(2014/02) February 2014

Hi morning all mtbs.

Welcome all, wow this thread getting more lively.

Hi btil, how r u?

blushblush, I think for early pregnancy best is to have enough rest n must stay happy cos happy mum = happy baby.

Wow seeing all making gyne visit quite early making me also feel to change appt earlier. My appt at week 8.

Hi girls. I have been complaining about constipation and tried prune juice, extra fruits and vegetables and yakult But no use.
Past week have been taking a glass of nestle bliss yogurt drink Every alternate days and it works!

We can take yogurt right 
Melony,sunshine - thanks for ur thoughts. Today saw doc , she says I will b gg thru a natural miscarriage . I've come to terms w the facts . So far only sac seen n it's under growth , no fetus detected , I'm in w6+. N bleeding red like period 3rd day Le . That's why no point eat an tai medicine . Now my hope is to get this over n tiao body n tcc in a few months
Btil, take care of yourself ok dear.....next one will be better ya. I know how you feel as it happened to me baby stopped growing at 6 weeks and they didnt hear heartbeat and I only knew at 10weeks, so I was also very sad but think of it that nature is taking its own course. We have to take care of our health to prepare for the next one. **hugs**
Had a fright this morn. I tested using a cheap Internet preg kit and the second line was v faint. So used a ten bucks one which was negative! Then I went to buy two clearblue ones - digital one says pregnant and the one with the cross was a clear cross.

I'm so puzzled! Should I be worried of chemical Pregnancy or see a dr to see if hcg is rising?

Happened to anyone before?
Hi btil, sorry to hear that, will ur gyne will do a d & c for u? Remember must do a mini confinement to bu back ur health.

Welcome Joyce.

I tthink the pregnancy symptoms is slowly kicking in. Having very bad headache n fainting spell, no appetite and constipation.
Sorry to hear that btil, take great care...

Maybe can go to your religion to pray for miracle? as long as no blood clot, still can survive
Try to rest & dont carry too heavy things. now
Hope to hear gd news fr you
Hi all MTB,
I am new here, just tested kit and positive. Having first baby and EDD should be on 18th Feb.
Gotten learn from all experienced mummy here.
Been having slight pain in tummy and feeling bloated.
Kept burping and pants and bra seem tight.
Thinking of seeing Gynae next week, probably gtg to Dr Lawrence Ang as stay north area.
Hi blush,

My birthday is on 19th feb, hubby was still teasing that baby born on same day. Where u intend to have ur baby? I am gtg to TMC.
OMG, I m on the train now someone offer her seat to her. Haiz, this #2 tum tum super obvious don't think can hide till aft 3mths b4 coll n boss find out.
Anna, what a coincidence! our birthdays are just a day apart :)

Over the weekend I was wondering if I was imagining it when I felt my jeans & bra were getting uncomfortably tight. Couldn't believe that my body is already making changes to accommodate our bundle of joy. Anyway I made my husband go shopping with me and bought a few dresses.
Anna. oops sorry. forgot to answer your question. I'm hoping to deliver at Mt A but I heard that its undergoing reno and my gynae seems reluctant to go cos he's afraid of parking hold up and couldn't get in in time in case of emergency.
blushsblush, very soon! is this ur #1, if yes maybe by 4mth tummy will be seen. But spore culture think mostly willing to give up seat r aunite or young girl. Man don't need to count on them.

anyone experience mood swing. i got very short temper lately, trying very hard to control as i don't want an angry bb...hehe
blushblush, I also want Mt A.... thought it has undergone reno 2 years ago? When I gave birth to no 2, it was still undergg reno.. so far ok lei... by 2014 still not ready?

Sunshinebb: me too, v emotional, will get angry n cry easily. I think its due to the hormonal changes we r gg thru.

any1 chose dr Vincent lee as your gynae?
Blushblush, it's my first pregnancy and I intend to deliver in Mt A as well. My EDD is 17 Feb. May even see you in the hopsital. =)
very jialet, feel hungry but no appitite. Keep burping.

