(2014/11) Nov 2014 Mummies

Went for my appt at 14w... gynae already confirmed 100%gal.. on the spot sian coz I want a boy... but still, I also start buying le.. lol
Bought 2 pairs of crochet booties/ shoes.. hubby also bought a dress when he went dubai for boz trip.. hoping baby can wear next feb for sil's wedding.


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14 weeks can confirm the gender already? I didn't see gynae yet but will be 15 weeks tomorrow and have one appointment with gynae and Friday appointment with Prof Ananda. Should be able to know as well I hope. I also have a preferred gender but I will try not to be sian or disappointed when I hear the gender.
My detail scan is 2w2d more!! Couldn't wait also!!!!!! Have to endure.!!!!
Tough endurance leh! 2 weeks seem so far away.. Lol!
Pooopi Christine so fast!!! 2 weeks more~ mine's one month away, longer...

But just finished seeing gynae, n got to c e little one. A happy day! Doc gave a guess at e gender but only can cfm during 5mths.. now just worried if baby is a little small for 16wks, CRL measuring ard 9cm.. cuz googled n saw average CRL is 10-12cm.. any mummies can share e average CRL at 16wks?
14 weeks can confirm the gender already? I didn't see gynae yet but will be 15 weeks tomorrow and have one appointment with gynae and Friday appointment with Prof Ananda. Should be able to know as well I hope. I also have a preferred gender but I will try not to be sian or disappointed when I hear the gender.

I also dunno but I hope so! And I sooooo hope Dr Ananda got it right at 14w! I also got preferred gender... :X been pestering my mum & hubby about this, hubby says if a specialist at prenatal scans for fetal abnormalities can't even get the gender right, what makes me think I can trust his expertise? Lol
My gyane quite zun.. n at 14w, if boy, can see P le.. think mine not shy, legs open n kicking away..
Erm, I think mine is abt 8cm plus at 14w..
think the baby sometimes grow at diff rates. if ur gynae is not worried, then relax a bit :) im sure baby will catch up later on.
drink some those milk powder I think it may help. I drank for 4 days, and I immediately put on like close to 1kg, so Im hoping my beanie also put on weight together with me haha
My gyane quite zun.. n at 14w, if boy, can see P le.. think mine not shy, legs open n kicking away..
Erm, I think mine is abt 8cm plus at 14w..
Hm.. 14w - 8cm+ sounds reasonable.. I'm 16w today ard 8.8cm only.. Means tt i can eat more? Haha!!
dun worries ladies. alot will gain weight fr 16wks onwards.

my hb complain tat my tummy look so much bigger recently. seems like sudden balloon.
hahaha. shld b bb absorbing well .....

i still dun dare take those milk powder. scare of the the taste.
juz receive 1 tin of milk powder fr nestle FOC as join the club. lol..
dun knw to drink or nt. hahaha...
think the baby sometimes grow at diff rates. if ur gynae is not worried, then relax a bit :) im sure baby will catch up later on.
drink some those milk powder I think it may help. I drank for 4 days, and I immediately put on like close to 1kg, so Im hoping my beanie also put on weight together with me haha
Thks! gynae Nvr say anything.. n i didnt ask.. Ahh.. back to being e worrywart again! LOL
Pooopi Christine so fast!!! 2 weeks more~ mine's one month away, longer...

But just finished seeing gynae, n got to c e little one. A happy day! Doc gave a guess at e gender but only can cfm during 5mths.. now just worried if baby is a little small for 16wks, CRL measuring ard 9cm.. cuz googled n saw average CRL is 10-12cm.. any mummies can share e average CRL at 16wks?

