(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Madam Yip, I see. Hope your dream comes true this cycle
tigerbabe: ya before i have #1, i also have cyst. then i go thru a keyhole surgey to remove it. soon after conceive #1..
after 2 yr break the cyst came back again, so i need to go back checkup..
sorry to intrude but i have pre-seed lubricant for sale.
i have used 4 out of the 9 applicators and is now pregnant. the tube is not even half used. hoping to sell off at $15 (RP 35.95)
exp date: 04/2013. Collects yew tee.
PM me if interested. thanks
Hi faith: I think I am in my 2ww now assuming my is 24 days cycle. so its best to avoid the thrilling rides? On and off, I feel.my back.aching.. I dunno if I should test before I head off to my short trip.. but thinking of it, think.I will be wasting money.. cos like too early..

my hubby actually dreamed of me having a baby.. but.dunno true or not.. sometimes like thibkubf too much..
Hey ladies, Had recently delivered my baby boy safely on 30 apr.. As promise to ZSNN at tOa payoh shuang lin shi, i'll b returning 100 red eggs on my bb's full mth this saturday 2nd Jun at 10am. If u ladies r interested, u can pop by to grab my baby dust red eggs..

Baby dust to all ! Jia you !
Congrats Mrs Ho..Can advise how shd we go abt it to take the eggs? What shd we bring and say to zsnn that day to take hm the eggs?

missy,u won't be gg?
ZSNN- Zhu4 Shen1 Niang2 Niang2

Correct me if I'm wrong.
Congrats Mrs Ho, just want to ask you, did you pray and request to have another child, make a donation and promise?
Went to see Gynae yesterday and receive 2 surprise news! Dr scanned and found a 4cm cyst on the right side of the womb. Nothing harmful he commented.

The 2nd news is I'm 6 week preggy and due in Jan.
He also managed to detect heartbeat of the baby so he said it is a good time to see him. We were so surprise cos previous HPT could not pick out the pregnancy. I'm using those cheap online HPT strip.
Yup, Anyhow BD will also strike. But I never track my O anyway. Previously use OPK but line never get darker. Use BBT, When temp rise, never manage to get EWCM, and when there is EWCM, BBT never drop, never rise. Mt gynae also dun scan for O. He will only check the lining of the uterus.

Re: BB Dream
Last month I also dream tt I was breastfeeding baby on my bed. Not sure if it is a coincidence. But hope the rest who had bb dream also some true

Fortune Telling
Was telling my hubby that his friend got it spot on again. For my #1 he predicted that I will be preggy in 2 month before conceiving. True enough, I conceived 2 months later.
This time round, he said we will have bb joy in April. If we count back, this bb was conceived in April.

For those going to ZSNN to pray for baby, was instructed by my fortune teller that never kneel down in front of ZSNN to pray for a baby. Instead just stand in front will do and do not give any 'promise'.
According to him, kneel down to ZSNN will get your wish granted but the baby will only follow the parents for 16 yrs. After 16 yrs, they will eventually take him back. Not sure how true.
Sprinkle buckles of bb dust to all!

Hope by the end of this month, all ttc ladies get this on their kit,
though I din get it on my last HPT strip last week.
Thanks! Still in a unbelieveable stage but I guess the ultrasound picture that was given to us speak for itself.
BBlove, congrats

missycandy, Christian also can go, I free thinker, go church, go temple also can but 2nd june is my gal 5th birthday, dun think got time to go anyway I having 2nd thoughts abt having #2 now....so I will just see how it goes 1st...no rush cos got a whole year ahead...

I went to the Bukit Batok temple one in apr, I did not kneel down, just went infront to pray with hubby n cross the bridge cos there's a bridge infront

Good luck to all trying!
Bblove: HUGE CONGRATS!!!!!!! YEAH!!! do you know the exact edd???late jan or early Feb? all of us need baby dust.. going to grab the bucket of dust you threw!!!! happy for you.. hopefully I will be able to strike soon and join you in the next thread..

just to share: Watson having private sales.. Many items see on sales.. including opk and hpt kits.. 20% off.. sales ends today 11pm.. Wanted to the get the hpt kit but super long queue.. in the end.. didn't buy..
Vanilla, bewildered, I am back! Finally Obtained green light to for snake baby cos I pulled hb to see his trusted fortune teller. And luck is with me! He said this year we shld try for water Dragon and since we missed it water snake another chance else difficult to conceive if we missed snake cycle and gotta wait for monkey year. I was beaming and told hb lucky never listen to the other teller else we will miss this chance le. For me is I don't care whether dragon or snake, I just want my #2! Yeah happy happy! Gotta buy more hcg strips now! Mummies let's chiong tog!
I'm really confused by the FF chart, this is my first chart and it shifted my DPO today when I entered a higher temperature
So chance of conceiving this cycle is lower now.. hiaz .. and 2ww is shifted further... sianz
pillow: thats great!!! happy for u!! muahahaha... Heng u go see another fortune teller lo.. If not u miss another year sia...

bblove: congrats...
Thanks for your wishes. It is really a surprise indeed as the main objective is to check why AF mia but turned out to be preggy.

