(2013/09) September 2013

Hi Mummies, I am expecting my #3 now.. Went for scan on wed and bb is 10wk 4dy.. Edd 13 Sept.. Glad to join the chat
Congrats and welcome angie!

Wow, all your gynae have packages, I asked my gynae prev no packages. Don't know now wk 12 and after Oscar scan would there be. Gonna ask again when I visit him next week for the results review. My Oscar scan was booked by my gynae and the next detailed scan is on 24th apr. wonder wat is the difference, why need scan two times.
Ann, Oscar scan focuses mainly on DS

Detailed scan checks for many things including cleft lip, toes and fingers, heart structure, kidneys, lungs, gender, spine, brain etc. this can only be done at around week 20 when the organs are developed.

In fact I overhead at the clinic that detailed scan is compulsory.
Oo.. Thanks tangerinez..
I was thinking of asking gynae on nx visit.

How much did you all paid for oscar scan? Mine was $240.
its friday!! finally tomorrow seeing gynae!

enjoy ur melbourne holiday bearie! i suppose to go hk too.. but gynae advised no travel for first tri. in d end, i cancelled it.

tangerinez,.. nice gynae! i hope mine can do so too

anyone knows how do we apply for the $450 claim from govt?
Hi Mummies,

My name is Yan Yan. my EDD is on 10 Sep.. I wish to create a facebook group for Sept mummies.
Anyone interested to join in the group do add me at [email protected]

the group is for us to have private posting, food, chat, questions
Hi bearie, what $450 claim?

Ann, the oscar scan takes about 20-30 mins to complete and they wil look out for markers of DS like thick neck, abscence of nasal bridge or circulation abnormalities. At kkh I overheard a parent booking an appoinment with the perinatal cardiologist for further scanning due to abnormalities. That was so sad...The detailed scan also takes 30 mins but focus on organ development. And can tell gender too

Hi tangerinz, my MS reduced since week 11+.. But now back at 12+! Struggling with my breakfast and dinner since 3 days ago. Super sianz and no energy
not superwoman... hai... your kkh story reminds me of my own detailed scan for #1. crying outside the scan room. crying out the gynae's room. crying inside the gynae's room. crying in the car. crying when informing PIL. geez now i feel like crying... very sad indeed. seriously praying this wont happen a second time again

and yes, cannot mention about MS reducing cos last night i kept wanting to vomit. almost wanted to induce vomitting but hubby stopped me.

hope your MS goes away really soon!
anyway i jus change the setting, u should able to find me already

to all mummies, do add me up for Sept mummies group.. in future, we can still have gathering and stuff
27, are you talking abt the claim from medisave? i think you have to keep all the receipts. then when you are admitted to the hospital, you pass all the receipts to the hospital, they will help u process. this is what the clinic nurse told me.
Under the Medisave Maternity Package, couples can use up to $450 from Medisave to pay for pre-delivery expenses such as consultations, ultrasound scans, tests and medications, on top of the Medisave Withdrawal Limits for delivery expenses at both public and private hospitals in Singapore.

Anyone claim before?

Yan, welcome!
ya agreed with Candy to create a group so we can all be in the private chat group in FB.
i can't access fb on my laptop cos my coy blocked fb. i try to look for the group using my iphone but the search only gives me one result - some chatwood mummies group.
may i know if the group is a closed group, ie unable to be searched by public? reason is i do not wish friends to know about the pregnancy before 1st trimester is over.

of cos, if it is a closed group then we will be unable to search for it, right?
why not we start a list here cos we may be using different name for our fb... so that it wont be too confusing for yanyan... and yanyan can then add all of us as friends and also add us to the group...

1) ferendipity
Name in FB: Ferlyn Ng
Email in FB: [email protected]

do you think this is better? then we will also know who is who in the group.
Hi yanyan, welcome and thanks foe setting up the grp.

My fb name: Ann Chua

Pls accept my friend request. Thanks!

Hi not superwoman, thanks for the explanation. Ya, my Oscar scan took that time. Scan till it hurts.
wow, I'm hoping to feel bb kick n know gender soon.
ya, hope our MS faster vanish. Threw up quite badly tdy. It's really getting worst instead of better.
Hi Ann you and I have the same kind of Ms I also threw up badly yesterday

Do you have any triggers? For me the smell of cooking food and garlic is totally triggering my nausea. Funny thing is I love garlic when I'm not having MS. Now I totally avoid!
Yan, I added you on facebook.

Ann, are you trying any medicine for your ms? 2nd trimester coming up and heard that it is important that we feed ourselves well during that time. Last timeI lost weight during @1st trimester but gained like 6 kg for second trimester. My boy was born a good weight at 2.9 kg
Tangerinez, hope your second one born healthy. Yah, uit was very depressing to hear of any medical problems but I was lucky my boys condition not serious... Will you do the amniocetesis?

I hope no more hole in my second baby heart... But even if there is at least I know everything will be ok.
Hi not superwomen, yup gynae gave medicine to stop my vomiting but it did not work. Lost 2kg so far. Hope it gets better soon.
Hi all, any of your gynaes cautioned /reminded you to keep watch on sugar intake during pregnancy? So far I've been to 2 gynae visits and both times she reminded me to reduce sugar /sweet stuff intake as much as possible, to reduce risk of getting gestational diabetes. As she says the "sugar all adds up", even if its still early on in pregnancy.
Hi rayne, welcome on board.
Viiv, my gynae did told me to eat food moderately and don't take too much sweet and salty food. So just eat all in moderation should be fine. I got a colleague of mine, overly cautious, also order drinks without sugar.

Hi Yan Yan, how do we join the grp after adding you?
I am practically crazy about coke now, drinking half a cup of coke light almost everyday. I know I should be watching my diet but I am having a bad appetite and the coke seems to have a relief effect on the MS =S

Hi hui, you must check with the nurse regarding any sugar in urine. Try to eat food with lower glycemic index, not just the obvious sugary ones. Like white rice is really bad but wholewheat pasta is much better. My MIL said she would eat 2 bowls of rice every meal when pregnant, and she ended up with GD ( diabetes).

It's true that preggy body cannot handle too much sugar. I had +2 sugar in my urine last checkup even though I did not eat anything sugary before checkup, and hope it will not happen again.