Don't worry about the bb CRL.. Cos mine at 17wks measures 9.9cm only.. Depends on the build eh? My doc tell me bb measurement ok leh... So don't worry!!!
Lol! After reading the chart.. I realised my bb abit overweight.. Lol! My bb weigh 210grams at only 17wks! Lol.. Short and fat.. Haha!
Lol, it's just a guideline only. Mine beginning always bigger than schedule but as of last week at 14 Beanie only 8.5cm
ok, shall not worry so much since nth from gynae.. :)

christine, shirt n fat babies r cute!! but i guess we all still have months to go, so things will keep changing~
stoney, agree with you.. always thot those milk powders got a weird taste to them... can consider fresh milk? i'm thinking of getting some drink.. jus rem to buy those pasteurized ones ok liao..

hopeful mum,
true drink milk super powerful.. i drank full cream fresh milk for 2 wks running i gained like 1.5kg.. got scared n i stopped drinking.. haha
Omg, I told my gynae I dun seems to b able drink fresh milk well (low fat high cal )as I will feel bloated after drinking n want to puke .he asked me try full cream milk n dun get hungry easily. Dh urge me to take full cream I refused till now. I said no way
I'm planning to switch from milk powder to fresh milk. Seriously cannot tahan the taste/smell too (at my 3rd tin already). Haha
dun worries ladies. alot will gain weight fr 16wks onwards.

my hb complain tat my tummy look so much bigger recently. seems like sudden balloon.
hahaha. shld b bb absorbing well .....

i still dun dare take those milk powder. scare of the the taste.
juz receive 1 tin of milk powder fr nestle FOC as join the club. lol..
dun knw to drink or nt. hahaha...

You tried Anmum before? I am not a milk lover, but for my no 1, I could accept Anmum Chocolate flavour haha... Most likely will go back to taking it halfway through 2nd trimester, though my hubby is niao-ing for me to start taking le.
dolly, y u against full cream milk?
its super yummy!! i like meiji or pura brand.. those r e best in my opinion.. no milky taste
ok, shall not worry so much since nth from gynae.. :)

christine, shirt n fat babies r cute!! but i guess we all still have months to go, so things will keep changing~

Haha! I think so too.. Bb absorbing well.. Just nice for a bb girl to be petite.. Yup! Hopefully bb doesn't get too big as I intend to go for natural birth..
My gynae does 3D scan for free. He usually do 3D scan after checking my bb's CRL.. He like to show me for the fun of it. Lol.. I dunno if just walk in ask for 3D scan is chargeable anot.. But as long his patient.. He dun charge
My gynae does 3D scan for free. He usually do 3D scan after checking my bb's CRL.. He like to show me for the fun of it. Lol.. I dunno if just walk in ask for 3D scan is chargeable anot.. But as long his patient.. He dun charge

Wah!! So good ar.. My guane also have 3D scan.. But need to pay....
i gained weight also very fast .. just 2 weeks apart from the Oscar date, i have gained 1 kg.
I haven't even started the maternal milk..
Went for my appt at 14w... gynae already confirmed 100%gal.. on the spot sian coz I want a boy... but still, I also start buying le.. lol
Bought 2 pairs of crochet booties/ shoes.. hubby also bought a dress when he went dubai for boz trip.. hoping baby can wear next feb for sil's wedding.

Congrats !!
Hopefully mine is a boy... not yet confirmed by my gynae..
appointment still very far ... 3 more weeks..
my gynae said likely a gal at wk 14plus so I dare not buy pink clothes yet. whatever I buy now is either white or bb yellow
Hi ladies.. I was wondering.. If a person could be pregnant but not a single preggy symptoms?

Cos it's abit puzzling cos I know once I find out I'm pregnant.. As early as 5 to 6 weeks I start to show symptoms alrdy..
Christin, can I just call tmr for a Fri appointment? just say gender scan? Lol

Lol.. I tink u walk in also can.. My doc not as busy as I thought alrdy.. Haha. But first consultation is $100 leh.. Maybe u can try calling.. But for wat I know consultation for 1st time is $100.. Scan is FOC.. But print out per piece is $6 lol
Lol.. I tink u walk in also can.. My doc not as busy as I thought alrdy.. Haha. But first consultation is $100 leh.. Maybe u can try calling.. But for wat I know consultation for 1st time is $100.. Scan is FOC.. But print out per piece is $6 lol
Urs is really cheap. My consultation is $90 n scan $80.
