(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

amy:thank you..i am eating prenatal vits as well..prob lies with my HB troops,not working hard enough..trying many ways to help him but no results..

heaven:new cycle new hope..

Winnie and 2ww, yes can scan to see but expensive way to tell. Still can measure my egg size of 20mm. But he says lining thin that why can't ovulate.

2ww, by right should be 14days after ovulation. You are right. But my case is unusual. That why I say mine haywire. First time like that
faith>> U both went for check-up? For me, my hubby nv went for check up, only me, so can't comment. My hubby started taking multi-vits for men abt 1.5 mths b4 we striked. Maybe u can get yr hubby to take some multi-vits, tell him is for his health also. =) Wat I understand is tat some ladies also got their hubbies to take folic acid, which is said to help improve the hubby's troops mobility.
i have a question on CM!

when we see CM, means going to Ovulate or Ovulating ? then lets say CM for 3 days then if over means ovulation is over ?
Blessedone: Normally CM will change over the period. Initially its just watery. When ovulating, it will be just egg white like that. so if you BD during these few days, should have a higher % of striking ba.
amy:yup,both of us went for check-up..his SA result quite low than borderline..

missy:egg white CM means fertile so shd be Oing..if u have CM for few days then is gd..just BD to cover the base..
missycandy, jia you and go all out to get it!!! hope to hear good great news 2 weeks later from u
CD1 for me..AF reported today..
Got to work hard this new cycle again..hope with vanilla and amy bbdust,I can grad next mth..

For the rest of the ttcing mates: Kempateh!!!
hi there,
I'm 35 yrs and trying for 2nd one...feeling depress after knowing hb's spe rm very poor. Unfortunately, he is not so proactive in seeking help which made me depressed..every mth, i used ovulation kit to find our my best day..but always get disappointed when AF arrives..
Thx char! My gal not cooperative
only manged to bd next morning n had to chase her out of the rm 3 times ! Lol!!

Celia, maybe you can buy megaman from gnc for him? Also take honey every morning n the Arab dates.
calla:hi..how old is ur 1st child? maybe can get his supplements an every morning let him eat before he leave the house..

missy:where can I buy the Arab dates? the honey how to prepared for DH to drink? Thanks.. I wanted to give it a try also..nvm,at least u managed to BD..got BD means got chance..
Honey just take 1 tablespoon every morning ... The dates can buy from cold storage ... Must buy those dates from Arab not the local ones or other types ... Can someone clarify? Charlotte do u remember ? The advice was given by lynzi heheheh
missycandy, yes those Arab dates, big n black, usually available in Hari Raya, Malays taking those sweet dates.

Faith, its said can improve men's sperms..is it? think so ba cos I never really tried those, hubby refused to eat as its very sweet he dun like
Hey Charlotte, how about Folic acid? I thought I read here that Folic acid is good? I get my HB to take though he is not very keen.

New cycle again, trying hard not to think abt it. hahah.. but the fact that i visit this website everyday means im thinking about this daily
Thanks missy and rainie..will try to force my DH to try..

rainie:since ur hubby don't like Arab dates,maybe try honey and supplements for him..at least let him eat something to boost his troops..

2ww:all of us are thinking despite telling ourselves to relax and give up the ttc thinking..is really difficult..u are my cycle buddy,today is my CD3..let jia you again for this cycle..
2ww, no harm trying folic acid since u are also taking it so take together lor...
its difficult not to think abt it everyday when TTC, n not east to relax too...been thru that so can understand.

Faith, my hubby only try the dates n honey for 1mth then stopped...say too sweet for him. He taking GNC Megamen and TCM currently only, cannot force guys to eat anything, if they wan they will take willingly cos to me TTC is 2 person thing n effort to nake it work n to be successful.
^5 Faith.. so is your cycle accurate? mine is 31-35 days... so this month i am going to eat bai fong wan and hopefully it will be on time so that i can gauge O day accurately!!
Oopss... din i say i dun want to think about TTC? heehee
Faith: Jiayou for ur next cycle!
the bb luck seems in this thread seems to come in batches, so nw's the lull period, next peak'll come soon..

Cd 60 for me today ler, think i've passed o ler bah, tested positive on opk on 10th jun, then super duper stressed the wk aft, dunno if o's delayed anot... My luteal phase's ard 16 days, so still waiting ard for either positive hpt or af, provided tt i really o-ed ler.. Haha...

Tested tis morn on the hpt, tis a negative... -_-

Recently bbs deeling abit sore at the sides, near to the arms side... Then abit sleeping and waking pattern's abit weird... Googled online, seems like these symptoms can either be pregnancy or pre-af... Haha... Really rolled my eyes when i saw tt.. Coz tis like can be ts, can be that... Haha... Anw, am guessing tt by this wk, i should know bah, if i really mged to o back then..
Bewildered: cd60 Adly might be a gd sign. Perhaps still earli to detect. Jia u.

