(2014/10) Oct 2014 Mummies

my#2, my first was also born in June 2010! a girl. this one will be a boy, coming end oct :)

sometimes i wonder if we waited too long to have a second one, but my girl is quite independent now so hopefully it'll be easier to manage 2. i hear the jump from 1 kid to 2 kids is quite big - more difficult to handle...

Hi nanadeedadee
:) Were you also in the forum of June 2010? I think there are pros and cons to the 4 year gap of our kids, the elder one at 4 yo can understand a baby is coming and is excited along with me, he also believes us happily when we say this baby is especially for him. Haha! So he thinks it's great that we "prepared" a sister for him. I didn't plan to have this second child, neither did we consciously avoid having a second child, so I guess its meant to be?

Bubble tea - I have it Monday to Friday! And Coke! Sometimes I wonder is my baby "knocked out" by all these intake as she hasn't started moving yet. Am week 19 but still don't feel anything except the stomach getting harder.

Working mummies, have you all "planned" when to start your maternity leave? I'm so lazy so looking forward to starting my break, will use up all annual leave to be away from mid September. Maybe we can have a hi-tea session before all starts popping?

Me too.. just done with the detailed scan and confirm its boy too..
My boy also keep turning.. and keep using his hand to cover his face.. like playing hide and seek.. later he eithet facing up or down so still manage to scan everything..
my#2, my girl's EDD was actually in July so i followed the July 2010 forum..but she popped out 2+weeks early and became a June 2010 baby. I think I complained about working during that period so much that she decided to come out early and save me haha. She's the one who's been asking for a baby brother so i think heaven sent this baby for her :)

I'm at week 18, but also don't feel any movements yet. sometimes quite worrying when you don't know what's going on inside there...can't wait for the kicks to start!

I cannot remember when is detailed scan - 20 weeks?
Just to share :)


dr both different scan.oscar scan and detailed scan are different.i tok my oscar when i was 3 months pregnant,they tok my blood wd d 3 small bottle which i hate it dn n d night they scan my bb, dn my detailed scan was when i was 22 weeks,it tok me about 20-25min.they closely check everything like the head,heart,hands,legs,everything.from dr also they will tell u ur bbs gender.
I enjoy more d detailed scan than d oscar,coz i almost faint after they tok my blood and place it to 3small vials.wd d detailed scan u will just lay down n dr while the sonographer check and see closely ur bb,so amazing how they check everything.so happy to see my hubby and daughter watching our bb n d monitor.feels overwhelmed.
I enjoy more d detailed scan than d oscar,coz i almost faint after they tok my blood and place it to 3small vials.wd d detailed scan u will just lay down n dr while the sonographer check and see closely ur bb,so amazing how they check everything.so happy to see my hubby and daughter watching our bb n d monitor.feels overwhelmed.

Hi Rihonna,

Dr Heng's nurse change my detailed scan appt from 4th to 9th cos the sonographer last min change.. so i have to wait again... went for my regular gynae check yesterday, she confirmed is girl again.. so should be very accurate haha... so during the detailed scan the sonographer allow hubby n #1 to go in and watch with us or need special request?
Hi Rihonna,

Dr Heng's nurse change my detailed scan appt from 4th to 9th cos the sonographer last min change.. so i have to wait again... went for my regular gynae check yesterday, she confirmed is girl again.. so should be very accurate haha... so during the detailed scan the sonographer allow hubby n #1 to go in and watch with us or need special request?

Girl again for u?congratz.during my detailed scan i went to d room first wd the sonographer,dn after 15mins my hubby and daughter join me n d room coz d room is too small.sonographer show my hubby and daughter d bbs face,legs,body,fingers,his position,his spine,his little thing that pop out heheheh so cute
i would like to ask. if we bed rest or lie down too much, is it causing baby not to turn and result in c-sect? yesterday my friend just told me this possibility... I wanted natural birth and i'm scared being "cut" by gynae
I would think so,too much lying down and bed rest wud end up to C-section.for me its still d best everyday u do walking and exercise.n my 1st one i always walk every morning and i dnt lay down all d time.specially on 8/9months.walking is so important.i helps a lot to have a natural birth,until now wd ds 2nd pregnancy,i still clean d house,do the laundry,mop/vacum d floor,etc.i feel good when all my sweat is out hahahah,but i dnt carry heavy things lah.
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For me, I don't really bed rest. Just simple housework.. Etc, sweep, mop or wipe.. I don't hand wash clothes or wash toilet as it needs more to squat & I heard too much of squat is not good for both mummies & baby. Try to avoid heavy smell of detergent too. My #1 I do a lot of walking esp on my last 2 mth pregnancy. It really dilates faster but still drag 16 hours for my baby to come out.. I would say it depends on individual. But of course, more walking will helps a lot on natural birth than c sect.

