(2014/02) February 2014

Hi Mummies ,

Im new here,Do you invest water treatment for baby? My friend recommand me the water treatment as he said the tape water content chlorine. Its not advisable to sterilize as the heat is up to 100C and when the chlorine getting heat up will become another chemical content that cause cancer. He also show me some demo & picture and the tape water at amk area do content chlorine.As my hubby has concern so we have bought the water treatment for our baby. Just to check if mummies here also got buy water treatment as well?


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cute_gal - yup I know your concerns. Have you seek the 2nd opinion yet? you should join cos you prob need all the support you can get and the fb group provides that. we are all here for each other :)
don't worry abt the fibroids cos I also scanned that I have and my gynae say not to worry. I also read that it's harmless and will disappear after baby is born.

blublu - yup showing a little. given a seat twice on train last week and yesterday. but to most ppl, it's still not obvious enough.

the rest - see you in facebook!
chindeh, HL milk taste very good leh, have u tried?

Wan, actually i really hope to join as I really enjoy the pregnancy period (as per my #1 time) with all mummies chating in FB but kind of worry as i still not in the safe stage but I think I have to pick up the courage. Just now saw from other forum group one mtb has fibroid in her uterus, the fibroid will grow as the bb grow so meaning that it will fight the space with bb. Hopefully everything go well for this mtb. Some other will have other complication but they still having strong will and courage to overcome it.

Vee, can add me? [email protected]

Sent the invites already!come join us!!
pamster - sounds fun! but I will be going for my babymoon from 26-29 sep. Else will get hubby to work his creative juices on my belly.. hahaha
Dear all,
Asking, by rubbing ur tummy. Does that result in tying up
the umbilla cord in side at baby neck?

Please advise.
Hi mummies, so everyone really in fb? Conducive for chatting and discussing topics? Haha.

Panic mummy, I'm 14 wks and second time mummy so I tink I feel flutters. Movement only at 20 weeks according to www. Kicks a lot later. Dun worry so much ;)
Panic mummy - relax.. the best thing to do is to not worry so much.. though im 1st time mum too, I guess as long as everything in moderation, no pain, no bleeding, baby will be fine. :)
Hi Mummies,

I'm 13 wks and second time mummy. Hope to join-in the group. Is always nice to go through pregnancy, birth, breast feeding and kids growing up cycle together with support from each other.

Are you all chatting on facebook? of in this forum ?
Hi Berries, congrats! Nice to hear from another mtb. we are mostly on Facebook already. Give us your address and we can add you in.

Panic mummy, share your address and we add you in to FB too.
Tat is what Mrs Wong BB advise lah when I attend her class during #1 time

I think the correct word should be 'whirlpool' instead of 'current'

oh wow didn't know that! better ask my hubby not to anyhow rub my tummy.. side to side ok? or totally shouldn't rub?
Without telling my husband what I was doing I started rubbing my belly vigorously, then doing some wide lunges (easier said than done), followed by some squats. I repeated a few times before I realized how insane I looked. It didn’t do anything for me except make me smile.


Does rubbing your belly while pregnant induce labor?


Hi mummies,

Can I join in? My edd is 24 Feb and this is my #2.

I slipped and fell down from the stairs 2 weeks ago, but luckily beanie is ok. would just like to remind all mummies to walk carefully and hold on to the railing when climbing the stairs.
