(2014/01) January 2014

Thanks Acadia.
Always thought it will be successful after a mc. That's what I hear. My 2mc happened on vday this year. And I wanted to get pregnant within 3mths since I will be more fertile.

And now this has to happen.

Hvnt told mum and mil abt me wanting to do my own confinement but shld b ok la. when mil was here, i was alrdy washing here and there!

Hopeful mum,
Gd luck to u!
I jus had mc in jan, so worried yet happy over this preg. Jus hope everything will be alrite.
To all mommies.. stay relaxed and think positive. Worrying too much may stress urself n sometimes make urself more emotional..

Few days back whn I was lying down.. my gal played with me n she pressed my tummy so hard.. tdy agn.. she sat on my tummy n jump.. as of now still fine.. but I have alot of stomach wind n burping.. urgh hate it..
Hi Mummies, test positive recently but only visiting my gynae in early June. Most likely edd, early week of jan 2914. This my 2nd one. Eldest is a 22 mths girl, who is so clingy to me always. Wish all mummies have a smooth pregnancy.
Not i don't want to sleep. My sleep pattern has been chaotic since this pregnancy start. Always wake up to go toilet in middle of night. Sometimes cannot sleep again.

I feel very tired too in the day. When I am at home, all I want to do is lie in the bed. I feel nauseous and bloated everyday. It seems worse than my first pregnancy. I feel very uncomfortable, like going to puke and faint anytime, when taking public buses.
I haven't told my mum too. I will let hb decide if he wants to let mil know. I am also thinking of going confinement centre but the cost is very high. I don't think I willing to pay.
My boy likes to sit on my tummy to play 'the wheels on the bus'. Recently luckily, he changes patterns, lie on my chest and tummy and flip over to drop on the bed.
Hope mum: I'm going into 8 weeks now. Had brown discharge at week 4 and turns red at week 5. Went for a scan and saw sac only, given a jab. It was ok. At week 6, bleeding episode again. Went for a scan and saw bb's hb. More relieved and given a jab again. Now ok. Cross finger. I totally understand how u feel. Really worried and paranoid right?
Did your bleeding last long? Mine is always brief and slight bleeding. Definitely more than spotting.

Gynae did say is quite common to see bleeding in early pregnancy. Nevertheless better to see gynae whenever we see bleeding.

Till now, I do not have ms yet. Just feel nausea at times but nv vomit. Is this normal?
I'm also 8 weeks now but no ms. Just feel very tired. Slp for 10hrs still very tired.
Did doc give you girls folic acid?
Apple: haha.. I think when baby is out.. my girl will be v happy.. someone to let her disturb. Haha..

Ppeanut: I start taking folic acid few.mths before my pregnancy.jus tk it as a supplement.
I haven't see my gynae. Suspected I'm only 4-5 weeks. Only went down to take duphaston and folic acid. Seeing gynae at 6 weeks. Kind of relax and hope to enjoy this pregnancy...if possible. Haha. My boy is 16 months now.

Any mummies gg to get confinement lady? This time I think I'm gg to skip it. Will teach helper how to cook
Not looking good. Dr nearly can't find the sac doing transvaginal scan. Then did the abdominal scan and the sac size is still the same. Going by lmp I shd be 5w2d. Today it only showed 4w6d. Last sat when I went it was 4w5d. The dr say during early stages the scan may not be that accurate. But I took blood test. Going in again on tues. Initially he wasn't too concern abt spotting and bleeding. After the scan,he told me not to have high hopes.
2nd time mummies,
How fast does ur tummy swell up? Im supposed to be 4wks (by date scan) or 7wks (by lmp), i feel quite bloated. Thot it was food but it din ease off after some time wor
Hopeful_mum > hope you will be okay. Keep us posted. Meanwhile do some bed rest if possible. Jiayou!
Thanks ladies for the encouragement. I'm still spotting constantly just like my mc in feb.

Actually what's most worrying is that the ges sac didn't grow and it didn't show a yolk. I have nvr seen one in my previous 2 pregnancies.

