(2015/05) May 2015 Mummies

Eeznyl, my next appt also tmw. Feeling very scared too.....my spotting came back again after stopping for a few days....heart drops every time it happens. We'll try to be positive ok? All the best!

I have no MS. Normally i just eat once a day, now eat three times a day since pregnant, sometime eat snack also. Now already gain weight 2 kg..... Have you mummies start gaining weight?
mummycoccyx, you too be positive about things. So far despite all the spottings, your beanie is still growing healthily. This time round will be the same for you. :)
Thanks mummies...

But I haven't received any notification into fb mummies group.. Is it due to my settings?

I have arranged for appt on the 30th... That should be close to 8 weeks Liao...

I din keep track of my last menses cycle... So I agar agar

This shall be my #3!
Thanks mummies...

But I haven't received any notification into fb mummies group.. Is it due to my settings?

I have arranged for appt on the 30th... That should be close to 8 weeks Liao...

I din keep track of my last menses cycle... So I agar agar

This shall be my #3!
Hi, i just added u. U got it?
Just to share

Prayer For An Easy Pregnancy
“May it be your will God, my Lord and the Lord of my ancestors, that you will ease for me the difficulty of pregnancy, and that You will increase my strength, and the strength of my fetus. And that you will save me from the fate of Eve, who was punished, “I will increase your suffering and distress, with suffering you will give birth to children.” When my time to give birth will arrive, I will give birth easily, and without any pain, and the baby will go out into the air of the world easily, and without any harm to me or to the baby. And the baby will be born with good luck [mazal tov], into life, peace, health, wealth, and honor, and will find grace in Your eyes and in the eyes of all your creations, and through this child will be fulfilled the verse: “There will not be a mourner or a barren woman in your land, I will give you a full life.”
I really pray for an easy, healthy and smooth pregnancy with PAINLESS delivery. In the meantime, let me look bright and radiant while pregnant. Lol!
Eeznyl, my next appt also tmw. Feeling very scared too.....my spotting came back again after stopping for a few days....heart drops every time it happens. We'll try to be positive ok? All the best!

Mummycoccyx, we are similar... i bed rest for 2 weeks already gg crazy... but u r definitely much better than me as ur little beanie already got heartbeat so u can relax abit. Actually my bleeding gets lesser le becomes spotting now but i told my hubby i have a bad feeling... i have absolutely no pregnancy signs n symptoms. I have to be prepared if its bad news tmr.
Just came back from lunch at Alexandra Village. Had claypot laksa, so satisfied my laksa craving liao. Also had the wonderful avocado juice. So yummy. :) Happy tummy...

DollyL, never tried confinement tingkat before. It was always my mum who did confinement for me. This time, I think I will ask my helper to learn from her and do for me instead.
Just came back from lunch at Alexandra Village. Had claypot laksa, so satisfied my laksa craving liao. Also had the wonderful avocado juice. So yummy. :) Happy tummy...

DollyL, never tried confinement tingkat before. It was always my mum who did confinement for me. This time, I think I will ask my helper to learn from her and do for me instead.

oh ..
am finding alternatives for confinment food in case my mom dont want cook
oh ..
am finding alternatives for confinment food in case my mom dont want cook

There are several companies in Singapore offering confinement food catering services. Can go to their websites and take a look. Just to share a few...

1. Natal Essentials http://www.natalessentials.com/
2. Chilli Padi http://www.chillipadi.com.sg/confinement/
3. Rich Food Catering http://www.confinementfoodsingapore.com/
4. ConfinementFood.Com http://www.confinementfood.com/
5. ConfinementMeals.Com http://confinement-meals.com/
6. Thomson Baby http://thomsonbaby.com/confinement-food/9-28-day-confinement-lunch-dinner.html
There are several companies in Singapore offering confinement food catering services. Can go to their websites and take a look. Just to share a few...

