realise i v v v lazy. Lol.
Do u all put bb on tummy before or after meal?
tummy time usually at least 30 minutes after meal or if not when LO wakes up and still not hungry do some tummy time. cant do tummy time with a full stomach LO may puke.
My LO super cranky these 2 nights. Yday slept at 3.30am. Today keeps sleeping during the day. I attended wedding dinner and hubby looked after her. He said she only woke up for half hour and drank 50ml of milk. In the end she woke up at 12 plus and refused to sleep. Cried when put her back to cot. In the end, latched her and managed to get her to sleep on my bed ard 3am. I also fell asleep. Just moved her back to her room n pumping now.

Wonder if she will get used to waking up at night n wanting to sleep on my bed?
I think won't get used to ur bed as long as u put her on cot most of the time...

#gleaflim, my LO 14 weeks old. I think she doesn't really know how to flip. More like she uses too much strength on her lower body and "propels" her to turn.
So scary! Luckily u detected it! So does it mean we have to constantly check whether they flip in their sleep?

I only experienced it ytd.. Suddenly. Den when told my mum, my irritating bro say is preg -.-"" o was thinking in my heart havent start bedroom activity how to preg sia!!
But anyways, u frequently feel nausea??

I nv do tummy time!! I realise i v v v lazy. Lol.
Do u all put bb on tummy before or after meal?
Haha ya same here... I am too tired to have any exciting bedroom life. In fact, I am quite scared it will be painful after the episiotomy...
Nausea is like every day... But the feeling is not the same as MS...

Better to put bb on tummy before, or at least an hour after meals. U don't want to risk a merlion.
@yanarah, woww she is sooo pretty! :) how many weeks is she? So fast she can hold her own head?! :)

Anyone regularly doing tummy time with LO? How long each time doing it? Do we need to stop if LO starts crying?
She's 9 weeks! Not very stable holding the head but she's getting there! She does tummy time as well about once a day for about 15 mins.. Can be alone on the mat or holding her face down on my lap. Really trains the neck muscle!
I had a scare just now when I woke up. Found LO lying face down on the bed! She was struggling. Gosh. Before I slept I put her lying flat (head face up) on the bed but I know she turned a little to sleep on her side straightaway. As it was just a little to her side and I thought she will turn back to original position herself, I didn't bother much so I just slept. Then, 5 hours later which is now, I awoke to find her face down! She's strong enough to flip already. From face up to side to face down. Scary....luckily her feet was moving as she struggled. It was her moving feet that woke me up.....

Anytime from 2mths plus bb will start to try to flip over! I always put bolster make lo hug if i put him side ways.. Sometimes i jus lie skin 2 skin with lo in case he really flip..but so far i feel he have no control over his chunky body..
Lucky ur bb woke u up! But if bb does tummy time i feel they will know how to place their face n head sideways... Need more tummytime liao
I did today morning.. she was sooo funny and feel challenged. can hear her noise like, i interpret it as if she was saying "' i can do it mom!" hahaha... but only did for 2mins, after that she cried asking for milk. lol..

Finally.. this week she nv cried during bathe time.. what an achievement for me! she used to scream whenever i removed her rompers, ready for bathe. but this week she is cool. phewww so relieved!! i am so worried she hates water too much next time.. hehe..

do u all give ur babies routines to follow? like what time wake up (will wake bb up if still sleeping), what time bathe, feeding (exact timing), and even nap?
Kind of cause from 8th weeks onwards, I leave my LO to my mum to take care in the other bedroom so that she get used to it and my mum insists on scheduling her... Me too lazy with the pumping and latching...

She wakes up at around 7am and bath time after milk time. She can never go bathing with empty stomach cause she will cry big time!

Then evening before 7pm its her bath time.

Now my mum train her to sleep throughout the nigh and she has been doing it for the last two nights.. Her last milk time is around 11pm...