When I did my oscar,dr measure everything too. So I thought it's detailed scan. My gynae did not ask me If I need to do detailed scan.I'm Now 21weeks. But last visit, he scan quite long.Should I ask him?

Yeah oscar they measure also,same like detailed scan.but i think in detailed scan they check d whole thing of bb since its already 20-22 weeks.i rem d girl check my bbs lips,face also.its take more longer during detailed scan.yeah u can ask ur gynae
I've just done with my detail scan which took abt an hr with waiting.
Just make sure you reach early to queue cos quite a lot of walk in, & I'm lucky to be the 3rd in line.

Good luck to you.
In the end i decided to go without my hubby and stay with my appointment time.. i did my detailed scan on tuesday already..
Still i waited for 30mins coz there arw delay from previous mummies..
Lucky my LO is not tooo naughty.. the girl still managed to scan everything she needs too.. haha!
Hi mummies!
Hoping I can join as part of the group now. Been a silent reader so far as I took very long to confirm pregnancy, had to go for amnio due to genetic condition. But all is good now and I'm looking forward to learning from everyone as it's my #1! How do I go about joining the FB page?

@lala I'm with dr chang. Would strongly recommend him. He's the one who did my amnio and I have full faith and trust in him!

Great to hear About Dr TC Chang!

As I do not have any package with him.. I wonder how are his charges for first time
Consultation and scan?
And also , congrats on knowing the result !! It must be a huge relief. I do hope that I can be like you after my consultation with Dr Chang
Hi mummies.. my gynae will be away soon.. im 21week this week.. recently my belly seems to be very very tight.. sometimes i feel really pain.. dont know issit bcoz i need to do big biz or something else.. really worried..

If i visit another gynae while my gynae is away, is it weird???
Hi mummies.. my gynae will be away soon.. im 21week this week.. recently my belly seems to be very very tight.. sometimes i feel really pain.. dont know issit bcoz i need to do big biz or something else.. really worried..

If i visit another gynae while my gynae is away, is it weird???
hmm. do u have constipation issue???
normally when gynae not ard will have another gynae to take over.
mayb u wan to check wif the clinic.

its normal to visit another gynae if ur gynae is not ard.
My tummy got very tight especially after dinner, sometimes chest also tight like very hard to breathe. Guess at night can't eat too much, must eat lightly. Me too with constipation problem.

Ya, sometimes I do feel tight on my chest too. I'm wondering is rave in going to experience heartburn. So far only happen twice. My constipation can up to 3 days. Is that serious? My #1 I never experience constipation before.
Actually I constantly having constipation even before preg but seems like during preg is worst (poo poo very black and hard) I rmb during my 1st confinement very jialat cos I c-sec, wound pain somemore need to push real hard to poo poo.
But I'm those type even got eat fruits everyday also can't poo everyday. So I think 2-3 days is normal for me.

Same same leh.. I also have constipation problems before I get pregnant. But to my surprised, when I'm having my #1, my constipation problems solved. Everyday can poo very well, no hard stool. Before that is every 2 days once. Now this #2 pregnancy, it was so bad. Constipation more days & hard poo too. My MIL still asked me y u drink so much water & fruits still constipation. I guess that's the hormone changes.
Me too hv constipation before pregnant and now got worst like 3-5 days then poo... being taking medicine prescribe by gynae..haiz
Oh.. seems like many are like me too... hahhahaa... i think i 5 days nv poo le.. thats why i have so much pain recently.. fart also not alot.. bloated.. aiyo..
I had told my gynae about my constipation issue but he just ask me take prune juice instead of giving me pills but I told him I everyday eat fruits also no use. He then ask me to get those water to pump into the anal. I asked if it's not so good to use it but he said it's just sodium so no problem. I tried used once and poo 2x in a day. Stop using it after that cos don't feel good to use it now when preg.
@angel_loi baby girl for me ;)

Me too...
I'm having constipation too and feel very paiseh to disappear everyday in office for quite a while to sit in toilet. But sit already still cannot come out that's the worst part!!!
Oh EDD is end oct.. How about you ladies?

@lala I can't remember his initial consultation charge but vaguely remember it depends on whether long or short consultation. All in including scan should be less than 200 I think. Better to call up the clinic and ask.

I'm having girl too.. :) EDD on 2 Oct but I guess will be somewhere around mid sep or 3rd week sep. My #1 was 2 weeks earlier. I never try to sit on toilet. Just wait till got "feeling" then will start to sit & wait.... Lol!
My edd from 4oct then become 28sept. Now 3oct. So I also blur. Anyway I'm elective c-sec so will be around mid-sept. But I did asked why the edd keep changing so Dr. explain they measure the edd through size of baby. So i actually 'control' my food intake incase bb too big.

I also let nature take it's course cos if totally no feeling sit there forever also won't come out. Sometimes when feeling comes got to sit there for very long cos too hard, diff to come out, most of the time the piles/hemorrhoids will come out also. Pain pain :(...
