(2014/12) Dec 2014 Mummies

Hi Mummies, can share how much is your consultation fees + scan? I havent had the slightest idea what is the range nowadays.

Mine TMC
Consultation $70
Ultrasound OBS (dating/viability) $80
Antenatal Blood Test $90 (took blood morning results in the early afternoon and blood sample taken very well)
Hi all mummies to be! I will be in my week 6 tomorrow.Have been feeling hungry easily for the past week and feeling bloated after meals. Lots of baby gas too :oops: Will be going to see Dr Choo Wan Ling (recommended by GP) at Gleneagles next week, hopefully able to see baby's heartbeat!
Hi-Hi Eileen, I booked at appt w Dr chen Nx month... previously was with Dr Lawrence Ang for my #1.. have u been Dr Chen's clinic?
Yes this afternoon went for first gynae check up.. quite a fatherly doc and he speak fast.. scan show that I have fibroid... but he ask me not to worry and will monitor..
Eileen, my previous pregnancy I had fibroids too but my gynae oso asked me not to worry. I guess they will monitor and usually will shrink in size as pregnancy progress. :)

Amazing miracle, still no fb invites wor... :(
Thanks mummies for sharing the gynae charges. Looks like most are charging above $100 and its the norm. Phew! It's so much more costly then when i had my firstborn! :eek:
Eileen, my previous pregnancy I had fibroids too but my gynae oso asked me not to worry. I guess they will monitor and usually will shrink in size as pregnancy progress. :)

Amazing miracle, still no fb invites wor... :(
Oh so glad to heard this.. I was so worry when doc told me this.. although doc ask not to worry but still will keep thking abt it..
take chia seeds with you water, it's high in fiber.

i've been taking that before conceiving too so just continue on.
Sunshine... think its best to call your gynae and check if its safe to consume the chia seeds. Just to be on the safe side ya! :)
Opps, really ah? I better stop then.

But Vit A is still needed in pregnancy, not in the form of retinol though.
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Before I visit my gyne on 28 April, should I just take folic acid supplement and stop the multivit? What did you gals do?
suggest u wait till at least 6wk+ to c gynae? cos if too early cant see will get more worried.
tts what happen to me.
keep urself busy in the meantime.
Totally agree with sunshine, dont go too early, like me, worries until nw, it been close to 2 weeks and i have to worry till 21 Apr to see my gynae...
Hihi, I did but it was in my multivit. 800mcg. Now with so many concerns as to what I can eat and not, I better stop and just concentrate on folic acid before I visit the gynae on 28 April.

BTW, does anyone know if Dr Heng Tung Lan i good with births with complications? Hubby and I are considering her and maybe checking out another gynae,
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Hihi, I did but it was in my multivit. 800mg. Now with so many concerns as to what I can eat and not, I better stop and just concentrate on folic acid before I visit the gynae on 28 Aprl.

BTW, does anyone know if Dr Heng Tung Lan i good with births with complications? Hubby and I are considering her and maybe checking out another gynae,

So far I heard folic will be sufficient till gynae suggest others.
Hihi, I did but it was in my multivit. 800mg. Now with so many concerns as to what I can eat and not, I better stop and just concentrate on folic acid before I visit the gynae on 28 April.

BTW, does anyone know if Dr Heng Tung Lan i good with births with complications? Hubby and I are considering her and maybe checking out another gynae,
i had a normal pregnancy n delivery, can't comment on complication cases. you might want to check the other threads in smh... think there are a no. of threads on gynae reviews.
hi jolene can have your fb email add??

anyway i pass the emails request to the admin and she had added all..should be in already.can check your email and click join or check if it appears on the left side of the fb page under groups
hihi i already send the mails request to the admin and she informed that its all added .can check your email and click join or check if dec 2014 mummies appear on the left side of your fb pag under groups. =)..except jolene ,constantine,anupradeep. the admin will add soon =)
hi jolene can have your fb email add??

anyway i pass the emails request to the admin and she had added all..should be in already.can check your email and click join or check if it appears on the left side of the fb page under groups
Hi Miracle, i have not received the FB add yet...can add me again, thk u so much!!! :)
I bought folic acid at 18+ a bottle at guardian just now. Its 800mcg. The cheaper guardian brand one is 5mg. So I thought just take recommended dosage even if it's more ex for less dosage.
Hi Amazing Miracle, I just checked my fb and the groups but still no invite to join the group. Anyway someone else can add us?:( FB is much easier to chat... Haha
I read that 5mg is in fact 5000mcg considering that 1mg is 1000 mcg.

I don't understand why the huge difference in price. The person at unity says it's because the one by housebrand is made in malaysia. I took the cheaper alternative as excess, I heard, is normally passed out through urine. And folic acid = folic acid = folic acid. No one has justifed to me the price for the blacksmores. Think I am cheap lol. In a nutshell..
This is from Guardian. Same as the one my gynae used to dispense and very cheap. $2.75 for 50 tablets.


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Hi walnut, how's dr Regina?? Tot of seeing her... A lot of gynae appt all fully booked.... I am first timer... Dunno anything... Super tired.. Leg soft like jelly... :(