Side question: Anyone experience nausea when pumping or latching?
I had a scare just now when I woke up. Found LO lying face down on the bed! She was struggling. Gosh. Before I slept I put her lying flat (head face up) on the bed but I know she turned a little to sleep on her side straightaway. As it was just a little to her side and I thought she will turn back to original position herself, I didn't bother much so I just slept. Then, 5 hours later which is now, I awoke to find her face down! She's strong enough to flip already. From face up to side to face down. Scary....luckily her feet was moving as she struggled. It was her moving feet that woke me up.....
That is damn scary!!!! Thank god u discovered it.
Haven't been doing tummy time for bb. Only flip her on my lap for 1 min when I do massage after her bath. I have to be more diligent.

Anyone using pampers? How do u tell if it is wet? For merries, there is indicator on the diaper with stripes turning from yellow to green.
I just bought a pupsik pouch online after heard good comments from mummy. That day I tried n the pouch seem so small for bb to fit in. I bought m size as I m a small build mummy. My bb so unhappy as I m struggling to put him in the pouch. I believe the size is ok. Any mummy got tips to share? Thank you very much!
Does any mommies here clean off e milk residue frm bb's tongue? Jus noticed quite a thick coating today and very tempted to clean it off my boy. I usually just use cotton wool to clean his gums during bathtime
I had a scare just now when I woke up. Found LO lying face down on the bed! She was struggling. Gosh. Before I slept I put her lying flat (head face up) on the bed but I know she turned a little to sleep on her side straightaway. As it was just a little to her side and I thought she will turn back to original position herself, I didn't bother much so I just slept. Then, 5 hours later which is now, I awoke to find her face down! She's strong enough to flip already. From face up to side to face down. Scary....luckily her feet was moving as she struggled. It was her moving feet that woke me up.....

Wow such a scare! Thks for sharing, good reminder for myself to always take note
Does any mommies here clean off e milk residue frm bb's tongue? Jus noticed quite a thick coating today and very tempted to clean it off my boy. I usually just use cotton wool to clean his gums during bathtime

I will dap a thin cloth with cool boiled water and clean her tongue and gums everyday before bath and during evening wiping.
Sidetrack a bit....anyone has recommendations for bread maker? Preferably one with a separate nuts dispenser. Am checking out Panasonic.
I will dap a thin cloth with cool boiled water and clean her tongue and gums everyday before bath and during evening wiping.
Just wondering, must all the white residue on the tongue be removed? Cos no matter how i try, cannot remove totally.
Does any mommies here clean off e milk residue frm bb's tongue? Jus noticed quite a thick coating today and very tempted to clean it off my boy. I usually just use cotton wool to clean his gums during bathtime
I'm using NUK oral wipes on my LO daily..safer bah. Coz I'm afraid the wash cloth still contains detergent...
Hi mummies!
Wah.. so many different topics today!
I just tried to do tummy time with bb when she woke up from her nap & before her milk.. and the next I know.. she drifted off to lala-land again! 1st time doing it after seeing all you mummies' posts abt tummy time.. looks like my bb enjoys it!

I occasionally use NUK oral wipes to clean the white white on her tongue, but don't think need to totally clean off lah. . As long as it doesn't cause bb any discomfort or not drinking milk.. it's fine..

@happy08, wah.. u bake!?!? I was so tempted to buy a breadmaker too but scared it will be a white elephant! So for now I'll just stick to my kenwood mixer.. lol.. hmm.. thinking wat & when I shld bake again.. hopefully can find some time to bake some cookies this week!

@gleaflim, I also bought a pupsik pouch online! And tried a few times. . Still can't get the hang of it.. tried to find YouTube on it.. seems like so easy but on me and bb, I feel like bb is so uncomfortable in it.. zzz..

Ya me too! I think esp when letdown, I feel the nausea more..
Read up abt it and seems it's normal.. so no worries.. haha.. which brings me to the next point.. no bedroom activity too so definitely can't be preggie again! Totally no time and no feel to restart.. poor hubby.. lol

I try to give bb routine.. in the hope that she will be alright when it comes to the time I return to work.. 2x bath times in a day are quite fixed timing, btw 9-10am and 6-7pm. Milk time I still let her decide as she is still on DL now.. next time on bottles probably on a 3-hr schedule bah..
Haven't been doing tummy time for bb. Only flip her on my lap for 1 min when I do massage after her bath. I have to be more diligent.