1. Natal Essentials http://www.natalessentials.com/
2. Chilli Padi http://www.chillipadi.com.sg/confinement/
3. Rich Food Catering http://www.confinementfoodsingapore.com/
4. ConfinementFood.Com http://www.confinementfood.com/
5. ConfinementMeals.Com http://confinement-meals.com/
6. Thomson Baby http://thomsonbaby.com/confinement-food/9-28-day-confinement-lunch-dinner.html

have u tried any of the above b4?
DollyL, no. Think Natal Essentials is still one of the more traditional ones around. Can request for a trial meal and test it out for yourself.
I am thinking if I should just go for confinement catering instead, to relief my mum of cooking separately for me so that both her and my helper can focus of looking after my other 2 kiddos. Decisions, decisions...
I am thinking if I should just go for confinement catering instead, to relief my mum of cooking separately for me so that both her and my helper can focus of looking after my other 2 kiddos. Decisions, decisions...

thats what im looking @ also..
to let my concentrate on looking after me & my child
For previous 2 babies, my mum was the one cooking and washing for me. I looked after them myself at night (feed, change, soothe etc.).. it was tiring. I barely had enough sleep the first couple of weeks. Newborns really eat and poop a lot, a lot..
Hi mummies, I just want to ask whether you would normally discuss with your gynae what kind of tests that we will be need to do during our pregnancy?
mylilsheep: yup, during my first visit to the gynae, she explained to me the different optional tests that are available and the compulsory tests i will have to take
i am always feeling so sleepy after lunch.

I had soup spoon for lunch. Chicken and mushroom ragout, half a wrap and small pkt of chips.....BURPSSSSSSS
mylilsheep, mine he did not say yet, i believe he will brief me once the 1st tri is over. Consider stable already then tell me.
kkstar123, congrats and welcome. :) You have 2 girls? My hubby is hoping for a boy this time too!

petalss, congrats and welcome too! :)
kkstar123, congrats and welcome. :) You have 2 girls? My hubby is hoping for a boy this time too!

petalss, congrats and welcome too! :)

Yes i have 2 girls. My hubby doesn't mind having a girl again. But i want to have a different experince handling a baby boy! *excited*

My first appointment will be in first week of Oct. i will be about 10weeks by then. After 2 babies, less kanchiong so i take my time to book for gynae appointment.

Anyone has experience at Mount A? my gynae just shifted there, so i am following her.
have u tried any of the above b4?

Dolly, I tried Chilli Padi and liked the cooking! And they do not use the disposable containers. Theirs is the actual Tupperware-sorta containers which I really like.
They also include the red date tea with every meal.
Thanks @babymarian and @MXLO. I am just thinking whether I should ask my gynae about this on my appointment tomorrow. Coz I know some test is done quite early as around week 12 for down syndrome. I am still thinking if there any need to do this test and in what condition it is not necessary to do this test, etc..... I just afraid if I ask too early .... coz now I haven't see heartbeat as well. so still finger cross. But would like to educate myself before I made the decision lor...
mylilsheep, yup, you should ask your gynae tomorrow cause you're right...oscar and harmony are both done early just before first trimester ends...my gynae told me young mothers have the option to not do both oscar and harmony but above a certain age then she will advice them to do...
she told me harmony test can be used to find out gender too hehehe...very tempting to do that just to find out the gender but it's quite expensive...
then the rest like compulsory blood testing and detailed baby scan are done later in the 2nd trimester...
can't wait for to hear your good news tomorrow!! :)
Yes i have 2 girls. My hubby doesn't mind having a girl again. But i want to have a different experince handling a baby boy! *excited*

My first appointment will be in first week of Oct. i will be about 10weeks by then. After 2 babies, less kanchiong so i take my time to book for gynae appointment.

Anyone has experience at Mount A? my gynae just shifted there, so i am following her.

Me too, 2 girls. I love Mount A! Delivered #1 there. Staff nurses were all incredibly helpful and everyone was like super cheerful even at freaking 3am in the morning when one of them had to come in an change my urine container (was put on catheter after csect). Lol! And the food was good. Even hubby liked it. He said better than hotel!
