(2014/02) February 2014

My first scan was at 6weeks3days according to Doctor's estimation. Already can hear heartbeat during that scan.

Melony, try to stay in bed and not move so much. Take care!

Hi Mummies, I thought I'll help to set this up so if any of you wish to put your details inside, let me know. :)

<center><table border=1><tr><td>

Feb 2014 MTB EDD Chart.pdf (34.7 k)</td></tr></table></center>
Melony, have a good rest ok, try not to have too much movement or carry anything heavy. Hope all goes well tomorrow. **hugs**
Melony, I will keep you in my prayer. Take good care.

Miraclebaby, thanks for your effort. I wish to put in my details but this is pdf file?
hihi morning all mtbs.

Melony, feeling better now?

very xin ku the whole morning, feel to vomit but can't. feel alot of gas inside keep burping and feel indigestion.
Dear all me gg to my gyane now.... stomach pain pain till this.morning.spotting continues. Really pray everything is ok. Pray for me k sob
Morning Ladies.... I take my folic acid till I want to puke... *Sighz*

Melony, hope everything is well and your baby is doing fine.... =)
Hi all pretty mtb thanks for praying. I finally hear e baby heartbeat le!!! But gynae say e whole pregnancy nt stable at all. HavE to tire over e 1st trimester. She giving injection today n tis coming sat den given more than a week mc again. Sign. I m worried abt work cos had been on mc for more than the past 10days le. Scare office later sack me. Sob. Doc ask me to be extra careful cos later on anything happen o regret also too late le.....
melony. i think u and baby more impt. if *touchwood, anyting happens while u r at work, who is gonna be responsible? hopefully u have supportive and understanding boss/es
Melony, glad to hear your baby is fighting for a chance to live too. If u interested in tcm for an-tai medicine, I can intro u my Chinese doc. She's highly recommended by my friends and ex colleagues who experienced difficult pregnancies.
Melony, Good to know that everything is fine. Dont get too worried. Put everything aside and most important is to rest well.
Melony, glad to know the little beanie is doing well. no worry about job, ur boss or coll will understand. Now must concentrate to take care of the one inside u...must rest and eat well.

What u gals had for lunch? I ate mee for breakfirst and was super hungry by 11am. I think at this rate i will put on very fast, very scare will put on like my previous time having my #1 at 28kg.
Melony: good to know every thing is fine.. Lets jiayou together and first trim will be over soon..

Mummies, I juz went for my first gynae check today and managed to hear bb heart beat.. Have anyone of you book cl and ml?
Have you ladies informed your bosses that you are pregnant? I am still thinking when to inform them. Not sure if 3 months will be too late
Thanks all pretty mtb. Hope beanie will stay strong.

Blushblush for e an tai medi is ok to take if I m also taking the western medi for an tai at e same time?

Bubblypig09 is great to hear our beanie heartbeat right. I was feeling excited too thou I abit worried also.

CHeeryz I already informed my boss last week. Cos of my instability I got to take mc hence inform him first. But if everything goes smoothly for me I will only choose to inform them after 3mths.

Sunshinebb n luvbabymarket me also. Get hungry easily but always throw out after eating.zzzzz but now I try eating banana the first thing when I wake up n it helps wor. At least I wont throw out...wont feel so xinku. U gers can try also.
My friend told me that the osim slim belt works for both her pregnancy. Maybe if want to slim down waistline can try that after delivery.
haha luvbabymarket...recently i just got compliment from my boss and coll that i slim down then this weight gain process start all over again...wohahaha wht to do. Maybe shld try what CheeryZ's friend suggest(osim slim belt).
Cherryz osim belt works well for me too.i use until e motor spoilt and went for servicing twice till I give up. Lol very extreme hor.

Vee thanks for asking. After e jab feels tired wanna sleep but cant get into sleep lei. Think too much on work le. My boss quite understanding. Ask me stay away frm office as health is more important.even ask me to extend my mc as long s needed. Aiyo I so paisay lo.o by e way what is CL and ML lol
Confinement Lady and Massage Lady

Ya i act fast because my EDD is like 30th Jan to 1st Feb. Sure hit cny period. apart from being expensive, it is difficult to find an aunty who wanna do confinement during cny >.<
Melony, my MIL tell me not to eat too many bananas especially those use to make goreng pisang. Though its good but may be too "liang" for the fetus. Dont know how true but up to individual to believe.
Vee, care to share the cost of CL? I am still thinking if I should hire one. Delivery charges already high. If plus CL will need to fork out even more.
Hello CherryZ
i eat the tiny short ones.
was told by mom not to eat the big pretty ones we always see in supermarket.

Melony, glad to know that at least u and baby are safe
I eat del.monte...think consider big ba. Lol so safe anot... or I heard ginger tea also can helo. If banana not safe den I try ginger tea lol
Heee after all of us tide over e first trimester.. lets.come out with a table with our edd details.lol
HAhAhah maybe a fb acct lol
Wow, thats quite a high price to pay. Still need to top up money for grocery and give angbao money at the end of the confinement.
Melony. It's fine to eat them. She would also ask what your gynae gives u too. Actually there's a gynae that she works with closely but my hub doesn't feel comfortable with that gynae that's why we are going with another one but will go to her for an-tai med. My hub thinks that gynae talks too much. Lol...
Blushblush yr hubby so cute. Tot gyane talk alot is better? U pay for consultation wor. K u share wif me e contacts if can.thanks

Vee yes a fb grp. How anyone interested. U all know la actually I so bored at hm. Tv not my interest. Den keep worrying abt wrk. Might as well do something fun n maybe I might be more positive lol cos all these while I had nt been doing anything all bcos I know beanie is nt stable hence I scare anything bad will happen anytime lor thats y I done nothing so far.