Anyone using pampers? How do u tell if it is wet? For merries, there is indicator on the diaper with stripes turning from yellow to green.

Actually pampers oso has an indicator. There is a yellow strip, if it turns green and blurry, means diaper very wet already
I just bought a pupsik pouch online after heard good comments from mummy. That day I tried n the pouch seem so small for bb to fit in. I bought m size as I m a small build mummy. My bb so unhappy as I m struggling to put him in the pouch. I believe the size is ok. Any mummy got tips to share? Thank you very much!

I was tinking about buying it too cos bb has been really cranky these days n need to carry till my arms ache. Seems so lightweight. But after reading some reviews online on sling vs carrier, decided to get a ergo carrier. I guess im really not a sling person hmm.

Im still waiting for e babywearing fb gp to accept me in so can learn tips on how to use e babasling. Maybe if hv pupsik pouch tips let you know too!
Hi mummies!
Wah.. so many different topics today!
I just tried to do tummy time with bb when she woke up from her nap & before her milk.. and the next I know.. she drifted off to lala-land again! 1st time doing it after seeing all you mummies' posts abt tummy time.. looks like my bb enjoys it!

I occasionally use NUK oral wipes to clean the white white on her tongue, but don't think need to totally clean off lah. . As long as it doesn't cause bb any discomfort or not drinking milk.. it's fine..

@happy08, wah.. u bake!?!? I was so tempted to buy a breadmaker too but scared it will be a white elephant! So for now I'll just stick to my kenwood mixer.. lol.. hmm.. thinking wat & when I shld bake again.. hopefully can find some time to bake some cookies this week!

@gleaflim, I also bought a pupsik pouch online! And tried a few times. . Still can't get the hang of it.. tried to find YouTube on it.. seems like so easy but on me and bb, I feel like bb is so uncomfortable in it.. zzz..

Ya me too! I think esp when letdown, I feel the nausea more..
Read up abt it and seems it's normal.. so no worries.. haha.. which brings me to the next point.. no bedroom activity too so definitely can't be preggie again! Totally no time and no feel to restart.. poor hubby.. lol

I try to give bb routine.. in the hope that she will be alright when it comes to the time I return to work.. 2x bath times in a day are quite fixed timing, btw 9-10am and 6-7pm. Milk time I still let her decide as she is still on DL now.. next time on bottles probably on a 3-hr schedule bah..

I used to bake but bread takes too much time if I do manually. Now no time to do that. So am thinking of bread maker since I'm eating bread for bf everyday and hubby now started eating bf too. Next time when LO is older, she can have fresh bake bread. I have a kitchen aid mixer but dunno when will I get to bake again.

I do not have a routine for LO yet. Cos she is on DL and timing is not so fixed so hard to have fixed timing for bath in morning and evening. Sometimes she cranky at night and wake up late. Someday she wake up early. Usually will feed her first then rest before giving her a bath.
I was tinking about buying it too cos bb has been really cranky these days n need to carry till my arms ache. Seems so lightweight. But after reading some reviews online on sling vs carrier, decided to get a ergo carrier. I guess im really not a sling person hmm.

Im still waiting for e babywearing fb gp to accept me in so can learn tips on how to use e babasling. Maybe if hv pupsik pouch tips let you know too!
im in the babywearing fb group..very helpful tips. actually they said babasling is not suitable for newborns cos theres alot of excess cloth on the sling. i tried it and the material is too thick and warm for LO. so i resorted to using a bamboo organic wrap from this brand hana and it works well...so now i babywear when we are outside as she can sleep comfortably in it. i have an ergobaby with an infant insert but its too hot for sg weather unless we are in aircon places the whole day. .
Wee!! @whimsicalfix85 .. hana wrap airy? I just got a stretchy wrap to try out too... ha..