Mummy who give birth at TMC b4 can advise what is the hospital cost and understand the gyne delivery charges is sperated too.
Yes! It's a first time for me. So I'm excited and apprehensive at the same time. Can't help worrying what might happen. Had a hard time keeping my excitement too. My hubs & I have not told anyone else our good news too as we want to wait for bb to be stable first.

sunshinebb. I get very emotional easily recently. Crying over little stuff.

blessed, CheeryZ. I called Mt A and they said still undergoing reno and admitted carpark might be a problem. But she assured me that for emergency, can just inform security guard regarding carpark issues. We really might see each other if I'm late or u are a few days early.
Dear all,
Mt Al still undergoing Reno, think gtg to last till 2015. They are building a new wing.
My pants getting tight, anyone to advise where to get maternity pants and the pricing to look at.
blushblush, backache and diarrhea/constipation shld be normal but if really too many time might need to consult the doctor.

Anna, during preg i only buy bottom but for top i wear those bigger size de cos i feel maternity clothes not very trendy..hehe
sometimes i even continue to wear my pre-preg clothes but of cos will look abit like ba zhang...my dad always scold me say shld wear loose clothing bb will feel more comfortable.
sunshinebb. I only got diarrhea kind of feeling not actual diarrhea. the 酸酸 kind of feeling in tummy. Output has been smooth no constipation.
good noon!

sunshine, i am also super short-temper lately. >.<
and super tired. just dont feel like doing anything.

a friend of mine who just gave birth last week told me that the staff at mrt stations will actually escort pregnant women on and into the trains and have ppl give up seats for them. she experienced it a couple of times esp during peak hours.
Vee...oh yes i also saw before the mrt staffs doing it, durig my #1 time 2years back, one day in the train this ang mo lady saw me and ask the guy (30+) to give up his reserved seat but he refuse and said he is sick( but he look ok to me)...i feel so shameful for him.
So I think the smrt trying to help out if not will get complain...lol
Anna, I bought uniqlo tights to wear.

Blush, sometimes I have cramps, backache, leg ache and consipation... Sometimes I dont even feel that I am pregnant.

Vee, yes super tired till I dont care about the condition of my home and I basically leave everything to my hubby.
Oh yes, anyone sign up for the Mt A tour visit? Trying to book mine but all weekends are fully booked till Aug...
blushblush - i delivered my #1 in YR 2012 in Mt A too and i love the service over there. That time also got renovation though parking a bit difficult but they got valet. I would deliver my #2 over there too
CheeryZ, i'm getting tired easily. Over the weekend, we went out just for a few hours and I complained tired and went home to nap.

My symptoms are bloatedness, sore breast, backache, tired easily and lost of appetite.
CheeryZ, wow! You ate fast. Want to go Mt A tour now. I was contemplating going for it too but scared too early/KS.

Pearl, thanx for the info. My sis had hers at Mt A and she said that the service is good. They really encourage breastfeeding. She had all her 3 deliveries at diff places, MT A, TMC &amp; Parkway East. Personally, cos I'm a Catholic so I like the idea of having the chapel there and the nuns too.
I know my bra got tighter and uncomfy. Nipples itch sometimes. but how does sore breast actually feels?

sometimes my lower abdominal hurts, is it cos the uterus is growing/expanding?
Blush, Maybe I am just excited or rather kiasu... Lolz. Will check with hubby before I book my Aug weekend visit.

Vee, I wear sports bra almost everyday and dont really have sore breast for now...
my bras are all 34B or 32C
so now im sticking to the 34. 32 too tight.
and also bought 2 bras with no underwire to "tahan" first.

Wow looking at what u gers have done n plan I seems to be the one like nt doing much. I gain 1kg so far. Morning sickness become very strong this week. Will juz throw out after meals making me feeling so xin ku.back pain also. And spotting goes on n off. Zzzzz.haven tot of which hospital to give birth wor but most likely is tmc ba since my gynae is there.