Well I guess got no choice, just hoping that my hcg level rises on Tuesday. Then I may still have a glimpse of hope. Dr says if it doesn't rise then I just have to be prepared for the worst.
Hopeful mum: hugs.. dun worry. U will succeed one day. . My cousin wife mc twice within mths. N 3rd one when she least expected it.. it was a suceeded pregnancy. . Dun give up.. keep trying..

My tummy also bloat. Im 6 weeks 6days now.. shorts all these start to be abit tight liao.. so discouraging esp whn I keep gg exercising n saw some improvement .awwww
T_T thanks for the encouragement. just that going through mcs are really painful emotionally.

trying to keep my chin up
<font color="aa00aa">Hi all mummies to be! Here to join..jus tested positive yesterday! Gg 5w soon tmr based on LMP..this is my #2 n my 26m old ger says she wans a meimei! Haa..n I tell u sth v freaky, jus e week b4 I had a weird but v real dream tt I gave birth to another Bb ger..how interesting is tt..Haa.
Intend to call up Dr Benjamin Tham fm TMC tmr to schedule an appt..n nope I've not had any MS or cravings or wat yet..still a v norm me!

Dear hopeful mum..jus wanna say jiayou! I noe I wun noe how painful it is emotionally for u but I reali salute u for ur strength n persistence in trying to haf a Bb..hope you'll succeed v soon..hugs!</font>
Hi everyone. Am new here. Just bfp n shd b 4w4d today. Been ttc for almost 4 years, did IVF twice but failed. Bfp naturally but mc last year July. Now bfp naturally again n abit paranoid n kan cheong spider. I don't feel much symptoms. Had sore boobs but now seems not sore just tender. That's all. V worrying leh....
Hopeful mum , think positive and relax is what you can do now . I also have some spotting and I just did a blood test on 23 may and 25 may . Dr ask me to see him on 5 June . I also pray hard I'm fine .
I had ectopic last yr oct , so after 6 months then got this pregnancy again . I hope I can be succeed this round .
Shirley good luck to u. Wishing u success!
Yeah today I'm more relax. Great to have this grp.

Still taking all the medication dr prescribed except the hcg injections since he needed to test my real hcg. Tues after the test ill b worried sick if I don't bleed till then. Dr say doesn't double then that's abt it.

Maybe I shd take half a day rest so I can container myself to hear the results.

So u won't know the results till 5june or will be tell u earlier? To give u peace of mine?
GBOB - totally understand how u feel. So precious. I'm taking the advice of the rest of the ladies trying to stay positive and relax.

Good luck and keep us posted. When are u seeing a dr?im seriously hoping to stay here all the way till jan next year.

May god bless us ;)
Hi everyone, just tested positive today using 2 pregnancy kits. Don't plan to see gynae first since the ultrascan can only be done in 8th weeks.
Hope to chat with you all in this wonderful journey.
This will be my second baby after a long long wait.
Hi hopeful, I haven fix any apt to c Gynae yet however I fixed apt to c pte endocrinologist for my thyroid first cos I am hypothyroid and I have v high level of thyroid antibodies which worries me to death cos I think I read somewhere that this might cause mc *touchwood*
Omg! So much typos I had. All thanks to iPhone auto correct. Please pardon my English.

Anyone has similar experience to share? I only bleed red at abt 630 to 730pm. Other hours are usually no spotting or heavy brown spotting. It's been 4 days, during that hour I'm bound to see lots of red when I wipe.
Hi Hopeful Mum,

I have a girl already. recently found postive on 10th May and I have spotting pink colour immediately after my 1st Vaginal scan @ KKH. then next day wipe got brown colour, then turn red. it continued non stop and become menses but not so much menses (wont fill the strip).

Then on 22nd May have miscarriage and went hospital check, stay there. 23rd morning done the surgery to remove and discharge hospital in the evening.

This is my first time miscarriage. They only can see water bag and sac/yolk, no baby till now. it is not growing too. I have beem taking the medi given but no injection so far, but still MC.