I love my slings and pouch.. cos they help to take off much weight burden off my arms and distribute it to only one of the shoulders (which sometimes can be quite straining) and partial back area. Easy to put on and off too:)

After joining the babaywearing forum, im so curious and bought a standard size wrap (haven try out but when I open up the wrap I almost fainted cos it is super long - floor dragging standard) and a stretchy wrap (just attempted to bring baby to shopping mall cos may be too hot if without aircon - also floor dragging standard but can pre-tie and leave it on so u can pop baby in and out with 'some steps) but weight distribution is much better than sling n I love the shoulder strap being able to hold bb head when she's aslp.

sg50 sling i felt is considered thin enough to withstand the weather as it is actually the lite version and compared to wrapping a few layers, i think the the warmth is still bearable and gd thing is it is easy to pop baby in and out with much lesser steps (or maybe I am just used to it and haven explore other options as well). However, there are those very expensive wraps.. so maybe not that hot? o_O Still exploring...:D
I just bought a pupsik pouch online after heard good comments from mummy. That day I tried n the pouch seem so small for bb to fit in. I bought m size as I m a small build mummy. My bb so unhappy as I m struggling to put him in the pouch. I believe the size is ok. Any mummy got tips to share? Thank you very much!

I just tried my pupsik again and realised I most likely bought too big size. I bought size L and after putting baby in.. this time round I was quite sure I did it quite right cos bb looks comfy but after a few minutes of walking... bb became so much lower like at my tummy area.. that's when I realise probably there's too much cloth le. . Haiz.. $ wasted again..
I was tinking about buying it too cos bb has been really cranky these days n need to carry till my arms ache. Seems so lightweight. But after reading some reviews online on sling vs carrier, decided to get a ergo carrier. I guess im really not a sling person hmm.

Im still waiting for e babywearing fb gp to accept me in so can learn tips on how to use e babasling. Maybe if hv pupsik pouch tips let you know too!

I am also thinking to purchase one from Q010, but so many brands to consider! I think bamboo material is more cooling. i also have ergobaby, used it 2x but intend to use again only when my bb neck is stronger. its very good too, distribute the weight too..

i feel sling is good to use at home.. and ergobaby is good for long trip outside or for travelling :)
how do you all clean ur bb nose dirt? i try cotton bud but wasnt successful as my bb feel itchy and tends to move too. now i leave it inside first..
how do you all clean ur bb nose dirt? i try cotton bud but wasnt successful as my bb feel itchy and tends to move too. now i leave it inside first..
If it is mucus u can buy the nasal aspirator... A few brands retailing at the leading places like kiddy palace...
I also use the cotton bud. Did u wet it beforehand? It helps.
Just wondering, must all the white residue on the tongue be removed? Cos no matter how i try, cannot remove totally.

Thks all! E problem now is how to get him to stick out his tongue more to wipe. He always gives me e suspicious look and opens his mouth a little bit only to let me clean.

Actually i tink dun wipe oso ok lah, im just abit anal n wan him clean clean :D
im in the babywearing fb group..very helpful tips. actually they said babasling is not suitable for newborns cos theres alot of excess cloth on the sling. i tried it and the material is too thick and warm for LO. so i resorted to using a bamboo organic wrap from this brand hana and it works well...so now i babywear when we are outside as she can sleep comfortably in it. i have an ergobaby with an infant insert but its too hot for sg weather unless we are in aircon places the whole day. .

I didnt buy e infant insert cos also read its too hot. Bought e carrier for future use cos mothercare got disc n i hv vouchers lol. So im back to square one, arms and back breakingly carrying one cranky bb ard e house.

Ooh im in e bb wearing gp now! Nvr knew got so many diff types of wraps and carriers omg…
I just tried my pupsik again and realised I most likely bought too big size. I bought size L and after putting baby in.. this time round I was quite sure I did it quite right cos bb looks comfy but after a few minutes of walking... bb became so much lower like at my tummy area.. that's when I realise probably there's too much cloth le. . Haiz.. $ wasted again..