This thread had alot graduates lol. I believe ours will come soon...
Rene: heh heh, my cycle's generally long.. Coz the o doesnt occur like 14 days fr 1st day of ag, but the o can appen say, 30 or 40 days aft cd 1.. So tis v long wait for me.. :p hence, ea cycle's precious.. Din get to try out the every 3 days bd once plan coz hb said v tiring.. -_-

Haha, shall wait and see.. If this wk af din rpt, maybe got chance but dunnow how to read the sore bbs, seems v much like pms thgy rather than pregnancy wor..
2ww:my cycle is ard 28-34 days..hoping for the best now..try not to stress myself too much on ttc..gg for a short trip next wk to relax..

bewildered:don trust the symptoms,is different for all pregnancy..maybe too early to detect yet..fingers crossed for u this wk testing hpt...u may be the first one to start the +ve hpt batch this round..
hi faith,

1st child is 3+..dr recommended us to go for IUI next yr for twice..if cannot, then it's fate. HB's soldier is very weak and i start to give him Multvitamin alternate day.
hi faith,

1st child is 3+..dr recommended us to go for IUI next yr for twice..if cannot, then it's fate. HB's soldier is very weak and i start to give him Multvitamin alternate day.
eh question, a bit personal, but when u all BD, can u all feel it at yr lower tummy when HB's sperm deposits? like when he finally cums in you ... u have this weird feeling at the lower tummy
missy: Thx!! =) Shall wait and see, hoping tt can strike wor, else, dunno hafta wait till af to come and another 2 to 3 mths later for O.. -_-"

erm, I dun feel anythg leh, just tt dunno hor, think vanilla prev shared something on the cervix, it being high and low depending on whether near o etc, for me, sometimes I felt tt hb can go further but sometimes not leh, so dunno if tis good indication of whether tis near my fertile period or not.. =p

bbfaith: Sure hope that the next wave of positive HPT can be kickstart soon! =) looking forward to the next wave.. heh heh.. Ya Jia You too and Good Luck to All of Us!! =) Enjoy your short holiday.. =)

Am also hoping to go for a short holiday over the weekends to soothe the frayed nerves.. v tightly strung for the past weeks coz of work.. so tt's y I dunno if I o-ed ler for this cycle.. haha, coz tested positive on OPK on 10th then immed aft tt became v stressed over work.. 真不值得if I lose tt O coz of the stress tt follows tt positive OPK.. =p

rene: ya how days dpo ler? Or waiting for O? Whatever it is, Jiayou!!
Good morning everyone! Im taking my folic acid now. and im trying to pysco my HB to take it with me. Today is CD10 so last night force out the old batch of spermies and get ready for my O day!!! hahahah hope im not stressing everyone out!

Bewildered: Why are you so stress up? not worth it to stress over work leh. maybe you really should be like faith, take a short break to relax a bit. I also wanted to take a break but my HB too busy. but seriously your cycle really very long leh. Did you do anything abt it?

Blessedone: talking abt feeling the lower tummy.. i had that feeling last night. so funny.. coz this time round, after BD, i lie down on the bed and put a booster under my buttock. Then like can feel something there. Im going to do that for my next few BD and hope to tell you some good news another 18-24days later!!! hee hee

Rene: CD27 ...you are in 2ww!!! go grab some bb dust in the feb thread.. a lot of mummies there.
2ww: yar, coz I've got PCOS.. =p it sorta regularised aft I gave birth to #1, but then recently, got haywire again..

have signed up for accupuncture, but figured tt just in case am in the 2ww, so din go for the past 2 wks ler.. I find tt chi med's ok but effects abit slow.. =p so gotta go regularly, so in the event tt I failed this round, will start going again aft my af, gotta constantly go for accupuncture to regularise and build up body bah.. =)

anw, coz my accupuncture has the tuina inclusive so tis quite enjoyable.. heh heh.. lookg foward to those sessions too.. =p
bewildered: so you got PCOS before #1? That means you still ok to conceive! Yeah, maybe you will be the next one who is going to give us some good news!!! dont stress too much!
Hi ladies,

I came in here a few times and trying for #2.

Just tested + yesterday morning and still I am not convince so I tested today again... + again.

Its confirm I am pregnant.

Will be going to the Gyane today evening to check it out

So ladies do not give up, there is hope.