Don't think so much as I do read many special cases that even spotting but still baby grows well
Do not stress yourself. Rest more

<font color="ff0000"> Check this link as there is freebies giving out, hope it helps
Jos jos, sorry to hear about ur loss. Please rest well and grieve properly. I have been thru twice and wish that no one has to go through it. Please drink lots of water.

I'm just very upset that I have to go through it again the 3rd time and I have no kids yet. I really want a child so that we can have more completed family

Ill click on the link and check it out.
Jos Jos, sorry to know about your loss. Hope you did a mini confinement to build up your body. Take good care of yourself and try again.

Be positive. I hope there is good news and you do not need to go through it again.
hopeful mum, dun worry, u will have a child, jia you! rest well n make sure u are not stress

Hi Apple, thanks but didnt do
Dunno what to do n none of my family knows these stuffs too.
Hopeful mummy: jia you. I have an ectopia pregnancy and the next month, i was pregnant. Now my little boy is 16months now.I had a mc two months before this. Could understand exactly how you feel. Dont despair. Jia you

Jos Jos: Do take care. Do a mini confinement to build up your body. Try to avoid cold drinks k. Jia you!!!
Thanks a lot.
Can tell me when is the best time (how long) to try again?

i didnt drink cold but didnt go mini confinement. No one free to help me cook and they dunno how to do. i also .... My first one i alsl didnt really do a proper one.
jos_jos: For my last pregnancy, baby not growing. However, i did not go for any procedure to remove. My gynae recommend that i go for natural mc instead of artifical. She say less harmful to my body. Luckily, i managed to do so naturally. I think do a mini confinement is quite important. To build up your body

I tried two months later. The episode happen in feb. She say after the next menses can start trying. And they say the chances of conceiving will be higher. Jia you babe. Stay positive
hi, i'm 7 wks now,edd ard mid jan 2014.

since last wk I have been feeling very thirsty. no matter how much water I have drink, I m still very thirsty. check with my gynae, he say it's common. T_T

any mummies having the same symptom? how do you cope with it?
Jos_jos I also had the miscarriage in feb. dr says once I had my menses can try immediately. He says that not first time try first time will get. So just keep trying.

So this is my 2nd mth trying. Really get but don't know how successful yet. Lol. Keepingd my fingers and toes crossed.

Thanks Shan. I will try again and again until I have kids
but getting old already. Sigh. I'm hoping this sat go in can see something. For now bleeding stops already just spotting. Thanks for the encouragement.
hopeful mum,
jia you wor! at least it stopped, please have plenty of rest.
mine in jan was blood and more blood, all bright red, with big clots. even the nurse was shocked. anyways, dat is the past. jus pray hard dat this lil one will stay till edd and the spottings today r jus implantation bleeding
Before I tested positive I also dreamt of baby. Dreamt tt my cousin's wife gave birth to a bb girl but in real fact is a boy. But 2days bck I had a nightmare. Dreamt tt I gave birth to a boy of abt 6 7mths old big. Den in e hospital e boy had difficulty in breathing. But no matter how I ask for help.. no one come to help.. so helpless.. scary dream..
Hi THY, I am also thirstier than normal but just slightly thirstier not v v intense kind.

Can anyone kindly enlighten me if symptoms come and go? Cos I had frequent urination, hunger pangs n sore boobs few days ago and since yesterday they all stopped....scared scared leh
my symptoms r on &amp; off. only constant is gagging feeling, esp after eating.
if u r worried, try doing another hpt? i was scared dat i over exert myself during wkend trip, i did another hpt this morn and it came out strong positive.
hope it helps
Hi juju, the thing is, I totally feel nothing at all since yst till now... That's y I m worried. Haha. This am I re-did hpt n it came out strong positive too. Hope I am just over reacting... Hehe
Jos jos, I also don't know much abt confinement food although this is not my first pregnancy. But I heard it can be as simple as cooking food with ginger or sesame oil or take red dates.

Hi all,

Just went to my gynae today to confirm pregnancy - 7 weeks, edd 12 Jan!

Anyone knows what is a good cream to prevent stretch marks?
i have very dry skin all my life and i read it will cause stretch marks to be worse if skin is dry!