Haiz.. dun tell me I will be wasting my $$again. . I m so excited when I received it. But I can't even put my bb bump into the pouch. It's so squeezy. The you tube demo looks so easy. :(
I did today morning.. she was sooo funny and feel challenged. can hear her noise like, i interpret it as if she was saying "' i can do it mom!" hahaha... but only did for 2mins, after that she cried asking for milk. lol..

Finally.. this week she nv cried during bathe time.. what an achievement for me! she used to scream whenever i removed her rompers, ready for bathe. but this week she is cool. phewww so relieved!! i am so worried she hates water too much next time.. hehe..

do u all give ur babies routines to follow? like what time wake up (will wake bb up if still sleeping), what time bathe, feeding (exact timing), and even nap?

I dont have schedule cos aso DL, den my hse so many ppl n kids so v hard to follow timing .. But i feel is got routine is good!

I just bought a pupsik pouch online after heard good comments from mummy. That day I tried n the pouch seem so small for bb to fit in. I bought m size as I m a small build mummy. My bb so unhappy as I m struggling to put him in the pouch. I believe the size is ok. Any mummy got tips to share? Thank you very much!

Forgot who intro me to the babywearing grp, i ended up buying a lenny lamb carrier! Hope tmr will receive. Took me 2weeks to decide!
Went to one mummy hse, saw the wrap SOOO LONG, very nice but sooo troublesome. Sigh. Den see the tula material n bb sat comfy in the LL so i straight online buy. Somemore dun need use infant insert!!
Now my online shopping is looking at carriers n admiring wraps!

Does any mommies here clean off e milk residue frm bb's tongue? Jus noticed quite a thick coating today and very tempted to clean it off my boy. I usually just use cotton wool to clean his gums during bathtime

I use hanky cos rough surface easier to remove leh... Wipe the gums too.
Wahhhhh sooo many things to read!!
3 days worth of posts!

3 full days of visiting! And I am sooo proud of my girl. Not cranky at all! Sleep most of the times. Woke to drink. Feed and then sleep again. No complaints!! So well behaved. Hope it'll stay that way.

My baby follows a routine. Only timing sometimes a lil off lah. But not too far off.
Wakes up between 9-10.30, then bath time. Massage a lil, then feed. Sleep straight after. Wakes up, feed, play time, feed sleep.
Evening bath time will be between 6-7pm. Feed, play time, feed, sleep.

The routine is just the same. I DL on demand, so feeding time may be off a lil.
I'm waiting for my pupsik size L to arrive...but from the video, it's putting baby's legs crossed in and baby remains in half cradle half upright position. Not easy to manage if the pouch is tight for mummy. I have a size M from my sis and it's tight for me and bb. I find it comfortable as it's not as bulky as babasling.

Advice from my CL and mum:
Cleaning bb tongue is impt because leaving the whitish milk layer there will cause bb to lose appetite & reject milk and also risk for thrush to develop. If left for too long and thrush develop, the white layer cannot be cleaned off and may even bleed if try to clean forcefully. So try to wipe whatever u can, not too hard each time, likely need to wipe twice a day if it's really thick. I wipe once a day, usually it gets white after bb has reflux and spits some milk back up. :)

After joining the babywearing fb grp, now I have 1 stretchy wrap, 1 woven wrap, 1 ring sling and 1 ssc. Tried them and I think baby prefer wrap and ssc. Cos she fall aslp instantly like magic. Woot. No sleepy dust for ring sling yet. Hope it will get better. But to babywear in sg really can't wear for long hours if outdoors without aircon... will be soak in sweat in no time. Wonder what fabric is better for this hot weather.

My lo's nose has mucous too. Thinking of getting a humidifier cos we sleeps in aircon room. Lo slps longer in aircon room as compared to just on fan.

I clean lo's tongue with her hankie wet with cool boiled water. Din noe must clean gums too. Tongue cleaning itself already v challenging. N I clean it once a day.
