(2013) TTC for #2 & More Mummies !

Enjoy your trip tweety!

Cftongtan: can check the thickness of the lining n guess when O has passed but no guarantee la.
I find it very bo hua to keep seeing Gynae.. So I go only once I feel increased CM for 2-3 days cuz usually O is few days fret increased CM... When it's stretchy.

Then Gynae can track the egg (appears as a star on the ultrasound screen).

lynzi: yesh!!!! going BKK!!!! heehee.... bringing J along..

pinky: thank you!!! Hope to see u soon before u pop la..

prosper: jia you!! don't think of the past.... hugz!!
Eelynn when are you travelling
Lynzi: Nope I din do all those. I only did scans. Oscar and detail scans.

Ya I'll tell my next Gyane. I'll be going I Dr Benjamin tham IF I strike this cycle. Haven O yet. So whether anot can strike now really depends on O..

I wun be going back to Dr Ang Liao: he is ok for normal uncomplicated pregnancy.

Prosper: haven leh.. Faint OpK r negative ma.. Only e line is as dark or darker den e control line den is consider positive.

Ytd e line seems to be a little lighter.. Worried dunno if I miss e O Liao.. Haiz.. I thk e AF aft birth is crazy Liao. Before pregnant already messy le..
Personally, I'd definitely discourage my frens from gg to Dr Ang although his package is real cheap!

Tested hpk agn tdy and the line is darker! Oohoo! DPO20 le...
So, as long as AF no report, dun lose hope!
Now I'm praying for everything to b smooth. Dun wanna thk negatively and scare own self!

Hope to spread lots of bb dust here after I see my gynae on Wed!
diana: eh... diapers, wet wipes, cereal, biscuits, ready-to-eat puree, bread, warmer, clothings.. that should be all ba.. heehee

jarol: CONGRATS!!! =)

I'm trying to conceive my No#2
Looks like I have missed my ovulation sign

Is it true that usually after the week when meses stop is the best time to conceive?

Now already April end le. Dun think can make it for Dragon Baby
so sad T_T
Windy: ya usually after mense is the best time to TTC. nvm, can try for Snake baby. at least not so competitive and everything will be cheaper eg CL etc =)
I do hope we will be able to enjoy but the -ve energy is following us there u know who... somemore staying with us in the same hotel room.. haha
Haha... she is making me "die" faster she just went back to BP today this morning the next time meeting her will be travel day liao...
<font color="aa00aa">Diana, Tweety,
Enjoy your hols!

My kids all seasoned travellers now.
Both been travelling since they are 2 to 3 mths old
<font color="aa00aa">Just latch or let baby drink milk during take off and landing.
Do ask for bassinet too unless your baby has exceed the weight limit.</font>
Hi pretty mummies,
May I ask which gynae is pro-breastfeeding even if pregnant.
I am currently planning for one. Thus need to source first. My previous gynae is Adrian Woodworth but he is not in favour to bf when pregnant. Thank you
Hello ladies me reporting from Tioman Islands
It's a great place to relax and I am here with my hubby and Lil Omesh!! What's new?? Me on 8 DPO and AF due on Sunday ..hope it goes missing!!
Diana: yes! Hehe, due sept

Tweety: no... I stopped alr but I had checked w my Gynae previously before i got preg n she said its ok
Thanks all! Hear my gd news on Wed!

Having a difficult time tdy w my #1 boy (mil went holi so took leave to tc)! Dun wanna eat porr, drink milk nor slp! Finally he's aslp nw!
Jarol: Congrats!!!
update again aft ur appt next Wed!! Heh heh, Bb comes at a real gd time!!

M back alr!
today's cd5 i think.. Heh heh, coz i rem correctly, af came last fri.. Haha, then think af shld be ending soon ler... Can start testing agn..

Think tis been coupla mths since i last had af, this one feels diff wor, sore bbs came during af, nt before, think i experienced cramping ths time round!! Like those pulling and stretching sensation type right? Feels kinda ok to have af, like some sort of cleansing of insides coz finally the old lining's out ler... Haha... This round had exceptionally lotsa blood clots expelled, so guess tis gd bah... Heh heh...

So touched tt there's so many hugz when my af came.. Heh heh, but no worries, m totally ok with it bah, got over it pretty fast.. :p

To all mummies who r have gone past af, as long as af's not here yet, there's still a chance!! Coz seems like each pregnancies r diff, some tested positive earlier, some later and all.. What i believe in is the luteal phase is constant, 14 to 16 days fr o, so if past those days, think got chance.. Think i o late or watever..Tested positive on opk on 10,o maybe on 11,12 is 1dpo,af on 27th,so mine's ard 16days fr o will have af..so now i know my luteal phase!!
sian ahhh CD14 still no dark line... boo hoo... sigh... i see CD 12 like getting a bit dark... but now like light again... sigh... shall just continue to test ...
Morning ladies! Af missing 6 days
Still feeling crampy n always ended up with poo..
Hubby is asking if our 2nd one is still a boy or girl.. Bought those cheap pregnancy strip to test again.. Let's see if Af still report before it reaches me or?
Blessmeplease, did four times previously two spoil n two bfn.. Ex leh.. Lol dragging to see if report later or really got surprise
Tigermum1984: Good Luck!! Hope tt this a good one on a good hpt and ur af dun report till next year!!

Missy: af ended for me ler, real short a time, think i rem cd1 wrongly, tos actually on sat, so my af only last ard 4days wor..but think even for regular cycle, eggy takes ard 14days to mature and ovulate bah, so tink my timeline will be real real tight for a dragon bb.. So maybe willbe skipping a mth.. Shall take the time to try exercise abit, see if weight goes down a bit, wld the cycle return to regular.. :p

Ya cont monitoring n hope tt ya'll see the bold line on ur opk.. Oh yar, prev i did encounter the line getting darker then just diminishes agn.. Then read online tt it may be a failed attempt at ovulation by body... It can be due to stress etc but the body will attempt ovulation at another later timing when all's more ok der...
New cycle, new hope.

My AF also gone missing for 2weeks.Keep experiencing cramps and lots of discharge. Gg to test this weekend if it still dun report.

congrats. Spread yr bb dust here.

BBLove &amp; Tigermum: mine too. AF still din report. now DPO21. Tested negative last monday ie DPO19. Hubby ask me to get those digital ones..but im thinking whether is it necessary..