Spreading the BBdust to all the ladies here
Hi, can someone advise where I can do blood test? @ GP or must find a gynae?
i missed my mense for 2 mths le...n tested twice but all bfn
Christy: OOOooooh!!!! Heartiest Congrats to ya!!! Looking forward to the many next who will test positive in the days to come!! ya kickstart the next round ler, so let's see how many others will follow!! =)

Thanks for updating all & have a Good Pregnancy with a sticky and cute lil babe 10 mths later!! =)

Congrats once again! =)

wishstar: think maybe can find a gyane? Think it is better to scan bah.. usu the gynae will chk the lining to see if it is thick anot.. then may prescribed pills to re-start cycle by inducing AF, then start over again..

think ya's case similar to mine, there's 2 phases in each cycle, the FSH phase whereby the body tries to mature the follicles then the ovulation, then the wait, luteal phase stage... Luteal phase is more regular and will happen between 14 to 16 days after Ovulation coz the lining will breakdown if there is no fertilization etc.. =p

So for mine, the FSH stage's super super long so my cycle v messy der.. I think my LP is ard 16 days..

When my af din report for 3 mths back then, I went to a gynae, he scanned and said follicles still small, havnt O yet, lining not built up enough etc.. so ended up, am still in the FSH stage ard CD 30... -___-"

So in order to get a peace of mind and find out what's going on, ya might wanna visit a gynae first.. then aft tt, can consider TCM who can then decide how best to get tt O or to build up the body bah.. =) Good Luck! =)

2ww: haha, yar loh, #1 came as a surprise somemore cycle regularised ler leh.. tt's y tawt #2 will be ok.. turned out -________________-'
still waiting ard for #2.. haha.. felt abit abit of suan-ness at lower ab, hope tt tis not pre-af cramps sia.. the symptoms for pre-af and pregnancy's are too similar ler.. can't differentiate and pinpoint for sure wh's wh.. =p

anw, for mi case, if this cycle fails, then will re-start TCM again until the 2ww.. haha.. tis like the norm for me ler wor.. but guess the only consolation to me's tt at least the thickened lining is discharged out properly if fertilisation failed bah.. better out than in? =p
Christy: Congrats!! grab lotsa bb dust from you!!! Yeah yeah.. Christy starts the trend and many more will have BFP coz we all graduate in batches mah...hee hee :D

WishStar: So long nvr see AF still got chances. GP is cheaper ba as Gynae will cost you abt $70 for a consultation.

Rene: hee hee.. must add some jokes here.. else everyone will turn crazy thinking abt TTC. I think i am one of them turning crazy and treating every single syptoms as Preggie syptoms.

Bewildered: I think its difficult to have #2 coz too busy with #1 then no mood to BD leh. Last time without #1, got all the romantic time but now, got to wait till #1 sleep and by then, my HB will snore like a PIG leh@@!
2ww: hahaha i like ur style.. Frankly most of us somehw or rather will treat every single syptoms as preggy syptoms lol.. so u r Normal!!! hahaahahah
Thanks Bewildered and 2ww.
I went to TCM last week....she confirmed that I'm not pregnant...but tis few days, i feel pukey when i eat.

btw, what is FSH stage and any gd gynae to recommend?
congrats christy!

2ww, ooo ok ! for me i felt it when he cum inside ... hmmm some feeling dont know how to describe ...

yeh i always get all sorts of symptoms ... then i think it is .. but always see red ! so fed up ! so sian !

our next holiday is in nov ... dont think i cant wait til then to relax ... hahaha ...

totally understand ! we also have to wait for #1 to ko before we can do anything ... by then usually i also knock out .. LOL
2ww: haha, true true to what ya've said... now got #1 who's spying, so gotta be more conscious.. haha.. but hor, ask yall, will yall wait for #1 to sleep?

coz sometimes hor, in order not to lose our beauty slp hor, we'll just on the tv in the room and let #1 watch tv while we hide under the blanket leh.. =p

missy: whoa, where'd ya be gg for your hols? nice nice.. maybe a short trip for the time being? =p
Thanks mummies
my #1 just pass her 1st birthday 12 days ago

Everyone will have their turn its just a matter of time.. well I think maybe if you all (just like me don't come in for a few months will be less stress)

Its the 2nd time I went missing in TTC thread and for the longest 6mths and I hit jackpot (thats for my #1) and this time I went missing for 3mths i guess for my #2 to happen.

This time round I did not use any clearblue fertility kit to help to check on my Ovulation... just go with the flow... every 3 days just BD
no megaman too.

I still have my fertility test kit never even touch it... only use the pregnancy test kit.
bewildered, going back to childhood memory place .. hahaha.. penang ... bringing my in laws ... hopefully i wouldnt get too peeved off .. =P

eh ... hide under blanket super hard leh... feel so warm even with the air con on ! LOL ... but once we were doing it then she woke up ... then we faster gave her ipad ... then we use bolster n pillow to block her view .. then have to chop chop !!!!

blessedone wah.. like that also can give ipad and use pillow cover??

I move my girl to her room when she is 9-10 mths old and got a bb cctv to view her from another room.