Shirley/ Winnie,
I have long cycle ranging from 45 days to 89 days was the longest record. My edd is around 16 jan based on fetus size. If going by last menses, edd should have been 23 dec cos lsst menses was on 16 mar. Gynae said if based on bb size, it's conceived after 20 April. I last did hpt on 20 May but it is bfn.

I never had any cyst before and when i last did a scan in Jan, gynae also did not detect any cyst. He said it could be pregnancy cyst but he predict tt it will stop growing or disappear by the 12 week. Dun have to be too bothered by it.
Oh bbjoy!!!
I just happened to pop by and I'm sooooo happy for you!!!! So so happy!!! Biggest hugs and virtual dance!!! Congrats congrats congrats!!!!
bblove:congrats..u shd be the tenth person to grad from this thread..
any tips to share with us?

pillow:welcome back..let work hard together to achieve our dreams..
bblove: does ur hubby friend work outside as a fortune teller? he is so accurate in the prediction,i would like him to advice as well..haha..
Faith: Wah!! I also interested!!! Lol... Haaa...

Bblove: he got work as fortune teller as side line ma? Is he willing to see for us, who r so desperate to become mummies? Hee hee..
Heartiest Congrats to Bbjoy!! Tt's really pleasant news!! V amazed and shocked tt how come the hpt cant detect the pregnancy, amazing..

Njoy ur pregnancy!!

Pillow: welcome back!! Heng the fortune teller managed to talk sense into ur hb... Finally!! But fr here, can really tell tt ya's hb's super super superstitious... Really hard on ya, having to convince him... Really heng tt the fortune teller's more rational and gave such good advice!! The fortune teller really 积德 coz he helped to bring another potential bb into the world by telling ir hb tt tis okie to have a snake bb!! So happy for ya tt everythg turned put smooth and alrite!! Dun worry, ya'll be the next to strike!!
Hello ladies! How have everyone been?

Bbjoy: Congratz!!!!! See u in jan13 thread! Am just like u, gynae found a 5cm cyst on the right side of my ovary. Need to monitor from time to time, gynae says should be ok and might be a pregnancy cyst. Going for my gynae visit this sat, hopefully can hear bb heartbeat, I should be 7wks plus.

The rest of ladies, Jia you!!! Bb dust to all!
Hi everyone,

Decided to join the thread after reading for some time. I am also trying for a baby. my #3. I have 2 girls, now trying for a boy. Hence, have been following the instructions given by gynae to try on day 12, 14 or 17. have been trying since after CNY... still no good news..
This time round, have strong feelings.. menses supposed to be due tomorrow.. i gan cheong tried the HPT, but negative...

So happy for you Bbjoy.
Hi tiger: sorry for the late reply.. was super Bz so no.tome to log in.. Yup..its all the Watson in spores. The sales was crazy.. its one sales but I guess they will still carry on the sales for today.. Can try go see see..

I will be going of for a short trip.. will be back on sun.. and weekends approaching.. jie mei meng, Jia you over the weekends.. hope to see some BFP when I am back.
congrats BBlove!!! its a blessing!
good news!!
grabbing ur pail of bb dust!! ^^

its been a week or so since i log in here.. abit lost track of the post liao..
Mdm Yip >> i made a promise when i pray So it's granted nw, i'm honoring my promise

Faith > when u come on Sat to collect the egg, take 2 and eat with ur hubby.. Pray to ZSNN saying u wan a bb pls assist & grant ur wish. When i pray previously i also bought a packet of loose flower with a white flower in it..
Afternoon Ladies,

I just tested positive for O.. hee..

Last night, CD13, OPK seems close to positive but yet it is negative. Confirm it with CB digital also negative.

So today, CD14, i test again, the test line came up almost immediately together with the control line.. keke.. So excited!!!!!!! muahahahaha.. Confirm it with CB digital le.. keke...

Gonna BD tonight!!!! keke.. =D


Wahhh such a nice positive !!!! Jy vanilla!!!! Good luck!!! Bd tonight, tmr n day after!!! Hehehe! Then you can grad to feb thread!
missy: ya.. I'm gonna create the Feb2013 thread!! muahahahahha.. =P

But i heard BD every other night is better. Right? As much as i wanna BD 3 nights consecutively.. But heard EOD is good...

Anyone? Advice? hee... Wanna maximize the chance!! =D
ya actually EOD is better for sperm quality ... hehehe ... if u want then eod 3 times .. means tonight ... 31st may, 2nd june and 4th june ...
haa... Yaya.. Tonight defiantely will BD... If tml i dont feel the O cramp den i wun BD. IF have deb i BD. If dont den i'll stick to EOD plan.. muahahaha... =D
